again by the business unit to purchase raw materials
for the business from local fishermen and local
communities (Simatupang, 2021).
The number of field workers in the sei. enam
Serang culinary tourism area is 13 people. The
income of local workers in this tourist area is IDR
24,492,000,- with an average income of IDR
1,884,000,- per month.
Subsequent impacts in the form of labor
expenditure to purchase consumption in business
units located in tourist sites. The labor incurs a total
cost of consumption and other costs of IDR 5,330,000
per month with an average expenditure of IDR
410,000 per month.
The calculation result of the Keynesian Income
Multiplier value is 1.15, meaning that an increase in
tourist expenditure per visit of IDR 100,000 will
increase labor income and business units by IDR
The Type I income multiplier ratio is obtained
with a value of 1.12, which means that business unit
income increases by IDR 100,000,- from tourist
expenditure which will result in an increase of IDR
112,000,- in total community income which includes
direct and indirect impacts (the income of business
unit owners and local labor) and the Type II income
multiplier ratio obtained a value of 1.15 where an
increase of Rp. 100,000, - in tourist spending will
result in an increase of Rp. 115,000, - in the total
income of the community which includes direct,
indirect, and continuing impacts. (in the form of
income of business unit owners, income of local
workers, and spending for consumption at the local
Table 1: Multiplier Effect Results.
The economic impact that
occurs has a large economic
impact on tourism activities
because of the Keynesian
Income Multiplier value
obtained greater than 1 (≥1).
Ratio Income
Type 1
The economic impact is said to
have had a big impact because
the value of the Type I Income
Multiplier Ratio and Type II
Income Multiplier Ratio is
greater than or equal to one
Ratio Income
Type 2
Source: Primary Data, 2023
3.5 Research Discussion
Culinary tour sei. Enam in Bintan Regency eats
delicious specialties, so they have become one of the
culinary destinations for tourists from various
regions. The uniqueness of the typical otak-otak food
in sei. Enam village is one of the selling points for the
development of sei. enam culinary tourism (Marine
Ecotourism for Atlantic Area, 2001).
Tourist areas located on the coast and many
people who work as fishermen are potential in the
development of sei. enam culinary tourism. The raw
materials for the typical sei. enam otak-otak culinary
are very easy to obtain from local fishermen. The
existence of sei. enam culinary will have an indirect
economic impact on the surrounding community who
work as fishermen (Kessy et al., 2018).
Culinary tourism sei. enam is one of the potential
tourist areas to be developed by the local government.
The uniqueness and distinctiveness of culinary sei.
enam will be an attraction for tourist destinations and
of course very profitable for the development of the
tourism sector in Bintan Regency (Kapantow, 2017).
In general, the labor perception of the
development of sei. enam culinary tourism from the
various services and markets available such as
accessibility, management, cleanliness, security,
parking, community attitudes, places of worship,
hand washing places, toilets, and trash cans, the
majority gave good ratings, namely by 83 percent and
business actors gave an assessment of 77 percent of
all respondents in this study. Meanwhile, 74 percent
of tourist from respondents gave good ratings. In
general, it can be concluded that the development of
culinary tourism sei. enam is categorized as good and
has the potential to be developed as a tourist
destination in the Bintan district.
Sei. enam culinary tourism has had a real
economic impact on local communities. The
economic impacts of tourism activities include direct,
indirect, and secondary impacts. The results of this
research obtained a Keynesian Income Multiplier
value of 1.15 for Type I Income Multiplier Ratio with
a value of 1.12 and a Type II Income Multiplier Ratio
of 1.15, proving that the existence of culinary tourism
has an economic impact on increasing the economic
income of the community, especially communities
around tourist locations.
The majority of workers, business people, and tourists
have a good perception of the sei. Enam culinary
Multiplier Effect Development of Culinary Tourism Processed Coastal Communities in Sei. Enam, Bintan Regency