Better in accuracy compared to the small
model, but lacking in completeness.
Good in accuracy but lacking in
8.9 Excellent in accuracy, coherence, and
7.2 Good in accuracy and coherence, but
occasionally adds extra information.
This study compares the performance of different
large language models in text summarization tasks.
Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate these
models. The results show that the size of the model has
a significant impact on its performance in text
summarization. Generally, larger models tend to
perform better. On the ROUGE and BERT Score
metrics, Flan-T5-large performed the best, indicating
that it can generate summaries most similar and
semantically relevant to the reference summaries.
GPT-3.5 performed second best, suggesting that it can
also generate fairly similar and semantically relevant
summaries. Pegasus-large performed the worst,
indicating a significant deviation from the reference
summaries. This may be related to the training
methods and datasets used by the models. According
to the evaluation of GPT-4, GPT-3.5 performs
excellently in terms of accuracy, completeness, and
readability, with only minor compromises in
conciseness. The text summarization performance of
Pegasus-large is average, and Flan-T5 models perform
relatively poorly, especially in terms of accuracy and
completeness. Therefore, the GPT-3.5 model can be
chosen when the most accurate and complete
summary is needed while Pegasus-large and Flan-T5-
base could be suitable options when a shorter
summary is needed but key information should be
retained. In addition, Flan-T5-large or Flan-T5-small
can be chosen when the shortest summary is desired at
the expense of some information completeness. In the
future, other mainstream large language models such
as GPT-4, Llama 2, etc., will be considered as research
objectives for the next stage. Additionally, further
linguistic analysis of the text features of different
models will be considered.
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