Figure 11: Performance of Neural Prophet on test set
4.5 Overall Comparison
The MSE of the four models on the test set is shown
in Table 3.
Table 3: MSE of Four Models on the Test Set.
Due to the influence of the outliers resulting from
the rainstorm from July 30 to August 1, the MSE of
each model is relatively large and is seriously affected
by the outliers, which cannot be directly used as the
standard for judging the quality. Overall, the best-
performing model is Prophet, followed by Holt-
Winters and SARIMA, while Neural Prophet exhibits
significant overfitting when the autoregressive term is
The traditional SARIMA and Holt-Winters models
capture the periodic characteristics of Beijing subway
passenger flow within a week. Still, it is difficult to
reflect the impact of holidays or other big events.
Therefore, prediction accuracy, especially during
holidays, is relatively low; The Prophet model takes
holidays into account and can customize the start and
end dates of holidays. It achieves good results
regardless of whether the predicted period is during
holidays or not, with higher prediction accuracy. The
Neural Prophet model incorporates the autoregressive
term. Judging from the MSE, it performs best on the
test set, but from the component decomposition
graphs, it is clear that the model overfits the data.
Currently, some mainstream passenger flow
prediction models have adopted relatively complex
combination neural networks. However, from the
results, for daily passenger flow prediction, due to the
complexity of the data, complex models are not the
most suitable models. Instead, simple machine
learning models are sufficient to capture important
features in the data of daily passenger flow. As shown
in the results, the models that consider holiday factors
perform better than those that only consider cyclical
and seasonal features.
The study has provided a general daily passenger
flow prediction method and shown the result of some
single machine learning models. It’s still worth
exploring whether combining multiple machine
learning models would achieve better results or
stronger interpretability in this topic. Another
direction worth exploring is how to reduce the
problem of overfitting complex models like neural
networks and enhance their interpretability in this
topic. Also, an important factor that is widely
overlooked is weather. It would be advisable to take
the weather into account. For example, when the
weather is very hot, people are likely to choose the
subway as a means of transportation due to the cooling
effect of the air conditioning in the subway and the
comfortable environment.
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