Understanding the Dynamics of Media Text and Mediatext
Translation in Media Linguistics
Khudoybergan Kh. Kochkinov
, Dildora B. Kurbanova
, Karomat S. Tangirkulova
and Jamshid M. Annaguliyev
Termiz Institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovation Development, Termiz, Uzbekistan
Termiz State University, Termiz, Uzbekistan
Termiz Branch of Tashkent Medical Academy, Termiz, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Media Text, Media Reality, Media Product, Medians, Mass, Multicode, Mass Media, Translation, Media,
Information Texts.
Abstract: In this article, as a result of the informatization of society, new research is emerging in the world of media
and in connection with it in our linguistics, which requires extensive study, in particular, certain scientific
views about media texts that have a wider limit compared to the text. The study in world linguistics of the
media texts that are created as a result of the interaction of linguistic and visual components, their types,
characteristics, as well as the different aspects of the media texts used in the press, radio, television, and
Internet networks, related to media text translation. views, the work being done in this field will also be
touched upon.
Mass media, media texts representing the concept of
media, and related events in the virtual world are
becoming increasingly active. Media text is the result
of media reality, and it is information in various forms
of media, i.e. articles in newspapers and magazines,
theses, shows and programs broadcast on television,
clips, films, movies, videos on Internet networks,
gifs, animations, and all types of messengers. is the
information conveyed through pictorial and graphic
signs. Today, media text refers to a concrete result of
media production, a media product, which consists of
information and is a message presented in any type
and genre of media (newspaper article, TV show,
video clip, advertising message, film, etc.) to a mass
audience. will be directed.
The mutual unity of language and media form
forms media text. It consists of a dialectic unity of
linguistic and media signs, and it is presented with
three levels of media speech: a text consisting of
words, a video series and a graphic image level, and
a voice accompaniment level. The term "media text",
which appeared in English-language scientific
literature in the 90s of the twentieth century, quickly
spread both in international academic circles and in
national mass media. The rapid consolidation of the
concept of media text in the scientific mind was
connected with the increasing interest of researchers
in studying the problems of mass media speech, and
the features of language activity in the field of mass
communication. Famous scholars such as Teun Van
Dijk, Martin Montgomery, Alan Bell, Norman
Fairclough, and Robert Fowler paid great attention to
this issue and examined media texts from the point of
view of various schools and directions:
sociolinguistics, functional stylistics, speech theory,
content analysis, cognitive linguistics, rhetorical
Scientists have been interested in a wide variety of
topics, including determining the functional and
stylistic status of media language, characterizing
Kochkinov, K., Kurbanova, D., Tangirkulova, K. and Annaguliyev, J.
Understanding the Dynamics of Media Text and Mediatext Translation in Media Linguistics.
DOI: 10.5220/0012676200003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 105-110
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
different media texts, the impact of sociocultural
influences on media, and lingua-media technologies
of speech and influence. The development of media
text theory in Russia was greatly aided by the work of
S.I. Bernstein, D.N. Shmelyov, V.G. Kostomarov,
Yu.V. Rozhdestvensky, G.Y. Solganik, S.I.
Treskova, I.P. Lisakova, B.V. Krivenko, and A.N.
The term media text was used for the first time in
T. G. Dobrosklonskaya's work "Problems of Studying
Media Texts". One of the genre-specific
characteristics of the media text is that the center of
the media text is not the event, but the media event,
that is, the reality reflected in the mind of the author.
"Media event is a model of reality obtained during the
journalist's creative activity. In the media text, the
role of the complex nature of the language (creative
material), personal linguistic taste and inclinations of
the creator, the interests and capabilities of the print
publication, television channel, radio station, and
other factors are very important. Also, it is observed
that newspapers, radio, cinema, television, audio,
video, and other mass media are aimed at an equally
unstable audience in terms of their content,
communication with them is carried out employing
Media texts fall into several main categories: medians
(text's use of one or more media, depending on the
format and technical capabilities of the channel);
mass (production and consumption of media
products); integrative or multi-coded text (unification
of different semiotic codes into a communicative
whole); meaning-content; compositional structure;
and text openness.
