popularization of gymnastics among girls
from an early age, long-term plans are being
developed and implemented in this regard;
Training programs for national team athletes
in gymnastics sports for the Olympic and
Asian Games, world and Asian
championships are being further improved;
promotion of gymnastics sports as an
important component of a healthy lifestyle
in the mass media, and in this process, high-
level information and the use of multimedia
products are provided.
Supporting reforms in the field of public
education to provide video tutorials, gymnastics
carpets, equipment and other necessary items to
selected schools for the popularization of gymnastics
sports among students, together with the Ministry of
Sports Development and the Gymnastics Federation
of Uzbekistan necessary funds are allocated annually
from the funds of the fund; revising the current
curriculum of physical education for elementary
school students, enriching its main part with health-
giving elements of gymnastics.
Together with the Ministry of Preschool
Education and the Gymnastics Federation of
Uzbekistan, until July 1, 2023, the activities of clubs
to interest and engage students in regular physical
exercises based on gymnastics in state preschool
educational organizations will be systematically
In the system of the Ministry of Sports
Development, at the first stage, regional gymnastics
training centers (hereinafter referred to as
“Gymnastics Centers”) with modern material,
equipment and training base will be established in the
cities of Nukus, Samarkand and Fergana. it is planned
to be organized on the basis of sports schools
specialized in gymnastic sports in the regions.
The main content of rhythmic gymnastics is the
art of expressive movement. Without good movement
training, it is impossible to achieve expressive
movement skills and a high level of mastery. It is
advisable to introduce girls to artistic gymnastics at
the age of 5-6 years and even earlier; because the
child's organism quickly acquires the necessary
qualities of movement, namely, agility, dexterity,
endurance, coordination skills, can control and
improve its body, moves beautifully, and strengthens
the sense of self-confidence, which is very important
in today’s big sports of the world.
To date, the main focus is on special technical
training. The perspective criteria of young rhythmic
gymnasts during the period of basic training, the
content of training, as well as micro- and macrocycles
have not been sufficiently and fully researched.
Based on this, it is important to research the
specific characteristics of the management of the
training process at the initial stage of preparation,
taking into account the functional capabilities,
individual and innate abilities of young rhythmic
gymnasts. At this stage, the main attention in
preparing children should be focused on the problem
of optimizing the content and structure of educational
activities in teaching by year. It is important to
develop the skills of employees, mastering not only
the exercises of the qualification program, but also the
promising elements of successful coordination in
groups of different structures.
Rhythmic gymnastics is a complex sport. The
training process in rhythmic gymnastics is, first of all,
a process of technical improvement that starts from
the youth of the athlete and continues until the end of
the sports career. Rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic
sport in which athletes compete for technical skill and
expressiveness in complex body movements
combined with manipulation of objects set to music.
Rhythmic gymnastics is considered one of the
most wonderful and aesthetic sports.
In this sport, Uzbekistan consistently has high
ratings, and rhythmic gymnasts from Uzbekistan are
constantly winning prizes.
It is not surprising that many parents choose
rhythmic gymnastics for their daughters and prefer
this type of sport. In our country and in almost every
district of other large cities, there are currently
rhythmic gymnastics departments.
Since the aesthetic component plays an important
role in rhythmic gymnastics, when choosing children
for the department, not only natural flexibility, but
also the appearance of girls is evaluated. A future
gymnast should be slim, handsome, handsome and
beautiful. Rhythmic gymnastics is a great sport.
Nowadays, sports have reached such a high level
that such results cannot be achieved with talent alone.
It is possible to achieve any result only through
talent, dedication, and hard work.
Decrees and decisions of the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as research works,
textbooks and training of researchers and experts such
as V.M. Smolevsky, M.L. Juravina, V.M. Barshay,
V.N. Kurys, I.B. Pavlov, Godik M.A., Baramidze
A.M., Kiseleva T.G. manuals and methodological
guidelines form the methodological basis of the
Analysis of scientific and methodical literature,
questionnaire, pedagogical testing, pedagogical
experience, mathematical and statistical methods,