other hand, lacks a weight-sharing mechanism, which
results in an excessive number of parameters for the
model (Tang et al 2022). The Deep belief networks
(DBN) aimed to optimize the matching of facial
expression recognition datasets by resolving the
training problem of deep neural networks (Terusaki,
and Stigliani & Goodfellow et al 2013). It even needs
dedicated hardware to accelerate the training process.
As with other types of neural networks, such as the
convolutional neural network (CNN) is currently
frequently employed within particular settings, such
as those concerning recognition of photographs and
classifying. Owing to its capacity to automatically
learn features in images, thus enables them to
effectively capture and describe the image's details.
To further enhance both the effectiveness and
accuracy of face emotion detection characteristics.
Consequently, the core objective of the current
investigation is to figure out the ways that how the
various numbers of iterations impact CNN's ability to
detect a person's expressions. In this research, the
Facial Expression Recognition 2013 Dataset (FER-
2013) utilized to achieve both training and assessment
purposes, which is available at Kaggle (Giannopoulos
et al 2018). CNNs are primarily utilized, which are
divided into three stages: image processing, feature
extraction, and performance analysis. Specifically,
first, before computing features, images must undergo
pre-processing, which mostly entails data
augmentation and normalization to remove noise and
other distracting elements from the image that are not
connected to the face. Second, is feature extraction,
which is the process of extracting face image-related
feature data by generating CNN models
(convolutional kernels), thereby offering useful data
features for subsequent facial expression
identification. The third is performance analysis,
observing the impact generated by varying iteration
cycles on the recognition of facial expressions in
Convolutional Neural Networks. The experiments
conducted reveal that the accuracy of CNN's face
expression recognition technology improves with
increased training iterations, and the loss subsequently
diminishes. Additionally, it is essential to understand
that some factors, like the network structure, the
dataset, and others may all impact the effects
associated with various iteration cycles on CNN facial
expression identification. Therefore, if the goal is to
figure out the optimal amount of iteration cycles for
any given project must be determined through
experimentation and evaluation.
2.1 Dataset Description and
FER-2013, the dataset utilized for this analysis, has
been obtained from Kaggle (Giannopoulos et al 2018).
Google Image Search API is used to crawl images that
matched emotive keywords, providing the dataset's
foundation. The dataset contains 35887 photos of face
expressions, split into three groups of 28709 for
training, while the public test and private test each
contain 3589 images. The photos have been digitally
manipulated to guarantee that is approximately
aligned and the visage of the subject covers about the
identical proportion of the area for every pictures.
Images' pixel values and an emotion label are the
two fundamental components of the collection. People
face in the grayscale images, all of which are 48 pixels
on a side, and are composed of seven varieties of
emoticons, which correspond to digital labels 0
through 6. Each of these emoticons has a
corresponding name in both Chinese and English:
Angry (0), Disgust (1), Fear (2), Happy (3), Sad (4),
Surprise (5), and Neutral (6). An example of a data
point in this dataset would be a 48x48 pixel grayscale
image of a face, associated with an emotion label. Fig.
1 showcases some instances from the dataset.
Figure 1: Images from the FER-2013 dataset (Original).
2.2 Proposed Approach
The focus of this proposed method for facial emotion
detection is the CNN model. However, there is an
extended procedure required before the model can be
used. It is essential to first preprocess and reshape the
data while importing the required dataset. After that,
the generator is fitted to the data, and the images used
for facial emotion detection are enhanced before being
transferred to the model. In the following phase, CNN
is applied to generate a model for detecting facial
emotions, which is then trained. This is exactly the key
objective of this research: explore the consequences of
CNN on facial emotion detection by modifying the
iteration period constantly. The pipeline is shown in
Fig. 2.