Traditionally, linguistic and extralinguistic
factors are analyzed alongside all structural elements
and levels of texts used in mass communication.
These factors include the impact of media texts'
composition and distribution methods on their lingo-
format characteristics, functional genre classification
issues, phonological, syntagmatic, and stylistic
descriptions, and interpretive features like culturally
specific signs, ideological modality, pragmalinguistic
assessment, and others.
Looking at the media text as a means of mass
communication, we will focus on the following:
1. The media text is the product of the socially
oriented activity of the journalist, and the text is his
interaction with the audience - communication, and in
the implementation of the language system, certain
socio-cultural aspects of journalism are the
2. Media text reflects the model of the world, and
the totality of texts shows the culture of a certain
3. A journalistic text is a discourse, a complex
communicative concept consisting of extralinguistic
factors (world knowledge, opinion, addressee's goal)
in addition to the text necessary for understanding the
4. The journalistic text is a unique concept as an
important element of the system in which several
components, including the journalist, the publisher
and the reader, the audience, interact.
5. The creation of a media text is also related to
the laws of the literary language and the national
characteristics of the language.
Media text is created as a result of the interaction
of linguistic and visual components. This creates a
visual image in the listener about the information
conveyed by the media text, and the aesthetic effect
of the self-transmission increases. Media has
penetrated all areas of our modern life. Therefore, the
topic of media texts is not limited, it covers issues
related to all areas and directions. As the information
process of society is getting stronger, the movement
of the media flow is also accelerating rapidly. The
central unit of this stream is the media text.
Undoubtedly, media text includes radio broadcasting,
articles and news in the press, television, Internet
networks, and other such media. Media text is
considered a "new communication product". It can be
included in newspapers, magazines, radio, television,
etc., which are considered various media tools in the
form of verbal, visual, audio, and multimedia.
On the radio, auditory elements like musical
accompaniment and sound quality give spoken words
more emotion. Media texts must appear flawless in
terms of color and shape when they are delivered
through the press. Media aficionados are also drawn
to the title due to its design, the use of diverse images
to enhance the content, the high quality of the pages,
the proper order of the material, and the right choice
of the name in connection to the information.
Television materials have a lot more limits when it
comes to other mass media. Targeting a broad
audience, color harmony, image clarity, and image
clarity are what set apart media texts in the form of
audio and video.
If the press affects a person through text (logically),
then radio affects people with both text and sound,
and television with text, sound and image. Therefore,
in terms of influencing the audience, television
surpassed other media in a short period of time, 20-
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
30 years, and became the leading media. Internet
networks are a borderless form of information
delivery. In particular, Telegram, Vidogram,
Mobogram, Aka, Plus, BlackGram, BestGram,
TeleVPN channel views, as well as Internet sites such
as Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, IMO, Skape,
Viber, Line, WeChat, KakaoTalk, Zalo, BBM,
ChatOn messengers are significant due to their wide
range of technical capabilities, speed of information
transmission, wide range of media usage, use of
unique types of video, audio, image, graphic and
shape signs during information exchange. Such
Internet messengers are used differently in different
countries of the world. Some Internet messengers are
widely used in one country, while others can be used
by very few users. Several statistical studies have
been conducted on the use of Internet messengers in
the countries of the world. According to the
"Mobinfo.uz" website, WhatsApp and Facebook
messengers have become the most popular mobile
applications based on Android in 109 countries of the
world. Telegram took the next place. Such
information is presented in the report of the analysis
company Similarweb, which covers 187 countries of
the world. According to him, WhatsApp is leading in
109 countries, including Brazil, Mexico, India,
Russia, and many countries of North America,
Europe, Asia and Oceania. In turn, Facebook
Messenger took the lead in 49 countries. Among them
are Australia, Canada, and the USA. The free Viber
messenger has become the most popular in ten
countries, including Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Iraq,
Libya, and Sri Lanka. Line, WeChat, and Telegram
are the most popular messengers in Japan, China, and
Iran, respectively. KakaoTalk messenger in South
Korea, Imo in Cuba, Zalo in Vietnam, and BBM
messengers in Indonesia took the lead. According to
the report, Telegram is the most popular mobile
messenger in Uzbekistan.
In fourteen more nations, the show holds the top
spot. In his book Approaches to Media Discourse,
renowned media linguist Alan Bell states that a media
text is defined differently than just a collection of
words that are written down or printed on paper. In
other words, media texts are reflections of the
technology utilized in their creation and
dissemination. The term "media text" refers to a much
larger idea that encompasses visual pictures, music,
sound effects, and sound quality. As a large-scale and
multi-scale phenomenon, the theory of media texts is
further enhanced by a set of stable qualities that
enable the most precise description of a given media
text's production, dissemination, and linguistic forms.
This system: - the method of creating the text (by
the author or the team); - form of creation (oral and
written); - form of reproduction (oral and written); -
distribution channel (media – press, radio, television,
Internet); - includes such features as the genre type of
the text (news, commentary, publicism, advertising).
According to the method of creation, the text can be
authorial or collegial (collective). It is also important
that one or more people participated in its creation,
and whether or not authorship is indicated in the
presentation of the information text. Certain author's
information provided through the mass media, in
particular, an article by a journalist, a commentator,
or a reporter's report, is considered an author's text.
The second method of text creation is news materials
collected collectively by certain individuals, and
information shared by collective employees of news
agencies. If we pay attention to the form of creation
and reproduction of the media text, the same "oral-
written" typological criterion is involved in both. As
we all know, oral speech and written speech are the
main speech divisions in our language. The use of
speech in written or oral form reflects several specific
features in the process of public communication.
Media texts can be created verbally in audio and
video versions, in addition to text, using various
images and symbols. Texts that are initially created
verbally between communicators may be used in
written form, or written texts may be used orally after
some time. If we pay attention, the written form of
certain information that should be read out for news
and news commentators is reflected on the monitor
behind the camera. This speech, created in written
form, will be read out with the commentator's oral
speech. Interviews of great personalities, people who
have won honorary titles in literature, sports, science,
and education, as well as people who have achieved
certain achievements in everyday life, are initially
conducted verbally. Later, these conversations will be
polished a little and will be decided in the form of
written speech in newspapers, magazines, and social
In order for certain information, news and the like
to reach the general public, the role of mass media,
which distributes them, is very important. Mass
media such as press, radio, television, and the Internet
have an impact on the linguistic features of media.
When distributing information, it is best to use the
type of media outlets that fill their audience with
active users as much as possible. The methods of
creating and distributing media texts depend on their
linguistic features, functional-genre classification,
phonological, syntagmatic and stylistic features,
interpretation features, cultural-specific symbols,
ideological modeling, and pragmatic value. The
functional-genre relevance of the text is the next
mandatory parameter of the typological description of
mass media texts. Systematization of media speech
genres has always been a very complicated process.
Today, the dynamics of the use of speech in the field
of mass communication is so active that, as a result,
Understanding the Dynamics of Media Text and Mediatext Translation in Media Linguistics
this unit corresponds to a necessary symbol of
stability. Against the background of different
approaches to the possibilities of describing media
texts from the functional-genre point of view, the
approach developed within the theory of
medialinguistics allows to ensure the harmony of a
stable structure with the unlimited variety and
mobility of real textual material. A separate concept
of mediatext can be considered as the main theoretical
component of medialinguistics. This is reflected in
almost all researches devoted to the research of media
speech. The content of this concept is that the text,
which is considered the main one for traditional
linguistics, is "a semantically connected sequence of
marked units. Its definition that its main characteristic
is coherence and integrity expands its boundaries
considerably when it is transferred to the field of
"mass media". In this case, the concept of media text
goes beyond the limits of the sign system at the verbal
level and approaches the semiotic interpretation of the
concept of text, assuming the unity of not only verbal
but also any signs. If the texts are sent to the addressee
enriched with various pictures or graphic images,
gifs, and animated clips, it expresses how the
addressee feels, and the information he writes is also
provided with an additional emotional impact. If the
addressee's text has a humorous meaning and is
expressed in dry written text, the other party may not
understand the true meaning hidden behind the
content but may accept it in a negative sense.
If the formal methods of expressing the meaning
of humor are employed at the beginning or the
conclusion of this work, the desired outcome will be
attained. Media text subjects are one of the distinctive
characteristics of media texts distributed via mass
media. Media texts that are consistently repeated or
have a consistent theme assist the mass media in
arranging information concerning global trends. The
media text's subjects can be concentrated on in the
areas of politics, sports, culture, science, education,
and socioeconomics. The news texts in the mass
media of any nation are thematically stabilized, thus
linguistic and cultural elements also have a significant
impact on these texts. Nearly all state media often
cover corruption, criminal disputes, political and
military challenges, and specifics of various losses.
Media outlets frequently cover these fascinating and
timely subjects because they draw a large number of
state correspondents.
Translation of media text is another idea
associated with media text. In the modern world,
where the media has a significant impact on people's
thoughts, ideas, and national language in addition to
society at large, it is crucial to translate and
disseminate information from the media with
precision and promptness. This is very important. The
integration of message and impact aspects is a salient
characteristic of media texts across nearly all genres.
The main task of the mass media is to transmit
information, but this is rarely neutral, that is, it is free
from elements of influence on listeners and readers.
In many cases, the transmission of information comes
directly or disguised with the medium of language
and speech techniques. It forces listeners and readers
to be influenced by the transmitted information, a
means of drawing attention to the message, or a point
of view expressed in the message. A true professional
translator should perceive and adequately convey the
ratio of the information itself and the media in his
translation. Linguistic and stylistic features of the
language of mass media, among the features that
distinguish it from the language of other functional
styles, among the features, mention that a large
number of fixed and cliché expressions of the tools
used, various journalistic patterns, lexicalized
metaphors, standard terms, and names, etc. are highly
standardized. Possible examples of language
expressiveness as a way of expressing the attention of
the recipient, expressing the reaction to the
transmitted information, evaluative emphasis, etc. are
speech clicks and stamps, evaluative epithets, direct
address to the reader. it can. In recent years, the
language of mass media has become abbreviated,
sonorous and even words used to express a certain
attitude of the author of the material (for example,
with irony), create a certain image and stylistic effect
(for example, humor), as well as to impress readers.
can be seen that colloquial language is used. Also, the
language of the mass media consists of stylistic
devices such as hyperbole, lithotes, figurative
comparisons, metaphors (including expanded and
transformed, lexicalized), metonymy, paronymic
appeal (especially in advertising texts), allegories,
euphemisms, etc. (more often) allows use. Of course,
there are no universal methods for translating from
Uzbek to another language. But if the translator is
prepared for such problems in advance, if he
understands the essence, meaning, communicative
function, and stylistic effect of the text being
translated, if he knows metaphors and allegory, irony
and main points, if he has knowledge about the
content of the text, and Uzbek If the knowledge of the
language is sufficient, the translation will be of a high
Naturally, the translator needs to be highly
proficient in the pertinent languages and possess the
requisite professional abilities. In this day and age of
tremendous scientific and technological
advancement, it is hard to fathom living without
newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio, and
television. Because newspapers and magazines are
the first places where a person learns about all life's
changes, both material and spiritual. The
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
advancement of science and technology, in particular,
has been accelerating in recent years, which places
improving the language and style of the mass media
high on the priority list.
In this regard, translators also have some
responsible tasks. That is, it requires a comprehensive
approach to the translation of information from one
language to another through mass media, capable of
writing quality and literate articles in newspapers and
magazines. For example, learning the language of the
press has become one of the most important and
urgent issues in our time. In particular, in the 21st
century, which is considered the age of information,
great work is being done in world science to study the
journalistic style. Including, in-depth scientific
research is being carried out on linguistic issues
related to the press style of Eastern languages. The
journalistic method serves to communicate the most
important and urgent issues of the time to readers,
listeners, and viewers through newspapers,
magazines, radio, and television, to enliven the
masses, to inculcate in people's minds what is
happening around them, and to form their social
views. Mass media (newspaper-magazine, radio,
television). The speech style used in these tools is
journalistic. An important feature of this style is to
provide information and influence, in which
importance is attached to simplicity, impressiveness,
comprehensibility, and strict adherence to the
standards of literary language. Also, this style of
speech is used in propaganda, that is, the style of the
press is considered a popular style.
The unique feature of the journalistic style is that
it has signs of active reaction to certain social issues,
responsiveness, and effectiveness. Due to the
mobility of this style of speech to social issues, words
expressing socio-political concepts are used more
often. The language of mass media is full of various
realities (social, political and cultural life), allusions
(literature, history, cinema, etc.), and quotations. For
example: registration of the population of Tashkent;
Namangan residents; panel houses; Khrushchev;
Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan; route taxi;
Communal apartment; Muradov projects, etc. "To
translate, it is not enough to know the basic
vocabulary of words and the grammatical rules of the
language. For this, it is necessary to feel the language.
In recent years, the language of the media is a
colloquial, shortened, slang word used to express a
certain attitude of the author of the material (for
example, irony), to create a certain image and stylistic
effect (for example, humor), as well as to impress the
audience. In this way, it is aimed to attract readers and
ensure more reading of the message. Also, the
language of the mass media, in turn, allows the use of
stylistic tools such as hyperbole, lithotic, figurative
comparison, metaphor, metonymy. A special feature
of media texts, and especially headlines based on
words, quotations, allusions, and transfigured
expressions, is the problem of translation.
Apparently, such titles, like many other
expressive elements, cannot be translated literally.
When translating its meaning in the original text, it is
necessary to find a suitable word for it. If a solution
to such a problem is not found, it is better to
completely change the title and connect it with a
neutral, but clear meaning and topic of the text. Of
course, there are no ready-made recommendations
and universal methods suitable for all situations. But
if the translator is prepared for such problems in
advance, if he understands the essence, content,
communicative function and stylistic effect of these
and other features of the translated text, if he knows
how to translate metaphors and irony, riddles, etc.,
then his translation will be sufficient. there is hope.
Of course, provided that the translator has the
required professional skills and relevant working
languages. The main task in translating an
informational text is to convey its content to the
reader in the most clear, familiar form, that is, to
convey the task of a speech work. Such a text is
characterized by a stylistic limitation that makes
informational texts of different languages similar.
The peculiarities of the translation of news texts are
most clearly manifested in the transmission of the
headlines and the structure of the news message of the
newspaper, which makes it necessary to consider
them in detail. Titles of articles and information
messages often serve to attract the reader's attention,
inform him in advance about the content and tone of
the text, and organize the reader's perception in the
process of reading the text. One of the important
principles of creating an informational record in
translation: first the main thing, then the details
should be followed. According to another important
rule of composing an informational message, which
prohibits the introductory sentence from being
oversaturated with information, the following
important conclusion can be made for translation: if
the introductory sentence in informational letters
contains an excessive amount of information, the
information will be divided into two or more, it is
appropriate to use a distribution that is distributed
between sentences. In addition, the first of them
should contain the most important and important
components of the transmitted data. The above-
mentioned features are the most necessary for
translation. The translation rules become more
flexible when moving to other non-strict materials.
Understanding the Dynamics of Media Text and Mediatext Translation in Media Linguistics
To put it briefly, Mediatext is a new interpretation of
text that has grown in popularity recently. It
incorporates not just written and spoken words, but
also a variety of nonverbal cues that are employed in
conjunction with them to assist uncover the meaning
concealed inside the text. This demonstrates the
unique role that media texts have in our linguistics.
The journalistic style of speech is distinguished from
other speech styles by its strict adherence to literary
language standards, comprehensibility, accuracy,
effectiveness, and dissemination of information. It is
recognized as the language of the mass media, which
includes newspapers, magazines, radio, and
television. Its duties and distinctiveness – such as the
execution of propaganda and explanatory work-set it
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PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR