Formation of Mathematical Thinking Competence in Students as a
Scientific Pedagogical Issue
Kenjayeva Sanobar Ibragimovna
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Student, Thinking, Mathematical Thinking, Ability, Competence, Scientific Pedagogical Problem, Pedagogy,
Education, School, Mathematics, Method, Method, Interactive Methodology, Analysis, Development.
Abstract: School education is a part of the continuous education system that requires special attention. The door to all
the opportunities necessary to achieve the effectiveness of quality education on a global scale is being opened
on a large scale. How to build a 21st century school system? such questions are also being considered at the
level of global education policy. Systematic work is being carried out in the environment of digitalization of
education, introduction of the most advanced methods of teaching on the basis of digital technologies related
to education and training, in accordance with the standards of world education. Today, global globalization
processes have an impact on the development of science, education, art, culture, sports, economy, business,
marketing, construction industry, production, and so on. it is known to everyone. In particular, the processes
of globalization have brought about important changes in the field of education. First of all, these are
characterized by transformation processes, that is, deep, new qualitative changes in the quality, efficiency,
structure, and functions of education. This article talks about the reasons why the development of
mathematical thinking competence is considered as a pedagogical problem and the methods of solving the
problem, as well as information about the opinions of scientists, types of thinking and existing problems in
It is clear from history that education is increasingly
becoming a global topic, that education can positively
change people's lives and ways of living, and that it is
a means of developing the country's development.
Moreover, today's era of globalization, the Internet,
the creation of artificial intelligence and digital We
are witnessing the development of technologies.
To this day, the great mathematicians Al-Khorazmi,
Gauss, Pythagoras, etc., with the unique problems of
developing mathematical literacy and their solutions,
in the process of education and training, the use of
verbal forms of mathematical calculations in solving
life problems, and now E.M. Mardonov, A.H.
Avezov, S. Alikhanov, M.E. Jumayev, Sh.V.
Imomova, M.N. Ismoilova and others, as well as Alan
H. Schoenfeld, Richard Rusczyk, Joe Boaler, John
Mason, Leone Burton, Kaye Stacey, Randall
Maddox, Steven Strogatz In addition, Russian
scientists Ya.I. Perelman, M.A. Bantova, A.V.
Beloshistaya, G.N. Berman, S.I.Volkova, D.R.
Gonchar, T.E. Demidova, I.I. Martinov and others
also conducted research.
Ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras
believed that numbers and geometry could be used to
understand the universe. Pythagoras and his followers
were interested in the spiritual development of man.
According to them, there is an inextricable
connection between mathematical ratios and music,
and music could be used to achieve mental balance.
As Pythagoras and his followers tried to unravel the
mysteries of the universe through thought, they were
inspired by such fields as number, proportion,
geometry, and music (Riedweg, C. 2005).
The great thinker scientist Al-Khwarazmi in his
work "Kitab al-muqaballa" explains the rules of
mathematics and algebra in general. It also shows
operations that use mathematical ideas. The main
purpose of this work is to teach the basic knowledge
of arithmetic and algebra, to understand their
important rules and to help learn arithmetic
operations. In addition, since the work shows
Ibragimovna, K.
Formation of Mathematical Thinking Competence in Students as a Scientific Pedagogical Issue.
DOI: 10.5220/0012664500003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 60-64
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
methods, formulas and concepts, students are
expected to understand its basic environment and
methods of analysis, and it provides theoretical and
practical knowledge for students to perform analysis
through thinking, and to apply it in practice.
Alan H. Schoenfeld is a distinguished researcher
in mathematics education who has made significant
contributions to the field. In his book, Mathematical
Thinking and Problem Solving, Schoenfeld explores
various aspects of mathematical thinking and
provides insight into effective problem-solving
strategies. Schoenfeld emphasizes the importance of
developing mathematical thinking skills in students.
He believes that mathematical thinking goes beyond
simple calculation and includes a deep understanding
of mathematical concepts, the ability to apply these
concepts in a variety of contexts, and the ability to
reason and solve problems effectively. Schoenfeld
explores a variety of problem-solving techniques and
approaches to help students solve math problems. He
emphasizes the importance of persistence, flexibility
and creativity in problem solving (Alan H.
Schoenfeld. 2016).
Y. I. Perelman's approach to mathematical
thinking was characterized by deep intuition, rigorous
thinking, and great emphasis on understanding basic
concepts. He believed in the power of simplicity and
elegance in mathematical proofs, often sought
concise explanations and avoided unnecessary
complexity. He had a critical view of the
mathematical community and the culture around it. In
general, Perelman's views on mathematical thinking
emphasized the importance of deep understanding,
simplicity, and originality. He has demonstrated the
power of intuition and innovative approaches to
solving complex problems (Y.I. Perelman.2016).
According to M.E. Jumayev, mathematics allows
children to develop thinking, attention, memory,
creative imagination, observation. Also, mathematics
prepares the ground for students to improve their
logical thinking skills, to express their thoughts
clearly, correctly and comprehensibly. The task of the
teacher is to effectively use these opportunities in
teaching mathematics to children (M.E.Jumayev.
We cite several reasons why the competence of
mathematical thinking is considered as a scientific
pedagogical problem:
1. Complex expression of the theoretical
information given in the textbooks up to this day;
2. Pupils' inability to consciously master subjects
due to lack of cognitive activity;
3. The inability of graduates of general education
schools to correctly choose higher education
institutions in the field they are interested in;
4. Formation of students' habit of using theoretical
knowledge and formulas based on memorization;
5. Failure of the school teacher to guide students
according to their specific competencies;
6. Students' mathematical thinking competencies
are not developed;
7. Lack of systematic planning of practical
training for the development of mathematical
thinking competence.
We believe that scientific research on mathematical
thinking cannot meet the requirements of the 21st
century, when technology and technology are
developing, and people's lifestyles are being made
easier. Because, in the above-mentioned studies, it is
emphasized that students use a lot of theoretical and
complex scientific information by memorizing it.
This causes various inconveniences and difficulties
for students in completing problems and examples.
Because of this, students' interest in science gradually
fades. Such a situation is considered a pedagogical
problem. Today's student is quickly bored with such
complex theoretical knowledge, therefore, it is
necessary to develop concrete methods that develop
students' thinking and thinking competencies, that is,
to solve problems, it is necessary to carry out new
scientific and research work on this topic. For this
purpose, it is appropriate to teach students practical
skills and abilities that develop the ability to easily get
out of difficult life situations by giving up the
memorization option and thinking. During the article,
you can get acquainted with some methods of solving
problems through mathematical thinking.
First of all, let's pay attention to the meaning of
the word thought. Thinking is a mental process that
reflects the reality of the environment indirectly with
the help of speech, and is a mental activity aimed at
understanding social causal relationships,
discovering new things and predicting (G’oziyev E.
It is known from the basics of physiology that the
cerebral hemispheres are responsible for mental
activity. People with a dominant right hemisphere are
more emotional, which contrasts with imaginative,
abstract thinking. Such persons have a humanitarian
mind. If the left hemisphere dominates, the person has
more practical, analytical thinking and mathematical
Formation of Mathematical Thinking Competence in Students as a Scientific Pedagogical Issue
thinking. In general, there are 5 main categories of
human thinking:
- practical;
- artistic and figurative;
- humanitarian;
- mathematician (analytical);
- universal (synthetic) thinking.
As the title of the topic indicates, we believe that
mathematical thinking is the most common type of
thinking that needs to be developed for
schoolchildren. Mathematical (analytical) thinking is
very similar to practical thinking (Keith Devlin.
The development of mathematical thinking skills
is important for students' in-depth study of
mathematics. This allows students to develop
thinking skills in learning science, solving problems,
and solving important issues. Here are some ways to
develop mathematical thinking skills:
3.1 Encourage Thinking in the Process
of Solving Problems
In solving mathematical problems, students should
be made aware that they can face several problems
and solve them easily through their thinking skills. It
is also important to develop these skills. Students
should be encouraged to explore and tackle problems
in order to develop their problem-solving thinking
skills. It involves giving students input during
problem-solving, asking students for input at each
stage of problem-solving, and considering a wide
range of problems and taking their opinions and
comments into account, making joint decisions if
necessary. it is also possible to sufficiently stimulate
and develop students' thinking skills.
3.2 Reading out Math Problems
Reading math problems also develops students' deep-
thinking skills in solving all problems. In this way,
students will have the opportunity to think freely
among themselves, listen to each other, and get
acquainted with approaches that are suitable for their
own learning methods.
