using t and h as independent variables to estimate the
curve, the annual frequency of typhoon influence in
East China can be simulated successfully. Using t, wh,
and ww as independent variables, the curve estimation
can successfully simulate the annual frequency of
typhoon influence in South China.
There is a general causal relationship between
radiation flux and ENSO-related variables, some of
which are directly caused and some are indirectly
related. In general, changes in radiative fluxes can
affect changes in ocean heat, and changes in ocean
heat can affect changes in atmospheric circulation,
thus creating a causal relationship between radiative
fluxes and ENSO-related variables. In ElNino years,
typhoons tend to form ocean-going, and the typhoon
tracks tend to be east-north, with large intensity
variance. In LaNina year, typhoons tend to generate
near the coast, the typhoon path is west-south, the
intensity variance is small, and the average impact
time of southeast coastal areas of China is long.
There are still some areas that need to be further
explored in this study. First, the intensity of the
physical quantity field involved in this paper can also
be defined from different angles. How to define the
radiation amount, the intensity of ENSO activity and
the intensity of typhoon activity from various angles,
so as to study the interaction between these elements is
a very worthwhile problem. Second, more
comprehensive studies can be conducted from the
perspective of more physical quantities, such as ENSO
changes over long time scales. There are still many
related physical quantities and the interaction between
ENSO worthy of further study. Moreover, the various
ENSO-related physical quantities mentioned in this
paper, such as radiation flux, are also worthy of further
study, so as to have a deeper understanding of the effect
of ENSO changes on typhoons over a long time scale.
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