scientist Oryabhata that the Earth moves, but the sky
remains in its place without movement, and expresses
his critical thoughts on this matter. Also, Beruni’s
correspondence with ibn Sina contained various
socio-philosophical and natural science discussions.
According to Beruni, man differs from other creatures
in his mind. Beruni tries to rely on material factors
and laws of nature and reflects on the important role
of the geographical factor in the life of humanity and
society. In his work on India, he analyzes the
differences in the traditions of Hindus and Muslims
and comes to the conclusion that they also depend on
geographical conditions. Abu Rayhan Beruni
expresses the opinion that “... people were forced to
unite into society in order to protect each other, to do
something necessary to provide for themselves and
others” (Abu Beruni, 1968; p. 236). According to
him, in addition to this, a person needs to work
Abu Rayhan Beruni is considered one of the
greatest thinkers not only of Central Asia, but also of
the East as a whole, in the history of world science
and culture. His works “India”, “Historical
Monuments of Ancient Peoples”, “Mineralogy”
studied issues such as people’s lifestyle, social life
and social relations. The preface to the work
“Mineralogy” contains valuable thoughts about the
social status of man, the nobility, social life, duty on
earth, and social justice.
Abu Rayhan Beruni is literally one of the
politicians and statesmen of his time. In his work
“Historical Lies of Ancient Peoples,” he left
necessary and interesting information about various
peoples: Greeks, Persians, Malikian Christians, Jews
and pagans, Christian Christians, pagan Arabs,
Sabites, Turks, Muslim Arabs and other peoples.
In his work “India,” he gave reliable opinions
about Indian society, customs, internal structure,
family relationships, year, month and historical dates,
rituals, and marriage issues.
Abu Rayhan Beruni put forward and proved
important scientific and philosophical ideas about
nature, natural phenomena and processes endlessly
occurring in it. It reveals the ontology of changes in
the world, that is, the structure, specific reasons for
the appearance and disappearance of disturbances, as
well as natural scientific and sociological
Abu Rayhan Beruni recalls his youth in the work
“Saidana” and says: “Since childhood, I have longed
to learn as much as possible, depending on my age
and circumstances. The following fact can be cited as
proof of this: a Greek moved to the place where we
live (at that time). I took all sorts of grains, seeds,
fruits, etc., showed them to him, asked what these
things were called in his language, and wrote down
their names” (Shamsi, 1974; p. 194-195).
The rich cultural heritage of Abu Rayhan Beruni
was not limited to his scientific and cultural works; in
addition, the encyclopedist was also interested in
political and legal issues. One of the political ideas of
Abu Rayhan Beruni is his views on the emergence of
the state. In his opinion, he puts forward the idea that
people are forced to come together in an organized
way to fight their enemy and satisfy their basic needs.
Therefore, the basic rules of people's social life
should be based on principles such as mutual
assistance, living peacefully with each other, and
working in the name of common interests. The main
task of a person is to work. Because everything is
achieved through hard work. People explain the main
reason for the division of people into oppressors and
oppressors by property inequality, based on concepts
such as rich and poor, and labor and barter contracts
concluded between citizens are divided into two
types: first, legal or fair contracts - in which they
receive wages payment commensurate with their
work. The second is illegal or unfair contracts - where
deception, coercion and inequality are used, where
the interests of only one party are taken into account
(Masharipova, 2019; p. 171-172).
Abu Rayhan Beruni Beruni was an encyclopedist
who was also interested in political and legal issues
and was literally a very knowledgeable person of his
time in matters of state and administration. He seeks
questions about the state, the emergence of law and
his duties from natural needs, like Abu Nasr Farabi.
His ideas have a sense of opposition to despotism, and
people unite into a state based on an agreement to
establish a system of social justice, says Abu Raihan.
- Although enlightened kings are glorified, in his
opinion, society should not serve the king, but the
king should serve society. “The essence of
administration and management is to protect the
rights of those who have suffered under the
oppressors, to lose their own peace for the sake of the
peace of others. It consists of physical exhaustion in
order to protect and defend one's family, one's life and
property. According to his political views, the head of
state must have the ability to govern by nature. The
head of state must have the natural ability to govern,
be firm in his opinions and decisions, and follow the
laws of the sages when solving important issues of the
state. Explaining this with the example of Aristotle's
advice to Alexander and the story of Alexander's
adherence to it, he says: “The task of a just ruler is to
establish equality and justice between the higher and
lower classes, the strong and the weak” (Abu Beruni,
1968; p.73).
To do this, the head of state should follow the
laws of the sages when resolving important issues of
the state. In this, Abu Rayhan Beruni gives the