The Prediction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Parameter Analysis
Based on the LSTM
Yuxi Ji
Hang Zhou High School, Hangzhou, China
Keywords: Carbon Dioxide, Long Short-Term Memory, Prediction, LSTM Layers.
Abstract: The development of effective climate change mitigation methods and the understanding of the future effects
of climate change are made possible by accurate projections of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. This paper
uses the Long short-term memory (LSTM) model to increase the prediction accuracy of CO2 emissions.
Prediction issues can benefit from the use of the LSTM model. Specifically, this paper compares the Mean
squared error (MSE) value, representing the precision of CO2 emission prediction, for several LSTM layers
and epochs in great detail. This study is conducted on the U.S. Energy Information Administration's CO2
emissions from the coal power industry dataset. The experiment's findings show that increasing the number
of layers of LSTM can increase the prediction accuracy of CO2 emissions, while reducing the number of
layers would decrease that accuracy. Meanwhile, the number of epochs with the maximum prediction
accuracy of CO2 emissions under various epochs is 10, and there is no direct relationship between epochs and
prediction accuracy. This paper provides an efficient CO2 emission prediction model to provide a practical
method to mitigate the greenhouse effect by optimizing the parameters of the LSTM model.
Given the "Paris Agreement" assurances to control the
status quo of global warming by regulating
greenhouse gas emissions, more individuals are now
beginning to pay attention to carbon emissions.
Climate extremes such as drought or storms, as well
as regional changes in temperature and precipitation
extremes, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and other
factors could cause reductions in carbon stocks in
regional ecosystems, potentially offsetting the
anticipated increase in terrestrial carbon uptake and
having a significant impact on the carbon balance
(Seneviratne et al 2016 & Reichstein et al 2013). The
prediction of CO2 emissions is therefore necessary.
Large amounts of energy are used, and CO2 is
released as a result of the rapid expansion of industry.
Industrial companies can more easily accomplish
clean production, optimize energy structure, lower
production costs and carbon emissions, and exert
greater control over production conditions through
precise energy consumption and carbon emission
forecasts. Additionally, it manages the greenhouse
effect (Hu and Man 2023).
The calculation of CO2 emissions and the creation
of prediction models are current research areas for
numerous professionals and academics. A number of
models have been put forth, including the logarithmic
mean Divisia index (LMDI) method, the production
function theory, and a data-driven method (Ang 2005
& Wang et al 2019). Energy intensity is a significant
indicator for lowering CO2 emissions using the LMDI
approach, according to Zhang et al.'s analysis (Zhang
et al 2019). Models for predicting carbon emissions
rely on the direct or indirect transformation of energy
data to calculate emissions. Concerning the data-
driven method, machine learning techniques, which
depend on extrapolating energy usage patterns from
past data, are the main focus. To handle the time series
forecast of CO2 emissions, Abdel suggested an
artificial neural network model (ANN) that has four
inputs for global oil, natural gas, coal, and primary
energy consumption (Fang et al 2018). ANN, long
short-term memory (LSTM), etc. have all advanced
the study of CO2 emission prediction in recent years
(Tealab 2018 & Peng et al 2022).
The main objective of this study is to introduce the
deep learning technology of the LSTM framework to
improve the performance of CO2 emission prediction.
Specifically, first, LSTM networks are used to
evaluate CO2 emission forecasts. Second, LSTM
models are a development of recurrent neural
networks (RNN), and they provide a remedy for the
Ji, Y.
The Prediction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Parameter Analysis Based on the LSTM.
DOI: 10.5220/0012800100003885
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning (DAML 2023), pages 527-531
ISBN: 978-989-758-705-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
problem of RNN long-term dependency. The
application of LSTM for CO2 emission prediction is
appropriate since it is suitable for time series data
processing, forecasting, and classification (Rostamian
and Hara 2022). Third, the predictive performance of
the different models is analyzed and compared. This
study compares distinct LSTM layers and examines
the effectiveness of CO2 emission prediction across
multiple epochs. The experimental results
demonstrate that when the number of epochs is the
same, adding a layer of LSTM could boost CO2
emission forecast accuracy, while removing a layer
will reduce accuracy. Additionally, when the number
of LSTM layers is constant, there is a relationship
between the number of epochs and the prediction
accuracy of CO2 emissions, but it is neither
proportionate nor inversely proportional. In this
experiment, the number of epochs with the highest
prediction accuracy of CO2 emissions is 10. Finally,
this study can provide valuable insights into the field
of CO2 emission prediction. An accurate and efficient
CO2 emission prediction model can successfully
control CO2 emissions and slow down global
warming and other greenhouse effects.
