Exploring Abu Raykhan Beruni's Scientific Paradigm and
Ontological Dialectics
Ortikova Dilbar
, Masharipova Gularam
, Bahrom Orzikulov
and Farida Umarova
Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Scientific Heritage, Paradigm, Ontological Views. Dialectics, Man, Universe, Nature, Social Life, Creation
of the World.
Abstract: The article scientifically explores the dialectic of the natural science paradigm and the ontological views of
Abu Rayhan Beruni. For Abu Rayhan Beruni, experience is one of the methods of knowing existence. The
natural scientific heritage of Abu Raikhan Beruni, the problems posed by specific sciences, play an important
role in creating a general picture of the world, that is, in the formation of a philosophical worldview.
A study of the scientific aspects of the creation of the
Universe, the creator and the doctrine of man, the
universe, nature and social life in the scientific
heritage of thinkers who have made a significant
contribution to world civilization, revealing the
essence of the relationship between man and nature,
a relevant today justification for the place of natural
scientific views in the development of social and
philosophical thinking. Studying nature and its
objective laws, Abu Rayhan Beruni stated that nature
is constantly changing and developing, matter creates
and changes the shape of things, and the soul
(thought, spiritual phenomena) is an important
property of the body. He writes about this: “Only
experience and repeated testing can eliminate my
doubt... despite the unanimous opinion of the
speakers, its validity is not confirmed by experience”
(Abu al-Beruni, 1963; p.44). At the same time, the
scientist describes experience and experimentation as
a way of understanding existence.
According to the researchers, “Beruni can with
good reason be considered one of the creators of the
empirical method in medieval science. He conducted
a number of experiments to determine the properties
and specific gravity of metals and minerals”
(Khairullaev, 1988; p. 39). Experienced knowledge is
interpreted by the thinker as reliable knowledge
according to certain standards.
Observation plays an important role in the work of
Abu Rayhan Beruni. In the scientific study of nature,
observation is interconnected with other forms of
knowledge. In his opinion, the observer perceives the
observed phenomenon in the place where it occurs
(Abu al-Beruni, 1963; p.57). Consequently,
observation records this or that phenomenon in its
specific form (Abu al-Beruni, 1963; p.260). Old
observational data can greatly distort the true
characteristics of an object. Beruni notes that the
experiment conducted by the researcher and its result
are practically reliable. He writes: “There is no other
priority program other than testing; there is no
program leading to success other than testing by
experience” (Abu al-Beruni, 1963; p. 340).
With the help of astronomical observations,
Beruni tried to solve complex problems such as
eclipses of the Moon and the Sun, their impact on life
on Earth, climate, natural and artificial selection,
conservation, developmental anomalies, with the help
of new progressive methods and theoretical
One of Beruni's contributions to improving the
scientific picture of the universe and solving the most
important philosophical problems associated with it
is posing the question of the equality of his teachings
on the movement and movement of the Earth from a
geometric point of view. In his work “India,” Beruni
pays great attention to the theory of the Indian
Dilbar, O., Gularam, M., Orzikulov, B. and Umarova, F.
Exploring Abu Raykhan Beruni’s Scientific Paradigm and Ontological Dialectics.
DOI: 10.5220/0012676000003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 99-104
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
scientist Oryabhata that the Earth moves, but the sky
remains in its place without movement, and expresses
his critical thoughts on this matter. Also, Beruni’s
correspondence with ibn Sina contained various
socio-philosophical and natural science discussions.
