A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for National
Basketball Association (NBA) Most Valuable Player (MVP)
Vote Share Prediction
Zhicheng Cheng
College of Arts and Sciencs, Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO, U.S.A.
Keywords: Machine Learning Models, Regression Analysis, National Basketball Association, Most Valuable Player
Prediction, Sports Outcome Prediction.
Abstract: In an era of burgeoning sports betting, the quest to predict the Most Valuable Player (MVP) in a regular
National Basketball Association (NBA) season has become a novel way for people to be involved in the
world’s most popular basketball league. This paper adopts various Machine Learning Regression Models to
help predict the MVP win share of an arbitrary player in an arbitrary NBA season. More specifically, every
single NBA player’s statistics and MVP win share in the past 40 years are collected, preprocessed, and used
to train and test the machine learning models. After comparing each model’s R-squared value and MAPE, it
is concluded that the Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression Model is the best model in predicting the MVP
win share of an arbitrary player in an arbitrary season, with a R-squared value of 0.6399 and a MAPE of
22.90%. This means that 63.99% of the variation in the dependent variable (i.e., the actual MVP win share)
can be explained by the independent variables (the statistics), and that the prediction of the dependent variable
(i.e., the actual MVP win share) is only off by 22.90%.
In the ever-evolving world of professional sports, few
spectacles can rival the frenzy that surrounds the
National Basketball Association (NBA). In recent
years, the best basketball league has catapulted itself
into the global spotlight, captivating the hearts and
minds of fans worldwide. As the league's popularity
continues to soar, an intriguing phenomenon has
emerged - the surge in betting activities that have
transformed the way people engage with the game
(Thabta et al 2019).
Each season, sports betting companies such as
BetMGM, Caesars Sportsbook, FanDuel, and
DraftKings, offer odds on various players’ likelihood
of winning the MVP title. Such behaviors have
tremendously raised spectators’ interest in predicting
the winner of the reward – as the prediction is no
longer confined to the casual conversation after family
dinner, but also a financial activity that can help them
earn windfalls.
In this research, different machine learning
algorithms are applied to a dataset that contains the
statistics and MVP win share of all the players in NBA
history. The most fitting model is then generated to
predict the MVP win share of an arbitrary player in an
arbitrary (including future) season, given that player’s
statistics such as points, rebounds, assists, etc.
Hopefully, this paper can bring new insights into
audiences’ prediction of MVP players under various
scenarios, especially betting.
Many scholars have applied machine learning
algorithms to predict the MVP of the National
Basketball Association in various ways. In Dai et al.’s
research, different neural network models are trained
and tested on the dataset containing the NBA players’
performance from 1997 to 2016 and the winner of the
MVP award in each season. The model that has the
best performance successfully predicts the MVP
winner of the 2016-2017 season (Chen et al 2019).
Similarly, in Hu et al.’s publication, a BP neural
network model is trained on the dataset containing the
NBA players’ performance in the past ten years and
the winner of the MVP in each year. The final model
Cheng, Z.
A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for National Basketball Association (NBA) Most Valuable Player (MVP) Vote Share Prediction.
DOI: 10.5220/0012800800003885
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning (DAML 2023), pages 262-267
ISBN: 978-989-758-705-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
successfully predicts the MVP winner of the 2019-
2020 season, which is unknown at the time the paper
is published (Hu et al 2019). Chapman’s paper also
uses various machine learning models to predict the
MVP of the NBA regular season, and he finds that the
LightBGM Model paired with Overlapping
techniques produces the best training and testing
results, successfully predicting the MVP 80.65% of
the time (Chapman 2023). Li’s work uses four
machine learning models to predict the MVP of the
NBA regular season, and the model with the best
performance yields an accuracy of 67 percent (Li
2021). Chen’s investigation, on the other hand, uses
data mining to build different statistical models to
predict the 2017 NBA MVP (Chen 2017). Despite not
having a definite answer as the season has not ended
during his publication, his model concludes that team
record should be the dominant factor in deciding the
MVP. Last but not least, Jordan Malik’s study adopts
different machine learning models such as Artificial
Neural Networks, K-Nearest Neighbors, and Linear
Regression Models (LRM), as well as seven other
underlying models to predict the MVP of the NBA
regular season. Surprisingly, the combination of two
of the underlying models with an LRM framework
provides the most robust prediction and is thus
selected for future validation (McCorey 2021).
Past scholars have largely viewed the winning of
MVP as a discrete and binary variable - that is,
whether a player has won the MVP or not. Such
comprehension results in their usage of machine
learning models to classify all players into two
categories - one is winning and the other is not, and
the result they provide will be the player that falls into
the category of winning.
In this research, the MVP win share of an NBA
player is viewed as a continuous variable, with
regression models being used to predict the MVP win
share of an arbitrary player. In addition to predicting
who the MVP will be like the previous scholars do,
this research also provides information to audiences
on how likely an arbitrary player is going to win the
3.1 Data and Software Tool
In this research, the “1982 - 2022 NBA Player
Statistics with MVP Votes” dataset (later referred to
as the Dataset) is collected from the Kaggle Open
Datasets, which is published by Robert Sunderhaft
and originated from the Basketball Reference Website
(Robert 2023). The Dataset contains 17,698 entries,
with the same players playing in multiple seasons
being considered multiple times (for instance, a player
playing in both 21-22 season and 22-23 season
appears twice in the Dataset). Each entry in the
Dataset is accompanied by 55 attributes. Among them,
the award_share (MVP Voting Win Share
Percentage) is recognized as the dependent or
response variable, the season and the name are
disregarded as they are irrelevant to the prediction of
an arbitrary player’s MVP win share in future seasons,
and the rest 52 attributes are recognized as the
explanatory variables or features.
In this research, machine learning algorithms are
the primary tools used to predict the MVP win share
of an arbitrary player in future seasons, and all the data
pre-processing, machine learning algorithms, and
analysis of prediction results are implemented with
Python programming language in Jupyer Notebook.
3.2 Data Preprocessing
Preprocessing helps clean, transform, and integrate
data. These processes not only simplify the
construction of machine learning models but also
contribute to the attainment of heightened model
accuracy. The preprocessing techniques used in this
research include filling missing values, hot encoding
categorical variables, feature selection, and data
Missing entries are first identified using Jupyter
Notebook and Python. Notice that all the attributes
that contain empty entries are of the type of
percentage. It is observed that the primary reason for
these empty percentages is that the divisor, or the total,
for calculating the percentage is 0 (for instance, the
three-point shot percentage becomes empty if a player
does not make any three-point shot). 0 is thus used to
replace these empty entries.
It is obvious that the two categorical variables in
the remaining Dataset are team_id and pos. On one
hand, each player’s team_id is the first three letters of
the team he has played for, and if a player has played
in multiple teams in one season, his team_id is valued
as “TOT”. In order to take this categorical variable
into account for the construction of a machine
learning, and thus mathematical, model, each new
string value for team_id is indexed along the column
(for instance, LAL is indexed with 1 and PHO is
indexed with 2 as they are the first two entries of the
column, and if another LAL appears, the index 1 is
given again). Similarly, each new string value for pos
on the court is also indexed along the column.
A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for National Basketball Association (NBA) Most Valuable Player (MVP) Vote Share
Excluding the irrelevant features season and name
and the hot-encoded features team_id and pos,
Pearson’s Correlation Method is used to identify the
other irrelevant features, and the method is
implemented with Jupyter Notebook and Python.
Pearson’s Correlation Method denotes that all
correlation coefficients between the explanatory and
response variables are in the range of -1 and 1, with a
value between -0.5 and 0.5 indicating an insignificant
correlation, and a value below -0.5 or above 0.5
indicating a notable correlation (Robert 2023). In this
research, 0.1 and -0.1 are used as the cut-offs for
dropping the irrelevant explanatory variable.
Feature Scaling is finally performed by
normalizing the remaining data to the range between
0 and 1, which essentially boosts the algorithms’
3.3 Training and Testing Method for
the Dataset
After preprocessing, the Dataset is ready for the
machine learning algorithm to be trained and tested.
