Analysis and Forecast of Influencing Factors of House Price in Boston
Boyao Zhang
Department of Mathematics, The University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K.
Keywords: Correlation Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression, All-Subsets Regression, Random Forest Regression,
Variable Importance Plot.
Abstract: The cost of housing is a significant indicator of economic activity. Both buyers and developers of real estate
closely monitor fluctuations in home prices. As a result, developing an accurate housing price forecasting
model is critical for the financial market and people's livelihood. Boston dataset is used for data analysis in
this paper. Firstly, this paper conducted a correlation study using Pearson's r and created scatter plots
between each variable and the house price. In the multiple linear regression model, this study employed
techniques including outlier removal, collinearity, and variable transformation to optimize the model for a
more accurate prediction, finally getting an R-squared of 0.7927. In random forest model, this research finds
the optimal parameter value and then compares the importance of predictors using the indicators %IncMSE
and %IncNodePurity. Finally, this study determines that the random forest regression model is superior
through the investigation of the factors that influence home prices, and this paper also analyze the elements
that influence house prices and consider the shortcomings of this paper.
Due to economic growth as well as non-economic
considerations including the caliber of schools, air
pollution levels, and distance from commercial hubs,
housing costs in major Chinese cities have been
continuously rising (Chen, 2023). To completely
comprehend the variables influencing house prices, a
multidimensional analysis is required. This study
examines the determining elements of housing costs,
including non-economic ones, utilizing reliable data
from 506 families in different Boston neighborhoods
(Harrison and Rubinfeld, 1978). The data is analyzed
using two different regression models, which can be
used as a guide for future studies on the factors
influencing housing costs in different Chinese cities.
Numerous specialists domestically and
internationally have conducted statistical analyses on
the factors influencing the cost of housing. For
instance, Chen Zekun and Cheng Xiaorong used the
gradient descent approach to perform regression
analysis on the data set, train the model to achieve
the fitting function, and then develop a housing price
prediction model (Chen and Cheng, 2020). Yin
Wenwen stated the coefficient function using a
verification methodology, and then used Boston
housing data to establish a variable coefficient model
with measurement errors, which adequately
explained the fluctuation trend of the median house
price. The verification approach can handle complex
error structure models while saving a significant
amount of money (Yin, 2018). Keren Horn, and
Mark Merante investigated the influence of Airbnb
on rental pricing, attempting to determine whether
changes in rental prices are related to a drop in
housing availability (Horn and Merante, 2017).
2.1 Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient
It is a commonly used linear correlation metric. The
covariance between two vectors, normalized by the
product of their standard deviations, is how it is
defined (Makowski, et al, 2020). The coefficient
measures the tendency of two vector pairs to change
collectively above or below their mean, indicating
that the measurements for each pair are more likely
to fall on one side or the other of the average for that
2.2 Model Selection
A linear regression model with numerous explanatory
Zhang, B.
Analysis and Forecast of Influencing Factors of House Price in Boston.
DOI: 10.5220/0012797700003885
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning (DAML 2023), pages 107-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-705-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
variables is known as a multiple linear regression
model (Kumari and Yadav, 2018). This paper can
take into consideration the following linear
y β
ε (1)
y=MEDV(the median value of owner-occupied
homes) , x
=factors affecting housing
prices. 𝛽
and 𝛽
are intercept term and the
regression coefficient respectively, and ε is the error
term representing random errors that the model
cannot explain (Burton, 2021).
Random forest regression is an ensemble
learning-based algorithm that performs regression
tasks by building multiple decision trees and
integrating their predictions. A random forest
effectively lowers the danger of overfitting because
each decision tree is independent and trained on
randomly chosen subsamples. To obtain the final
regression result, the random forest weights or
averages the predictions of various decision trees 0
Qin and Song, 2021).
Each of the 506 entries in the Boston housing data
provides aggregated information about 14 attributes
of dwellings in different Boston areas that were
collected in 1978 (Harrison and Rubinfeld, 1978).
The explanation of each variable is given in
following table 1:
Table 1: Factors affecting Boston house prices.
Variable interpretation
Criminal rate per capita by town.
ZN 𝑥
Residential use is permitted on lots
er than 25,000 s
uare feet.
Each town's percentage of non-retail
The dummy variable for Charles River
(= 1 is a river; =0 is not a river).
Nitrogen oxides concentration
er 10 million
RM 𝑥
Rooms available per home.
Proportion of pre-1940 owner-occupied
housing units.
Distance from five Boston job centers,
Accessibility score for radial highways.
Property tax rate per $10,000 of full value.
Town-specific student-teacher ratio.
B 𝑥
1000𝐵𝑘 0.63
Where Bk is the
ercentage of blacks.
Lower status of the population (percent).
The average cost of an owner-occupied
residence is $1000.
To examine the factors influencing the level of
house prices, this paper selects MEDV as my
response variable and the other 13 variables as
explanatory variables out of these 14.
3.1 Descriptive and Correlated
Analysis of Data
This paper uses R software for analysis. For each
variable, Table 2 displays the descriptive statistics.
Table 2: Descriptive Analysis of Explanatory Variables
n 506 506 506
NA 0 0 0
mean 3.61 11.4 11.1
Based on initial analysis, this study concludes
that the data do not contain any missing values.
Intuitively, these factors will affect the level of
housing prices in Boston in 1987. In order to further
build the model, this research then assesses the link
between the explanatory variable and the
corresponding variable using the scatter plot and
correlation coefficient plot.
Figure 1: Scatter plot of each feature with MEDV (Picture
credit: Original).
Figure 1 above shows a positive correlation
between RM (the average number of rooms
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
available) and MEDV, implying that the price of real
estate in the area will rise as the average number of
rooms per residence rises. Similarly, there is a
negative correlation between CRIM (for each person
criminal activity by town) and MEDV, which means
if the town's per capita crime rate rises, home values
will fall.
Figure 2: Plot of the correlation coefficient between
variables (Picture credit: Original).
As can be observed, there is a significant
association between LSTAT (the residents with a
lower socioeconomic status.), RM, PIRATIO (the
student-teacher ratios vary by town.), and MEDV,
with correlation values of -0.74, 0.70, and -0.51
accordingly. Moreover, the correlation coefficient
between the variable CHAS (the Charles River
imaginary variable) and the other factors is often in
the range of 0.1, demonstrating a minimal influence.
Because of this, this paper will ignore the variable
CHAS variable in further analysis.
3.2 Multiple Linear Regression
Model -- First Regression Analysis
The Boston data was manually divided into two sets:
the training set, which had 70% of the data, and the
test set, which contained 30% of the data. The first fit
to MEDV was performed using the remaining
variables based on training data. The regression
model is:
y 34.120254 0.09745X1
0.031720X2 0.019334X3 15.542128X5
4.001339X6 0.002983X7 1.283889X8
0.300291X9 0.012381X10
0.973398X11 0.009031X12 0.498439X13
The results show that p-value < 0.05, so the
author can reject the null hypothesis, which means
the regression equation is significant. A mediocre
fitting effect is shown by the fitting coefficient R-
squared of 0.742 and the adjusted R-squared of
0.733. The author then creates a fitting curve to
compare the true value of housing prices with the
expected value to assess the impact of the model of
multiple linear regression. As shown in figure 3:
Figure 3: The expected and true value fitting curve
(Picture credit: Original).
The extent of variation that can be explained by
the regression equation is indicated by the values of
R-squared, which are 0.719 and adjusted R-squared,
respectively, of 0.717. Since most of the sample data
points are grouped together around the regression
line, the model has a high goodness of fit, as can be
3.3 Model Optimization
First, this study uses the influence plot and outliers
test function in the car package to remove the
outliers, leverage values, and strong influence points
such as 366, 369,419 and so on (Kabacoff, 2011).
Next, this paper attempt to use the vif(fit) to identify
any data collinearity (Shrestha, 2020). Although the
VIF (variance inflation factor) of each variable is
very minor, multicollinearity is present because the
VIF values of NOX (the level of nitrogen oxides),
RAD(the use of circular highways), and TAX(the
full-value property-tax rate per$10000) are all higher
than 4. This paper can use the all-subsets regression
approach to screen out multicollinearity by filtering
variables on the boston data.
Figure 4 shows that CRIM, ZN (proportion of
residential land zoned), INDUS (The fraction of
acres used for non-retail businesses per village), and
RAD have little impact; hence, this study eliminate
these four variables. Finally, the scatter plot and
kernel density estimation curve are utilized to assess
the correlation between the variables and the MEDV
median house price (Zhang, 2018). Additionally,
Analysis and Forecast of Influencing Factors of House Price in Boston
variable transformation is implemented to further
enhance the efficiency of the model.
Figure 4: Full subset regression (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 5: Scatter plot and kernel density estimation curve
(Picture credit: Original).
According to Figure 5, there may be a quadratic
correlation between RM and MEDV, a reciprocal
correlation between LSTAT and MEDV. It's not
immediately clear how much other factors and
MEDV are correlated. Therefore, this paper rebuilts
the regression model and added the two terms RM
to the original model.
3.4 Multiple Linear Regression
Model -- Final Regression Analysis
Below this paper carries out the fitting based on
training data (Table 3), only three random lines of
data are presented here:
Table 3: Coefficient of the regression Equation.
fitting Estimate Std.Error t value
(Intercept) 100.23249 10.02214 10.00 < 2e-16
I(RM^2) 1.93103 0.21987 8.78 < 2e-16
I(1/LSTAT) 31.23698 5.57000 5.61 4.2e-08
The final regression model is obtained as:
Because of the test's p-value of 2e-16, the results
indicate that the null hypothesis can be rejected.
Fitting coefficient R-squared is 0.815 and adjusted R-
squared is 0.813. Similarly, this paper draws the
fitting curve of the genuine house price and the
forested house price to check the effect of model
Figure 6: The expected and true value fitting curve
(Picture credit: Original).
Residual standard error is 4.46. R-squared is
0.787 and adjusted R-squared is 0.786. therefore,
compared to the initial regression model, the final
multiple linear regression model reflects an improved
goodness of fit for the clustered black points.
4.1 Determine the Parameters of mtry
and ntree
This paper calls the random Forest function. First,
this study choose the best mtry for the model (He, Fu
and Liao, 2023). This paper adjusted the mtry
parameter value to 6 during this modeling procedure
since the traversal print result indicates that the
optimal value for % Var explained=0.8583 for
mtry=6. Next, this paper will find the model's ntree
value, which indicates how many decision trees were
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
present at the time of modeling 0. To determine the
value of the ntree parameter, this paper created a
diagram below to illustrate the relationships between
the quantity of decision trees and the rate of model
Figure 7: Relationship between model error rate and how
many decision trees (Picture credit: Original).
As shown in figure7, the error rate decreases if
the ntree value is 500. Therefore, this paper used
mtry=6 and ntree=500 as the model parameters, and
then the author trained the random forest model
based on the training set. The R-squared is 0.855 and
a mean squared residual of 11.76, indicating that the
regression result using the random forest model is
satisfactory. Next, this research will use the
metrics %IncMSE(the rise in Mean squared Error of
predictions) and %IncNodePurity(the mean decrease
accuracy) to assess the variable's significance.
4.2 Check the Importance of Predictor
Each predictor is given a random assignment, and the
increase in the model's prediction error is then noted
to determine the %IncMS (Liu et al, 2020). By
computing the summation of the residuals' squares to
compare the relative weights of the 13 variables,
IncNodePurity assesses the impact of each variable
on the heterogeneity of the observed values on the
classification tree's nodes. As seen in figure 8:
Figure 8: Variable Importance plot (Picture credit:
It can see from the two figures above that the
value of housing expenses are greatly influenced by
RM, indicating that the amount of rooms is the
primary factor determining the price of housing. The
partial dependence plot can be used to determine
whether there is a linear, monotonous, or complex
relationship between the predictor and the house
price. The following are examples of the partial
dependent plot for the association between RM,
Figure 9: Partial dependence plot (Picture credit: Original).
As shown in figure 9, there is a strong linear
relationship between housing price and RM, while
LSTAT is negatively correlated with housing price,
which is the same as the above conclusion.
4.3 The Results of the Training Set
This study tested the effect of the model by fitting the
regression model. Figure 10 depicts the training set's
prediction outcomes.
Figure 10: The results of the training set prediction
(Picture credit: Original).
Through fitting regression analysis of MEDV and the
predicted value of the training set, this study has the
value of R-squared multiple is 0.9765 and R-squared
adjusted is 0.9764, demonstrating the excellent data
training effect of the model of random forests.
4.4 The Anticipated Scores of the
Testing Set
This paper employs a trained random forest
regression model to produce predictions for the test
samples. The outcomes are as figure 11:
Analysis and Forecast of Influencing Factors of House Price in Boston
Figure 11: Testing set prediction outcomes (Picture credit:
This paper performed fitting regression analysis
on the median home price MEDV and the estimated
value of the test data, and the results showed that the
residual standard error is 3.033 and adjusted R-
squared value is 0.859. Many of the points are
clustered around the blue fitting line in the above
image, even though a tiny portion of the points are
dispersed across the fitting line, and the random-
forests model has a usually accurate prediction
First, there are additional factors that affect the cost
of housing, such as size, kind, height, and condition.
Second, I eliminated variables and outliers that had
an impact on the model's fit during the data analysis
stage (Wang, Bah and Hammad, 2019).
6.1 Comparison between Different
Residual standard error of multiple linear regression
prediction is 4.402 and the R-squared, a measure of
determination, is 0.7927. R-squared coefficient of
determination is 0.86, and the residual standard error
of the prediction from random forest regression is
3.033. The information demonstrates that the random
forest model is not only better than the linear
regression model in data fitting optimization, but also
has higher prediction accuracy than the linear
regression model.
6.2 Different Factors' Effects on Home
The regression coefficient and scatter plot of the
model show that the percent of people with fewer
socioeconomic status (LSTAT) and the sheer number
of rooms in the house (RM) have the biggest effects
on housing costs. In other words, the price of an area
increases exponentially as the count of rooms
increases. Likewise, when the population's share of
the lower class rises, average disposable income falls,
which in turn causes a decline in home values. The
price of a home decreases with increasing weighted
distance (DIS: locations of five Boston employment
centers. ) from Boston's five major neighborhoods,
but prices increase in areas with low nitric oxide
concentration (NOX), where there is greater housing
dispersal. The price of housing decreases when the
teacher-to-student ratio (PIRATIO) increases. High
property taxes have a negative effect on home prices,
but this effect is less pronounced in certain places.
6.3 Outlook
The above conclusions are from a macro point of
view, the conclusion is only general. If researchers
want to be specific to a particular house, they need to
analyze according to the actual local situation. At the
same time, due to time constraints, this study only
built and trained linear regression and random forest
models. It is hoped that more models will be added
for analysis and comparison in future studies, and the
optimal model will be selected for better prediction.
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Analysis and Forecast of Influencing Factors of House Price in Boston