Evaluation on Malicious URL Detection with Different Features
Based on Various Machine Learning Algorithms
Xiang Guo
Faculty of Engineering & IT, The University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC 3052, Australia
Keywords: Machine Learning; KNN; Neural Network; Logistic Regression; URL Detection.
Abstract: With the escalating demand for cybersecurity, the identification of malevolent Uniform Resource Locators
(URLs) has assumed paramount significance in defending against cyber threats. Various techniques, ranging
from blacklists and heuristics to machine learning methods, have been employed for the purpose of detecting
malicious URLs. Among these methodologies, machine learning stands out prominently due to its scalability,
adaptability to emerging threats, and capacity to uncover threats that were hitherto unknown. This paper
focuses on analyzing deep learning learning methods to detect malicious URLs compared with two traditional
machine learning algorithm: Logistic Regression (LR) and K Nearest Neighbour (KNN). Scratching and
collecting over 200,000 data to train the model and make prediction and evaluation. The result shows that the
deep learning algorithm could achieve much higher scores than the other two machine learning models, but
has much lower efficiency. The KNN model has better performance on selected feature group than hybrid
feature group. The LR model could achieve higher performance on huge dataset and extremely complex
feature group.
Over time, as the demand for cybersecurity continues
to grow, ensuring the safety and security of individuals
and organizations has become paramount. Malicious
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) can lead to
various cybersecurity threats such as phishing attacks,
malware distribution, or unauthorized access to
sensitive data. Detection of malicious URLs often
involves analyzing the URL structure, evaluating the
domain reputation, and assessing the content hosted
on the linked page. Thus, the numbers of malicious url
detection approach have significantly increased.
Overall, these approaches could be classified into
three types: Blacklist Approach, Heuristic or Rule-
based Approach, Machine Learning Approach (Sahoo
D et al 2017). The machine learning approach offered
benefits in terms of scalability, adaptability to
changing threat landscapes, and the ability to detect
previously unseen or zero-day threats, which make
machine learning approach quite outstanding
compared with the other two approaches. Therefore,
the research and exploration of novel machine
learning methods to detect malicious url has become
increasingly important.
Three main feature groups have been identified of
an URL: Lexical group, host-based feature group,
correlated feature group (Do et al 2020), numbers of
novel machine learning algorithm and ideas has been
posted for different features and types of URL to train
and predict. In the study of B. B. et al in 2021, Gupta
et al. have proposed an approach to extract and pre-
process the feature vectors based on lexical feature
group. This approach only uses nine features based on
the lexical properties of URLs to reach 99.57%
accuracy. For the group of host-based features, it is
usually referred to malicious domains which hidden in
URLs (Palaniappan et al 2020), the paper identified
several common the Domain Name System (DNS-
based) features of a domain name, such as
Autonomous System Number and IP addresses to
explore an active DNS analysis approach and trained
a logistic regression classifier to get around 60%
accuracy. Except for single group of features,
researching hybrid correlated features group is also
worthwhile. One hybrid feature selection algorithm
posted by Kumar’s study in 2023, it converts the text
features into numerical vectors using Word2Vec and
apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) feature
selection algorithm to reduce the dimensionality
combined with Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Guo, X.
Evaluation on Malicious URL Detection with Different Features Based on Various Machine Learning Algorithms.
DOI: 10.5220/0012808400003885
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning (DAML 2023), pages 338-342
ISBN: 978-989-758-705-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
features to train and test. The result demonstrated that
hybrid Features generally outperformed Word Vectors
across all algorithms, thus, it could improve the
overall accuracy.
However, most of these kinds of research are lack
of assessment and analysis of efficiency, robustness,
usability and performance. Furthermore, a significant
portion of these studies relies on outdated datasets,
primarily from around 2016. Moreover, a subset of
these studies continues to employ basic linear
regression for model training, suggesting ample room
for more advanced exploration and research. The
main contribution of this paper is to reproduce some
of detection process but replace them with neural-
network machine learning architecture or K nearest
neighbours to explore the potential extension and
limitation as well as make assessment on performance
by comparing with previous work.
2.1 Dataset
2.1.1 Dataset Preparation
In this research, open-source URL dataset (ISCX-
URL2016) was collected as main resources. The
ISCX-URL involves types of malioucs URLS
including Benign, Spam, Phishing, Malware and
Defacement URLs. The amount of URLs is over
200,000 in this dataset, which provide significantly
common and convenient resources to train the model
and evaluate the result in all kinds of situation.
2.1.2 Pre-Processing Values
Several steps need to be done to pre-process the
dataset: 1) Gathering and sorting the dataset by length
to make the dataset straightforward to check and
analyze. 2) Getting rid of the duplicated data since
they will make the model overfitting. 3) Seperating the
URLs into words and vectorized the words. In this
research, using Word2Vec and Tfidf to vectorize the
URLs, which make it easy to fetch and select features
of URLs. 4) Deleting the suffix of URLs, such as com,
cn, au. Because all kinds of these suffixes are not key
words of training the model. 5) Around 200, 000 data
has been collected after the pre-processing and is used
in this research. The whole process is shown in Figure
1 below.
2.1.3 Feature Selection
Since the features of URLs could be divided into three
parts: Lexical-based, host-based and correlated-based,
three groups of features are trained and tested to make
comparison and assessment in this study. The first
group will take only lexical-based features, such as
Alphabets and lower or upper case letters in URL
(Raja et al 2021). The second group will take all the
words which are separated within the URL into
2.2 Machine Learning
2.2.1 Logistic Regression
Therefore, it is assumed that the data obey this LR
distribution, and then use maximum likelihood
Figure 1: Process flow chart (Picture credit: Original).
Evaluation on Malicious URL Detection with Different Features Based on Various Machine Learning Algorithms
estimation to estimate the parameters. Using this
model to classify the malicious URLs into two classes,
malicious or benign. It comes with a modest
computational burden, simplicity in comprehension
and implementation. To implement this model, it is
necessary to assume the training data at least could be
fitted in logistic distribution which could be allowed
to use maximum likelihood estimation to estimate the
parameters. According to paper (Chiramdasu et al
2021 & Vanitha et al 2019), it has been proven that
using logistic regression to classify URL into
malicious and benign is available and sometimes
better than other traditional machine learning
algorithm such as K neighbors. One advantage of
logistic regression model is its modest occupation and
cost of computational resources which make this
model relatively efficient in terms of processing and
training time. Additionally, it is simple to implement
logistic regression and it is easy to make
comprehension, enabling users to easily understand
and utilize the technique for predictive modeling
tasks. In this research, it is highly expected that LR
model will have overall good performances on
extremely large dataset and hybrid feature
combination as this model has such properties.
Nevertheless, LR model probably not fit well based on
selected feature groups.
2.2.2 Neural Network
An Artificial Neural Network (ANN), also referred to
as Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), usually consist with
one input layer, one output layer and at least one
hidden layer between the input and output layer. The
more hidden layer it has, the more complex model it
will be, taking more to train but it could also achieve
higher accuracy of prediction. In A Aljofe et al’s study
in 2020, the paper explored the availability and
performance of using neural network on phishing
URL detection and posted some features might be
suitable for neural network. However, it does not take
other types of malicious url into consideration and it
has some noise of some sensitive words. In this paper,
mainly use neural network model with 'Relu' and
'Logistic' activation to train and make prediction.
Making neural network model as main comparison
with LR and KNN to analyze and assess the
performances and differences. Because the neural
network should have better score on large dataset as
this model possesses a strong capacity to extract
information from big data and construct highly
complex models. But this model will take longer time
to train and require appropiate data pre-processing at
the same time.
As the dataset contains over 20,000 data, choosing
adam (Jais et al 2019) will be the best optimizer as
adam has been proved as best optimizer for large
training. However, with the limitation of
computational resource, the more hidden layer with
more neurons will make the cost of training much
higher. Therefore, as testing several possible number
of layers, it is better to apply two hidden layers with 5
neurons each to make MLP classifier have the best
performance on the dataset. And for this research, the
activation will test Relu as default and Logistic as
comparison to choose the one with better performance.
2.2.3 K Neighbors Classifier
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a widely-used
supervised classification algorithm known for its
simplicity and easy to make adjustment on parameter.
The principle behind KNN involves assigning a class
label to an instance based on the categories of its
nearest neighbors, determined by measuring their
distances. Implementing KNN is straightforward, as it
does not require parameter estimation or complex
training procedures. It usually has good performance
on classification. However, KNN is considered a lazy
algorithm, as it involves extensive computations for
classification. It requires scanning all training samples
to calculate distances, leading to high memory usage
and slow inference speed. The larger the dataset, the
more time and resources will cost. In this research,
applying KNN as a comparative model against other
training models. The KNN model is expected to have
better performance on classify malicious and benign
URLs as this is only two classifications. However, this
model might occupy large amount computation
resources to train and predict due to the large volume
of data. As mentioned in Shah’s study in 2020, LR
usually outperforms KNN on large dataset and
complex situation, but KNN could have better
performance on selected feature group. Hence, it is
meaningful to implement KNN model in this research
as we choose lexical feature group to compare with
hybrid feature group.
2.3 Evaluation Metrics
Four types of scores will be implemented as
evaluation metrics: accuracy, F1, precision, recall.
These four metrics will show the all-rounded scores of
the model.
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑇𝑃/(𝑇𝑃 + 𝐹𝑃) (1)
Recall = TP/(TP+FN)
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
There are four variables in the equation. The first
one is True Positive (TP). In this research, the TP
represents the total amount of malicious URLs
classified match with the label of test data. The second
one is True Negative (TN). The TP represents the total
amount of good URLs which have been classified and
matched with the label of test data. The third one is
False Positive (FP). The FP represents the total
amount of malicious URLs classified but the label of
test data is good URLs. The last one is False Negative
(FN). The FN represents the total amount of good
URLs classified but the label of test data is malicious.
The results involved two groups of features, the first
feature group training is based on all correlated
features, which vectorised all possible words and
features separated by all kinds of punctuation marks.
The final score is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Scores of hybrid feature group.
The second feature group training is based on only
lexical-based features, which mainly extracted length
of URL and different part of URL separated by slash,
the number of different letters and punctuation marks.
The final result is shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Scores of lexical-based feature group.
The two groups of models achieved high scores
after optimizing the parameter. However, it is easy for
LR models to overfit and KNN underfit in the first
group of correlated features. According to the learning
curve of Figure 2, when the training data is under
50,000, the LR model shows high variance, and the
model becomes fitting after 100,000 data to finally
reach just right. For the KNN model, as testing all
possible parameters of KNN from 5 neighbors to 50
neighbors, the model shows underfitting when the
number of neighbors larger than 30.
Figure 2: Learning curve of LR model
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
It is obvious to observe that MLP have the best
performance in both two groups after optimizing the
parameter and active function and the learning curve
shows in Fig.3, which displays a good fitting and
training of neural network model. Nevertheless, the
score will have tiny change around 0.2% if reduce or
increase the hidden layer and iteration epoch. This
could probably be because the simple structure of
URLs and limit combination of features which make
no difference to allow deep learning algorithm to train
the model.
Figure 3: Learning Curve of MLP model
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
Calculating the average score of all four evaluation
metrics in the two groups to make comparison, and the
comparison result shows in Fig.4. The result shows
MLP has the highest scores on both two groups of
features. LR has better performance on correlated
feature group, and KNN has better scores on only
lexical feature group.
Evaluation on Malicious URL Detection with Different Features Based on Various Machine Learning Algorithms
Figure 4: Comparison of two feature groups
(Photo/Picture credit: Original).
However, the neural network has taken much more
time to train and predict compared with the other two
models, especially for the hybrid feature group. It is
mainly because of the high degree of the feature after
vectorizing, the degree of first feature group could
reach over 30,000 after vectorising all the possible
words and features of URLs, which make the
efficiency of neural network extremely low.
In this study, three models underwent training using
two distinct sets of features and a dataset comprising
over 20,000 instances. The objective was to scrutinize
their behaviors and ultimate performance, with the
aim of determining which model is best suited for
URL analysis and detection. The neural network
model exhibited superior performance in evaluation
scores compared to LR and KNN, but it was
associated with the lowest efficiency. Conversely,
KNN demonstrated strong overall performance in
terms of both efficiency and accuracy when applied to
the lexical-based feature group. The LR model is more
suitable for complex feature groups and extremely
large dataset as the algorithm takes less resources but
high speed to train. However, this research only
compares two types of features groups and needs more
combination of features to compare deep learning
algorithm with traditional machine learning model.
And the dataset only comes from one resource which
might lead to some bias of data. In the future, further
studies are looking forward to seeking more groups of
features, exploring more newly deep learning model
and scratching more data from different resources to
full-fill the analysis and evaluation.
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Comparison of two feature groups
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DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning