Evaluating ARIMA and LSTM Approaches for Predicting S&P 500
Index Movements: A Comparative Analysis
Keming Zhang
The Institute of Data Science, University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., U.S.A.
Keywords: ARIMA, LSTM, S&P 500, Time Series.
Abstract: Within the sphere of equity market trading, precise price prediction is paramount for steering investment
strategies and increasing returns. This manuscript presents a comparative study of two renowned time series
forecasting models, the AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model and the Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) model. Given the S&P 500's significance as an investor benchmark, this study
employs historical S&P 500 price data from 2018 to 2023 to appraise the predictive efficacy of both ARIMA
and LSTM models. The findings in this instance underscore the superior precision of the ARIMA model over
the LSTM model. Nevertheless, it is imperative to highlight that the selection between ARIMA and LSTM
models ought to be dependent on the specific attributes of the data and the forecasting horizons in question.
This investigation illuminates the respective advantages and limitations of both models, offering valuable
insights for investors and scholars traversing the multifaceted terrain of financial markets. Subsequent
research could extend this inquiry by investigating additional time-series models to improve the proficiency
of stock price prognostications.
As a popular investment avenue, the stock market
consistently garners significant attention from
investors. Accurate stock price forecasting
substantially aids investors in making informed
decisions, thereby enhancing their investment returns
(Gaiwen and Shihan 2023). For instance, in the stock
market, stock indices represent hypothetical
portfolios of investment holdings, and provide broad
representations of various financial market segments.
Consequently, both individual and institutional
investors often show greater interest in these indices
than in the standalone stock price of a specific
company (Young et al 2023 & Wang et al 2012). One
of the well-known stock indexes is the Standard &
Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) index, which was launched in
1957, and features the top 500 U.S. publicly traded
companies primarily ranked by market capitalization
(Kenton 2021). Given these circumstances, the S&P
500 is a highly representative stock index in the
United States and will be used as the data source for
the paper. In addition, to get more profit and suffer
less loss, thousands and millions of investors would
like to use the historical price of the stock index to
predict its future prices, but what predicting method
should they use always becomes a greatly stumping
Time series models are techniques that primarily
leverage historical data to predict future data values
(Tableau 2023). The stock price series is essentially a
time series that has properties like trends, cycles,
timelines, and so on (Gaiwen and Shihan 2023).
Therefore employing time series forecasting could be
a viable solution. Considering the aforementioned
reasons, it is logical for this paper to utilize the S&P
500 price as the dataset and employ time series
forecasting models for predictions. Specifically,
Section 2 of this paper introduces two fundamental
time series models, the Autoregressive Integrated
Moving Average (ARIMA) model and the Long
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model. The subsequent
sections utilize these models for prediction in Section
3, discuss the results of the two models in Section 4,
and finally draw conclusions in Section 5.
Zhang, K.
Evaluating ARIMA and LSTM Approaches for Predicting S&P 500 Index Movements: A Comparative Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012808700003885
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning (DAML 2023), pages 444-450
ISBN: 978-989-758-705-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2.1 Data Collection
The dataset, as shown in Table 1 (Ameri 2023),
utilized in this study comprises daily data information
on the S&P 500 stock index. The dataset includes 6
columns: Date indicating the dataset's index, Open
indicating the stock's opening price on the current day,
High indicating the stock's highest price on the
current day, Low indicating the stock's lowest price
on the current day, Close indicating the stock's
closing price on the current day, and Volume
indicating the volume of stock traded on that day. The
dataset comprises 1260 rows, with each row
individually presenting unique information about the
stock index for each trading day from March 7th,
2018 to March 5th, 2023 (Garlapati et al 2021).
2.2 Arima Model
The ARIMA model posits that the future value of a
variable is linearly related to its past observations and
past random errors. This model, as introduced by Box
and Jenkins in 1970, is one of the most commonly
used time series models in the financial market for the
short run. This linear relationship can be expressed as
in (1):
0 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
... ...
t t t p t p t t t q t q
= + + + + +
To understand this function, it is known that
are the actual value and the random error of a
certain variable at time period t, respectively. Then,
are the past values of the variable,
are the past errors of the
variable. Finally,
   and
  are their coefficients (Ariyo et al 2014).