3.3 Finding Unusual Ways to Solve
Math Problems
Math questions and unusual ways to solve problems
also help students develop problem-solving thinking
skills. It also directs students to new approaches to
problem solving, creative thinking, self-expression,
and revealing leadership qualities.
Through mathematical analysis, students examine
mathematical problems and learn to think about ways
to solve them. By analyzing, students will be able to
understand and solve mathematical problems more
clearly, and they will be able to think about and accept
specific answers, and these skills will also develop.
4.1 Acquisition of Mathematical
Knowledge through Active
Considering the variety of existing problems in the
given problem, creative approach to these problems
will give rise to some thoughtful questions, of course,
the students should look at these questions as serious
problems, and also the questions that arise in the mind
of each student will be asked by other students. must
orally tell and read to the students. That is, students
understand mathematical knowledge through active
observation, paying attention to its smallest elements
in a more accurate, comprehensive and perfect way,
and also learn to evaluate how much they think and
how they think by comparing with their peers.
Through this method, the student learns to respect the
opinion of each peer as a person and to listen carefully
to them. With this convenient method, finding a
solution to the problem is also a little easier.
Observation is one of the main tasks for students in
learning and solving mathematical problems.
Students will also have the opportunity to express
themselves freely, find non-traditional ways to read
and solve mathematical questions and problems, and
reacquaint themselves with approaches that match the
methods they have learned.
4.2 Using Various Interactive Methods
That Develop Intellectual Abilities
in Each Session
This method helps students to think, to think, to
increase their interest in science, to analyze, to prove,
to conclude, to be active in class, to have healthy
competition, to compromise with each other and to
work as a team.
Regular use of these and other interactive methods
and mathematical thinking skills in solving problems
and issues leads to achieving high results in most
cases. Of course, students need such approaches in
the course of the lesson. Here, you can get a closer
look at one of the famous thinker Edward de Bono's
famous methods for developing different thinking
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
techniques and methods for creative thinking and
problem solving. Called the Six Thinking Hats, this
method focuses on solving problems using different
thinking hats. Each hat represents a different
approach to thinking. There are six different hats:
white hat (knowledge-based thinking), red hat
(emotional thinking), black hat (critical thinking),
yellow hat (positive thinking), green hat (creative
thinking), and blue hat (managerial thinking).
Such methods are a clear example of work on
improving the ability to think. The use of such
interesting interactive methods designed for each
problem-solving process can be a great reason to
dramatically increase the student's creative thinking,
critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
It is known to everyone that the quality and content
of the lessons conducted in the school are of particular
importance in achieving the effectiveness of
education. Therefore, it is appropriate for us to pay
great attention to the organization of lessons at
school. It is precisely the development of students'
mathematical thinking competencies that is
considered as a pedagogical problem in the school.
Why here? the question is appropriate, of course. Not
only mathematics, if we consider all subjects,
schoolchildren cannot fully master subjects in class,
and this process continues until the students graduate
from school. At the same time, the student graduates
from school. The result is not long in coming. It
would be correct to say that the results of the entrance
exams for higher education, which are held every year
in the summer season in our country and continue in
a traditional manner, shed much light on the issue. It
is not difficult to understand what we want to say, just
thinking about it is enough. If we take a closer look at
the issue, the following questions and thoughts will
certainly arise:
- what percentage of school graduates correctly
choose a higher education institution that matches
their interests;
- is it possible to compare the knowledge of the
students from the general education school and the
knowledge from the private educational centers;
-why do parents think about which school to send
their children to, that is, it differs greatly from school
to school;
- are there specific methodical manuals on ways
to develop the thinking competencies of
In the era of rapidly developing information
technology, we are witnessing the continuous
development of innovations and changes in science,
education, technology, telecommunications and all
other fields. These processes also have an impact on
general education schools. That is, attracting the
attention of today's students to education is
considered as a problem. The reason is that the tools
that distract students' minds and imaginations, social
networks, internet games, the increasing desire to
earn money from childhood, lack of interest in
reading books, lack of self-confidence, some parents
the consequences of disrespecting mothers, teachers,
etc., easily keep them away from school, education,
and thinking. Because of this, we, as a community of
pedagogues, should be enthusiastic as a spreader of
knowledge, a teacher of spirituality and cultural
In the implementation of work aimed at students'
education at school, increasing their interest in
science, and developing their thinking skills, radical
changes and new textbooks were developed aimed at
teaching each subject from the initial stage of
education. Among other things, this article also serves
to solve the problems of developing students'
mathematical thinking competence.
