the formation of legal terms, denoting
documents and locations, respectively.
• Approximately twenty terms are derived using -
noma, while -xona yields around thirty terms,
reflecting their functional significance in legal
• The legal terminological system in Uzbek
demonstrates a distinct reliance on affixes and
affixoids for term formation, highlighting the
dynamic nature of legal language evolution.
3.4 Closing Reflections on Legal
Terminology Formation in Uzbek
The analysis highlights the intricate processes
involved in the formation of legal terminology in
Uzbek, emphasizing the role of internal factors and
linguistic diversity.
• Affixation emerges as a key method for creating
legal terms, reflecting the nuanced linguistic
characteristics of legal language.
• Further research is needed to explore the
evolving dynamics of legal terminology
formation in response to societal and linguistic
4.1 Internal Opportunities in the
Formation of Uzbek Legal
4.1.1 Compound Legal Terms
Pure Compound Terms. Pure compound terms in
Uzbek legal terminology consist of two or more
independent semantic bases. Notably, terms with the
affix noun + -r (-ar) are prevalent, such as kallakesar
and izquvar.
Double Compound Terms. These terms include
compound phrases and about twenty of them are
identified in legal terminology, such as mol-mulk and
Abbreviated Compound Terms. Abbreviated terms,
a form of compound words, are found in legal
terminology, indicating a unique linguistic
development influenced by Russian. Examples
include BMT (Birlashgan Millatlar tashkiloti) and
4.1.2 Legal Collocations
Collocations, comprising two or more lexemes, are
prevalent in legal terminology, with over 80% of
terms in dictionaries and encyclopedias being
Simple Collocations. These consist of two
independently meaningful lexemes, such as bilvosita
dalil (direct evidence) and inson huquqi (human
Complex Collocations. These involve three or more
lexemes, making communication more complex.
Examples include urf-odat (custom and tradition) and
turar joyni ijarachidan ijaraga olish shartnomasi
(lease agreement for renting a permanent residence).
Analysis of Attribute Components:
• Attributes play a crucial role in complex
collocations, with different affixes forming
adjectives that contribute to legal terms'
• -iy (-viy) affix: Forms adjectives indicating
possession or characteristics, such as jismoniy
shaxs (physical person) and diniy huquq
(religious law).
• -li affix: Creates adjectives denoting possession
or connection, as seen in davomli jinoyatlar
(ongoing crimes) and shartli vasiyatnoma
(conditional will).
• -dor affix: Generates adjectives indicating a
quality or characteristic, like mansabdor
shaxslar (persons with titles) and aktyorlar
• -siz affix: Denotes absence or lack, contributing
to terms like adolatsiz hukm (unjust judgment)
and shuursiz shaxs (unconscious person).
• -mas affix: Expresses negation of an action, seen
in ko'chmas mulk (non-moving property) and
tuzalmas jinoyatchi (non-repentant criminal).
• -lik affix: Acts as a determiner, signifying a
person or object related to the term, such as
vakillik organlari (lawyer organizations) and
jinoyatchilik darajasi (criminal liability level).
• Adjective + Noun: Many collocations are
formed by combining adjectives with nouns,
such as kuchaytirilgan rejimli tarbiya
koloniyalari (reform regime correctional
colonies) and mas'uliyati cheklangan jamiyat
(restricted liability company).
In conclusion, the analysis of internal factors shaping
Uzbek legal terminology reveals a rich variety of