In simpler terms, three primary parametric
componentsauto-regression (AR), integration (I),
and moving average (MA)could be generated based
on this linear function of the ARIMA model. AR
signifies the weighted moving average over the prior
observations, I signify the linear or polynomial trend,
and MA signifies the weighted moving average over
the prior errors. These three components can be
represented by the abbreviated form ARIMA(p,d,q).
Here, p stands for the number of the auto-regressive
terms, d for the quantity of differencing (integrating)
required to stabilize the time series, and q for the
quantity of the moving average term (Wang et al 2012
& Guha and Bandyopadhyay 2016). This encapsulates
the fundamental concept of the ARIMA model.
Figure 1: Structure diagram of LSTM.
2.3 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
The LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) model was
proposed by Sepp Hochreiter and Jürgen
Schmidhuber in 1997. Originating from the
traditional Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model,
the LSTM model was designed to address the issues
of vanishing or exploding gradients in the RNN
(Hanqing 2023). The LSTM model proves
particularly useful for time series prediction
involving long sequences of data and has been
utilized and refined by numerous researchers during
the past few years.
Then, it is necessary to see the concrete structure
of the LSTM model. According to Figure 1 (Haowei
2023), the LSTM model is mainly composed of 4 key
elements, which are memory cell, forget gate, input
gate, and output gate. The first thing to do in the
model is the forget gate operation, to decide which
Table 1: Original Dataset (Ameri 2023).
Evaluating ARIMA and LSTM Approaches for Predicting S&P 500 Index Movements: A Comparative Analysis
parts of the content in the cell state need to be
discarded. The forget gate processes the current
and the previous hidden state
using the sigmoid function to generate a vector
that ranges between 0 and 1. The vector
calculated by (2). After discarding certain content, the
model proceeds to the second step: the input gate
operation. This operation determines what new
information from the current input should be retained
and transferred to the cell state. This operation includes
two steps. The first step is to use an S-shaped network
layer to examine the new information and get the
updated output of this gate
,which is calculated by
(3). The second step involves using a tanh-activated
network layer to create a new candidate vector
. This
vector is also used in the input gate operating process,
and is calculated by (4). Finally, the LSTM model
reaches its last step, which involves generating a
selective output of the current cell state through the
output gate. The final output
can be calculated as
in (5) (Haowei 2023). Thus, this is the general concept
of the LSTM model.
 
 
 
 
Having introduced the theoretical foundations of the
ARIMA and LSTM models, the paper will
subsequently utilize S&P 500 index data to concretely
illustrate the building steps of these two models and
their respective forecasting results.
3.1 Procedure and Results of the
This section of the paper employs the previously
mentioned data to detail the primary procedure for
building the ARIMA model and to present its
prediction results.
3.1.1 Data Preprocessing
Data preprocessing is about processing the original
data and generating a proper dataset which is in a
format suitable for time series analysis. The data must
undergo two main steps before being utilized in the
ARIMA model.
a) First Step - Choose Variables: It is necessary
to choose two variables used in this paper to do the
time series prediction, instead of using all 6 variables
shown in the original data. One of the variables should
represent the date to delineate the timeline, while the
other variable is preferably the closing price of the
S&P 500 stock index. Because the stock price
fluctuates continuously after the stock market opens,
its open price, lowest price, and highest price are not
as reliable as its close price, which can reflect all
activities on the trading day (Zixia 2023). Figure 2
shows a line chart between the date and the close price
of the S&P 500 index.
b) Second Step - Check Data Stationarity: The
second step of data preprocessing involves checking
the stationarity of the data. If the data is not stationary,
a transformation such as differencing should be
performed to achieve stationary. For the ARIMA
model, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test is
supposed to be used to check the stationary. Because
the p-value in this case is larger than 0.05, the dataset
now is non-stationary, and differencing should be
processed. After processing the difference once, the
result in Figure 3 and 4 shows that the data has become
stationary now.
Figure 1: Close price of S&P 500 stock index for the recent
5 years (Figure credit: Original).
Figure 2: Close price data after differencing for recent 5
years. (Figure credit: Original).
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
Figure 3: Autocorrelation function plot(ACF) (Figure credit:
3.1.2 Model Identification
The second step involves determining the appropriate
values for the three parameters (p, d, q) of the ARIMA
model. According to the result above, since the dataset
requires one integration to achieve stationarity, d
should be set to 1. Subsequently, the plots of the
AutoCorrelation Function (ACF) and Partial
AutoCorrelation Function (PACF) can be utilized to
identify the values of p and q, respectively. According
to the ACF plot in Figure 5 and PACF plot in Figure
6, p is proper to be 3 and q is proper to be 2.
Figure 4: Autocorrelation function plot (ACF) (Figure
credit: Original).
Figure 5: Partial AutoCorrelation function plot (PACF)
(Figure credit: Original).
3.1.3 Model Fitting and Forecasting
Next, the ARIMA (3,1,2) model is constructed,
utilizing the closing prices of the S&P 500 index from
May 7, 2018, to May 5, 2023, to train the model. Using
the fitted model, the close price of the stock index
from 2022-5-6 to 2023-5-5 is predicted. Figure 7
displays a comparison of the predicted price of the
S&P 500 index with the original price.
Figure 6: ARIMA Model predicted value vs. Original value
of Close Price (Figure credit: Original).
3.1.4 Model Evaluation
The purpose of the model evaluation is to assess the
accuracy of the model used in the prediction. There
are quite a few different metrics that can be used for
evaluating the accuracy of time series forecasting
models. This paper employs the three most common
metrics for evaluation: Mean Absolute Error (MAE),
Mean Squared Error (MSE), and Root Mean Squared
Error (RMSE). The MAE is defined as the average of
the absolute difference between predicted and actual
values, but it may be sensitive to outliers. Equation (6)
is used to express the MAE, where is the predicted
value, xi is the actual value, and the letter n represents
the total number of values in the test set. The MSE
measures the average squared difference between
predicted and actual values, and it can be expressed by
(7). The RMSE is simply the square root of the MSE,
which is shown by (8) (Lendave 2021). All three
metrics yield positive values, and a closer
approximation to 0 indicates superior model
performance. The MAE, MSE, and RMSE scores for
the ARIMA predicted model are 42.7936, 3008.1958,
and 54.8470, correspondingly.
( )
Evaluating ARIMA and LSTM Approaches for Predicting S&P 500 Index Movements: A Comparative Analysis
3.2 Procedure and Results of the LSTM
After demonstrating the overall procedure and results
of using the ARIMA model to make the prediction,
here is the procedure and results of the LSTM model.
The main structure of building this model and using it
to forecast is similar to the ARIMA model, which also
contains 4 core steps, that is data preprocessing, model
building, model fitting and forecasting, and finally
model evaluation.
The first step is data preprocessing. For the LSTM
model, the original data needs to experience a more
complex processing. This paper still only utilizes the
date and the close price of the S&P 500 dataset’s
columns to make the prediction. These two columns
of data require to be normalized. The Date’ column
needs to be converted into a datetime format and set
as the index of the dateframe for time-series analysis.
Then, the ‘Close’ column processes normalization,
converting the numeric values of a dataset to a
common scale. It uses the MinMaxScaler in Scikit-
Learn to scale the close price of the S&P 500 stock
index between zero and one (Adusumilli 2020).
Afterward, the LSTM models need to create
sequences for training. A sequence with length 60 is
defined, and this determines how many previous time
steps your model will consider to predict the next
stock price. Then, input sequences and corresponding
labels are created. Each input sequence is a window
into historical stock prices, and the label is the next
stock price. The data is split into training and testing
sets. Typically, training relies on 80% of the data, and
testing relies on the rest of 20%. All of the operations
above are included in the data preprocessing for the
LSTM model.
What’s next, the LSTM model can be built and fit.
One or more LSTM layers, dense layers, and dropout
layers could be added in order to build a more precise
LSTM predicting model. Then, the model can be
compiled by specifying the optimizer adam’ and the
loss function—'mean_squared_error’. The model can
be trained using the training data, specifying the
number of epochs (iterations through the training data)
and the batch size (the number of samples used in each
training step). The steps in building the LSTM model
is completed. After model building and model fitting,
it uses the trained model to make predictions on the
test data, and inversely transforms the predictions to
obtain the actual stock price in the original scale. The
visual result of the original value and the predicted
value of the data is shown in Figure 8. Finally, the
MAE, MSE, and RMSE matrices can be used as well
to measure the accuracy of the prediction using the
LSTM model. Approximately, the result of MAE is
74.0982, the result of MSE is 9364.4735, and the
result of RMSE is 96.7702.
Figure 7: LSTM Model predicted value vs. Original value of
Close Price. (Figure credit: Original).
This section of the paper compares the predictive
performance of the ARIMA and LSTM models using
their respective predicted results and evaluation
metrics and based on these comparisons, the strengths
and weaknesses of each model are summarized.
To analyze the predicted results of these two
models, Figure 7 and Figure 8 are representative. The
orange line in Figure 6, and the blue and orange lines
in Figure 8 show the original close price of the S&P
500 stock index from around 2018 to 2023. While the
blue line in Figure 7 and the green line in Figure 8 are
the predicted close prices by the ARIMA model and
the LSTM model. Upon close examination of Figure
7, it is evident that the line representing predicted
values almost overlaps with the line representing
original values. There are only a few differences at the
vertices. Compared with the predicted result in Figure
7, the predicted values and the actual values in Figure
8 show more distinctions. Although the overall trend
for the predicted line and the actual line are similar,
there is little overlap between them, and the predicted
close prices are always a little bit higher than the
actual prices for the whole predicted period. In
addition, the predicted line in Figure 8 is relatively
smoother than the actual line. In other words, the
predicted line has fewer turning points than the actual
line, suggesting that it may not fully capture the
entirety of price fluctuations in the S&P 500 stock
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
The same conclusion can be drawn from the results
of the three error metrics. Based on the MAE, MSE,
and RMSE results for both models, it is evident that
the values of these three matrices for the ARIMA
model are lower than the LSTM model, which means
that the predicted accuracy of the ARIMA model in
this case is higher than the LSTM model. Therefore, it
is reasonable to conclude that, in the given context, the
ARIMA model outperforms the LSTM model in
predicting the stock price from the standpoint of the
predicted graphs and the assessment outcomes of
these two models.
Generally speaking, both the ARIMA model and
the LSTM model have benefits and drawbacks. The
ARIMA model offers simplicity and has a well-
defined structure. Only the parameters of the model
need to be estimated from the data. The drawback of
the ARIMA model is that the time series data needs to
be stable when used in the ARIMA model. If the data
is unstable, the ARIMA model may fail to capture the
underlying pattern and produce accurate predictions.
It is widely recognized that initial stock data are non-
stationary, necessitating certain preprocessing steps
for prediction. The LSTM model is an enhanced RNN
model that fixes issues with RNN while retaining the
majority of its characteristics. It is an ideal model for
dealing with issues that are highly correlated with time
series, like the stock prediction problem discussed in
this paper. Theoretically, by adjusting the number of
layers and several specific parameters in the LSTM
model, its predictive accuracy should be significantly
improved. However, one of the drawbacks is that the
LSTM model needs higher hardware requirements
when dealing with longer training time for running
predictions. It may take hours to run when processing
datasets over a long time span. The aforementioned
studies indicate that the lightweight LSTM model's
forecasting accuracy is actually less than that of the
ARIMA model. Additionally, these results suggest
that it is challenging to demonstrate the benefits of
LSTM in the typical network construction and
operating scenario (Wenjuan 2021).
This paper commences by outlining the theoretical
underpinnings of two widely used time-series models:
the ARIMA and LSTM models. Subsequently, this
paper, using the close prices of the S&P 500 stock
index in the recent 5 years as a dataset, basically states
the building process and the forecasting results of
these two models. Finally, the comparison between
the results of these two models suggests that although
in this situation the ARIMA model predicts better than
the LSTM model, both models have advantages and
disadvantages. Thus, it is important to notice that the
choice between the ARIMA and LSTM models for
stock price forecasting should be based on the specific
features of the data and the forecasting horizon. The
whole study using two of time-series models offers
guidance to investors and researchers seeking to make
informed decisions in the dynamic world of financial
markets. There are many more relative time-series
models that can be used to predict stock prices or stock
index prices, all of which warrant further investigation
and may prove beneficial for future stock price
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DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning