care teams to the use
of the stations
-Reluctance on the
part of some
healthcare personnel
to use biometric
(fingerprint) on the
training of
and healthcare
-Opt for access
by digital code
or badge to
ensure that the
personnel can
handle the
1-Equipment and Maintenance Directorate
2- IT and Methods Division
3-Reception and Admissions Service
Digitizing the pharmaceutical logistics of the
hospital's departments has made it possible to:
(i) secure and rationalize the movement of medicines,
in particular by restricting access to the station to
authorized operators only; (ii) improve stock-keeping
in the departments, in compliance with the storage
conditions recommended by the manufacturers; (iii)
simplify the management of supplies to the
departments, through the adoption of the full-empty
replenishment system by the hospital pharmacy; (iv)
improve the traceability of medicines in the
department, through the systematic recording of all
operations carried out at the station; (v)
ensure continuous and regular monitoring of the
temperature inside the refrigerator to guarantee better
safety and quality of thermolabile medicines in
healthcare departments.
Despite all these strong points in favor of
digitizing the department's pharmacy, much remains
to be done to improve the operation of these
automated and secure stations, in particular through :
a) providing ongoing, regular support for the change
management process for the various professionals
involved (pharmacists, pharmacy assistants, nurses,
doctors, etc.), in order to increase their confidence in
the system ; b) providing healthcare department
managers (senior doctors and senior nurses) with an
interface for steering and monitoring movements on
the department's station, including the possibility of
using these stations to produce dashboards of
nominative consumption; c) freeing up nurses' time
by lightening their workload, by transferring the task
of loading the stations to qualified support staff
authorized by the pharmacy, and by providing
ongoing and regular training for all the department's
healthcare personnel in the safe and easy handling of
the stations; and d) full interoperability with the
hospital information system to ensure better
integration into the patient file.
In conclusion, the digitization of pharmaceutical
logistics in public hospitals represents an essential
opportunity to improve the safety of the hospital drug
circuit. This requires a very detailed study of the
project to ensure the best return on this investment.
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IeHF 2023 - International e-Health Forum