2.3 Implementation Details
In the training process of the suggested model, several
important aspects are highlighted. Firstly, Adam is
chosen to be the optimizer of all generators and
discriminators in CycleGAN because of its satisfying
performance concerning gradient descent in high-
dimensional spaces. Speaking of hyperparameters, in
the first 50 training epochs, the learning rate is fixed
at 0.0002, and in the subsequent 50 training epochs, it
decreases linearly to zero. This can make sure that the
model learns more at the beginning, and keeps the
parameters almost unchanged near the end to reduce
the probability of overfitting. The momentum term of
Adam is set to be 0.5. Limited by equipment
RTX3060, the batch size during training is constrained
to 2, and the model trains for a total of 100 epochs.
As a generative model, evaluation of the performance
usually focuses on observing the generation results
through the test set on the trained model. Specifically,
the results of this study will be discussed through the
method of visualization as well as generation
accuracy. For testing and evaluation, 744 unpaired CT
and MRI images are prepared to give translation. Here
only the translation results of the model from CT
images to MRI images and back to CT will be shown.
It is because, for CycleGAN, the results of image
translation from both two directions (which is CT-
MRI-CT and MRI-CT-MRI) should be equivalent in
3.1 Visualization Analysis
Some typical test outputs are selected to be
demonstrated in Fig. 4 below. From left to right, the
generated MRI image, original MRI image, restored
CT image, and original CT image are sequentially
displayed in columns.
Figure 4: Typical outputs of the constructed CycleGAN
(Picture credit: Original).
It can be intuitively seen from Fig. 4 that the
CycleGAN model constructed in this study effectively
maps the given CT images into MRI ones, with
necessary details as well as correct contour. Thanks to
the delicate structure of the Resnet Generator, the
CycleGAN model has such a strong feature extraction
ability that it can rebuild most of the detailed
information of the real images. Besides, PatchGAN
Discriminator enhanced the refinement of the
generator as well by serving as an adversarial part,
forcing the generator to pay more attention to details.
Though defects can be observed such as there is still
residual information from the original image, it is
caused by the nature of CycleGAN, which tends to
preserve the content. Nevertheless, the CycleGAN
model still establishes a valid connection between CT
and MRI images from a visual perspective.
At the same time, the model almost perfectly
recovers the transformed images back into the original
ones. This means that the CycleGAN model in this
study has a strong cycle consistency, which should be
attributed to the powerful constraint of cycle
consistency loss in the loss function on the generation
of image content. In addition, the results imply that the
parameter λ is not obtained too morbidly to cause
failures in image generation, proving a success in
hyperparameter tuning.
3.2 Generation Accuracy
In this work, the structural similarity index measure
(SSIM) is utilized to assess the trained model's
generation accuracy. The SSIM metric extracts three
key features from an image: brightness, contrast, and
structure, which are used to measure the similarity
between two given images. Implementing this metric
through the outputs of the test set, the model gets an
average score of 0.4038 on the generated MRI images
and 0.9642 on the recovery of the translated images.
SSIM metric provides a quantified summary of the
performance of the CycleGAN model. Combined with
the visualization results, it can be concluded that the
CycleGAN model has no problems in generating most
of the image details, but still faces challenges in terms
of image brightness and clarity, which is caused by
CycleGAN’s property of keeping the original
structure information as is discussed before. This
observation raises the necessity for some structural
alteration on the CycleGAN model to eliminate excess