according to an internal audit. The organizational
culture still tolerated certain individuals sharing
passwords without focusing on security, especially in
the Branch Delivery System (BDS) software. As a
result, staff abused the Accounting Information
System (AIS), lowering its quality. Because the
incident was hushed up, the data at the Branch did not
match what was reported to the Area.
The dominance of BDS (Branch Delivery
System) in the banking sector, especially among
state-owned banks, will be in 2023. However,
because of the enormous data access, each task
performed by BDS takes a long time. For example,
updating the status of delinquent customers from
"current" to "written-off" at the end of each month
takes 5 minutes per client (if there are 50 customers x
5 minutes = 4.5 hours to execute this process). This
takes a significant amount of time and has an impact
on the quality of business processes because it is only
done at the end of the month. Furthermore, BDS
contains a flaw in the input procedure that
necessitates double entry, increasing the danger of
human mistake. This leads to poor information
system quality and inconsistencies between physical
records and BDS software entries.
The phenomenon mentioned above indicates that a
number of factors, such as internal controls (the
inability of the banking institution to implement
internal controls, which results in illicit behaviors like
the sharing of BDS passwords), can affect the quality
of the AIS (Accounting Information System).
Moreover, organizational structure (the organization
already has an adequate organizational structure, but in
the context of the phenomenon above, organizations in
branch offices or in the regions are still not fully
informed in detail regarding the authority possessed by
the board of directors at the head office); personality
characteristics (both subordinate and superior
employees do not yet have the principle that sharing
passwords is a prohibited activity so that it violates the
principle of conscientiousness or prudence); and the
quality of business.
The quality of decision-making processes can be
improved by accounting information as processed
data (Bodhar, 2014; Romney, 2018). Accounting
information is provided to organizational decision-
makers (Considine, 2012). The definition of high-
quality accounting information is that it has features
that make it more useful (O'Brien, 2014). Timeliness,
accuracy, and completeness are characteristics of
high-quality accounting information (Baltzan, 2014;
Romney, 2018).
Internal controls have an impact on the quality of
AIS (Kurniawan, 2017; Rashedi, 2019).
Organizational structure influences the quality of AIS
(Kuraesin, 2016; Wisna, 2015). The quality of business
processes influences the quality of AIS (Sari, 2015).
AIS quality is influenced by AIS quality (Al-Hiyari,
2013; Darma, 2020; Sajady, 2008). The referenced
study's extra variable is "internal controls," and the
population used comprises of all state-owned banking
companies in West Java. The previous study serves as
the main reference journal, and the unique feature is
that an additional variable of the internal control
system serves as an independent variable (Rapina,
2021). Furthermore, the researchers concentrate their
investigation on the AIS of state-owned banks, notably
the BDS or Branch Delivery System.
The researcher determines the following research
limits based on the reasoning above. The AIS in
question is the BDS software version 11.00.00, which
was upgraded on March 15, 2023. The BDS hardware
cannot be updated because of the limitations in the big
data migration process, which could result in
company losses if the data migration process is
unsuccessful. OTIs (Operational Technical
Instructions) are in effect until December 20, 2022.
Employees who run the BDS are the topic of
personality traits. Customers or borrowers are not
included in this study because it is only for personnel
who operate the BDS. The purpose of this study was
to determine how much the internal control system,
personality traits, organizational structure, and
business process quality on the quality of the
accounting information system and its impact on the
quality of accounting information. This study
contributes to factors that can affect the
implementation of accounting information systems,
resulting in quality accounting information.
Furthermore, this research is expected to help solve
problems that occur in the field of accounting for
organizations in Indonesia.
2.1 Accounting Information Systems
The Industry 4.0 revolution, also known as the
"cyber-physical system," is a phenomenon that arises
when cyber technology and automation technology
collaborate. This revolution causes major changes in
a variety of industries. Many things have changed as
a result of the birth of this revolution in numerous
areas. What used to require a large personnel for
operations is now replaced by the use of technological
machines (Rashedi, 2019). The internet of things, big
data, augmented reality, cybersecurity, and artificial