scientifically based conclusions about normative and
legal instruments (curriculum, curriculum,
educational subjects, together with educational
literature, training handouts), as well as to conduct
comprehensive scientific research in this regard.
Naturally, this is related to the continuous education
process, the parents or legal representatives of the
learners have the authority to demonstrate sufficient
scientific potential. Therefore, it is necessary to
approach the formation of the first scientific
worldviews of the learner regarding the sphere or
branches of social production based on the results of
reasonable scientific research, and to take the lead in
the organization of training. The question is, how
long should the continuing education process consist
only of abstract, hard-to-understand theories and
views, non-evidence-based approaches, content-
obsolete procedures, and unsubstantiated sources.
The formation of professional qualifications,
based on the study of the laws and rules existing in
today's scientific fields, is brought up as an urgent
issue. In our opinion, there is a demand for provision
of updated handouts in the educational process, to
teach learners about the positive results achieved in
the field of science with the help of creative and
excellent and reliable bases, as well as to adapt the
scientific innovation to the educational process.
In fact, in the event that advanced theoretical
ideas, modern training based on advanced
technologies and theoretical knowledge, practical
skills, and competences are put into motion today's
educational process, the situation adapted to the
achievements of science branches and harmonized
will be achieved at the expense of the unique
potential of the learners.
The results of the experiment show that the
activities of educational organizations are improved
and controlled by specific requirements of targeted
activities in the educational process. This aspect is
proved by the quality conditions of the teaching
process in continuous education and the
corresponding requirements. It is important that all
the positive changes that take the leading role in the
educational process serve to make the learners grow
into creative aspirants. It is natural that the
theoretical and practical improvement of the
formation of professional skills in the context of the
development of education and related scientific
research will cause some deficiencies and
misunderstandings. This situation, in turn, creates a
special order of scientific research on the formation
of professional qualifications, which creates the
obligation to create serious new views on the
formation of professional qualifications.
The formation of professional qualifications
enriched with new views, concepts, rules and terms,
and the confidence to analyze their application in
practice in strict requirements are more clearly
visible. In particular, they determine that there will
be necessary requirements for the necessary
scientific and practical achievements to be carried
out in the future for the necessary mechanisms for
the formation of professional skills.
There are painful points in the formation of
professional qualifications that no one ignores, and
their elimination increases the urgency of the issue
of serious research, scientific and reliable
In the conditions of today's rapid transformation,
providing students with practical experiences with
further improvement of the formation of
professional skills, a highly qualified specialist who
acquires at least one profession or educational field
on the basis of professional activity, who assumes
that he will learn theoretical knowledge, practical
skills, skills, and competencies during the
educational process is a condition that ensures that
the frame becomes an adult. It is the situation that
provides a creative solution to this problem - it
depends on the formation of professional skills,
which is perfect in its own theoretical and practical
It's no secret that during that period of
totalitarian stagnation, each of the training sessions
for students was organized in the same form and
content, and at the same time, the slogan of mass
involvement in the same professions and practical
professional activities was widely applied, in which
only the defined plans were used in any social
Despite the losses, enforcement was pursued. In
particular, false slogans such as "everyone is a
mechanizer", "technician is a farmer" and chasing
numbers, the essence, content and decisive
indicators of the organization of the educational
process in educational organizations - the demand to
train students in practical skills, modern skills and
competences, is the most deplorable situation. ,
customs and traditions arising from the national
interest of nations or states, and activities in
accordance with values have been derailed as a
creative activity.
The utopian requirements embedded in the social
tasks ultimately led to the violation of the historical
consistency of the national culture, traditions, and
traditions associated with the acquisition of
professions in certain training areas at the stages of
the educational process. Theoretical knowledge,
practical skills and skills, which should be formed in
the mind and consciousness of the students, have an
important place in the scientific views of professions
and professional activities, or a very shallow
approach to the problem of faith-based practical
ethics in the work of providing simple information
about them, or targeted and purposeful practical