In this research, the 70% Train-test Splitting Method
is used to randomly split the 17,698 entries into a train
set with precisely 12,388 entries, and a test set with
precisely 5,310 entries. The train set is then used for
constructing the various machine learning algorithms,
and the test set is used for measuring the performance
of each of the algorithms.
3.4 Design of Regression Model
Comprehensive machine learning regression
techniques are applied to the Dataset, including Linear
Regression, Polynomial Regression (PR), Random
Forest Regression (RFR), Gradient Boosting
Regression (GBR), Extreme Gradient Boosting
(XGBoost), and Neural Network Regression (NNR).
In this research, three neural network models with
varying hidden layers are built to predict the MVP win
share of an arbitrary player in future seasons. More
specifically, the hidden layer of the neural network
models varies from 1, 2, to 3, and each model is
trained with 200, 400, and 800 epochs. Each of the
models also uses Rectified Linear Activation Function
(RELU) and linear function as the activation
functions, and Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) as
the optimizer. The details of each of the models are
explained in Table 1.
3.5 Measurement of Performance
After each of the machine learning regression models
is constructed based on the train set, the model
predicts the MVP win share of each of the players in
the test set, and the prediction is compared with the
actual value in the Dataset. Two parameters are then
used to measure how accurate each model predicts: the
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and the R-
squared value. More specifically, MAPE is calculated
by the formula 1
    
 
where n represents the total number of entries in the
test set, and R-squared value is calculated by the
formula 2
(  )
(      )
4.1 Results
The R-squared value of the Linear Regression Model
is 0.2898, and the MAPE is 0.6612. The R-squared
value of the Polynomial Regression Model is 0.5209,
and the MAPE is 56.21%.
Table 1: Neural Network Regression Model Parameters.
Number of hidden layers 1 2 3
Number of neurons in input layer 53 53 53
Number of neurons in each hidden layer 64 128, 64 256, 128, 64
Hidden layer activation function RELU RELU RELU
Output layer activation function Linear Linear Linear
Lost function SGD SGD SGD
Number of epochs 200, 400, 800 200, 400, 800 200, 400, 800
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
The R-squared value of the Random Forest
Regression Model is 0.6527, and the MAPE is
29.32%. The graph of predicted MVP win share vs.
actual MVP win share for the test set is presented in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Actual vs. Predicted MVP Win Share Using
Random Forest Regression Model (Picture Credit:
The R-squared value of the Gradient Boosting
Regression Model is 0.6525, and the MAPE is
36.09%. The graph of predicted MVP win share vs.
actual MVP win share for the test set is presented in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Actual vs. Predicted MVP Win Share Using
Gradient Boosting Regression Model (Picture Credit:
The R-squared value of the Extreme Gradient
Boosting Regression Model is 0.6399, and the MAPE
is 22.90%. The graph of predicted MVP win share vs.
actual MVP win share for the test set is presented in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Actual vs. Predicted MVP Win Share Using
Extreme Gradient Boosting Model (Picture Credit: Original).
The R-squared value of the Neural Network
Regression Model with 2 Dense Layers and 200
Epochs is 0.4584, and the MAPE is 15.38%. The
graph of predicted MVP win share vs. actual MVP
win share for the test set is presented in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: Actual vs. Predicted MVP Win Share Using
Neural Network Regression Model with 2 dense layer and
200 epochs (Picture Credit: Original).
The R-squared value of the Neural Network
Regression Model with 2 Dense Layers and 400
Epochs is 0.6776, and the MAPE is 86.61%. %. The
graph of predicted MVP win share vs. actual MVP
win share for the test set is presented in Fig. 5.
Figure 5: Actual vs. Predicted MVP Win Share Using
Neural Network Regression Model with 2 dense layer and
400 epochs (Picture Credit: Original).
