The Architectural and Artistic Strategy of Ecologization as a
Mental-Spatial Way of Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals
Vasyl M. Fedorets
1,2 a
and Oksana V. Klochko
3 b
Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education, 13 Hrushevskoho Str., Vinnytsia, 21050, Ukraine
State Higher Educational Instiution “University of Educational Management” of the NAES of Ukraine,
52A Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, 32 Ostrozhskogo Str., Vinnytsia, 21100, Ukraine
Ecologization, Environmentalization, Greening, Aestheticization, Sustainable Development Goals, Pedagogy,
Anthropocosmic Consciousness, Health, Competence, Architecture, Physical Education Teacher, Art.
The article presents the development of Architectural and artistic strategy of ecologization”, which is con-
sidered as a mental-spatial way of realizing the goals of sustainable development and ecologization of the
educational process. An important component of this strategy is the actualization of anthropocosmic con-
sciousness, which forms the perception of the earthly world as a home, and also promotes consideration of
the human dwelling as a special world. Viewing the earthly world as a home is a psychological and sociocul-
tural prerequisite for ecologization and the formation of the ecophilic man of the future Homo ecologicus.
“physical education teachersstrategy of ecologization” is developed and implemented on the example of ecolo-
gization and aestheticization of the health-preserving competence of teachers in the conditions of postgraduate
education. Using the example of Architectural and artistic strategy of ecologization”, we represent the hu-
manistically oriented idea of soft ecologization, which consists in the primary and dominant application of
humanitarian (psychological, artistic, social, pedagogical) methods and technologies as system-organizing
and determining factors in the development of ecophilic consciousness. When analyzing the results of training
of teachers in the conditions of postgraduate education using “Architectural and artistic strategy of ecologiza-
tion”, the positive dynamics of their educational achievements was determined.
By nature, human is creative, Homo Creator (Latin).
A special creative and at the same time systematic
and multidimensional way of adapting a person to
the world and life is his “own” “new nature” a
culture in the system of which architecture is one
of the central phenomena. Culture is a specifically
human, meaningful, aestheticized way of interaction
between Homo Sapiens and nature, which is vari-
able and effective. The architectural tradition, being
one of the determining and system-organizing spheres
in culture and life, including everyday life, contains
powerful integrative, representative and worldview
potentials in which the cosmogonic ideas of a cer-
tain group of people, a people or a specific artist
are condensed. In this study, the indicated tradi-
tion is interpreted broadly and includes architecture
as a high art, science and highly complex practice,
as well as the perception and reinterpretation of ar-
chitecture by the dominant culture and personality as
a special spatial “cosmogonistic-ethical-value-sense
system” that is present in the everyday life of a per-
son in her life world (Lebensvelt in German) (accord-
ing to E. Husserl) (Lobo, 2022). In this context, from
the standpoint of anthropology and cultural studies,
the ecological value understanding of architecture is
relevant not only and not so much as a science or
a professional field, but first of all as an attributive
human phenomenon (anthropological phenomenon),
which is embedded in their nature.
Architecture in the anthropocultural sense at the
level of everyday life is a purely pragmatic solution
to the problem of housing. In turn, the creation of
housing is revealed as archetypal (essentially as an
innate species ability) (Erazo Andrade et al., 2022)
defined activity, the essence of which is a priori as-
signed to a person by his nature. Accordingly, do-
Fedorets, V. and Klochko, O.
The Architectural and Artistic Strategy of Ecologization as a Mental-Spatial Way of Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals.
DOI: 10.5220/0012660000003737
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning (ICHTML 2023), pages 173-190
ISBN: 978-989-758-579-1; ISSN: 2976-0836
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
mestic housing, which is a manifestation of the “ar-
chitectural dimension” of human nature, as well as
the specifics of human cultures, are considered as one
of the prerequisites for the development of aesthetic
consciousness and ethics, which is realized by under-
standing the complexity, multidimensionality, hierar-
chy, spatiality, and systematicity of the surrounding
world (Cosmos), which is earthly.
Relevant in the aspect of realization of the goals
of sustainable development (Guerra et al., 2022) and
ecologization of education (Yevtuch et al., 2021b; Su
and Zhao, 2023; Corpuz et al., 2022) and the socio-
cultural sphere in general is that architecture and aes-
thetics, which is connected with it (more precisely,
inseparable), reveal the ways to the formation of hu-
man anthropocosmic consciousness. In such a high
and at the same time anthropologically specific (in
the sense of the corresponding essence of human as
a species and human as an individual) consciousness,
Cosmos (Ancient Greek: Koσµoζ in the sense of
a harmonious and aesthetic world) is reflected in suf-
ficient completeness and in accordance with cultural
specificity. In essence, the earthly world is reflected
and/or re-modeled as harmonious, majestic, orderly,
ethical, ergonomic, multidimensional. A simple man-
ifestation of such an anthropocosmic consciousness is
admiration for the infinity and beauty of the starry sky,
which opens up the opportunity for a person to under-
stand both his own smallness and comprehend him-
self as a unique being, as well as see his own harmony
with the Cosmos and discover the boundless Cosmos
in himself, that is, the world in himself.
The appeal to the idea and phenomenology of the
Cosmos, which is reflected in art and architecture,
is revealed, first of all, in its original ancient Greek
understanding as an ordered and harmonious world.
Modern interpretations of the Cosmos have some sim-
ilar meanings and interpretations to the ancient Greek
ones, which are determined by the ideas of the in-
teraction between order (in this interpretation as a
manifestation of harmony, balance) and chaos, as pre-
sented in the classic work by Prigogine and Stengers
(1984) “Order out of chaos: Man’s new dialogue with
nature”. The educational and socio-cultural basis for
the implementation of the Sustainable Development
Goals is ecologization, which, in accordance with the
ideas of “human qualities” by Peccei (1977) is aimed
at forming a new person as a carrier of environmental
consciousness. The metacognitive and strategic as-
pects of ecologization are interpreted as worldview
and cosmogonic, which determines the need to reveal
some ideas about reality as an ordered harmonious
earthly Cosmos, the anthropologically significant as-
pects of which are transformed in culture into the idea
of home and architectural traditions. Thus, the afore-
mentioned “architectural dimension” of human na-
ture is conceptually linked to the cosmic dimension,
which is a deep anthropological prerequisite for an-
thropospace consciousness. Accordingly, as a signif-
icant component of ecologization, there is a need to
consider Cosmos and, above all, the Earth as Earthly
Cosmos. This is realized through the actualization
of anthropocosmic consciousness, which includes the
need to consider some anthropo-ecologically signifi-
cant aspects of the phenomenology of Cosmos in re-
lation to architectural phenomena.
The ecologically oriented disclosure of the phe-
nomenology of the Cosmos determines the following
topical areas of this problematization as analysis and
reference to phenomena: systemicity (Cosmos as a
system), diversity (Cosmos as a system in which vari-
ous phenomena are integrated), harmony (Cosmos as
a special “complete” harmony, order), vitality (Cos-
mos as a “living being” as a “living world”, which
is a prerequisite and environment of life), cognitive
(Cosmos as a cognitive environment or a world that
promotes the disclosure of intelligence), Cosmos as a
home and as a relatively complete, safe and comfort-
able world. Let us present this in more detail.
The Cosmos as an ordered world in which an-
tagonistic forces (e.g., fire and water) coexist har-
moniously is one of the first mythologized repre-
sentations that clearly and visually reveals the phe-
nomenology of a system that has: its goal the sus-
tainability, harmony and “comfort” of the existence
of the Cosmos itself and its components; the presence
of many different levels of organization – the worlds
of minerals, plants, animals, people, etc.; integrity, in-
tegrity, interdependence of components. Updating the
concept of space as a system contributes to the de-
velopment of systemic thinking and understanding of
the multidimensionality and interconnectedness and
interdependence of the Earth’s world. The compre-
hension of the systemic nature of space or an ecologi-
cal system, in turn, also underlies the development of
cognitive attitudes aimed at preservation, at delicate
intervention (or not intervention) in complex ecologi-
cal processes.
Diversity reveals the Cosmos as a megasystem in
which various phenomena are integrated, thus ensur-
ing its existence. In this aspect, let us recall the cy-
bernetic law – “the law of requisite variety” by Ashby
(1968). Its essence lies in the fact that a system can
exist sustainably only if it has the necessary diversity
of elements and subsystems. If this diversity is re-
duced, the system will begin to collapse. This pat-
tern is inherent in ecological systems, including the
“mega-ecosystem” of the Earth. Accordingly, the pre-
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
scribed idea of diversity presented in the format of the
law of necessary diversity of the system determines a
meaningful, not formal, understanding by a specialist
of the problem of biodiversity conservation as a deter-
mining condition for the existence of life on Earth, as
well as a relevant factor in preserving human health
(Marselle et al., 2021). Thus, the use of the idea of
diversity, which is actualized through the understand-
ing of Cosmos as a harmonious complex world with a
variety of phenomena and their manifestations, is cru-
cial in the development of a specialist’s understanding
of the phenomenology of ecological systems and rep-
resents an important cognitive component of environ-
mental consciousness.
Cosmos as a manifestation of harmony: The
essence of the concept of the Cosmos in its original
Greek sense is based on the concept of harmony. In
other words, the Cosmos is a harmonized, ordered,
balanced and multidimensional world that determines
its sustainable existence. Accordingly, the modern
concept of sustainable development reflects the an-
cient ideas of harmony, an important aspect of which
is balanced development.
Cosmos as a vital phenomenon: The idea of the
vital nature of the Cosmos has been known since an-
cient Greek times. At that time, the cosmos was con-
sidered a living being. To a certain extent, we pre-
scribe these ideas, specifying the presence of a sig-
nificant amount of living matter in the earthly Cos-
mos flora, fauna, and humanity. The importance of a
specialist’s comprehension of the vitality of the Cos-
mos is an emotional, value, and cognitive prerequi-
site for the preservation of terrestrial ecosystems. At
the anthropological level, this is largely determined
by such a human quality as biophilia, which is love
and goodwill toward living things. Biophilia is an
innate human quality, a characteristic of human na-
ture (Fromm, 1956; Wilson, 1984), the actualization
of which is an important factor in the formation of en-
vironmental awareness (Barbiero and Berto, 2018). In
this aspect, the biophilic trend in architecture (Yaseen
and Mustafa, 2023) and design is interesting.
The cognitive dimension of the Cosmos is re-
vealed through its complex structuredness, system-
aticity, and multidimensionality. That is, both the
structure and the existence of the Cosmos contain
cognitive nature as a special “natural superrational-
ity”. The idea of the cognitive nature of the Cos-
mos, which is revealed through the interaction of the
Earth and humanity, is reflected in the concept of a
reasonable Earth shell the noosphere. The interest
in the spatiality of the Cosmos (in the sense of the
Earth’s Cosmos) and its cognitive nature, as well as its
integrity and systemicity, is a significant component
of the development of spatial, critical and systemic
thinking, as well as the formation of anthropospace
consciousness. These cognitive factors are also in-
tellectual prerequisites for the development of the
metacognitive level of consciousness (Yevtuch et al.,
2021a). Significant aspects of the metacognitive level
of consciousness are goal setting and the ability of
a person to reflect and critically evaluate themselves
and their mental and other capabilities and perspec-
tives. The development of metacognition is an im-
portant aspect of environmental consciousness. This
is due to the fact that in the intellectual dimension of
environmental consciousness, the following are sig-
nificant: goal setting and understanding and critical
evaluation of goals, as well as the ability to determine
the limits of both one’s capabilities and the resources
of the environment. The ability to define the limits
of one’s capabilities, including intellectual, emotional
and volitional, personal, and to take into account the
resources of the environment is a feature not only of a
competent professional but also of a harmonious and
mature personality with developed intellect.
Cosmos can be perceived and interpreted as a
home and as a relatively complete, safe and com-
fortable world. Such perceptions contextually be-
come conceptual and ideological attitudes in the de-
sign and construction of houses and other architec-
tural structures. Accordingly, in the construction and
arrangement of housing, the idea of space as a har-
monious, comfortable, safe world with the above at-
tributes – systematic, diverse, harmonious, vital, cog-
nitive is laid down. In the modern world, this idea
of the cognitive nature of the world (Cosmos) is re-
alized in the technologies of the smart home (So-
vacool and Furszyfer Del Rio, 2020) and the smart
city (Ahad et al., 2020), which are energy-efficient
and environmentally oriented architectural structures
that interact closely with the environment. Thanks to
these technologies, there is a deepening of integra-
tion in the system of interaction “Man Earth Space”.
Ecologically and anthropologically oriented cognitiv-
ity, which is embodied in a smart home as a spatial
anthropo-cosmic phenomenon, is a determining fac-
tor in integration, which is realized through synergies,
mutual complement, interpenetration, and a careful
and ethical attitude towards nature.
As a manifestation of anthropocosmic conscious-
ness, cognitive activity directed to the environment
and represented as a smart home, smart city, and
smart environment becomes a prerequisite for the ef-
fective implementation of a new ecological and global
ethics. The ideas of anthropocosmism and the in-
tellectual potential of anthropocosmic consciousness
have largely determined the global, cosmic and hu-
The Architectural and Artistic Strategy of Ecologization as a Mental-Spatial Way of Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals
manistic formats of such social and religious move-
ments as Freemasonry, Buddhism, Taoism, Confu-
cianism, etc., which have an environmental focus and
an orientation towards preserving the Earth. In this as-
pect, the study of Lu and Jover (2019), which presents
a consideration of a Chinese university from the per-
spective of the potential of anthropocosmism, which
is one of the central concepts in Confucian holistic
humanism. Based on the concepts and interpretations
presented above, ecologization, which is traditionally
understood as an anthropo-psychological and socio-
cultural way of realizing the goals of sustainable de-
velopment, is also considered within this methodolog-
ical system as a special anthropocosmic phenomenon
that has a close mutually reinforcing relationship with
architecture and art.
The specificity of this anthropocosmic conscious-
ness is its integrity, closeness or even “transition”
to the theocratically oriented and/or magical percep-
tion of reality. From the point of view of ecolo-
gization, as a way of realizing the goals of sustain-
able development, we define it as an actual purposeful
development of environmental consciousness, taking
into account the phenomenon of anthropocosmic con-
sciousness, which is interesting and significant, first
of all, for its integrity, systematicity, harmony, aes-
theticism, and in essence, originally determined and
existing contextually ethical dimension in the system
of “Human-World” interaction. Human is fascinated
by the grandeur, beauty, sophistication, perfection,
harmony and grandeur of the world. This creates nat-
ural or anthropocosmic prerequisites for harmonious
behavior and a delicate, kind, valuable, moral attitude
towards the environment and the Earth.
Ecologization as a modern cross-cutting systemic
trend integrates many components – educational, ped-
agogical, psychological, ethical, social, cultural, po-
litical, artistic, architectural, philosophical, etc. Let
us consider this in more detail. The determining fac-
tor in this area is pedagogical ecology (Matsunobu,
2017; Klochko et al., 2022; Yevtuch et al., 2021b),
which provides practical, technological and method-
ological support for the implementation of ecological
education for both children and adults (Onopriienko
et al., 2021). In this aspect, the opinion of Bonnett
(2021) about the expediency of human (in the sense
of total) “management” of nature in its traditional for-
mat is important. Our study reflects the results of
applying adult ecological education, namely for the
training of physical education teachers. Accordingly,
in the system of pedagogical ecology, the potentials
(knowledge, value, ethical) of pedagogy, psychology,
ecological ethics, ecology, art and humanities in gen-
eral are integrally actualized for the purpose of ecolo-
Currently, the direction of ecologization of the
philosophy of education is significant (Affifi et al.,
2017), which is considered as a philosophical and
methodological basis for ecologization. In the philo-
sophical and methodological directions, the develop-
ment of Bonnett’s phenomenological ecology (Bon-
nett, 2019) is important, which is considered as an
important component of ecologization. The ethical
direction of ecologization is represented by ecoethics
and ecologization of the philosophy of education,
within which the idea of “earth ethics” by Joldersma
(2017) is original, revealing the importance of human
responsibility to the planet Earth.
We have developed a telos (in the sense of the
Earth) and an existentially oriented methodology of
ecologization (Yevtuch et al., 2021b), which is es-
sentially close to the idea of “earth ethics” by Jold-
ersma (2017) and the direction of phenomenologi-
cal ecology updated by Bonnett (2019). Accord-
ingly, we have formed a system of methodological
concepts aimed at ecologization: “Tellus-Anthropic
Convergence”, “Good of the Dialogue of Man and
Earth”, Arete of the Earth”, “Compliance with ac-
tive impact on the Earth”, “Tellus-Anthropic Harmo-
nization”, “Epistrophe of the Earth” (Yevtuch et al.,
The use of art can to some extent be considered a
mainstream direction that actively, deeply and expres-
sively affects a person, acting on his or her emotional,
volitional, value and volitional, existential, aesthetic
and ethical spheres. Our development of the ecolo-
gization of the health-preserving competence of phys-
ical education teacher using architecture, including
the actualization of the anthropospace component,
also applies to the use of art. The gender approach
is also actively used in the application of ecologiza-
tion with the use of art. Rodr
ıguez-Labajos and Ray
(2021) identify six ways of gender artistic activism
(or “artivism”).
An important pedagogical and cultural direction
of ecologization is ecomusicology (Gautier, 2016),
which has a certain connection with structuralism
and multinationalism. Matsunobu (2017), based on
the structure of ecomusicology, actualizes the idea of
“ecomusicality”, which is crucial in his pedagogical
system. Porri et al. (2023) actualizes ecomusical in-
fluences in the pedagogical system within the integra-
tive application of transgressive pedagogy and eco-
creative and innovative approaches.
An important contribution to ecologization is real-
ized in ecological architecture and ecodesign. In this
development of ecologization of health-preserving
competence of physical education teacher, architec-
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
tural and artistic aspects together with the idea of
actualization of anthropocosmic consciousness and
aesthetization are leading. At the same time, we
are guided by methodological intentions that can
be schematically represented as a mental movement
and environmentally oriented personal development:
from aesthetic to ethical (“Earth ethics”); from an-
thropocosmic ideas and comprehensions to ecophilic
The formation of ecological discourse is a topical
area of ecologization within which ecopoetics (Mar-
grave, 2019) and geopoetics are important. The value
of geopoetics is primarily in the formation of an in-
tentionality that is directed to the Earth and its land-
scapes, as well as in the actualization of the earthly
world, landscapes, and artifacts that are considered
to have special aesthetic and ethical values. In this
aspect, important is the work of Shabliy (2014), who
reveals the aesthetic and ethical potential of the works
of the Ukrainian classic Taras Shevchenko from a
geopoetic perspective.
The tourism industry creates a certain pressure on
ecosystems. This determines the ideas and experi-
ences of ecologization of tourism as such that are of
particular relevance in our time. In this aspect, the
study of Xu et al. (2022) is important, which proposes
to assess the greening of the tourism industry using
the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response model.
Let’s look at some areas of greening related to reli-
gious traditions. Ecologically oriented ideas, values,
and intentions are present in the doctrines and prac-
tices of world religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam,
Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, as well
as in many polytheistic religious traditions. In this
aspect, the relatively new field of ecotheology (Zuc-
caro, 2021), which is being developed in the Catholic
and Protestant traditions, is relevant. It is important to
study interreligious ecotheological practices aimed at
maintaining the integrity of creation and environmen-
tal sustainability (Purnomo, 2022). The defining and
systematic document is the encyclical of Pope Fran-
cis “Laudato Si”’ (Pihkala, 2018). This encyclical
is dedicated to the preservation of the Earth for all liv-
ing things. The direction of ecotherapy developed in
the Christian tradition is practically oriented (Buzzell,
The above-mentioned multidirectionality and di-
versity of approaches and ways of ecologization, in
fact, form an epistemological megasystem that per-
meates the vast majority of spheres of human activ-
ity. This points to the vital importance and neces-
sity of transforming modern man into an Ecological
Man, who can preserve and restore earth’s ecosys-
tems, ensuring the sustainable and co-evolutionary
development of humanity and the Earth. The above-
mentioned ways of ecologization, despite their rela-
tive isolation from each other, can be applied and, ac-
cordingly, are already being used integrally, comple-
mentarily and interdependently. Among the above-
mentioned directions and ways of ecologization, the
actualization of the cognitive, value-semantic and aes-
thetic potentials of art, architecture, as well as the ap-
plication of a philosophical and ideological ecolog-
ically oriented understanding of reality, one of the
significant variants of which is represented by the
phenomenon of anthropocosmic consciousness, are
particularly important. The above determines the
methodological orientation and expediency of apply-
ing these paths integrally, as having internal deep con-
ceptual, semantic and substantive connections. This
idea of the integrative use of anthropocosmic con-
sciousness, architecture and art for the ecologization
of specialists and the educational process is not suffi-
ciently represented in the scientific literature.
One of the culturally determined ways of method-
ological understanding of the phenomenology of
anthropocosmic consciousness and the actualiza-
tion of the possibilities of its purposeful disclosure
and development is the ecological and value re-
flection of architecture, presented not only and not
so much as a narrowly professional phenomenon,
but, above all, as an anthropological cultural, socio-
anthropological (M
ullauer-Seichter, 2020), spatial
(Drozdowicz, 2021), psychological, aesthetic, eco-
logical phenomenon (Barber, 2020; Goldberger,
2011; Cole and Hamilton, 2020; Thampanichwat
et al., 2023; Poon, 2020; Zhong et al., 2022). The
cultural and social semiotics of architecture is im-
portant, in particular, as a component of the dis-
course of power (Jasz, 2021). Accordingly, we define
as an urgent educational, pedagogical and environ-
mental problem the need for purposeful application
of epistemological-value, aesthetic-ethical, aesthetic-
existential and interpretive potentials of the architec-
tural tradition and architectural objects (buildings)
for integrative ecologization and aestheticization of
the educational process and competencies, including
health-preserving A significant aspect of this prob-
lem is its development and practical application on
the example of ecologization of the health-preserving
competence of a physical education teacher in the
conditions of postgraduate education. The above-
mentioned aspects of the use of architecture and art,
the fate of the actualization of anthropocosmic con-
sciousness, which is considered as a significant com-
ponent and prerequisite for the ecologization of the
cultural and educational space, are not sufficiently
covered in the scientific literature. This, taking
The Architectural and Artistic Strategy of Ecologization as a Mental-Spatial Way of Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals
into account the importance of ecologization as a
way to achieve the goals of sustainable development,
presents this research as relevant.
The paper purpose is to develop an architectural and
artistic strategy of ecologization as a mental-spatial
way of realizing the goals of sustainable development
on the example of improving the health-preserving
competence of a physical education teacher.
A system of methods and approaches was used in
the study. The analysis of scientific literature and eco-
logical, architectural, artistic, aesthetic, ethical, com-
petence, health-preserving (Klochko et al., 2020a),
systemic, anthropological, cultural, pedagogical, re-
flexive, hermeneutic, axiological, eco-ethical (Belar-
dinelli and Pievani, 2023), epistemological, archety-
pal (Erazo Andrade et al., 2022), geopsychological,
psychological, existential (Gosetti-Ferencei, 2022),
ontological, transdisciplinary approaches and meth-
Concepts were applied: anthropocosmism (Kul-
taieva et al., 2021; Kultaieva and Panchenko, 2022),
sustainable development goals (Guerra et al., 2022),
“Gaia” (Gaia hypothesis) (J. Lovelock) (
2020), knowledge transfer (I. Nonaka) (Obembe and
Obembe, 2020), existentials (L. Binswager), geopsy-
chology (A. Mindel), ecological education and eco-
logical pedagogy (Su and Zhao, 2023; Corpuz et al.,
2022), care for the Earth (A. Gore Jr.) (Nickerson,
1992), the aesthetics of the surrounding environment
(Brady and Prior, 2020; Slawsky et al., 2022), the idea
of counteracting ecophobic tendencies of conscious-
ness (Klochko et al., 2022), human qualities (A. Pec-
chei) (Facioni and Paura, 2022).
Own methodological developments. The author’s
own methodical concepts were used: Architectural
and artistic strategy of ecologization” (discussed in
section “3. Results”) and “Questionnaire Fedorets
definition and actualization of ecologically oriented
anthropocosmic ideas, values and intentions of the
This questionnaire was used to determine the ef-
fectiveness of the application of the Architectural
and artistic strategy of ecologization”, which was
used to ecologization the teacher’s health-preserving
“Fedorets questionnaire for the definition and ac-
tualization of ecologically oriented anthropocosmic
ideas, values and intentions of the teacher”:
1. What is the mental and psychological phe-
nomenon that reflects the system, integrity, spa-
tiality, harmony of human interaction with the
world and its unity with the Earth, which is con-
sciously or intuitively applied in the process of
developing and building housing and/or in its ar-
rangement and design in traditional cultures?
1.1. Innovativeness.
1.2. Anthropocosmism.
1.3. Critical thinking.
1.4. Emotional intelligence.
Correct answer: 1.2.
2. In the “Encyclical letter “Laudato Si’” of the Holy
Father Francis: On care for our common home”,
the planet Earth is viewed from a spiritual per-
spective as:
2.1. Home-cosmos.
2.2. An inexhaustible resource.
2.3. The field of innovative activity.
2.4. System of industrial landscapes.
Correct answer: 2.1.
3. A person defines and reveals his existence as spa-
tial by:
3.1. Buying a watch.
3.2. By purchasing a computer.
3.3. By purchasing and arranging a house (housing).
3.4. By buying shares.
Correct answer: 3.3.
4. In order to aestheticize and ecologize the educa-
tional process in the development and improve-
ment of health and movement systems and tech-
nologies of physical culture, we can apply the
ideas of the architectural and artistic style of the
Baroque, among which the following are relevant:
4.1. Formality, informatization, activity, innovative-
ness, etc.
4.2. Lack of cosmicism and mundaneness, anti-
aestheticism, static, disharmony, “seriousness”,
lack of plasticity, fluidity, desacralization, lack
of ethical contexts.
4.3. Cosmism, aestheticism, dynamics, harmony,
playfulness, plasticity, fluidity, virtuosity, de-
tail, sacredness, ethical and aesthetic semantic
contexts, effects of both volatility (“ethereal-
ity”) and eternity.
4.4. Philosophizing, digitalization, technology,
gamification, virtualization, etc.
Correct answer: 4.3.
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
5. In order to aestheticize and ecologize the educa-
tional process in the development and improve-
ment of health and movement systems and physi-
cal culture technologies, we can apply the ideas of
the architectural and artistic style of organic mod-
ernism of Antonio Gaudi, among which the fol-
lowing are relevant:
5.1. Formality, regularity, symmetry.
5.2. Plasticity, playfulness, imitation of living na-
ture (plants, animals, elements).
5.3. Imitation of technical systems, detailing, di-
5.4. Informativeness, closedness and security of the
system, technology.
Correct answer: 5.2.
We use the McNemar’s test (Fay, 2020) for di-
chotomous data to confirm that the results of the ques-
tionnaire according to the diagnostic method “Fe-
dorets questionnaire for the definition and actualiza-
tion of ecologically oriented anthropocosmic ideas,
values and intentions of the teacher” of the experi-
mental group are significantly different from the re-
sults of the control group after the experiment. We
also use it to reliably confirm that the control and ex-
perimental groups had equivalent test results before
the start of the implementation of the Architectural
and artistic strategy of ecologization” strategy in the
educational process.
The null and alternative hypotheses were formu-
: there is no difference between the test results
of the control group and the experimental group;
: there is a significant difference between the
test results of the control group and the experimental
The R programming language was used in the
Posit Cloud (Posit Software, PBC, 2022) environ-
ment to perform calculations according to McNe-
mar’s paired test.
Let’s consider this problem using ecological-
anthropological, cultural, existential, anthropocosmic
and pedagogical approaches. Methodologically
understanding this problem can be singled out as a
significant spatial aspect. This is due to the fact that
ecology “works” with both spatial and living objects,
and, above all, such a central megaobject is the Earth
as a planet and as a living being (according to the
concept of “Gaia” by (J. Lovelock) (
2020; da Silva and Tsigaris, 2022). The above is the
“methodological bridge” that reveals the organicity
and appropriateness of the study of spatial objects,
which are, first of all, architectural structures as
ecological-anthropological and anthropocultural
Internalization of the symbolism of “Earth-
Cosmos” into the mental reality of a person. In
archaic and traditional cultures, the relationship be-
tween man and the Earth was largely determined by
religious, magical and partially mythologized secu-
lar traditions. One of the central and defining as-
pects of these traditions was a person’s understand-
ing of himself as a being that is an organic part of
the cosmos (the world) (Kultaieva et al., 2021; Kul-
taieva and Panchenko, 2022). The cosmos was pre-
sented as a “native” and eternal home, with dangers
and risks as well as resources. In this way, we actu-
alize the ancient idea of anthropocosmism (Kultaieva
et al., 2021; Kultaieva and Panchenko, 2022) as sig-
nificant for modern ecologization processes.
It is clear that the boundless cosmos became a
home in full when a part of it was isolated, demar-
cated and “alienated” in the process of man’s creation
of his own dwelling. In the process of building and
“getting used” to a new house, a person modeled the
eternal World (Earth Cosmos) in it again (Kultaieva
et al., 2021; Kultaieva and Panchenko, 2022). For ex-
ample, in the dwellings of the vast majority of tradi-
tional cultures, the existence of a central pillar was
typical, which symbolized the World Tree, the Cos-
mic Axis, and other archetypal ideas (Erazo Andrade
et al., 2022). A hearth or a heating device (for ex-
ample, a stove) had a special and, mostly, complex
spatial symbolism. That is, in the dwelling itself, the
World was recreated, “reborn” on a new high-quality
everyday and everyday level. The Earthly World was
created “anew”, which, unlike the real world, was
“cleansed” of the risks, challenges and threats from
which man built his home and “hid” in it. That is,
the real unpredictable world, which is actually both
a system of threats and a “good” irreplaceable re-
source, was reproduced and “born” again. The world
as a reality, “passing” through human consciousness
and activity, was transformed into a “Good Cosmos”,
into the Garden of Eden precisely in the process of
planning and creating housing (and/or its arrange-
ment, design and existence in it). Passing through
the specified cultural and activity transformations,
the earthly reality, accordingly, became a “human”,
“soft”, “warm” understandable, safe, predictable An-
thropological Cosmos, such that was amenable to
management. As the ancient Romans noted, Do-
mussua cuigue est tutissimum refugium (Latin) (One’s
The Architectural and Artistic Strategy of Ecologization as a Mental-Spatial Way of Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals
own home is a safe shelter for everyone). When cre-
ating a dwelling, a person projected, reproduced the
external macrocosm (”big world”) in the “Home cos-
mos” that protected his “microcosm”.
An additional mental and psychological effect of
building a home was the construction of one’s inner
human Microcosm. The human “I” acquired cosmic-
spatial dimensions forming the inner world of a per-
son as ordered, harmonious, plastic, dynamic, i.e.
somewhat close to the Earth-Cosmos. In general, the
above-described process, which from a psychological
point of view is interiorization, i.e. “transferring the
external reality inwards” into the human conscious-
ness. External reality is transformed into semiotic-
symbolic systems (first of all, language), images, al-
gorithms, intentions, values, meanings. Interioriza-
tion forms the inner world of a person through the dis-
closure and reception of external reality as significant.
This is done on the basis of certain cultural specifics.
Aesthetic, ethical, behavioral features and connota-
tions of culture and its unique “aura” thus become the
property and component of the personality and all its
spheres. That is, our inner cosmos is necessarily filled
with a panorama of symbols and images of the cul-
ture in which we are formed and, accordingly, which
is also ours, another cosmos. And, accordingly, the
home-cosmos as a model of the World-Earth is one of
the central ones that is interiorized. The consideration
of the above-presented aspect of the internalization of
natural reality the Earth-Cosmos by actualizing the
cultural dimension was carried out on the basis of an-
thropological ideas and the cultural-historical concept
of the psyche.
Home is a system of harmonizing a person and
his relationship with the Earth. The indicated pro-
cess of formation of the inner cosmos of a person
based on the reception of the house as a cosmos con-
tributed to the harmonization of relations between
man and the world. Accordingly, a person became,
primo loco (first of all), a sophrosyne person (that
is, a moderate, harmonious person) regardless of the
type of temperament, character, attitudes and life
goals. “Human-Sophrosyne” (sophrosyne, Ancient
Greek: σωφρoσυνη), who is moderate, harmonious,
so that he has common sense and a clear mind, not
clouded by ideologies, represents both the ancient
and, to a large extent, the Ukrainian ideal. We con-
sider a moderate person (harmonious, sophrosyune)
as one who, first of all, has a harmonized relation-
ship with the Earth-Cosmos, which, accordingly, is
a psychological prerequisite for the realization of the
goals of sustainable development. In such a “Human-
Sophrosyne” the harmony of the external world, as
well as the harmonious and harmonizing “essence of
Gaia” (the world of the Earth) through internaliza-
tion (the analysis is carried out in accordance with
the cultural-historical theory of the psyche) is trans-
formed into the harmony of the individual, and into
the real existing “sustainable (harmonious) develop-
ment” of the individual, cultures and social groups.
As indicated, the reception and “unfolding” of har-
mony in the soul occurs through building one’s home
in the real world and, “in parallel”, in the human
mind. That is, “Home-cosmos” is our human way of
harmonizing relations with ourselves and the World-
Earth, corresponding to human nature.
Existential aspect of the problems of the house. A
person is a being who has the ability to experience
and live his existence (to be in it and to be it), that
is, to exist. Our being is also “being with the Earth”,
which, in fact, “includes” the dimension of our exis-
tence. Earth as space, as reality, as being in us and
with us. Accordingly, in order to clarify and expand
the deep psychological meanings of the House, we
interpret the presented visions of the earthly house-
Cosmos from the standpoint of existential psychol-
ogy in the system of fundamental concepts of which
there are existentials (existentials are formally sepa-
rated but, at the same time, significant fragments of
our existence). Existentials of space, corporeality (it
is understood also spatially, or more precisely spatio-
temporally), time, etc. are distinguished. The spec-
ified existentials of space and time exist in the sys-
tem of others, namely, together with the existentials of
care and love (Heart), harmony, etc. Accordingly, we
interpret the existential spatiality in the context of the
manifestation “through them” not only of human, but
also as the disclosure of the existence of the Earth as
a planet and a living entity, as a unique landscape (re-
member those dear “our” landscapes that “live” in us
and always with by us). Thus, our interpretation of the
spatial-existential dimension includes earthly conno-
tations, which is transformed into the phenomenology
of existential space. Accordingly, time as such is in
fact Earthly time, which without limits passes into our
existential temporality. Thus, in the system of our in-
ner being, both human and earthly dimensions merge
and exist relatively separately in their spatial, tempo-
ral, and vital formats. That is, humans are anthro-
pogeographic beings (we recall the idea of “anthro-
pogeography” by Friedrich Ratzel). Therefore, even
from a deeply intrinsic position, Home, Home-Earth
are deeply rooted in our existence, or rather, they have
always existed there.
The existential of the House or, as we understand
it, the House-Earth and the existential of love and the
existential of care, being in the same “plane”, form
one essential integrity. Thus, in the system of existen-
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
tially oriented understandings, Home and Earth are
what is not only outside of us, but also what is inside
us, in our being, and this is ourselves, this is our share.
Integrative understanding of the human home as
an earthly anthropocosm in the context of ecologiza-
tion and health preservation process. Summariz-
ing, it can be noted that a person’s home (Barber,
2020; Goldberger, 2011) is not only a “place of res-
idence”, but also a system formed on the basis of a
special “anthropo-terrestrial integration and the for-
mation of a special integrity” of phenomena of vari-
ous nature: anthropological, social, mythological, ex-
istential, earthly, cosmic, symbolic, spiritual. Thus,
the human home includes the Earth-Cosmos trans-
formed both: 1) into the building itself and into
2) a Semiotic-symbolic-figurative system, the sum
of certain stereotypes, myths, scenarios of behav-
ior, attitudes that collectively form the person him-
self and his inner world; 3) to culture; 4) into the
human Umwelt (Klochko et al., 2020b), in which
we distinguish the dimensions of House-Space-Earth
and Earth-Space (”Great House”); 5) into the sys-
tem of harmonizing relations: a person with him-
self (reflexive and harmonizing aspect), a person and
the Earth as a Great House (Cosmos), between peo-
ple in society; 6) the projection of harmonious in-
teractions into the future and the past a cultur-
ally determined harmonious attitude to the future as
the future of Earth and human, that is, compatible,
co-evolutionary. The methodological and worldview
interpretations and understanding of the house as a
special earthly anthropocosm, which not only “sur-
rounds” but also forms a person and which is simul-
taneously significant in his mental reality, represents
architecture (Barber, 2020; Goldberger, 2011; Manu-
rung et al., 2022; M
ullauer-Seichter, 2020; Drozdow-
icz, 2021; Cole and Hamilton, 2020; Thampanichwat
et al., 2023; Poon, 2020; Zhong et al., 2022; Jasz,
2021) as a special anthropological-spatial sphere and
as art. Accordingly, the ecological value reflection
of the architectural tradition can be purposefully ap-
plied for: ecologization of education; development
and preservation of health; the formation of a devel-
oped moderate person Homo Ecologicus (Latin),
in which ecophilic tendencies of consciousness are
present; transformation of crops into ecophiles.
For the purpose of environmentalization of edu-
cation, which includes environmentalization of the
health-preserving competence of the physical edu-
cation teacher, as well as for the development and
preservation of psychological and spiritual health in
the educational process, we use presentations of ar-
chitectural structures and ecologically and health-
preserving oriented narratives (stories) about them.
Accordingly, environmentalization, which is imple-
mented by actualizing knowledge of architecture, is
carried out in relation to the aestheticization of the
educational process. For this, presentations of works
of art and architecture are used. Images of archi-
tectural structures are also included in our “Epistro-
phe of the Earth” (Yevtuch et al., 2021b) technique.
Architecture as frozen music”, according to the def-
inition of Le Corbusier, which carries the boundless
spirit and the majestic eternal image of Gaia-Mother
(Mother-Earth), is aimed at revealing the manifesta-
tion of human nature in the form of kindness directed
to its earthly essence and to the Earth itself. That is,
we are talking about the Epistrophe of the Earth (Yev-
tuch et al., 2021b) as an eternal descent to the Earth as
a great soul and a living being, which, first of all, must
take place in the souls of people. This is the spiritual
revolution that Aurelio Peccei spoke about (Facioni
and Paura, 2022). On the basis of an ecological and
valuable understanding of anthropocosmic ideas, ar-
chitectural and artistic traditions, we are forming the
Architectural and Artistic Strategy of ecologization”
as one of the defining trends in the development of
ecophilic consciousness.
An important source of aestheticization, ecol-
ogization, and axiologisation in education, imple-
mented integratively, is the application of knowledge
about certain architectural and artistic styles and tradi-
tions. Ecological and anthropological, value and aes-
thetic analysis of relevant author’s styles and unique
works of certain creators is also significant. In this
ecologically oriented pedagogical system, we turn
to the disclosure of the ecological, creative, axio-
logical, aesthetic, ethical, anthropological, cultural,
harmonizing potentials of such styles as baroque,
Ukrainian baroque, Ukrainian folk architecture, eco-
architecture, eco-design, as well as the work of the
classics of Antonio Gaudi, etc. We will briefly present
the indicated areas
Ecological and valuable reflection of architecture
and baroque style. Baroque is not only an architec-
tural style or an aesthetic system. Baroque is a wider
and deeper socio-cultural and artistic phenomenon
(Jasz, 2021). It can be considered as a special world-
view, a special culture, a specific style of thinking,
reflection, interpretation, etc. Baroque as a style ex-
tends to all art and life. We can also talk about the
phenomenon of the “Baroque Human”, who is re-
fined, kind, playful, creative, aesthetic, humane, free,
intelligent, capable of rising to his spiritual heights.
Ukrainian national character, as well as Ukrainian
culture and architecture, in their essence, are baroque
or can be represented in baroque symbols and images.
This luxurious style, which reflects the greatness of
The Architectural and Artistic Strategy of Ecologization as a Mental-Spatial Way of Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals
the cosmos, its diversity with “surplus”, is close to
Ukrainians (Cherkes et al., 2020). Accordingly, at
one time Ukraine actively prescribed and developed
it. This style was initiated by G. L. Bernini (1598–
1680) and developed by the classics of the Renais-
This style is interesting in that it probably most
fully reflects the idea of a harmonious, balanced, ma-
jestic and, at the same time, dynamic, plastic, fluid,
playful and living Cosmos (World), filled with Spirit
and Light. In Baroque, there is an attempt to de-
pict the diversity and richness of the world, the great-
ness of the Earth, the elements, and the forces of na-
ture (figure 1). It reflects the spirit of diversity and
effectively synthesizes architecture and art. In fact,
the baroque represents an attempt in art to “recreate”
the worlds created by God, including the earthly and
heavenly. At one time, this style was officially recog-
nized by the Catholic Church as one that corresponds
to the ideas and values of Christianity and reflects the
majestic “shining” world structure, its hierarchy, the
music of the spheres, the majesty of the Creator.
Figure 1: Trevi Fountain (ital. Fontana di Trevi) in baroque
style (photo taken by the author).
The construction of buildings in this style required
significant material resources and artists with a high
level of training and real talents. It is clear that it is
cheap and simply impossible to model a complex ma-
jestic world. In this style, there is a play of forms, a
play of light, and essentially virtual worlds are cre-
ated. It is luxurious, multidimensional, multifaceted,
polysemantic, polyontological, exquisite and harmo-
In the context of ecologization (Kultaieva et al.,
2021; Kultaieva and Panchenko, 2022; Barber, 2020)
this style is relevant for the aesthetic and valuable un-
derstanding of the planet Earth, its landscapes, and
biodiversity. It, perhaps not the best, reflects the unity,
dynamic interaction and co-evolution of the earthly,
human, and divine. Despite the often massive and
large volume of buildings in this style, the size of the
building is not as significant as in other areas of ar-
chitecture. What is important is the luxurious internal
and external representation of the world formed by the
Creator. This style, in fact, models the “living” space
of the earth, landscapes and its earthly and heavenly
Cosmos-world (Kultaieva et al., 2021; Kultaieva and
Panchenko, 2022; Barber, 2020). Baroque is imbued
with optimism, vitality, ethereality, playfulness, per-
spective, harmony.
Ukrainian folk architecture as a representation of
ecological culture and ecophility of the people and
its anthropocosmism. Ukrainian folk architecture re-
flects the indomitable and, at the same time, bal-
anced, cheerful and active nature of the people, its dy-
namism, contemplativeness, emotionality, unity with
landscapes, sense of measure and harmony (Cherkes
et al., 2020). The Ukrainian house, regardless of
the region and the material, which is mainly clay or
wood, is a special earthly cosmos in which, on a sym-
bolic level, the spiritual worlds and heavens are rep-
resented. In the Ukrainian house, various materials
were uniquely and harmoniously combined, which
created a special harmony and peace. The house was
originally formed as one that organically integrated
into the landscape, taking into account the occurrence
of underground water and ideas and practical under-
standings about favorable and not unfavorable places
for construction. The idea of purity manifested in
white color was relevant. The hut was traditionally
whitewashed twice a year and thus renewed and en-
livened. The bright design, in which the cosmogony
and stylized flora and fauna are reflected, gave a spe-
cial representative, expressive color to the dwelling,
emphasizing the liveliness, playfulness, dynamism of
the whole world “in miniature”. The house is filled
with human spirit, warmth, life and goodness thanks
to the use of towels, carpets, paintings, and dishes. At
the same time, there was a spirit of measure and har-
mony in everything. Ukrainians, namely folk crafts-
men, experimented a lot with form and materials.
Both earthly and heavenly Cosmos and Spirit
are fully reflected in the folk sacral architecture,
which, according to its spirit, “gravitates” towards the
baroque in its plasticity, expressiveness, sophistica-
tion, as in the Ukrainian house. Modeling flowing
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
spaces filled with “light-spirit” is relevant.
Antonio Gaudi’s organic modernism as a mani-
festation of “ecological spirituality”, ecological aes-
thetics and the Spirit of Gaia. The work of the out-
standing Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi (figure 2)
es, 2021; Ramzy, 2022), who was canonized by
the Catholic Church as a saint, we are primarily in-
terested in the unique potential of anthropocosmism,
sophistication, spirituality and aestheticism.
The architect said that he continued the Gothic tra-
dition. He was one of the first to use organic forms in
architectural creativity. The indicated use of organic
forms was not only copying, it was, first of all, con-
ceptualization, stylization, transformation, the result
of which was an attempt to understand and represent
the essence of the idea, the value and meaning of the
“source phenomenon” (for example, a flower), on the
basis of which the architectural form was developed.
The work of the American architect Frank Lloyd
Wright (Vaughan and Ostwald, 2022) is relevant for
understanding the unity of the human dwelling and
the Earth and, accordingly, Human and Gaia.
His unique “Fallingwater” in Pennsylvania shows
the “flow” and “interaction” of land forms, landscape
and spaces of the house. In fact, it is a “game” of
two worlds – the earthly world and the world of a per-
son’s home (figure 3). Concluding the consideration
of the Architectural and Artistic Strategy of ecolo-
gization”, we recall the ancient wisdom expressed by
Cicero Nullus est locus domestica sede jucundior
(Latin) (There is no place nicer than the native home).
3.1 Experimental study
To determine the dynamics of the actualization of
anthropocosmic consciousness as a significant com-
ponent of the ecologization of the health-preserving
competence of the physical education teacher in the
educational process of professional development in
the conditions of postgraduate education, the Archi-
tectural and artistic strategy of ecologization” tech-
nique was applied. The analysis of training results
was carried out with the help of the “Fedorets ques-
tionnaire for the definition and actualization of eco-
logically oriented anthropocosmic ideas, values and
intentions of the teacher” (see section “Selection of
methods and diagnostics”).
816 physical education teachers took part in the
study, of which 411 were in the experimental group,
and 405 were in the control group, the research was
conducted in 2017–2021. The experimental study
was conducted in Ukraine in 9 institutions of higher
education: Zhytomyr Regional Institute of Postgrad-
uate Pedagogical Education, Drohobych State Ped-
agogical University of Ivan Franko, Zaporizhzhia
Regional Institute of Continuing Pedagogical Ed-
ucation, Chernihiv Regional Postgraduate Institute
of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education named after
K. D. Ushinsky, Mykolaiv Regional Institute of Post-
graduate Pedagogical Education, Donetsk Regional
Institute of Postgraduate Teacher Education, Kherson
Academy of Continuing Education, Sumy Regional
Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Lviv
Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Edu-
As a result of the questionnaire aimed at determin-
ing the dynamics of the actualization of anthropocos-
mic consciousness as a significant component of the
ecologization of the health-preserving competence of
the physical education teacher, the following results
were obtained: the number of correct answers of the
teachers of the control group before the experiment is
43% (figure 4), and after the experiment 47% (fig-
ure 5); the number of correct answers of the teachers
of the experimental group before the experiment was
46% (figure 6) and after the experiment 93% (fig-
ure 7).
We will use McNemar’s test to confirm that be-
fore the start of the implementation of the Architec-
tural and artistic strategy of ecologization” strategy in
the educational process, the results of the question-
naire according to the diagnostic method “The Fe-
dorets Questionnaire for the definition and actualiza-
tion of ecologically oriented anthropocosmic ideas,
values and intentions of the teacher” of the control
group were not differ significantly to the results of the
experimental group. For this purpose, in the Posit
Cloud environment, we will use the mcnemar.test()
function to calculate McNemar’s test statistics for the
data of the control and experimental groups.
In the process of checking the test results of the
control group and the experimental group before the
start of the implementation of the Architectural and
artistic strategy of ecologization” strategy in the ed-
ucational process, was obtained the McNemar’s test
McNemar’s Chi-squared test
Consequently, the calculated value of χ
is less than the theoretical value of χ
=3.8 at the level
of significance a=0.05 (χ
), and the p-value is
greater than 0.05 at the level of significance a=0.05
(p>0.05). Therefore, we accept the hypothesis X
there is no difference between the test results of the
control group and the experimental group.
In the process of checking the test results of the
The Architectural and Artistic Strategy of Ecologization as a Mental-Spatial Way of Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals
Figure 2: Plant-shaped columns in the temple “Sagrada Familia” (”Holy Family”) in Barcelona (Spain) (Sagrada Fam
2023), architect Antonio Gaud
Figure 3: Kaufman’s residence “Fallingwater” a house designed in 1935 by the famous American architect Frank Lloyd
Wright (1867–1959) (Fallingwater, 2023).
control group and the experimental group after the
implementation of the Architectural and artistic strat-
egy of ecologization” strategy in the educational pro-
cess, was obtained the McNemar’s test statistic:
McNemar’s Chi-squared test
Consequently, the calculated value of χ
is greater than the theoretical value of χ
=3.8 at the
level of significance a=0.05 (χ
> χ
), and the p-value
is less than 0.05 (p<0.05). Therefore, we reject the
hypothesis X
and accept the hypothesis X
that there
is a significant difference between the test results of
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
correct answers
wrong answers
Figure 4: The results of a questionnaire aimed at deter-
mining the dynamics of the actualization of anthropocos-
mic consciousness as a significant component of the ecol-
ogization of the health-preserving competence of the phys-
ical education teacher in the control group (the diagnostic
technique “Fedorets questionnaire for the definition and ac-
tualization of ecologically oriented anthropocosmic ideas,
values and intentions of the teacher” was used), before the
correct answers
wrong answers
Figure 5: The results of a questionnaire aimed at deter-
mining the dynamics of the actualization of anthropocos-
mic consciousness as a significant component of the ecol-
ogization of the health-preserving competence of the phys-
ical education teacher in the control group (the diagnostic
technique “Fedorets questionnaire for the definition and ac-
tualization of ecologically oriented anthropocosmic ideas,
values and intentions of the teacher” was used), after the
the control group and the experimental group.
Thus, the positive dynamics of the results of
the implementation of the Architectural and artistic
strategy of ecologization” strategy in the educational
process as a component of the ecologization of the
health-preserving competence of the physical educa-
tion teacher have been determined.
Conceptually and methodologically, this study is
formed within the framework of the paradigm of eco-
logical pedagogy (Onopriienko et al., 2021; Yevtuch
et al., 2021b), which includes a value reflection on the
ideas of phenomenological ecology (Bonnett, 2019)
and the ecologization of educational philosophy (Af-
correct answers
wrong answers
Figure 6: The results of a questionnaire aimed at deter-
mining the dynamics of the actualization of anthropocosmic
consciousness as a significant component of the ecologiza-
tion of the health-preserving competence of the physical ed-
ucation teacher in the experimental group (the diagnostic
technique “Fedorets questionnaire for the definition and ac-
tualization of ecologically oriented anthropocosmic ideas,
values and intentions of the teacher” was applied), before
the experiment.
correct answers
wrong answers
Figure 7: The results of a questionnaire aimed at deter-
mining the dynamics of the actualization of anthropocosmic
consciousness as a significant component of the ecologiza-
tion of the health-preserving competence of the physical ed-
ucation teacher in the experimental group (the diagnostic
technique “Fedorets questionnaire for the definition and ac-
tualization of ecologically oriented anthropocosmic ideas,
values and intentions of the teacher” was applied), after the
fifi et al., 2017). In contrast to the above authors,
the format of ecologization developed by us includes
the active and integrative use of existential, psycho-
logical, aesthetic, anthropological, systemic, artistic
approaches, as well as the use of anthropological,
value and methodological potentials of the ancient
Greek cultural and educational system of paideia (an-
cient Greek παιδεια) (Yevtuch et al., 2021b). The
socio-cultural and psychological orientation of our
approaches to greening is the application of the ideas
of ecophilic and ecophobic orientation of conscious-
ness (Klochko et al., 2022). The mainstream way of
ecologization in this pedagogical system is the use of
The Architectural and Artistic Strategy of Ecologization as a Mental-Spatial Way of Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals
architecture as a spatial phenomenon integrally with
the use of fine arts (viewing reproductions of paint-
ings), which is presented as an artistic way of com-
prehending the greatness and harmony of the world
and actualizing anthropocosmic consciousness. The
choice of these spatially oriented approaches is due to
the “spatial” specificity of pedagogical influences on
physical education teacher, which are consistent with
motor activity, which is the basis of the professional
activity of these specialists. It is clear that motor ac-
tivity also has a distinct spatial dimension. In our
pedagogical practices of ecologization, we also use
ecopoetics (Margrave, 2019) and geopoetics (Shabliy,
2014), as well as ecologically oriented narratives.
This study is based on the methodological basis of
previous research and, in fact, is their further devel-
opment and practical implementation. The methodol-
ogy integrally applied a system of approaches, among
which the most important were competence-based
health, anthropological, geopsychological, ethical,
psychological, and existential. The concepts of “Car-
ing for the Earth” (Gore, 2000), noosphere, “Gaia”
(Lovelock, 2010) were also applied, as well as the
cognitive and ethical and value potential of the an-
cient Greek cultural and educational system of paideia
(ancient Greek παιδεια) (Yevtuch et al., 2021b). The
concepts aimed at ecologization and, accordingly, the
development of an ecophilic person of the future
Homo Ekologicus were developed. These ecolog-
ical concepts, which are tellus (in the sense of the
Earth) and anthropologically oriented, in their total-
ity represent a special “eco-cognitive-ethical-value”
system: “Tellus-Anthropic Convergence”, “Good of
the Dialogue of Man and Earth”, Arete of Earth”,
“Compliance with Active Impact on Earth”, “Tellus-
Anthropic Harmonization”, “Earth Epistrophe” (Yev-
tuch et al., 2021b).
