1. The problem of the relationship between fathers
and children as an anthropological educational
process: this aspect concerns the transmission of
cultural family traditions and the inheritance of not
only material but also spiritual values. It is aimed at
ensuring old age and forming fundamental principles
of relationships among the younger generation.
2. Decent life for older people and care for
children: this point of view emphasizes that the
development of respectful attitudes towards and care
for elderly parents is the result of pedagogical
influences and the influence of the family
3. Respect and love of children for their parents:
in the conditions of scientific and technological
progress and globalization, the revival of national
traditions is necessary. This includes children's
respect and love for their parents, which becomes a
key element of national identity.
4. Principles of intergenerational relationships:
These principles can be divided into two factors. The
first factor is the intensification of the educational
impact of the educational system of family life on the
younger generation. The second factor is the close
familiarization of the individual with traditions,
lifestyle, and national values in the educational
process. The culture of coexistence of several
generations in a family becomes an important aspect,
allowing the transfer of social and everyday
experience and the assimilation of spiritual and moral
principles inherited from previous generations.
The issue of father-child relationships is
examined in the framework of our study while taking
into consideration how young people are being
prepared for family life. Not only do the essential
moral and spiritual attributes of the person develop
here, but the ethics and aesthetics of children's
interactions with their parents are also established.
Priority provisions that can form the foundation of
family pedagogy in the area of sustainable
development of families and marriage relations
among the peoples of Central Asia were determined
based on the examination of socioeconomic and
spiritual life. The provisions encompass the
following: the establishment of universal systems of
access to education and self-education with the
involvement of various public institutions; the
preservation of national family values; family
education and upbringing; the strengthening of
parents' social status; the respect for national and
universal principles of communication in the family
space; and the ethno-confessional principle of family
life. Social cooperation in the family involves
strengthening the social status of the father and
mother, who perform the functions of raising and
educating the younger generation in the spirit of
social activity and patriotism.
Over many millennia, social awareness developed
and impacted every aspect of human civilization,
setting standards for how society and the individual
should interact. The social and legal standing of men,
women, and children was established by the national
mindset, which was founded on ethno-religious
principles. These rules, which reflected the traits of
family interactions, were validated and ingrained in
societal life.
Ethnic-confessional relations, which describe
family interaction based on the characteristics and
norms of individual behavior, cannot be abstract and
exist in the context of national relations. These
relationships extend both within and between states,
requiring interdisciplinary research due to their
complexity and relationship with politics and law.
Understanding how men's and women's national
status affects the dynamic between parents and
children is especially crucial. Every country has a
unique constitutional order for men and women that
defines a culture and way of life based on historical
development. Even though men and women are
socially and biologically identical, the nation's culture
is viewed as mostly male.
These aspects, including national statuses,
constitutional principles, and cultural characteristics,
represent a complex field of study, especially in the
context of intergenerational relationships.
The described changes in male and female status
in the conditions of modern civilization, such as
changes in lifestyle, changes in gender appearance,
and the use of elements traditionally associated with
a particular gender, have indeed become common
phenomena. These changes affect traditional ideas
about men and women, including in the context of
ethno-confessional relations.
Many communities place a great value on the
authority and social standing of males, particularly in
Muslim societies. In the public sphere, a man's great
authority is regarded as a combination of material
security and virtues like moral purity, decency, and
manly honesty. The "ideal" guy is traditionally seen
to be noble, genuine, respectful to elders, giving, and
showing charity to women and juniors. These values
and norms of male behavior are important for the
sustainability of the national way of life, family
traditions, and respect for elders in society. However,
it is important to note that in the modern context, there
is a degradation of traditional ideas about men and
women. This emphasizes the urgent need to
understand and analyze ethno-religious situations,
Changes and Conflicts in the Dynamics of Generation Relations in Modern Family Structures in Central Asia