2.1 Dataset Description and
The dataset used in this study, called Carbon
Emissions, is sourced from Kaggle (Dataset). The
Energy Information Administration's annual and
monthly CO2 emissions from the coal-electric power
sector are contained in the dataset. Millions of metric
tons of CO2 are the units. This experiment loads a
CSV file containing data on CO2 emissions before
data preprocessing. This experiment divides the
preprocessed data into a training set and a test set
based on whether the year is greater than or equal to
2015. It also only retains the year and value columns
and replaces any missing values with the mean value.
Then scale the data to make it suitable for the LSTM
model. Then the data is scaled to make it suitable for
the LSTM model while being normalized between a
range of -1 and 1.
2.2 Proposed Approach
The main purpose of this study is to develop a model
that can accurately forecast future CO2 emission
levels while ensuring reliability and conciseness. The
foundation of this study lies in the utilization of LSTM
networks, which are well-suited for capturing
sequential patterns in time series data such as
historical CO2 emission data. To construct the model,
a systematic process, as illustrated in Fig. 1, is
followed. Initially, the input data undergoes
preprocessing to ensure its compatibility with the
LSTM architecture. This may involve steps like
normalization or scaling to facilitate optimal model
performance. Once the LSTM model is trained using
the preprocessed data, it is ready for predicting CO2
emissions on the test data. By feeding the test data into
the trained model, it generates forecasts that estimate
the future emission levels. These predictions are then
compared to the actual values using the Mean Squared
Error (MSE) metric.
The MSE quantifies the average squared
difference between the predicted and actual CO2
emission values, providing an objective measure of
the model's accuracy. A lower MSE indicates a more
precise and reliable forecasting model. By employing
LSTM networks and following a systematic approach,
this study aims to contribute to the development of an
effective model for forecasting future CO2 emission
levels. The utilization of the MSE metric ensures a
quantitative evaluation of the model's predictive
performance, thereby facilitating comparisons with
other forecasting methods and enabling policymakers
and stakeholders to make informed decisions
regarding carbon emissions mitigation strategies.
Figure 1: The pipeline of the model (Picture credit:
2.2.1 LSTM
A particular type of RNN called LSTM is able to gain
insight into the long-term dependencies of the
information gathered. Long-term retention of
memories is beneficial through the use of LSTM
since it has the capability to maintain an internal state.
This makes LSTM, therefore, extremely useful for
tasks like speech recognition, language modeling, and
predicting time series. The cell state and its
assortment of gates are what constitute the
fundamental concept of an LSTM. The internal
memory of the LSTM network incorporates the cell
state, which undergoes processing by input gates and
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
forget gates. Sigmoid activations with compression
values between 0 and 1 can be observed in gates.
Since each of the numbers multiplied by 0 equals 0
and each and every number multiplied by 1
corresponds to the same value, the sigmoid activation
feature enables the network to determine which data
is crucial for storage and which data is of no
significance to throw away.
Three distinct gates in the LSTM are used to
control the information flow in the LSTM cells. The
first one is the input gate, which, as suggested by its
name, is in charge of taking input data. The input gate
will determine whether the input data should be added
to the cell state based on the sigmoid activation
function in accordance with the foregoing. The forget
gate is also in the position of selecting which data to
throw away. To choose which pieces of information to
keep track of, it also utilizes a sigmoid activation
function. The output gate is the final one. The LSTM
network's output is generated by the output gate via
the cell state. It creates an information vector that
depicts the current state of the system using a Tanh
activation process. In general, an LSTM network
evaluates new information, processes it, and then
stores it in the cell state. After passing through the
forget gate, where certain data could be dropped, the
cell state is then transferred via the output gate to
create the desired output. The network is able to learn
long-term dependencies courtesy of the loop's ability
to keep track of its internal state over time.