The concepts of “Tellus-Anthropic Convergence”
and “Good of the Dialogue of Man and Earth” are
considered as methodological intentions and practical
attitudes that reflect the idea of the need for close co-
evolutionary and dialogical interaction between man
and humanity with the Earth, including the restora-
tion of a value-based and careful attitude towards the
planet as an integral ecosystem and individual ecosys-
tems. The concept of Arete of Earth” presents the
idea of developing human ecophilicity, which is con-
sidered as a charity arete (ancient Greek αρετη
charity, benefits, virtue). The concept of “Tellus-
Anthropic Harmonization” clarifies and specifies the
interaction in the Human-Earth system as one that
should be formed on the basis of harmony, which
is accordingly projected onto the personality itself.
Accordingly, it is recommended to develop the Hel-
lenistic phenomenon of sophrosyne (ancient Greek
σωφρoσυνη prudence, discretion, common sense,
moderation, “pure mind”), which is a system of be-
havioral stereotypes and a set of cognitive and charac-
teristic features that generally determine harmonious,
balanced, reasonable human behavior. In an ecologi-
cally oriented interpretation, we consider Sophrosyne
as the behavioral and characterological basis of Homo
Ecologicus. We have conducted research on ecophilic
and ecophobic tendencies of consciousness (Klochko
et al., 2022) as mental and behavioral characteristics
that integrally reflect the orientation of the individual
and his or her ecological orientation and the presence
of biophilia. The methodological ideas used in the
study of ecophobic tendencies of consciousness were
also applied in the study of the architectural and artis-
tic strategy of ecologization as a mental-spatial way
of realizing the sustainable development goals.
Based on the integrative and ecologically oriented use
of the ideas of anthropocosmism, the concept of sus-
tainable development and the traditions of architec-
ture and art, the Architectural and artistic strategy
of ecologization” was formed, which is a method of
ecologization and aestheticization of the cultural and
educational space and competencies. The application
of the specified methodology is given on the example
of environmentalization and aestheticization of the
health-preserving competence of a physical education
teacher in the conditions of postgraduate education.
Making it more specific, we note that this technique
is primarily aimed at improving the anthropocultural
component of the specified competence. The pe-
culiarity of the anthropocultural component of the
health-preserving competence of a physical education
teacher is that in his meaningful and value-semantic
systems, ecological and anthropocultural (including
aesthetic, motor, etc.) problems are considered as
central, system-organizing, complementary, harmo-
nizing. That is, within the framework of the anthro-
pocultural component, the unity of Man and the Earth
existing in ecophilic archaic and traditional cultures is
restored through the actualization of anthropocosmic
consciousness. Accordingly, an ecologically oriented
understanding of culture is actualized and developed:
as an ecophilic human environment, as an ecologi-
cally acceptable way of being, as a harmonious ex-
istence based on the deployment of the concept of
sustainable development. Architectural and artistic
strategy of ecologization” is aimed at realizing the
goals of sustainable development. First of all, this
ICHTML 2023 - International Conference on History, Theory and Methodology of Learning
strategy contributes to the implementation of “Goal
3. Good health and well-being”, “Goal 4. Quality
education” and “Goal 11. Sustainable cities and com-
Anthropocosmic consciousness includes a sys-
tematic and holistic perception of the world as a
home, and the interpretation of the home as a projec-
tion of the earthly Cosmos. Accordingly, the presence
of anthropocosmic consciousness in a person is con-
sidered as a personal-psychological and socio-cultural
prerequisite for the effective environmentalization of
the cultural and educational space, competencies (in
this study, health-preserving competence) and the
socio-cultural sphere as a whole. The architectural
tradition is the direction in the system of founding
ideas that has anthropocosmic aspects. In many cases,
the architect develops a housing project as a model of
space, which is ordered, harmonious, aestheticized.
The same construction of housing based on anthro-
pocosmic intentions and ideas about the home as a
small cosmos was carried out in archaic and tradi-
tional cultures. We consider anthropocosm as such
a phenomenon that is inherent in human nature as
well as in the vast majority of cultures. Therefore,
it is important to actualize it as a significant psycho-
logical and cultural component of environmentaliza-
tion. Accordingly, through familiarization with archi-
tecture as an art that creates a second “architectural
reality”, a “new cosmos” for man, opportunities are
revealed for the actualization of both the potentials
of anthropocosmism and aesthetics, which we con-
sider as psychological and anthropocultural prerequi-
sites and foundations of environmentalization.
Architectural and artistic strategy of ecologiza-
tion” includes an introduction to some architectural
and artistic styles and reproductions and videos of
significant architectural works (buildings, interiors,
parks, etc.). In the process of greening the health-
preserving competence of the physical education
teacher, the issue of reception of ideas significant for
certain architectural and artistic styles, which can be
applied to organize the motor activity of students and
preserve their health, is considered.
For example, the idea of harmony, as one of the
determining factors in the existence of the world and
man, and which is the basis of both the baroque style
and the trend of sustainable development, can be ap-
plied to improve the organization of motor activity,
preserve health, and improve the educational process
in as a whole The idea of harmony traditionally in-
cludes: the concept of measure in relation to the
purpose of physical exertion; actualization of beauty,
grace and plasticity in motor actions; determines re-
fined, humane, delicate high relations and specifics
of communication of participants in the educational
process, etc. Pedagogical and valuable reflection of
exquisite architectural works enables the teacher of
physical culture not only to understand but also to feel
harmony as embodied in real architectural objects and
objectified ideas, as an aesthetic spatial phenomenon,
and not only to consider harmony as a formal abstract
concept. Baroque, as an anthropocosmic and theocos-
mic style in its essence, is characterized by harmony
not only and not so much as statics, but as dynamics,
which, accordingly, can be applied in the organization
of motor activity. Such aspects as friskiness, the abil-
ity to create spatial illusions, carnival elements, re-
finement, aristocracy are of particular interest for the
transformation of baroque ideas into the educational
process. The baroque interpretation of health is exis-
tentially oriented, namely as the fullness and harmony
of life, its friskiness, fullness of events, multidimen-
sionality, activity, self-realization, existence as Homo
Estetikus. Thus, on the example of the application of
the baroque architectural and artistic style for environ-
mentalization and aestheticization, operationalization
(transformation of theoretical provisions into practice
and technology) and transfer (in the sense of recep-
tion, transfer, adaptation, concretization) of ideas, val-
ues, meanings, images, contents of the specified style
in educational practices of health preservation and or-
ganization of motor activity.
The analysis of the results of the training of phys-
ical education teachers in the conditions of postgrad-
uate education using the Architectural and artistic
strategy of ecologization” was carried out using the
“Fedorets questionnaire for the definition and ac-
tualization of ecologically oriented anthropocosmic
ideas, values and intentions of the teacher”. In the ex-
perimental group, a positive dynamic of educational
results is observed. In this group, there is an increase
in positive responses by 47% (before the experiment it
was 46%, after it became 93%). In the control group,
the dynamics is insignificant – 4% (before the experi-
ment it was – 43%, after it became – 47%).
Using the example of Architectural and artistic
strategy of ecologization”, we represent a humanisti-
cally oriented idea of soft ecologization. The essence
of soft ecologization consists in the primary and
dominant application of humanitarian (psychologi-
cal, social, pedagogical) methodologies, techniques
and technologies as system-organizing and determin-
ing factors in the development of environmental con-
sciousness and in the formation of the person of the
future – Homo Ekologicus. That is, not so much legal
and administrative and other (hard) influences should
be leading and determining, but a system of soft, hu-
mane, human-centered influences. Soft ecologization
The Architectural and Artistic Strategy of Ecologization as a Mental-Spatial Way of Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals
is aimed, first of all, at the formation of ecophilic hu-
man qualities (according to Peccei (1977)) on the ba-
sis of revealing the best manifestations of human na-
ture (aestheticism, kindness, mercy, biophilia) and by
actualizing internal motivation, and not through the
threat of punishments and restrictions.
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