It can be said that the subjects taught in general
education schools are very important for the student
to become a well-rounded person in all respects and
gain his place in society. In particular, if we look at
the example of mathematics, mathematical elements
are taught to children from the kindergarten age, this
knowledge is developed in general education school,
academic lyceum and later in higher education
institutions and serves them throughout their life. As
time goes by, the role of mathematics in life is
expanding, and its branches are also increasing.
Today, our way of life cannot be imagined without
mathematics. If we pay attention to the lesson loads
of general education schools, the largest hour of the
lesson is allocated to mathematics. The role of
mathematics in the development of students'
mathematical thinking is incomparable. More
specifically, developing mathematical thinking skills
today requires students to use multiple methods to
develop their thinking skills in solving mathematical
problems (
Kenjayeva S.I.).
The above-mentioned methods of developing
mathematical thinking skills teach students to think
broadly and speak freely when solving mathematical
Formation of Mathematical Thinking Competence in Students as a Scientific Pedagogical Issue
problems, and also encourage them to analyze
mathematical problems, think, and work with basic
mathematical interactive activities. and we can say
that it creates ample opportunities for deeper learning
of mathematics and brings students' mathematical
thinking skills to a high level. In particular, the use of
the last method mentioned above, i.e. "Using different
games, crosswords, puzzles and interactive methods
in each lesson" is one of the most common methods
in Finnish education, and it helps to develop students'
mathematical thinking competencies. aimed at
development. But this method is not widespread in
our country. Because teachers use such activity only
in open classes held twice a year. The method we
would like to propose is that each teacher, in each
lesson, should use a standard teaching method (taking
attendance, asking for homework, explaining a new
topic, reinforcing, evaluating and taking home) in
order to develop students' mathematical thinking.
assigning a task) should be abandoned and based on
a new approach, create lessons consisting of
interactive methods, puzzles, energizers and games.
During the explanation of the topic, it is necessary to
use real life examples, if necessary, with the help of
questions, it is necessary to ensure that the students
themselves participate in this process. For example, it
is very easy to explain numbers from 1 to 9 and 0 to
them based on real-life examples when introducing
elementary school students to numbers. If we look at
the example of the number 1, the creator of us is one,
the moon, the sun, mother, father and country are one,
and if we explain using certain examples from the
environment that surrounds us, such as one life to
live, then the number 1 means solitary in the minds of
the students. meaning will remain forever. In the
process of explaining the topic "Positive and negative
numbers", examples of positive and negative
characteristics of people in life, in the topic
"Derivation", explaining the first process of clothes
made of pure cotton, in the topic "Graph of a
quadratic function", electric wires, argimchak, in the
topic "EKUB and EKUK" using the general
characteristics of family members, parents and
children, in the topic "Circle and Circle" using
examples such as car wheels, ball, watermelon, to
show that each topic is related to life and why
students' thinking skills can be developed by
explaining the need.
Today, using the experience of Finnish
education, which shows the highest results in PISA
and PIRLS assessment programs worldwide, has
created a specific system in its education system and
is an example for other countries, more than 10,000
schools in our country. It can be the basis for creating
equality, healthy environment and alternative
education among students in educational schools. We
will cover the information about the use of interactive
methods in the next articles.
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Perelman Y.I.. Qiziqarli matematika. – T: Sharq. – 2016. –
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G’oziyev E. Umumiy psixologiya psixologiya
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Alan H. Schoenfeld. (2016). Mathematical Thinking and
Problem Solving (Studies in Mathematical Thinking
and Learning Series) Mahwah, New Jersey, USA.
"Introduction to Mathematical Thinking" by Keith Devlin.
Riedweg, C. (2005). Pythagoras: His Life, Teaching, and
Influence. (W. H. Kluback & M. E. Pomeroy, Trans.).
Cornell University Press. (Original work published
De Bono, E. (1985). Six Thinking Hats. Little, Brown and
Kenjayeva S.I. umumta’lim maktabining ta’lim sifati
samaradorligini oshirishga kompetensiyaviy
yondashuv. -
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR