limited contextual understanding, and issues with
translation invariance. Residual Networks, addresses
these by introducing residual blocks, which enable
direct gradient flow during training. ResNet, a form of
deep neural network, incorporates skip connections or
shortcuts in its architecture (Schaetti 2018). Applying
in the domain of autonomous driving, ResNet emerges
as a key for accurately identifying and categorizing
road objects. This capability significantly fortifies the
safety and reliability of self-driving vehicles.
Similarly, the medical sector benefits from ResNet's
prowess, which accelerates the detection of anomalies
in medical images, thereby expediting disease
diagnosis and prognostication. ResNet's adaptability
and effectiveness across these complicated sectors
underscore its compelling ability to address real-world
complexities in image analysis. Consequently, ResNet
stands out as a multifunctional solution to address the
contemporary challenges of image processing.
The main objective of this study is to utilize
ResNet for constructing an efficient image
classification model and using different numbers of
residual models to find out the change in efficiency.
By introducing residual blocks, the aim is to counter
overfitting and enhance the model's ability to retain
crucial original feature information, leading to
improved feature representation. Specifically, firstly,
the incorporation of ResNet's residual blocks
addresses issues such as vanishing gradients and
degradation, which often hinder the training of deep
networks. This helps ensure smoother gradient
propagation during training, facilitating the learning
process. Secondly, the utilization of skip connections
within ResNet aids in maintaining and transmitting
essential features across layers, thereby mitigating the
loss of valuable information. Thirdly, an in-depth
analysis and comparison of predictive performances
across various models are conducted. Furthermore, the
integration of ResNet addresses the challenge of
training deep neural networks effectively. ResNet's
architecture with residual blocks helps alleviate the
degradation problem, enabling successful training of
networks with extensive depth. Simultaneously, the
incorporation of skip connections supports gradient
flow during backpropagation, effectively tackling the
issue of vanishing gradients that frequently arise
during the training of deep networks. These strategic
enhancements collectively contribute to ResNet's
efficacy in overcoming challenges associated with
training deep networks and accomplishing image
classification tasks.
2.1 Dataset Description and
The research used the Canadian Institute for
Advanced Research (CIFAR) dataset to explore the
problem around ResNet (Abouelnaga et al 2016). The
CIFAR-10 dataset, a cornerstone in the realm of
computer vision, originates from the CIFAR and
serves as a vital benchmark for image classification
tasks. Comprising 60,000 color images with
dimensions of 32x32 pixels, the dataset encompasses
ten diverse classes, each containing 6,000 images.
This study delves into the enhancement of the CIFAR-
10 dataset for robust model training through a
sequence of preprocessing techniques. Segmented
into 50,000 training images and 10,000 test images,
the dataset facilitates rigorous model evaluation.
The core focus of this study lies in the application
of preprocessing methods to amplify the dataset's
efficacy. The "Rescaling" technique, normalizing
pixel values to the [0, 1] range, is coupled in horizontal
and vertical modes, introducing data augmentation by
enabling random image flips. Horizontal flips emulate
diverse object orientations, while vertical flips inject
variability in object positioning. These techniques
collectively bolster model robustness, alleviate
overfitting concerns, and elevate generalization
capabilities. The integration of these preprocessing
measures results in an elevated quality of the CIFAR-
10 dataset, rendering it particularly suitable for
training CNNs and other image recognition models.
The optimized dataset plays a pivotal role in
advancing classification accuracy and fostering
adaptability for object recognition in real-world
settings. This paper underscores the significance of
preprocessing methodologies in refining image
datasets, underscoring their role in advancing the
performance of machine learning models in the realm
of computer vision.
2.2 Proposed Approach
Introduction to the research technology. ResNet is an
exciting and groundbreaking deep learning
architecture known for its ability to train extremely
deep networks effectively. By leveraging the concept
of residual blocks, ResNet has shown remarkable
performance in various computer vision tasks. This
architecture combines several components, such as
convolutional layers, residual pathways, global
average pooling, and fully connected layers, all
working together harmoniously. The pipeline of the
ResNet architecture can be visualized in Fig. 1,