The R-squared value of the Neural Network
Regression Model with 2 Dense Layers and 800
Epochs is 0.2845, and the MAPE is 63.01%. The R-
squared value of the Neural Network Regression
Model with 3 Dense Layers and 200 Epochs is
0.5973, and the MAPE is 37.36%. The R-squared
value of the Neural Network Regression Model with
3 Dense Layers and 400 Epochs is 0.5987, and the
MAPE is 42.40%. The R-squared value of the Neural
Network Regression Model with 3 Dense Layers and
800 Epochs is 0.5774, and the MAPE is 60.16%. The
R-squared value of the Neural Network Regression
Model with 3 Dense Layers and 200 Epochs is
A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for National Basketball Association (NBA) Most Valuable Player (MVP) Vote Share
0.5787, and the MAPE is 42.85%. The R-squared
value of the Neural Network Regression Model with
3 Dense Layers and 400 Epochs is 0.5995, and the
MAPE is 95.24%. The R-squared value of the Neural
Network Regression Model with 3 Dense Layers and
800 Epochs is 0.5461, and the MAPE is 111.81%.
4.2 Discussion
It is observed that the Neural Network Regression
Model with 2 Dense Layers and 400 Epochs yields
the highest R-squared value of 0.6776, meaning that
67.76% of the variance in the dependent variable (i.e.,
the actual MVP win share) can be explained by the
independent variables. Such a high R-squared value
indicates that the model is a good fit for the Dataset.
However, the model also yields a MAPE of 86.61%,
meaning that the prediction of the dependent variable
(i.e., the actual MVP win share) is off by 86.61%.
Such a high MAPE also indicates that the prediction
result is far from being accurate (Akoglu 2018). One
typical reason for the simultaneous high R-squared
value and MAPE is that the model is overfitting,
meaning that the model fits the training data
exceptionally well but cannot be generalized to new,
unseen data (Dietterich 1995).
Similarly, the Neural Network Regression Model
with 2 Dense Layers and 200 Epochs yields the
lowest MAPE of 15.38%, meaning that the prediction
of the dependent variable (i.e., the actual MVP win
share) is only off by 15.38 %. Such a low MAPE
indicates that the prediction result is accurate.
However, the model yields an R-squared value of
0.4584, meaning that only 45.84% of the variance in
the dependent variable (i.e., the actual MVP win
share) can be explained by the independent variables.
Such an R-squared value also indicates that the model
is just a passable fit for the Dataset.
Therefore, upon providing the model with both a
good R-square value and a good MAPE, the Extreme
Gradient Boosting Regression Model is selected to be
the best model in predicting the MVP win share of an
arbitrary player in an arbitrary season. The R-squared
value of the Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression
Model is 0.6399, meaning that 63.99% of the variance
in the dependent variable (i.e., the actual MVP win
share) can be explained by the independent variables.
The model also yields a MAPE of 22.90%, meaning
that the prediction of the dependent variable (i.e., the
actual MVP win share) is only off by 22.90%.
In order to help audiences do a better job in predicting
the NBA regular season MVP under different
scenarios, this research applies different Machine
Learning Regression Models to predict the MVP win
share of an arbitrary player in an arbitrary NBA
season. More specifically, every single NBA player’s
statistics and MVP win share in the past 40 years are
collected, preprocessed, and used to train and test the
machine learning models. After comparing each
model’s R-squared value and MAPE, it is concluded
that the Extreme Gradient Boosting Regression
Model is the best model in predicting the MVP win
share of an arbitrary player in an arbitrary season,
with a R-squared value of 0.6399 and a MAPE of
While this research can certainly provide useful
information for future prediction of MVP, the final
result is not optimized due to the limited capability of
the facilities (i.e., computers). For instance, the tuning
of the hyperparameters of the neural network models
is not optimized, as only a few numbers of epochs and
dense layers are being tested. In future research
endeavors, it is conceivable to expand upon existing
machine learning models by incrementing the
hyperparameters such as the number of epochs and
dense layers. Researchers can also graph the
performance of these models with various
hyperparameters, thereby discovering the trends in
different models’ performance. It then becomes
feasible to pinpoint the optimal configuration that
maximizes the model's performance.
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A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for National Basketball Association (NBA) Most Valuable Player (MVP) Vote Share