Optimal Modelling of Stroke Probability Prediction Through
Machine Learning
Yuheng Zhu
Hangzhou No.4 High School, Hangzhou, China
Keywords: Stroke Forecasting, Machine Learning, Random Forest, Multilayer Perceptron, Imbalanced Data.
Abstract: Stroke has always been a significant threat to human health. Predicting the occurrence of stroke plays a very
important role in reducing the prevalence and lethality of stroke. With the development of machine learning
techniques, using machine learning techniques to assist in medical decision-making has become a new area
of research. This paper used the random forest algorithm and the multilayer perceptron algorithm to predict
the probability of a patient suffering from stroke based on his physiological indicators and compared the
performance of the two models. By analyzing the importance of features in the Random Forest model, the
health factors more correlated with the probability of stroke were obtained. The random forest algorithm was
found to be a more suitable optimization model for predicting the probability of stroke. Among the common
health factors, age, average blood glucose level, and body mass index had a greater effect on stroke probability.
Stroke has long been a major threat to human health.
According to disability-adjusted life years lost
(DALYs), stroke is still the second-leading cause of
mortality worldwide and the third-leading cause of
death and disability combined (Feigin et al 2022). In
terms of the total number of cases, the burden
increased significantly between 1990 and 2019
(70.0% more incident strokes, 43.0% more stroke
deaths, 102.0% more prevalent strokes, and 143.0%
more disability-adjusted life years), with lower- and
lower-middle-income countries (LMIC) bearing the
majority of the burden (86.0% of deaths and 89.0% of
DALYs) (Feigin et al 2022).
Machine learning is commonly used to find
potential associations from large data sets and make
accurate predictions. It has been used in various
scenarios, including the medical field. Recent advances
in machine learning (ML) have made it possible to
classify skin cancer using photos accurately on par
with that of a qualified dermatologist and to predict the
development of type 2 diabetes from pre-diabetes
using data commonly acquired from electronic health
records (Gibbons and Gibbons 2019). In conclusion,
machine learning and deep learning play an important
role in the medical field to assist in medical decision-
making with their accurate classification and
prediction capabilities (Gibbons and Gibbons 2019).
Accurate and adaptable assessment techniques are
crucial for preventing stroke (Wu and Fang 2020).
Traditional approaches, like Cox proportional risk
modeling, are ineffective for examining intricate non-
linear relationships in the data, though (Wu and Fang
Therefore, the significance of this study is to
discover a model that is accurate enough to predict the
probability of stroke through machine learning for
accurate stroke prediction.
Stroke prediction has profound implications in the
field of medicine, such as identifying people at high
risk of developing stroke providing preventive
treatments to reduce the loss of life and property due
to stroke, and revealing hidden factors that lead to
stroke to guide people to make healthier lifestyle
choices and to reduce the probability of the general
public suffering from stroke. This research aims to
explore the optimal model for predicting the
probability of stroke using machine learning. This
study will use the Synthetic Minority Oversampling
(SMO) technique for data balancing of the original
unbalanced dataset to optimize the model's
performance. The Synthetic Minority Oversampling
Technique (SMOTE) uses an oversampling method to
rebalance the original training set. Data processed by
the SMOTE method has the greatest accuracy,
precision, recall, and ROC values among the
classification prediction models, and the data balanced
Zhu, Y.
Optimal Modelling of Stroke Probability Prediction Through Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012810000003885
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning (DAML 2023), pages 159-163
ISBN: 978-989-758-705-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
by this algorithm greatly improves the classification
performance of the prediction model (Wang 2023).
This study will use two algorithms, the Random Forest
Algorithm (RF) and the Multilayer Perceptron
Algorithm (MLP), to predict whether a subject is
likely to suffer from a stroke based on the subject's
eigenvalues such as gender, age, blood pressure, BMI,
height, weight, occupation, etc. in the dataset.
The aim of this study is to obtain the optimal model
for predicting the probability of stroke by machine
learning through a controlled test of the performance
of the two algorithms, RF and MLP, as well as to reveal
the key factors in common health factors that are
related to the probability of developing stroke.
2.1 Data Source
The data in this study was an open-source dataset
obtained from Kaggle.
The dataset is appropriate for training models that
forecast the likelihood of a patient having a stroke
based on variables such as gender, age, different
illnesses, and smoking status. The dataset comprises
5110 rows of patient information. The dataset includes
12 indicators: identification number, gender, age, high
blood pressure status, heart disease status, marital
status, job type, residence type, blood glucose level,
BMI, smoking frequency, and stroke status.
2.2 Data Prepossessing
This study's data preprocessing primarily encompasses
the following aspects: 1. Completing missing values,
2. Encoding non-numerical data, such as text and
categories, into numerical labels to help the model use
the data correctly, 3. Due to only 250 data samples of
stroke patients in the dataset, which represent
approximately 4.89% of the total, the data is
unbalanced. An imbalanced sample distribution causes
small sample sizes in classification with too few
features, which makes it difficult to extract patterns,
and even if the classification model is obtained, it is
prone to overfitting. The limited data samples are the
primary culprit (Wang 2023). To address this issue, the
SMOTE method is used to oversample in this study to
achieve data balance.
The SMOTE algorithm shows its importance when
faced with unbalanced datasets. SMOTE balances the
dataset by synthetically increasing the number of new
minority class samples by synthesizing new minority
class samples so that the model learns the features of
the minority class better. The algorithm generates new
synthetic samples by selecting minority samples and
their nearest neighbors based on feature space
interpolation. By employing this technique, classifier
performance (in ROC space) can be improved
compared to undersampling merely the majority class
(Chawla et al 2002).
2.4 Random Forest
Logistic regression models are routinely used for
statistical analysis of risk factors. However, in this
study, due to the large number of factors affecting the
medical process and the intricate relationship, the
Random Forest algorithm, as an emerging machine
learning algorithm, has a greater advantage in
processing such problems (Wen et al 2019).
Therefore, Random Forest is chosen as one of the
algorithms in this study.
RF is a powerful machine learning algorithm that
achieves higher predictive accuracy and
generalization by combining multiple decision tree
models. At its core is the introduction of randomness,
which reduces the risk of overfitting while
maintaining model stability through random feature
selection and data sampling. RF is suitable for
classification and regression tasks and performs well
on various data types. It can handle high-dimensional
data and complex relationships between features
effectively and is well-suited for stroke prediction.
2.5 Multilayer Perceptron
The MLP model is also a powerful machine-learning
algorithm. Previous stroke prediction studies
demonstrated a superior ability to predict stroke
mimics compared to the FABS and TM-Score models,
with a higher level of accuracy (Zhang et al 2021).
The MLP model can learn complex patterns and
feature representations in data by connecting multiple
neuronal layers and nonlinear activation functions
(Torres et al 2021). Its forward and backpropagation
mechanisms make it adaptable to classification,
regression, and feature learning tasks. The flexibility of
the MLP allows it to handle a variety of data types and
problem domains, including the prediction of stroke in
this study. However, as the network structure becomes
complex, the training process tends to fall into local
optima. Therefore, strategies such as the appropriate
number of layers, neurons, and regularisation are
crucial for successfully applying MLPs.
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
2.6 Testing the Performance of the
This study used parameters such as accuracy,
precision, recall, F1 score, and AUC-ROC score to
analyze and compare the performance of the two
models (Belete and Huchaiah 2022). These
performance metrics are widely used to assess the
effectiveness of classification models in different
Accuracy measures the overall correctness of the
model's classification, while precision concerns the
model's accuracy in positive category prediction.
Recall, on the other hand, focuses on the model's
ability to recognize positive category samples. The F1
score combines precision and recall and is suitable for
scenarios that seek a balance between precision and
comprehensiveness. In addition, the AUC-ROC score
evaluates the model's ability to classify positive and
negative samples and the accuracy of the probability
ranking, which is particularly suitable for dealing
with unbalanced datasets.
By considering these performance metrics
together, this research can gain a deeper insight into
the strengths and weaknesses of the two models for
the problem of stroke probability prediction,
providing strong support for further model selection
and optimization.
To compare the performance of the two models in
stroke prediction, the accuracy, precision, recall, and
F1 Score of RF and MLP were calculated separately
in this study and plotted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Model performance metrics comparison (Picture
credit: Original).
According to our experimental results, the
accuracy of the Random Forest model is 0.93,
precision is 0.91, recall is 0.95, and F1 Score is 0.93.
From these metrics, this paper can see that the
Random Forest model performs well in predicting the
probability of stroke.
According to the experimental results, the
multilayer perceptron model has an accuracy of 0.91,
a precision of 0.89, a recall of 0.92, and an F1 score
of 0.91.
Overall, the findings obtained from this
experiment show that RF slightly outperforms MLP
in the four aspects of Accuracy, Precision,
Recollection, and F1 Score.
This indicates that RF has a more comprehensive,
stable, and superior performance in predicting the
probability of stroke as compared to MLP.
Figure 2: ROC curve (Picture credit: Original).
The ROC curves of the two models were then
plotted in Figure 2 for comparison in this study.
The ROC curves were created by plotting the
relationship between True Positive Rate and False
Positive Rate at different thresholds. The ROC-AUC
is the area under the ROC curve, and its value ranges
from 0 to 1. The closer the ROC-AUC is to 1, it
indicates that the model has a better ability to
discriminate between positive and negative samples,
and the closer it is to 0.5 it indicates that the model
performance is poor.
Figure 3: Feature importance in RF model (Original).
Optimal Modelling of Stroke Probability Prediction Through Machine Learning
Figure 3 shows that the ROC-AUC value of RF is
about 0.98, while the ROC-AUC value of MLP is
about 0.95.
These findings underscore the superiority of the
RM model in this particular context, showcasing its
potential for stroke forecasting. Nonetheless, the
MLP model has a slightly lower but commendable,
discriminative capability.
Figure 3 shows the relative importance of each
feature for predicting the probability of stroke in the
random forest model. The importance score for each
feature represents the degree to which the feature
contributes to the model decision. Based on the chart,
the following conclusions could be draw:
3.1 Age
Age has the highest importance in the model with an
importance score of 0.3936. this suggests that age is a
key factor in predicting the probability of stroke,
probably because of the significant correlation
between stroke risk and age.
3.2 Avg_glucose_level
Average blood glucose level is high in the model with
an importance score of 0.2103. high blood glucose
may be associated with an increased risk of stroke.
3.3 BMI (Body Mass Index)
Body mass index has a relatively high significance in
the model with an importance score of 0.1552,
suggesting that the relationship between body weight
and stroke is also an important predictor.
3.4 Work_type
Work type has a relatively small but still significant
contribution to predicting the probability of stroke,
with an importance score of 0.0721, which may
indicate that there is an association between different
types of work and the probability of having a stroke.
3.5 Smoking_status
Smoking_status has a relatively small effect but still
contributes with an importance score of 0.0564.
smoking may increase the risk of stroke.
3.6 Residence_type
Gende, ever_married, hypertension and heart_disease
have a smaller effect on the probability of stroke, with
a Feature Importance of 0.0353, 0.0275, 0.0153, and
0.0123, respectively.
Overall, age, mean blood glucose level and body
mass index were the most important predictors of
stroke probability, with other characteristics having
lesser but still contributing effects.
This study compares the performance of two machine
learning algorithms, RF and MLP, in predicting stroke
probability. By comprehensively comparing the
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score metrics in
Fig.1 and the ROC-AUC values in Fig.2, it is
concluded that Random Forest has a more
comprehensive, stable, and superior performance in
predicting stroke probability.
Based on the findings of this study, the following
points can be suggested to optimize further and
improve the performance of the stroke probability
prediction model (Assmann 2002). Due to the
excellent performance of the Random Forest model,
future research can focus on how to perform parameter
tuning of the RF model to improve the prediction
accuracy. However, considering that the multilayer
perceptron may still have advantages in some aspects,
future research can also consider combining the
models of random forest and multilayer perceptron for
joint decision-making to take advantage of the
strengths of each model.
Meanwhile, based on the analysis of the Feature
Importance of each parameter in the RF model in the
study, this study obtained that age, average blood
glucose level, and body mass index have a greater
impact on the probability of stroke. Therefore,
healthcare professionals can pay special attention to
these factors to screen people with high risk of stroke
and reduce the risk of death from stroke. At the same
time, healthcare professionals can monitor and adjust
patients' average blood glucose levels and body mass
index to reduce the probability of stroke. Future
studies could further delve into the specific
associations between these factors and stroke onset to
provide more targeted guidance for prevention and
Despite this study's series of meaningful results,
some limitations exist. First, the research data in this
study only covered specific regions and populations,
which may have geographical bias. Future studies may
consider introducing more regions and diverse
population samples to improve the model's
generalization ability.
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
Second, although several common health factors
were considered in this study, other factors, such as
genetic factors, may still affect stroke. Further studies
could try to incorporate more potential influencing
factors into the model to improve the
comprehensiveness of the prediction.
In summary, our study provides some insights into
optimizing stroke probability prediction models. Still,
further in-depth studies are needed to overcome the
limitations to achieve more accurate and reliable
This study delves into the two main algorithms, RF
and MLP, in machine learning for predicting stroke
probability. The main finding of our study is that RF
slightly outperforms MLP in several aspects, such as
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, showing a
more comprehensive, stable, and superior
performance. By comparing the ROC-AUC scores, it
was demonstrated that RF has a higher ability than
MLP in recognizing stroke, which further solidifies
its superiority in stroke probability prediction.
Therefore, the random forest algorithm is a more
suitable optimization model for predicting stroke
probability. When constructing a stroke prediction
model, choosing an appropriate algorithm is crucial
to obtaining accurate and reliable prediction results.
This study bridges the gap of machine learning in
predicting stroke probability and provides a basis for
constructing more accurate models for assisted
medical decision-making. Second, this study
provides new ideas for actively preventing stroke by
explaining the key factors more strongly associated
with the probability of stroke. This study helps
medical professionals and data analysts study stroke
through machine learning algorithms, enabling them
to make accurate stroke probability predictions and
explore stroke risk factors.
This study still has shortcomings, such as the
limitation of the dataset. In the future, researchers can
explore deeply in the following aspects. First,
researchers can consider introducing more advanced
machine learning algorithms into the study to
improve the prediction performance further.
Meanwhile, researchers can conduct interdisciplinary
collaborative research, which can better understand
the mechanism and prediction methods of stroke by
combining the knowledge of clinical medicine and
data science.
In conclusion, despite the limitations of this study,
the stroke probability prediction model can be
improved through continuous efforts and in-depth
research to reduce the threat of stroke to human health.
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Optimal Modelling of Stroke Probability Prediction Through Machine Learning