while optimizing runtime energy savings. This
provides tangible benefits such as orders of magnitude
lower power consumption for resource-intensive
applications, improved refresh rates for latency-
sensitive games, and overcoming smartphone
limitations in voice-based language translation
applications by remotely triggering unsupported
While cloud servers may be farther from the end-
users, potentially increasing latency, their abundant
computational resources can still effectively reduce
the overall processing time if resource allocation is
done optimally. An example illustrating this concept
is Distributed Deep Neural Networks (DDNN).
DDNNs (Teerapittayanon et al 2017) can scale neural
network size and geographic coverage, improving
sensor fusion, fault tolerance, and data protection. By
assigning DNN sections to this hierarchy and training
them together, DDNNs minimize communication and
resource consumption and support automatic sensor
coupling and fault tolerance. As a proof of concept,
DDNNs leverage the geographic diversity of sensors,
improving object detection accuracy and reducing
communication costs by more than twenty times
compared to traditional processing of raw sensor data
in the cloud.
The final approach involves distributing
computations across different edge servers, and a
representative study demonstrating this concept is
DeepThings (Zhao et al 2018). it optimizes memory
utilization through scalable Fused Tile Partitioning
convolutional layers, provides dynamic load
balancing through distributed work stealing, and
improves data reuse and latency reduction through
innovative work scheduling and achieves a scalable
CNN inference speed of 1.7 to 3.5 times on 2 to 6 edge
devices with less than 23 MB of memory each, which
outperforms existing methods.
3.4 Private Inference
When performing computations on servers with user
data, privacy concerns become paramount.
GAZELLE (Chiraag et al 2018) and DeepSecure
(Darvish et al 2018) are two effective methods for
encrypting user privacy data without impeding the
inference process of deep learning networks.
In summary, this research has underscored the pivotal
role played by deep learning in augmenting the
potential of edge computing networks. It has
responded to the pressing demand for streamlined,
real-time processing capabilities at the edge and
examined the viability of incorporating deep learning
models into established edge computing frameworks.
The research has introduced novel approaches,
including fine-tuned neural network designs and
resource-efficient training methodologies, which have
yielded substantial enhancements in performance
across various edge applications.
These findings have profound implications for
areas such as autonomous systems, the Internet of
Things and healthcare, where low-latency decision-
making is paramount.
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DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning