data set (Freitas, Silva, and Silva, 2021). The main
goal of pattern recognition is to accurately classify an
input pattern as one of the several output classes. The
two main steps of this approach are feature selection
and classification (Politikos, 2021). Since the
classifier won't be able to distinguish between badly
chosen features, feature selection is essential to the
entire process (Kikaki et al., 2022). This research
application can be used in classifying the Debris on
Ocean surfaces and shores. A few other applications
include with the help of this approach the amount of
garbage that is mixed with water bodies is determined
and also used to classify the debris in the ocean
(Vethaak, 2022).
The factors affecting the study include the
collection of datasets from various sources. Another
factor that affects the study is the time required to
classify the data for both classification and detection.
The limitation of this study, the debris present below
the surface cannot be determined due to the lack of
light below the surface. The future scope of this study
includes the way to introduce hybrid algorithms to
improve accuracy. The future scope of this study is
that the system should be expanded to include a larger
number of objects with lesser time consumption in
training the data set.
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improve the performance of image classification. The
study employed the Novel AlexNet algorithm and
DenseNet for this purpose. The mean accuracy of the
Novel AlexNet algorithm was found to be 93.77%,
whereas that of DenseNet was 92.91%. It can be
inferred that the Novel AlexNet algorithm yields
higher accuracy than the DenseNet algorithm.
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