Utilising Modern Technologies for Athlete Selection in Artistic
Shodiyor Atamurodov
and Anvar Khasanov
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Divine Gymnastics, Preparation of Young Sportsmen, Modern Technologies, Pedagogical Experience,
Mathematics and Statistics.
Abstract: It is aimed at revealing the theoretical possibilities of training and selection of young athletes for rhythmic
gymnastics, the methods of using modern technologies in training athletes for rhythmic gymnastics, the
organization and conduct of gymnastics classes, as well as the actual problems of planning loads at the initial
training stage.
In the conditions of the new Uzbekistan, a number of
activities are being carried out to raise a mature and
well-rounded generation in all respects and to attract
young people to physical education and sports. The
government of Uzbekistan has been paying great
attention to the development of physical education
and sports in the country in recent years. The
importance of physical education and sports in the
spiritual and physical development of a person is
incomparable. As our head of state emphasized, no
matter what we set our goals for ourselves, no matter
what great things we strive to do, at the basis of all
our noble actions, at the root of all our noble
intentions is to raise our children spiritually healthy,
their happiness, well-being the dream of seeing the
future, raising a generation that will be second to none
in the world is embodied.
It serves to implement the tasks set by the Decree
of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated
23.12.2022 “On measures for the further
development of gymnastics sports” No. PQ-449 [28].
To increase the popularity of gymnastic sports
(gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, trampoline,
acrobatics) among the population, to improve the
system of selecting talented athletes from among
young people, to ensure that our national teams
achieve high results in prestigious competitions by
training professional athletes based on international
requirements and standards in order to:
The following are the main directions of
development of gymnastics sports:
a new system of increasing the popularity of
gymnastic sports among the population,
identifying, selecting and sorting (selection)
talented athletes and training them as
professional athletes is being launched.
Wide opportunities are created for pre-
school children to engage in gymnastic
sports and they develop basic skills in these
gradual increase of exercises in gymnastics
sports in physical education classes of
general secondary schools and activities of
training and clubs are being systematically
training of professional trainers, qualified
referees and specialists in gymnastics sports,
training manuals and video materials are
being developed;
strengthening of the material and technical
base of sports and educational institutions,
production of sports equipment and
inventory necessary for gymnastics sports in
the republic is underway;
Atamurodov, S. and Khasanov, A.
Utilising Modern Technologies for Athlete Selection in Artistic Gymnastics.
DOI: 10.5220/0012659600003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 28-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
popularization of gymnastics among girls
from an early age, long-term plans are being
developed and implemented in this regard;
Training programs for national team athletes
in gymnastics sports for the Olympic and
Asian Games, world and Asian
championships are being further improved;
promotion of gymnastics sports as an
important component of a healthy lifestyle
in the mass media, and in this process, high-
level information and the use of multimedia
products are provided.
Supporting reforms in the field of public
education to provide video tutorials, gymnastics
carpets, equipment and other necessary items to
selected schools for the popularization of gymnastics
sports among students, together with the Ministry of
Sports Development and the Gymnastics Federation
of Uzbekistan necessary funds are allocated annually
from the funds of the fund; revising the current
curriculum of physical education for elementary
school students, enriching its main part with health-
giving elements of gymnastics.
Together with the Ministry of Preschool
Education and the Gymnastics Federation of
Uzbekistan, until July 1, 2023, the activities of clubs
to interest and engage students in regular physical
exercises based on gymnastics in state preschool
educational organizations will be systematically
In the system of the Ministry of Sports
Development, at the first stage, regional gymnastics
training centers (hereinafter referred to as
“Gymnastics Centers”) with modern material,
equipment and training base will be established in the
cities of Nukus, Samarkand and Fergana. it is planned
to be organized on the basis of sports schools
specialized in gymnastic sports in the regions.
The main content of rhythmic gymnastics is the
art of expressive movement. Without good movement
training, it is impossible to achieve expressive
movement skills and a high level of mastery. It is
advisable to introduce girls to artistic gymnastics at
the age of 5-6 years and even earlier; because the
child's organism quickly acquires the necessary
qualities of movement, namely, agility, dexterity,
endurance, coordination skills, can control and
improve its body, moves beautifully, and strengthens
the sense of self-confidence, which is very important
in today’s big sports of the world.
To date, the main focus is on special technical
training. The perspective criteria of young rhythmic
gymnasts during the period of basic training, the
content of training, as well as micro- and macrocycles
have not been sufficiently and fully researched.
Based on this, it is important to research the
specific characteristics of the management of the
training process at the initial stage of preparation,
taking into account the functional capabilities,
individual and innate abilities of young rhythmic
gymnasts. At this stage, the main attention in
preparing children should be focused on the problem
of optimizing the content and structure of educational
activities in teaching by year. It is important to
develop the skills of employees, mastering not only
the exercises of the qualification program, but also the
promising elements of successful coordination in
groups of different structures.
Rhythmic gymnastics is a complex sport. The
training process in rhythmic gymnastics is, first of all,
a process of technical improvement that starts from
the youth of the athlete and continues until the end of
the sports career. Rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic
sport in which athletes compete for technical skill and
expressiveness in complex body movements
combined with manipulation of objects set to music.
Rhythmic gymnastics is considered one of the
most wonderful and aesthetic sports.
In this sport, Uzbekistan consistently has high
ratings, and rhythmic gymnasts from Uzbekistan are
constantly winning prizes.
It is not surprising that many parents choose
rhythmic gymnastics for their daughters and prefer
this type of sport. In our country and in almost every
district of other large cities, there are currently
rhythmic gymnastics departments.
Since the aesthetic component plays an important
role in rhythmic gymnastics, when choosing children
for the department, not only natural flexibility, but
also the appearance of girls is evaluated. A future
gymnast should be slim, handsome, handsome and
beautiful. Rhythmic gymnastics is a great sport.
Nowadays, sports have reached such a high level
that such results cannot be achieved with talent alone.
It is possible to achieve any result only through
talent, dedication, and hard work.
Decrees and decisions of the President of the
Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as research works,
textbooks and training of researchers and experts such
as V.M. Smolevsky, M.L. Juravina, V.M. Barshay,
V.N. Kurys, I.B. Pavlov, Godik M.A., Baramidze
A.M., Kiseleva T.G. manuals and methodological
guidelines form the methodological basis of the
Analysis of scientific and methodical literature,
questionnaire, pedagogical testing, pedagogical
experience, mathematical and statistical methods,
Utilising Modern Technologies for Athlete Selection in Artistic Gymnastics
observational method, comparative analysis method,
interview method were used in the research.
A 5-6-year-old girl’s body is rapidly growing and
developing in all aspects. At this age, movement
functions are highly developed, and the child leads an
active life. The spine is flexible and does not stiffen
in detail.
The connecting joints are not flexible and strong.
It is more difficult to perform small and precise
movements, as the motor center and muscles are now
developing. The heart, respiratory, muscular, and
nervous systems are not fully developed. There is not
much ability to concentrate mentally. Only 15
minutes. Game and imitation reflexes are well
developed. At this age, it is important to teach the
child to keep his body upright.
Nowadays, specialists working in the field of
training theory and methodology of young rhythmic
gymnasts in New Uzbekistan have begun to pay
special attention to the cases of engaging 5-6-year-old
children to engage in gymnastics. There is a need to
attract young people to sports and to select talented
athletes from among them, to form national teams
with skilled athletes who provide high results in
sports, and to create additional conditions for trainers.
However, the structure of the training process, the
means of controlling the “internal” and “external”
aspects of the load, its effect on the body’s systems
have not been scientifically studied today. During the
analysis and summarization of literary sources, it
became known that the special movement skills and
basic physical qualities of preschool and junior
school-aged children, special movement (SMT) of
young rhythmic gymnasts at the initial stage of
training, special - the absence of a unified approach
to the development of an effective system of complex
control of physical (SPT) and technical training (TT)
indicates the relevance of the topic.
It is very important to use modern technologies in
the selection of rhythmic gymnastics athletes. It helps
athletes to see, learn and choose better. Modern
technologies include a variety of tools such as video
calendars and other multimedia tools, as well as
interactive tutorials and online guides.
To achieve the goal of the research, the following
tasks were put forward:
To study the quantitative and qualitative
descriptions of competitive activities of
highly qualified rhythmic gymnasts.
To study the structure of downloads of
different durations in intergame cycles.
Development of a methodical approach to
management of training processes in inter-
game cycles on the basis of monitoring the
competition activities of highly qualified
rhythmic gymnasts and basing them in
The following research methods were used to
solve these tasks:
Analysis of scientific and methodological
Pedagogical observations in research;
Organization and conduct of research;
Pedagogical experience;
Mathematical statistics
In the experimental group, we conducted lessons
and trainings according to the program, while in the
control group, we conducted lessons and trainings
based on the program developed by ourselves, relying
on scientific methodical literature.
Analysis of scientific and methodical literature
During the research, more than 40 sources of
literature devoted to this topic were analyzed and
researches about selection methods and
methodologies at different stages of training of
qualified rhythmic gymnasts were summarized.
Pedagogical observations in research. The process
of training with the participants of the rhythmic
gymnastics department of the specialized sports
schools for children and adolescents of Jizzakh and
the rhythmic gymnasts of the 37th State Preschool
Education Organization was observed in March-April
The scope of training conducted with them was
studied and comparatively analyzed, and training
directions were determined for pedagogical
Organization of pedagogical research was
organized in 3 stages:
Stage 1: in April-May, June 2022, the
relevance of the topic, the analysis of
scientific methodological literature on the
topic was conducted and the problems were
2nd stage: current studies were organized on
the structure of training course for young
people engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and
their level of physical development and
training. The anthropometric indicators and
level of physical fitness of the participants
were determined using special tests.
3rd stage: in September-November 2022,
the rhythmic gymnastics department of
Jizzakh city Specialized children-adolescent
sports schools was organized.
In it, before the research, the level of physical
fitness was determined, training directions were
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
determined, loads were distributed, and a pedagogical
experiment was conducted on this basis.
In the pedagogical experience, taking into account
the height, arm, leg length and shoulder width, chest
width, and the vital capacity of the back of the
participants of the rhythmic gymnastics department
of the Jizzakh City Specialized Children’s and
Adolescent Sports Schools we used several methods
in pedagogical experience.
We can see that some of the results of the trainees
of the experimental and control groups are close to
each other. When we compared the data obtained on
physical development after the experiment, the
following results were revealed.
Determination of research efficiency by
mathematical analysis of the results obtained from
experimental works.
Table 1. Results of the experiment
Experimental results
(per minute)
level pressure
e the
e the
old 37-
103.7 102.6 1
95.1 95.7 0
s for
n and
99.0 95.6
95.6 97.3 1
During the comparison of our experience, it was
found that the results of the trainees of the control
group can be seen as the initial indicator. When we
compared the data obtained on physical development
after the experiment, the following results were
revealed. The level of heart attack and blood
oxygenation of 5-6-year-old students of preschool
education organization No. 37 was measured. 8
students from the control group were tested and the
overall result of heart attack was 100.1% on average.
The level of oxygenation of the blood was 95.3
percent. We can see that some results of the
experimental and control group students are close to
each other or slightly higher than the control or
experimental group. When we compared the obtained
data, the following results were revealed. 5-6-year-
old pupils of preschool education organization No. 37
were measured for heart attack and blood
oxygenation level pressure.
From the control group, 8 trainees were tested, the
heart rate was 100.1 percent. The level of blood
oxygen saturation and pressure was on average 95.3
The effectiveness of the study is as follows:
Taking into account the individual abilities
of young rhythmic gymnasts, it is aimed at
their special-movement and physical
development, increasing the effectiveness of
selection of young athletes and girls for
rhythmic gymnastics through modern
to facilitate the selection process of young
and healthy gymnasts for trainers and
is to increase the healthy environment and
popularization of rhythmic gymnastics
among the population, to establish a new
system of identifying, selecting and sorting
(selection) talented athletes and training
them as professional athletes;
It consists in creating wide opportunities for
pre-school girls to engage in rhythmic
gymnastics sports and forming basic skills in
these sports.
In the process of selecting young and healthy
athletes, the artistic gymnast will introduce them to
the training process with a completely new solution
and focus on solving them through modern
Physical education and sports are developing more
and more in our country, and the work carried out in
this regard is directly supported by our country. The
achievements of Uzbekistan's athletes in international
sports arenas and the results achieved by them are
Utilising Modern Technologies for Athlete Selection in Artistic Gymnastics
based, firstly, on the created conditions, and secondly,
on the hard work of athletes and coaches.
The process of teaching gymnastic exercises is
considered a somewhat complicated process, and
modern methods of teaching are now being
In terms of working with young people, although
it is well established in general education schools to
teach simple fitness exercises of gymnastics to
children of junior school age, it is necessary to teach
high school students the exercise performed on
equipment that educates their physical qualities.
shows its negative aspects.
Different levels of methods and tools are needed
to record high results in sports. Today, such methods
show their true results and effectiveness. There are so
many different types and varieties of them that it is a
bit difficult to decide which method to use. Currently,
large-scale research is being conducted on this issue
worldwide. Nevertheless, there are certain scientific
problems in this matter.
This experiment was focused on researching the
use of modern technologies in the selection of young
girls for rhythmic gymnastics. In the work, the work
experiences of the leading trainers of Jizzakh region
and the leading scientists working in our Republic
were summarized and their most effective methods
were reflected. Foreign literature and the information
contained in them were also included.
As described above, these recommendations were
formed as a result of personal observations and
experiences, studying the work of experts and trainers,
and analyzing foreign scientific and methodological
The opinions expressed in the article and the need
to conduct research, organize observations and
conduct experiments on this topic will increase even
In this experience, it became clear that there is an
opportunity to increase the scope of research on this
topic in the future. There are aspects of the topic that
have not yet been studied and clarified. In the near
future, conducting research on the above topic and
consistently applying its results to practice will have
a positive effect on the growth of sports results.
I also inform you that I intend to conduct targeted
research on this topic in the future and offer scientific
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Utilising Modern Technologies for Athlete Selection in Artistic Gymnastics