LSTM is suitable for dealing with data that is
associated with each other between multiple variables;
that is, the data set has a significant correlation in time
series changes. The CO2 emission prediction in this
experiment is based on the CO2 emissions in previous
years to predict the next CO2 emissions, and LSTM is
very suitable as a model for this experiment. In this
study, the LSTM model first analyzes and trains the
input CO2 emissions and years before predicting the
potential values of CO2 emissions in the next few
years for testing.
2.2.2 Loss Function
It is crucial to select the loss function for training. The
MSE loss function, which is frequently used in
machine learning, is the most suitable option for this
task of predicting CO2 emissions. Regression is one
of the three fundamental machine learning models,
and it plays a vital role in modeling and analyzing the
relationships between variables. In the context of
predicting CO2 emissions, the selection of an
appropriate loss function for training is crucial.
Among the various options available in machine
learning, the MSE loss function stands out as the most
suitable choice. The MSE loss function is commonly
employed in regression tasks, where the goal is to
accurately estimate continuous values based on input
variables. Given its relevance to this study's objective
of forecasting CO2 emission levels, the MSE function
becomes particularly pertinent. Regression analysis is
one of the fundamental pillars of machine learning,
providing valuable insights into the relationships
between variables. By leveraging regression models,
researchers and analysts can effectively model and
analyze the complex dynamics of CO2 emissions,
uncovering underlying patterns and trends. The MSE
loss function quantifies the discrepancy between the
predicted and actual CO2 emission values by
computing the average squared difference. This
choice of loss function aligns well with the objective
of accurate forecasting, as it places higher emphasis
on larger prediction errors, thus favoring more precise
Moreover, the MSE metric offers several
advantages in evaluating the performance of the CO2
emission forecasting model. It provides an easily
interpretable measure of prediction accuracy,
enabling researchers and stakeholders to assess the
reliability of the model's forecasts. The squared
nature of MSE also ensures that larger deviations
from the actual values receive more significant
penalties, promoting the prioritization of accurate
predictions. By incorporating the MSE loss function
into the model training process, this study aims to
develop a robust and reliable forecasting model for
CO2 emissions. Through comprehensive analysis and
consideration of the relationships between various
variables, the regression-based approach empowered
by the MSE metric offers valuable insights into
mitigating climate change and shaping effective
environmental policies. In regression problems, a
precise value is typically predicted, such as in this
study's predicted annual CO2 emissions value, as
Given n training data, each training data's actual
output is
y𝒾 and its expected value is y𝒾 . The
aforementioned formula can be used to define the
MSE loss produced by the model for n training data.
The MSE function measures the quality of the model
by calculating the distance between the predicted
value and the actual value, that is, the square of the
error. When summing samples, MSE loss applies the
square method to prevent positive and negative errors.
This method's distinguishing feature is that it
The Prediction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Parameter Analysis Based on the LSTM
penalizes greater errors more severely, making it
simpler to reflect on larger errors. The mean of the
error squares is then calculated by adding together the
error squares and dividing them by the total number of
samples. The preceding formula indicates that there is
one and that the value of this loss function is 0, which
is the smallest value, only when the predicted value
equals the actual value. The function's absolute
maximum value is infinity. Therefore, the MSE value
will decrease the closer the estimated number is to the
actual value.
2.3 Implementation Details
The study used Python 3.10 and imported various
libraries, including NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and
Scikit-Learn, to perform data manipulation, analysis,
and visualization. It also imports TensorFlow and
Keras to build and train the LSTM model. A batch size
of 1 is used, and the model trains for a total of 100
epochs. The Adam optimizer is the chosen optimizer
for this study because it is memory-efficient, simple to
use, and computationally effective.
The results of the CO2 emission prediction under
varied LSTM layers and epochs will be discussed and
analyzed in this chapter. The study first analyzed the
precise value change that results from adding and
removing layers from the initial LSTM layer, and it
then examined the comparison for different epochs.
3.1 Various LSTM Layers
In Fig. 2, the comparison of MSE values among
different LSTM layers when the number of epochs is
the same is presented. The histogram visualization
effectively illustrates the numerical differences in the
three sets of data. It becomes evident that
incorporating additional LSTM layers results in
improved accuracy for CO2 emission prediction, as
the accuracy of the forecast tends to increase when the
MSE value decreases, as previously mentioned.
