73.8620 0.9032 0.0460 77.2794 0.9347 0.0377
73.0892 0.9097 0.1131 73.0973 0.9146 0.1136
69.4125 0.8130 0.2633 72.0820 0.8824 0.1971
Table 3 shows that content loss adopts the Resnet
assessment format, which considerably raises the
standard of picture creation. This research argues that
Resnet-based loss is preferable than VGG-based loss
because Resnet makes it simple for the network to
remember certain shallow feature information and
combine it with deep feature information through skip
Although the adversarial loss in ESRGAN may
enhance the super-resolution impact of the images, it
is also simple to produce the issue of network training
collapse since the task's complexity rises. As a result,
the loss function of the model is improved by this
study. First off, the training is stable and the picture
super-resolution effect is better based on the
adversarial loss suggested by WGAN. Second, while
the addition of TV Loss can enhance the effects of
picture super-resolution, its impact diminishes with
increasing job complexity and can even make it more
difficult to train a GAN network. Third, the content
loss that results from employing the Resnet network
for feature extraction as opposed to the VGG can
further enhance the effects of picture super-resolution.
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resolution weakens as the task's complexity rises,
although it still has a favorable impact. The effect of
image super-resolution degrades as the task's zoom
factor increases. In order to accomplish the effect of
magnifying the resolution by 4 times, a cascade
approach will be used to increase the resolution by 2
times sequentially twice. The experimental findings
demonstrate that the suggested enhancement approach
can successfully increase model performance. The
results of this study will be used to deploy the model
in the field in the future.
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