According to Beruni, man differs from other creatures
in his mind. Beruni tries to rely on material factors
and laws of nature and reflects on the important role
of the geographical factor in the life of humanity and
society. In his work on India, he analyzes the
differences in the traditions of Hindus and Muslims
and comes to the conclusion that they also depend on
geographical conditions. Abu Rayhan Beruni
expresses the opinion that “... people were forced to
unite into society in order to protect each other, to do
something necessary to provide for themselves and
others” (Abu Beruni, 1968; p. 236). According to
him, in addition to this, a person needs to work
Abu Rayhan Beruni is considered one of the
greatest thinkers not only of Central Asia, but also of
the East as a whole, in the history of world science
and culture. His works “India”, “Historical
Monuments of Ancient Peoples”, “Mineralogy”
studied issues such as people’s lifestyle, social life
and social relations. The preface to the work
“Mineralogy” contains valuable thoughts about the
social status of man, the nobility, social life, duty on
earth, and social justice.
Abu Rayhan Beruni is literally one of the
politicians and statesmen of his time. In his work
“Historical Lies of Ancient Peoples,” he left
necessary and interesting information about various
peoples: Greeks, Persians, Malikian Christians, Jews
and pagans, Christian Christians, pagan Arabs,
Sabites, Turks, Muslim Arabs and other peoples.
In his work “India,” he gave reliable opinions
about Indian society, customs, internal structure,
family relationships, year, month and historical dates,
rituals, and marriage issues.
Abu Rayhan Beruni put forward and proved
important scientific and philosophical ideas about
nature, natural phenomena and processes endlessly
occurring in it. It reveals the ontology of changes in
the world, that is, the structure, specific reasons for
the appearance and disappearance of disturbances, as
well as natural scientific and sociological
Abu Rayhan Beruni recalls his youth in the work
“Saidana” and says: “Since childhood, I have longed
to learn as much as possible, depending on my age
and circumstances. The following fact can be cited as
proof of this: a Greek moved to the place where we
live (at that time). I took all sorts of grains, seeds,
fruits, etc., showed them to him, asked what these
things were called in his language, and wrote down
their names” (Shamsi, 1974; p. 194-195).
The rich cultural heritage of Abu Rayhan Beruni
was not limited to his scientific and cultural works; in
addition, the encyclopedist was also interested in
political and legal issues. One of the political ideas of
Abu Rayhan Beruni is his views on the emergence of
the state. In his opinion, he puts forward the idea that
people are forced to come together in an organized
way to fight their enemy and satisfy their basic needs.
Therefore, the basic rules of people's social life
should be based on principles such as mutual
assistance, living peacefully with each other, and
working in the name of common interests. The main
task of a person is to work. Because everything is
achieved through hard work. People explain the main
reason for the division of people into oppressors and
oppressors by property inequality, based on concepts
such as rich and poor, and labor and barter contracts
concluded between citizens are divided into two
types: first, legal or fair contracts - in which they
receive wages payment commensurate with their
work. The second is illegal or unfair contracts - where
deception, coercion and inequality are used, where
the interests of only one party are taken into account
(Masharipova, 2019; p. 171-172).
Abu Rayhan Beruni Beruni was an encyclopedist
who was also interested in political and legal issues
and was literally a very knowledgeable person of his
time in matters of state and administration. He seeks
questions about the state, the emergence of law and
his duties from natural needs, like Abu Nasr Farabi.
His ideas have a sense of opposition to despotism, and
people unite into a state based on an agreement to
establish a system of social justice, says Abu Raihan.
- Although enlightened kings are glorified, in his
opinion, society should not serve the king, but the
king should serve society. “The essence of
administration and management is to protect the
rights of those who have suffered under the
oppressors, to lose their own peace for the sake of the
peace of others. It consists of physical exhaustion in
order to protect and defend one's family, one's life and
property. According to his political views, the head of
state must have the ability to govern by nature. The
head of state must have the natural ability to govern,
be firm in his opinions and decisions, and follow the
laws of the sages when solving important issues of the
state. Explaining this with the example of Aristotle's
advice to Alexander and the story of Alexander's
adherence to it, he says: “The task of a just ruler is to
establish equality and justice between the higher and
lower classes, the strong and the weak” (Abu Beruni,
1968; p.73).
To do this, the head of state should follow the
laws of the sages when resolving important issues of
the state. In this, Abu Rayhan Beruni gives the
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example of Aristotle's advice to Alexander, and
Alexander followed it. According to Abu Rayhan
Beruni, “the task of a just ruler is to establish equality
and justice between the upper and lower classes, the
strong and the weak.”
Abu Rayhan Beruni, seeing that the reign has
become a legacy, opposes the law of the state, which
is passed on from one generation to another, and the
position of a person in society is determined by the
antiquity of the generation and the merits of the
ancestors. On this occasion, he says: “Whoever says
that he will receive a position (royal or gubernatorial)
through his deceased relatives and ancestors, he
himself has died, such descendants are alive.” In his
opinion, the leadership of the state depends on the
abilities of a person; he puts forward the idea that the
ability of a particular statesman to manage power
does not depend on the abilities of his descendants.
Nowadays, the skin color, language and appearance
of people differ not only depending on the generation,
but also depending on the environment, air and water
in which they live. In his opinion, the existence of
different states and the existence of different rulers
depend on the above (Abu-р-Raihan, 1963; p.235).
В политических воззрениях Абу Райхана
Беруни выдвигается идея о том, что правитель,
избранный народом для управления
государством, должен быть справедливым и
человеколюбивым (Abu-р-Raihan, 1963; с.237).
Эта мысль поясняется на примере рассказа в
произведении «Минералогия»: «Там между
представителями управления земли
собственниками земли они переходили друг к
другу по очереди, и кому доставалась очередь,
правил эти три месяца. По истечении срока он в
знак благодарности раздает милостыню и
возвращается к своему народу, радуясь вместе с
ним, как будто освободившись от оков, и
занимаясь своим делом. Это потому, что
говорится, что управлять
лишение удовольствия. В данном случае он имеет
в виду, что сделает угнетателей в этом месте
справедливыми по отношению к угнетенным. А
это истязать свою жизнь с целью подготовки
военного мероприятия для защиты своих
подчиненных и себя» (Abu-р-Raihan, 1963; p.237).
Abu Rayhan Beruni, in his teaching on spirituality
and enlightenment, says that thinking determines
manners, intelligence, education, work, human life
and social essence. He proved that such important
factors as joint activities based on mutual assistance,
socio-economic, spiritual and educational ties and
relationships play a large role in the formation of
society even in the Middle Ages. The emergence and
development of society, the formation of the spiritual
and moral image of a person are the result of the need
of people to work together, this is often mentioned in
the teachings of Abu Rayhan Beruni.
The need to jointly perform certain tasks lies at
the core of the existence of human activity. “The
dignity and most important task of a person is to
realize his own interests at an excellent level, so in
this place work is valued, thanks to his work a person
can achieve high positions,” writes Abu Rayhan
Beruni in Geodesy” (Bulgakov, 1966; p. 132).
The study used analysis, synthesis, structural
analysis, induction and deduction, and comparative
methods. The observability of objects, the
reproducibility of experiments and the verifiability of
observations can be noted in the legacy of Abu
Rayhan Beruni. These considerations suggest that
experience as a method of acquiring knowledge and
testing its reliability was quite widespread back in the
medieval period. It is important that the idea is
developed and the acquisition of reliable knowledge
is associated with experience, the reliability of the
knowledge is verified by experience.
According to medieval astronomers and
representatives of the exact sciences, Beruni's series
of astronomical discoveries surpassed those of the
Greek astronomer Ptolemy. Beruni's theory of matter,
units of measurement, speed, linear and angular
velocity, weight, specific gravity, contacting vessels,
springs, arterial wells, atmospheric pressure vacuum,
convection, attraction between liquid particles, free
fall of colliding bodies, simple mechanisms,
experiments. and thoughts have not only a physical,
universal, but also a philosophical meaning.
Labor is the basis for the spiritual and moral
improvement of a person. Through work a person gets
what he wants, he explains that due to the lack of
work there is no joy in life. This idea becomes the
main issue in the socio-political and philosophical
teachings of Abu Rayhan Beruni, especially in his
views on spirituality and enlightenment. In the
teachings of Abu Rayhan Beruni, those associated
with spiritual and educational views, morals, labor,
profession, education, knowledge are analyzed and
interpreted in dialectical unity. No wonder he wrote
that any area of practical human activity cannot be
realized without their interdependence. Honesty,
Exploring Abu Raykhan Beruni’s Scientific Paradigm and Ontological Dialectics
fairness, justice - these are signs of Beruni’s excellent
manners and high spirituality. He teaches that even at
his own expense, not to turn away from the truth, to
speak the truth, to approach everything fairly and
impartially, he himself becomes an example of
lifelong loyalty to these ideas and teachings.
The teachings of Abu Rayhan Beruni about
spirituality and enlightenment, universal ideas such as
science, brotherhood, culture, sincerity, justice,
equality, humanity, goodness, correctness, serve as
the moral, ethical, spiritual and philosophical basis
for the formation of a new national education of
Alloma's thoughts, on the one hand, creatively
developed the advanced traditions of Central Asia, on
the other hand, Beruni's maturity testifies to the
breadth of the range of thought. It is noteworthy that
he raised the question of the “cause of causes” of man
and the emergence of human society. “The oldest and
most famous of ancient stories is the beginning of
humanity” (Abu Beruni, 1968; p.50). At this point we
see that Beruni takes a position of rationalism
regarding the emergence of an individual society.
When Beruni spoke about the existence of tawafut
between people, he thought only about external
differences. But the internal structure and
organization of people, in his opinion, are the same
for everyone. He notes that there are similarities
between humans and apes.
Analyzing the differences between Muslim and
Indian traditions in his work “India”, he put forward
the idea that they depend on geographical conditions,
continuing to analyze the role of the geographical
factor, he believed that even the diversity of
languages depends on geographical conditions. “The
reason languages vary is because people divide into
groups and stay away from each other.”
Abu Rayhan Beruni admits that social life is built
on the basis of a special “contract”: “A person begins
to realize his needs and the need to live together with
people like him. Therefore, they begin to draw up a
“contract” of mutual consent. The cohabitation of
people does not lead a person to real power, to the
satisfaction of his needs, for this, too, one must
work.” Continuing this thought, he wrote that “the
dignity of man consists in the performance of his duty
at an excellent level: therefore the most important
duty and place of man is determined by work, and
man achieves his desire through work.”
At one time, Abu Rayhan Beruni founded real
scientific natural science; in its various fields, he put
forward ideas and scientific hypotheses that were
amazing for his time, which were proven in European
science several centuries later. Beruniy is one of the
pioneers of precise scientific thinking, based on real
experience, observations and experiments in the
Middle Ages. He also worked in the field of
philology, studied the structure of Indian poetry, and
translated classical Arabic poetry and examples of
Iranian folklore into Arabic. Beruni believed that the
development of the country is inextricably linked
with the development of science [9, p. 126-138].
“Every scientist must base his reasoning on
practice, work continuously in his research, be
precise, look for and correct all kinds of fabrications
for the sake of truth in science, and fight
superficiality,” he said. He fought for peoples to live
as a union, and strongly condemned wars that destroy
humanity, the science and culture it created. In his
work “India,” he wrote with regret that “there is a lot
of friction and quarrels between peoples.” His
extensive research work in India focused on issues of
friendship and strengthening mutual cooperation and
cultural ties between peoples. It can be seen that
Beruni paid great attention to the wide dissemination
of cultural knowledge and cooperation.
Beruni places particular emphasis on emotional
cognition. He writes: “When the fields of knowledge
develop more and more, they will increase as the
intellect of people joins them, and a sign of this is the
desire of people for science, respect for it, respect for
scientists.” Regarding the knowledge of the unknown
principles of reality, he says: “All phenomena that
need to be known have a path through which
knowledge can be obtained.”
The encyclopedic book by Abu Rayhan Beruni
entitled “Relics of Ancient Peoples” (Abu Beruni,
1968) can be considered a classic encyclopedic work
devoted to the analysis and synthesis of the events of
the last 5 thousand years of human history. In this
book, the great thinker spoke about the methods that
he used in the process of writing the work, and wrote
about his scientific and philosophical research:
“During the writing of this work, I became convinced
that it is impossible to obtain real information by
citing evidence from intellectual things and
comparing them with observable things. This is
determined by following only the “people of the
book” and various religious figures, people of various
professions and beliefs who follow these (beliefs) and
their concepts are always justified. Then this is known
by comparing the words and the beliefs that they
bring for proof” (Abu Beruni, 1968; p. 406).
The ways and methods of understanding the
world are developed in philosophy and this is
expressed in methodology (the study of methods).
The social philosophy of Abu Rayhan Beruni is based
on a discussion about the ways and methods of
studying man and society (Karimov et al., 2008; p.5).
Abu Rayhan Beruni notes that the landscape of the
world was formed as a result of an evolutionary
process. “This supports the idea that the source
governing the Universe is a conflict consisting of
“structure and destruction” (Abu Beruni, 1968; p. 26).
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At the same time, Beruni says that the force that
leads the world to social development is not conflicts
and contradictions, but reconciliation and harmony at
different social levels. “How can you believe in
something that clearly contradicts?” (Abu Beruni,
1968; p.44), - the thinker points to the growing need
to change processes free from contradictions.
Throughout his entire creative activity, Alloma was
interested in issues of social life, and expressed his
philosophical views in the works “India” and “Relics
of Ancient Peoples”. Abu Rayhan Beruni developed
the philosophical ideas of thinkers of Central Asia
and the East. In particular, in his work “Memorials of
Ancient Peoples,” he tried to solve the issue of human
life on a scientific basis. He showed the importance
of the geographical factor in the life of society and
people, its influence on social events. He attributed
differences in Muslim and Hindu traditions to
geographical conditions and even attributed
differences between languages to geographical
factors. In his opinion, the path to philosophy lies
through the natural sciences, which allow us to deeply
understand existence. In general, Beruni agrees with
the definition of philosophy as a science that cognizes
the essence of existence. He also agreed with the
point of view of Abu Mashar al-Balkhi that “Nature
is the strongest” (Abu Beruni, 1968; p. 99). Scientists
of the East and West made a significant contribution
to the creation and development of world socio-
philosophical teaching. During certain periods of
social development, the countries of the East
occupied a leading position. Theoretically, it is wrong
to one- sidedly exaggerate or underestimate the role
of the peoples of Asia and Europe in the development
of world philosophy. Any science is inherently
universal. Every nation on earth, regardless of its size,
contributes to its development.
As the spirituality of mankind grew, views on
society also improved; more complex and reliable
scientific and philosophical views on society arose in
comparison with very simple religious and
mythological views on society. Great scholars such as
Farobi, Abu Rayhan Beruni and Ibn Sina made
significant contributions to the development of
consistent scientific and philosophical views on
society. For many centuries, their progressive views
played an important role in improving social relations
and the formation of a perfect human personality and
are still relevant today.
Abu Rayhan Beruni founded real scientific
natural science in the conditions of the Middle
Eastern Renaissance; he put forward scientific and
hypothetical ideas that were amazing for his time in
various fields of natural science, which were proven
in European science several centuries later. It should
be noted that Beruni’s works express deep socio-
scientific and philosophical considerations and
generalizations related to his natural science views.
Based on the scientific and philosophical teachings of
Farabi, he believes that Allah is the root cause of
everything. He understands that God is recognized as
the creator of all things. But Beruni gives nature the
right to develop and change everything that comes
from the root cause. According to his teachings,
everything in nature is created on the basis of natural
laws, nature has its own natural force, and under the
influence of this force, processes of non-stop
movement, change, growth, development,
emergence, decay, and destruction occur in nature.
We can conclude that Beruni was close to deism in
his scientific and philosophical views. He talks about
the literature of the material world (Masharipova,
2019; p. 177).
The socio-political views of Abu Rayhan Beruni
are imbued with humanitarian ideas. He explains man
as the most noble creature. He emphasizes that people
should not live only for themselves, people should
help each other. In his opinion, the differences
between people exist rather externally, and they have
commonality in terms of internal structure and
Historiography includes the article “The Works of
Abu Rayhan Beruni in Oxford,” published by
A. Khabibullaev in the eighth issue of the
collection, which provides information about
the works of Abu Rayhan Beruni, stored in
the Bodleian Library of the University of
Oxford, Great Britain; Nine manuscripts of
seven of his works are reported to exist, and
a brief description of them is appended.
1. Abu Rayhan Beruni believes that scientific truth
should be a certain criterion. He knew that the
complex and difficult task of proving the
unfoundedness of untrue, unexamined,
heartbreaking, deafening and stunning myths and
unfounded claims could be solved through experience
and practice. At the same time, we have every right to
say that he is a great scientist who understood the
importance of logical conclusions and taught us to see
the concepts of “intuitive knowledge” and “mental
knowledge” together.
2. Studying the scientific heritage of Abu
Rayhan Beruni makes it clear that the scientist
recognizes observation as the first stage of scientific
knowledge, and also raises observation to the level of
conducting active experiments, which he widely used
in his scientific and creative activities.
3. In his astronomical table, Beruni put
forward the heliocentric hypothesis that the center of
Exploring Abu Raykhan Beruni’s Scientific Paradigm and Ontological Dialectics
the Universe is not the Earth, but the Sun, and that all
planets, including the Earth, revolve around the Sun.
Alloma's scientific conclusion was scientifically
confirmed 500 years later in the heliocentric system
of the great astronomer Copernicus. In a conversation
with Abu Ali ibn Sina, Beruni comes to the
conclusion that the planets in the Universe, including
the Earth, have mutual attraction. His scientific
assumption was scientifically substantiated by the
law of universal gravitation, discovered by the
English scientist Newton at the beginning of the 18th
century. With his socio- political views, Abu Rayhan
Beruni developed the advanced traditions of not only
Central Asian, but also ancient Indian, Greek and
Iranian thinkers, and became known to the world as a
historical sociologist.
4. The philosophical views of Abu Rayhan
Beruni study the national and religious views of the
Central Asian region. In Beruni's philosophical
views, along with religious knowledge, his views on
worldly natural science were confirmed in European
5. Beruni emphasizes that the force that leads
the world to social development is not conflicts and
contradictions, but compromise and consensus at
different social levels.
6. Abu Rayhan Beruni saw the development
of the country and the well-being of the nation as
inextricably linked with the development of science.
Emphasizing the need for every scientist to be
practical in his discussions, to have a clear goal in his
research, to work tirelessly to find and correct errors,
to fight superficiality for the sake of truth in science
and to live as a union in the land of various
fabrications, emphasizing the need to fight
superficiality by fighting for that , in order to live as
one union, the peoples are united, united, strongly
condemned wars that bring destruction to humanity,
called on people for peace. He also highly valued the
practical application of experience and creative
activity as observation in scientific knowledge.
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Khairullaev, M. (1988). Philosophical heritage of the
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scientists of the Khorezm Mamun Academy on the
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Collection of information for the knowledge of precious
things (Mineralogy) (Translation by A. M. Belenitsky).
Bulgakov, P.G. (1966). Beruni and his “Geodesy”. In Abu
Reyhan Biruni. Favorite works: Vol. 3. Determining the
boundaries of places to clarify the distances between
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philosophy (methodological manual). Tashkent:
Science, p. 5.
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