Conversely, it can be inferred that reducing the
number of LSTM layers within a certain range
negatively impacts the model's learning capacity and
accuracy. Therefore, it can be concluded that, within
this limited range, the inclusion of more LSTM layers
aids in better learning for the model, ultimately
leading to enhanced accuracy in CO2 emission
predictions. By utilizing a deeper LSTM architecture,
the model acquires a greater capacity for capturing and
understanding complex patterns and dependencies
amidst the CO2 emission data. This enables the model
to make more precise and accurate forecasts,
contributing to improved decision-making processes
and the formulation of effective environmental
It is worth noting that while increasing the number
of LSTM layers can enhance prediction accuracy,
there may be diminishing returns beyond a certain
point. Overfitting and computational complexity are
potential challenges associated with excessively deep
LSTM architectures. Thus, finding the optimal
balance between model complexity and performance
is an essential consideration in designing robust and
efficient CO2 emission prediction models.
Figure 2: Comparison of MSE values with different LSTM
layers (Picture credit: Original).
3.2 The Performance of the Various
In Fig. 3, it can observe the contrasting MSE values
across different epochs, despite keeping the number of
LSTM layers constant. The line chart illustrates that
there isn't a notably strong correlation between the
epoch value and the accuracy of CO2 emission
forecasts. This phenomenon exemplifies the concept
of model convergence, where the model reaches its
optimal state. Once the model has attained this optimal
state, further training becomes unnecessary as it runs
the risk of overfitting. Overfitting occurs when the
model becomes too specialized to the training data,
leading to reduced accuracy when presented with new,
unseen data. In this case, increasing the epoch value to
20 results in a higher MSE value and lower accuracy,
mirroring the findings depicted in Fig. 3. It is
important to strike a balance between training the
model to capture meaningful patterns in the data and
avoiding overfitting. Determining the ideal epoch
value requires careful consideration and
experimentation to ensure optimal model performance.
Beyond a certain point, increasing the epoch value
may not yield significant improvements in accuracy
remove 1
original layers add 1 layer
MSE Value
MSE Value
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
and can potentially lead to computational
inefficiencies. By understanding the relationship
between epoch values, MSE values, and accuracy,
researchers and practitioners can employ this
knowledge to fine-tune their models and make
informed decisions when training LSTM networks for
CO2 emission prediction.
Therefore, adding additional training times does
not necessarily increase the precision of forecasts of
CO2 emissions. In the range of 5 to 50 epochs, epoch
10 is the most accurate, and epoch 20 is the least
accurate, as shown in Fig. 3. The graph does not show
a link between these two variables that is either direct
or inverse. Consequently, in order to acquire the
experiment's finest results, it is necessary to compare
the occurrences of different epochs.
Figure 3: Comparison of MSE values with different epochs
(Picture credit: Original).
This study introduces machine learning and deep
learning technology to contribute to more accurate
CO2 emission projections. The LSTM model is
introduced as a baseline. Additionally, this paper
analyzes the impact of different layers and iterations
of LSTM. Extensive experiments were conducted to
evaluate the proposed method. By comparing the
MSE values for various combinations of LSTM layers
and epochs, lower values signify estimates of CO2
emissions that are more precise. Experimental results
show that within a specific range, increasing the
LSTM layer can make the CO2 emission prediction
more precise, and the reliability of the CO2 emission
prediction is different and unstable when the training
times or epochs are different. The epochs in this
experiment with the smallest MSE value, or the
maximum prediction accuracy, are 10 epochs, which
comprises 5 to 50 epochs. In the future, experiments
with different hyperparameters like batch size and
adjusting the sequence length for the LSTM will be
considered the research objectives for the next stage.
The research will focus on how different batch sizes
and sequence lengths will affect the precision of CO2
emission prediction and what their relationship is.
Consequently, it is simple to find better and more
reliable models for projecting CO2 emissions to assist
organizations like governments in responding, even if
they are required to.
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5 epoch 10
MSE Value
MSE Value
The Prediction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Parameter Analysis Based on the LSTM