activities of Amir Shahmurad as follows: “He did not
take Balkh from the Durrani rulers of Afghanistan,
but year after year he successfully crossed the Amu
Darya against Iran. His main goal was to capture
Merv, which is considered the center of Iranian
culture. That is why the Bukharians respected the
strict requirements of Sharia thanks to the military
victories of Emir Shahmurad.
During the period of Amir Shahmurad, as in
previous periods (during the time of the Mongols and
Timurids), military positions retained their power.
Only changes and additions to their duties have been
The names of military leaders were translated into
the honorary name of the person with their position or
military rank. That is, according to the rules of
Muslim anthropotoponymy, the position, rank,
personal qualities or nickname of a person became an
integral part of his name. This is evidenced by the
presence in the sources of such well-known names as
Ahmad Tavachi, Ikim mirokhur, Mirak Yasavul,
Mustafa Tupchiboshi, Tursunbabo Suvchi, Ahmad
Kasym Jibachi. This situation is also often found in
gravestone inscriptions, where the name of the
person, and the composition of terms specific to the
position occur.
Military activity affects everyone in the office, at
least partially, and we can see this in the example of
such services as naqib, kokaldosh, atalik, kushbegi,
shigovul, porter, mirokhur, munshi, bakovul, khanchi
(hansolor), treasurer. According to the rules
characteristic of that time, public service bodies and
their employees during the war, in addition to their
direct duties, were engaged in military activities.
The fact is that the holders of administrative and
military positions were engaged in the military sphere
during the war and were engaged in their activities,
and peacetime they were engaged in their
administrative duties, that is, they did not fully
specialize in military affairs. This, of course, had a
negative impact on the growth of professional
military skills.
There are dewans (ministries) in the emirate that
exercise executive power, and among them, there is
no separate dewan dealing with the military and
defense sphere, as was the case in former times.
As with all fields, military appointments were
made with great emphasis on ancestry, social origins,
wealth, tribalism, and local traditions. A backward
military system prevailed due to the lack of a military
system based on knowledge and training, and military
scientific schools.
According to information about the amount of
material assistance provided to military officials,
commanders and officials above commanders were
given 6 tithes of land each, officers and lower
officials - 4 tithes each, lieutenants - 3 tithes each,
artillerymen - 2 tithes each, and generals 1 acre.
Another type of gift is aluf, which is mainly given
to military and administrative officials. Aluf was
based on wheat and barley products in kind. Officials
were also given a sarupo (shirt, robe, turban) made of
clothing, the quality of which depended on the status
of the official. A. According to Sukhareva, according
to another tradition in the administration of the
emirate, when everyone was appointed to a public
position, he also got a government house (a house
from the padishah). There were many such houses in
Bukhara, and they differed in quality and size. Some
of them were built of magnificent bricks, while others
consisted of a sinch (a beam stuck between the plinth
(tagsinch) and the top tree (sarr) of the walls of
buildings and structures, the "frame" of the house).
The Sipokh class, which made up the majority of
officials, had broad social rights and privileges,
enshrined in law or custom, depending on their
occupation and position. Firstly, the appointment of a
person to a certain business and title gave him the
original legal rank and rank. The military or
administrative merits of a person before the state, his
abilities, and his class are important. Along with
letters of commendation, titles, and epithets also
legally fixed the social status of an official.
The army consisted mainly of cavalry and
infantry. Almost all captains were made up of
Mongols. In the Middle Ages, warriors from
Movarounnahr became famous for their skill and
courage, so the saying appeared “Make an army from
Movarounnahr, take a wife from Rum, settle in
In the emirate, the apparatus of local self-
government played an important role in the collection
of troops. In this matter, the heads of local estates
have a great responsibility. As soon as the news of the
campaign was announced, local governors began to
gather troops. ("Tavochi" and "herald" have powers
and duties in the 16th-18th centuries. 11 powers of
Tavochi are explained, and during the time of the
Mongols, only the call to assemble troops was
determined, while during the period of study, he had
10 duties in the military sphere.)
The number of soldiers was calculated before
being called up for a military campaign and gathering
troops, that is, it was calculated in advance how many
troops would arrive from each administrative unit.
Sometimes you may notice that the number of
warriors has increased to an uncountable number, or
that the number of troops below the set number has
been collected due to the disobedience of a certain
Amir Shahmurad was able to win the respect of
the warriors with his Sufi way of life in battles. In
addition, he was respected for the fact that the money