mobile number hijacking, and cloning mobile
numbers. Of course, this raises concerns about
security when using m-banking (O. J. Keuangan,
2015). The interest of customers in choosing m-
banking as a tool to facilitate transaction activities is
definitely impacted by this concern. Customer trust
lies in the security that guarantees transaction
activities. (M. Lallmahamood, 2007). Therefore,
users need a guaranteed security system.
The results of security research have a significant
impact on online buying interest, as tested by (A.
Sutedjo, 2021). According to (R. Furi et al., 2020), it
was found that security affects buying interest, but the
results of research from (I. P. Baskara et al., 2012)
found that security results do not affect purchasing
decisions through social networking sites.
Therefore, based on the background described
above and the differences from the results of previous
research, we chose the title "The Effect of M-Banking
Security on Online Shopping Interest".
2.1 Interest in Online Shopping
According to (M. Mukhtisar et al., 2021) interest is an
abstract process of the soul which expresses itself in
all modes of activity. Some objects are considered
valuable so that they are known and desired, which
results in a strong desire for something.
emergence of stimulation after seeing a product is
what causes a person to become interested in buying
a product to own it, as per (K. Philip, 2013).
According to (Ahmadi dan Hermawan, 2013)
online shopping or e-commerce, involves buying
goods or services from sellers operating via the
internet. Merchants have been trying to set up online
shops and sell products to consumers since the advent
of the internet.
According to (A. Ferdinand, 2006), put forward 4
indicators that influence buying interest as follows:
1. Transactional interest, namely someone who
leads to a product.
2. Referential interest, namely people who
recommend products to others.
3. Preferential interest, to determine someone's
interest which can be described through
behavior that has a primary preference for a
particular product. This can change preferences
if something happens or changes with product
4. Explorative interest, describes the behavior of a
person trying to explore a product by seeking
information that supports the positive side of
the product.
2.2 Definition of M-Banking
According to (O. J. Keuangan, 2015), mobile banking
allows customers to carry out banking transactions
using mobile phones. Applications that can be installed
by customers can access mobile banking services
through the SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) menu
and USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service
Data). Mobile banking is easier to use than SMS
banking, because the customer does not need to
remember the format of the text message sent to the
bank or the banking zip code.
2.3 M-Banking Security System
According to (M. Lallmahamood, 2007) security and
privacy are customer beliefs about the assurance of
business security and the protection of personal
According to (Harahap, A. Khairil,
2009) mobile banking uses 2 types of security
systems, including:
1. Cryptographic system
This system is known as a password system, of
which there are 2 types, namely symmetrical and
asymmetrical. The weakness of the symmetric
cryptography system is that the key can be sent to
the recipient and allows someone else to crack it
halfway. The weakness of the asymmetric
cryptography system is to reduce the amount of
data transfer due to adding code.
2. Firewall System
A firewall is a system that prevents unauthorized
access to protected areas of corporate
workstations. But the firewall system cannot
prevent the entry of viruses or interference by the
According to (R. Arasu dan V. Annamalai, 2017)
security indicators include two things, namely:
a. Security Guarantee
When the security guarantee is acceptable and
meets expectations, customers will be willing to
disclose personal data and buy with a sense of
security because they don't have to worry about
data misuse and perishable data transactions.
b. Data Confidentiality
Data confidentiality is very important because
other people can take your data and cause harm to
the people who have it. Therefore, the
confidentiality of consumer data is very