Forecasting Nasdaq Price Index: A Comparative Study of Regression
and Time Series Analysis
Ziheng Li
Department of Math, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, U.S.
Keywords: Forecasting, ARIMA, Linear Regression, Cubic Spline Regression, Seasonality.
Abstract: The Nasdaq Stock Market, one of the world's premier stock exchanges, serves as an imperative indicator of
economic activity and investor sentiment. Accurate forecasting of the Nasdaq Price is of paramount
importance for a myriad of stakeholders, ranging from policymakers to individual investors. This study
embarks on an exhaustive journey to discern the most efficacious forecasting method for this critical indicator.
We systematically compare the predictive prowess of several techniques: the (Autoregressive Integrated
Moving Average) ARIMA models, linear regression, cubic spline regression, and a decomposition approach
that identifies and leverages underlying trends and seasonality. The culmination of our rigorous analyses
revealed that the cubic spline regression outperformed the other contenders, marking itself as the most apt
model for forecasting the Nasdaq Price within the scope of this study if without any significant and unexpected
events. This article provides an analysis of various forecasting methods for predicting the Nasdaq Price. The
article compares the predictive accuracy of different techniques, including ARIMA models, linear regression,
cubic spline regression, and a decomposition approach that identifies and leverages underlying trends and
seasonality. This article provides valuable insights into effective forecasting methods for economic indicators
and investor sentiment.
The NASDAQ index, as a quintessential
representative of the technology sector, occupies an
influential position within the global financial
landscape. A blend of nascent startups and tech
behemoths, NASDAQ acts not just as a gauge of the
technology industry, but also provides indications of
economic trends and market sentiments. Its intricate
dance of rises and falls, often seen as an embodiment
of the tech world's vitality, requires meticulous
understanding (Schwert 1990).
Being tech-centric sets the NASDAQ Composite
apart. Unlike broader market indices such as the S&P
500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which
encompass a more extensive range of sectors,
NASDAQ predominantly mirrors the tech sector's
dynamism in the U.S. stock market. Consequently,
the volatility often associated with tech innovations,
regulatory shifts, and international trade relations
becomes more pronounced in this index (Fama and
French 1993). Financial market dynamics are ever
evolving. Traditional time-series forecasting models,
although valuable, have started to mingle with
innovative, data-driven paradigms. The emergence of
machine learning, especially, has reshaped the art of
financial forecasting. From being limited to linear
regression models and Autoregressive Integrated
Moving Average (ARIMA), researchers have started
to embrace complex architectures like neural
networks and support vector machines. These tools,
with their capacity to handle vast datasets and discern
patterns, offer tantalizing prospects for capturing the
intricate, nonlinear dynamics inherent in stock
markets (Kim 2003).
The ramifications of macroeconomic indicators
on stock indices can't be emphasized enough. GDP,
interest rates, unemployment rates, among others, have
traditionally been viewed as beacons that shed light on
an economy's health. For indices like NASDAQ, these
indicators are not just abstract numbers but pivotal
drivers. The ebb and flow of the tech sector, influenced
by these economic indicators, can lead to profound
implications for investors, policymakers, and
stakeholders (Chen and Ross 1986).
A pertinent question arises with the multitude of
factors influencing the NASDAQ, how does one
distill the essential from the noise. Global events,
from trade wars to pandemics, have shown their
potential to cause significant market upheavals. The
Li, Z.
Forecasting Nasdaq Price Index: A Comparative Study of Regression and Time Series Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012814400003885
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning (DAML 2023), pages 515-521
ISBN: 978-989-758-705-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
tech sector, given its global interconnectedness,
remains especially vulnerable. This necessitates
comprehensive models that encapsulate not just
economic data but also global sentiments, news
trends, and geopolitical shifts (Tetlock 2007).
Moreover, understanding NASDAQ's behavior
is not just for short-term trading benefits. Long-term
investors, regulators, and even governments have
stakes in its trajectory. For institutional investors,
predictive insights can guide strategic asset
allocation. Regulators, wary of market bubbles and
potential crashes, can benefit from early warning
systems. Governments, especially those aiming to
foster tech innovation, can gauge investor sentiments
and tweak policies accordingly (Baker and Wurgler
2007). The reliance on technology and its evolving
nature has meant that the NASDAQ index is not
merely influenced by traditional financial metrics.
The realm of technology is vast, and factors like cyber
threats, technological breakthroughs, and even digital
currency fluctuations have started to find their footing
as potential influencers on the NASDAQ trajectory
(Nasdaq composite index 2023).
Further, with the emergence of green
technologies and the increasing importance of
sustainable practices in the tech sector, ESG
(Environmental, Social, and Governance) factors
have also begun to cast an influence on NASDAQ's
movements. Companies listed on the NASDAQ,
especially those deeply involved in tech innovations,
are under scrutiny for their ESG compliance, and this
has potential ramifications for their stock
performance and, by extension, the NASDAQ index
(Nadaq Price 2023).
This research, therefore, is more than an
academic endeavor. At its core, it's a quest to
comprehend a dynamic, multifaceted entity the
NASDAQ. By diving deep into its historical trends,
juxtaposing it with macroeconomic indicators, and
harnessing the power of contemporary forecasting
models. Aiming to illuminate the path the NASDAQ
might traverse in the foreseeable future.
2.1 Data Resources
The Nasdaq Index and Nasdaq Price (1985-2023) are
collected in (Federal Reserve Economic Data) FRED
(Nasdaq composite index 2023) and Yahoo Finance
(Nadaq Price 2023), respectively.
2.2 Method Introduction
The project used a variety of methods of forecast this
indicator using Autoregressive Integrated Moving
Average (ARIMA) models, linear regression, cubic
spline regression, trend and seasonality decomposition
In Figure 1 the Nasdaq Price over time graph, the
historical trend of the Nasdaq index showed long-term
upward trajectory, with periods of volatility. The
growth has been especially pronounced in the past two
decades. However, the plot also reveals certain
downturns, most notably during the economic
recessions, such as the dot-com bubble burst and the
financial crisis of 2008. We may notice that this series
may contain some non-stationarity, this can be further
verified using some graphical methods, such as ACF
and PACF, and statistical test. This will be formally
conducted in the next section. In US Monthly M2
graph, the trend for the M2 money supply
demonstrates a consistent and almost unbroken
increase over time. This rise signifies an expanding
monetary base, typically reflect a growing money
Figure 1: Correlation among Stock, M2, Interest Rate and
Unemployment Rate (Picture credit: Original).
In Figure 1, The trend in interest rates graph has
been predominantly downward, marked by periods of
volatility. This decline in rates is often a byproduct of
various central bank policies aimed at stimulating
economic growth. However, it is crucial to note that
the landscape changed dramatically after 2020, when
the covid-19 pandemic swept across the world. In
macro-economics, the interest rate generally has a
negative correlation with the stock price.
The unemployment rate graph has generally
floated around the 4-5% range, showing a stable job
market for an extended period. However, the stability
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
was abruptly upended in 2020 due to the covid-19, as
a result, the rate spiked dramatically to around 12%
and decreased quickly back to 4%.
3.1 Checking ACF And PACF
Before fitting and ARIMA model, it’s essential to
check the time series data for stationarity. Using the
Autocorrelation Function (ACF) and Partial
Autocorrelation Function (PACF) plots as visualized
check, also use the Box-Pierce test as statistical test.
The ACF plot gives us an idea about the correlation
between the time series and its lagged values. The
PACF plot shows the correlation of the time series
with its lagged values that is not explained by previous
lags. Further, checking for ACF and PACF also helps
us to identify the ‘p’ and ‘qparameters of the ARIMA
model, which signify the order of the autoregressive
and moving average parts, respectively.
Figure 1: Original Nasdaq ARIMA Model (Picture credit:
Figure 3: First-Order Differencing ARIMA Model (Picture
credit: Original).
In Figure 2, the ACF plot displayed a characteristic
indicative of a non-stationary time series: the ACF
values did not quickly drop off towards zero, but
rather showed a gradual decline. This pattern is a
significance of non-stationarity and suggests that
differencing the series is likely required to make it
stationary for modelling. On the other hand, the PACF
plot presented a sharp drop-off after the first lag. This
immediate drop is indicative of an AR(1) process,
which suggests that only the first lag is significantly
correlated with the time series, after accounting for the
effects of the other lags. These observations from the
ACF and PACF plots guide us toward an initial
ARIMA model with differencing and a first-order
autoregressive component. In Figure 3, the ACF
displayed a rapid decay towards zero, indicating that
the differenced series has now achieved stationarity. It
also confirms the ‘I’ component in ARIMA as 1,
highlighting the need for one order of differencing to
induce stationarity. This result confirmed our
approach and shows that an ARIMA (1,1,0) may be a
potential choice.
3.2 Check Stationary
Next, Using the statistical test Box-Pierce test to test
if the original non-differencing and 1st order
differencing series are stationary. The null hypothesis
is that the series is stationary (Table 1).
Table 1: ARIMA Model Table.
X -
Degree of
P -
(1,1,0) ARIMA
From the above results we can see that the results
are not surprising, showing that the original non-
differencing series is non-stationary, and after taking
differencing, the p-value of the Box-Pierce test is
0.8164, indicating the null hypothesis cannot be
rejected. Therefore, this further confirms the
reasonableness of using the (1,1,0) ARIMA model.
3.3 Fitting ARIMA Model
Finally, the auto.arima() function is used, in order to
auto select a best model using the AIC as model
selection criterion and compare the selected best
model with the (1,1,0). The auto.arima model selected
a model with (0,2,1). By observing the trace of the
selection process, the second order differencing and
compared different models and finally returned the
(0,2,1) model.
Forecasting Nasdaq Price Index: A Comparative Study of Regression and Time Series Analysis
Figure 4: Residuals From ARIMA (1,1,0) (Picture credit:
Figure 2: Residuals from ARIMA (0,2,1) (Picture credit:
From the residual analysis plots we can see that the
residuals of both two models shows a stationary
residual (Figure 4 and 5). And their distribution also
looks very similar. However, the central parts of both
the histograms are far higher than the normal
distribution. This indicating a heavy center and light
tail distribution rather than normal distribution. Using
the Ljung-Box results, we can see that both residuals
are stationary (table 2).
Table 2: ARIMA Model Table.
Degree of
3.4 Forecasting Using ARIMA Model
The results reveal that the ARIMA (1,1,0) model
forecasts a stable, somewhat horizontal future for the
Nasdaq index. In contrast, the ARIMA (0,2,1) model
projects an upward trend for the Nasdaq index, which
aligns more closely with recent market behavior
(Figure 6, 7).
Figure 6: Forecast ARIMA Model (1,1,0) (Picture credit:
Figure 7: Forecast ARIMA Model (0,2,1) (Picture credit:
3.5 Multiple Linear Regression
Next, the multiple linear regression investigates the
correlation between the dependent variable and the
independent variables above.
Table 3: Correlation Coefficients.
t value
The model explains approximately 70.19% of the
variance in the Nasdaq index, as indicated by the R-
squared value of 0.7019. Further, the coefficient of M2
rate is -460.51 with a p-value of 0.00565, indicating
that it is statistically significant at the 0.01 level (table
3). This suggests that as the M2 money supply rate
increases, the Nasdaq index decreases. The coefficient
estimate of interest rate is -1092.89 and is also
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
statistically significant with a p-value close to zero.
This indicates a strong negative relationship between
interest rates and the Nasdaq index, suggesting that
when interest rate go up, the Nasdaq index goes down.
The coefficient of CPI rate is 33.71 with a p-value of
0.87799, which is not statistically significant. This
means we fail to reject the null hypothesis for the
coefficient of CPI rate being zero, implying it might
not be a good predictor for the Nasdaq index in this
model. Finally, the coefficient of the unemployment
rate is -840.85, which is statistically significant with a
p-value close to zero. This suggests a negative
correlation between unemployment rates and the
Nasdaq Index.
Figure 3: Residuals Plot (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 4: Checking Residuals Plot (Picture credit:
From the residual plots above (Figure 8 and 9), we
can see that there may exists some problems in the
regression model. The first problem comes from the
ACF results, where the residuals seem highly
autocorrelated. The second problem comes from the
histogram and the Q-Q plots, we can see that the
distribution of the residual seems not to follow the
normal distribution. Finally, the residual-fitted and
scale-location plot shows that there may exists non-
linearity relationship, which cannot be represented by
the linear model.
Figure 10: Log Residuals Plot (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 11: Log Checking Residuals Plot (Picture credit:
Now the dependent variable being log-
transformed, the residuals follow close to normal
distribution, and the non-linearity and autocorrelation
effect is also reduced. The model still shows similar
results regarding significance, although the
coefficients are changed due to the log-
transformation. From the trend model (Figure 11 and
12), the residual also shows a very strong non-
stationarity effect.
Figure 12: Model With Trend (Picture credit: Original).
Forecasting Nasdaq Price Index: A Comparative Study of Regression and Time Series Analysis
Figure 13: Model with Trend And Seasonality (Picture
credit: Original).
Next, the model with seasonality (Fig 13)
indicating that there is no strong seasonality in the
data, since no seasonality term is significant in this
model. This is also observable from the line plot
given before. Besides, similar results were observed
from the ACF as in the trend model, where the
residuals do not follow a normal distribution and is
3.6 Using Cubit Spline Fit
The fit in Figure 14 and 15 show that the ACF plot of
the residuals shows some immediate drop-off after 6
lags. Although the Ljung-Box test still gives us a non-
stationary test. Regarding the histogram of the
residual, now it becomes symmetric, but the central
part is much higher than the normal distribution.
Figure 14: Cubic Spline Fit Model (Picture credit:
Figure 15: Residuals from Cubic Smoothing Spline (Picture
credit: Original).
Figure 16: Forecasting From Model with Trend (Picture
credit: Original).
Figure 17: Forecasting From Model With Trend And
Seasonality (Picture credit: Original).
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
Figure 18: Forecast from Model with Trend And
Seasonality (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 19: Forecast from Model Cubic Spline Regression
(Picture credit: Original).
In comparison of those above models (Figure 16,
17, 18 and 19), the cubic spline method emerges as the
most fitting for capturing the upwards trending of the
Nasdaq index trend. This exhibits superior accuracy
and adaptability of the data. In contrast, models based
on trend and trend-seasonality decomposition did not
perform as well. These simpler models were unable to
capture the model complex fluctuations present in the
Nasdaq index, thereby yielding less accurate forecasts.
In conclusion, this project aimed to forecast the
Nasdaq index using various time-series methods,
including ARIMA, multiple linear regression, cubic
spline, and trend-seasonality decomposition. The
results indicate a significant correlation between the
Nasdaq index and several economic indicators like
M2 money supply, interest rates, and unemployment
rates. The cubic spline model stood out as the most
accurate and adaptable in capturing the data’s
complex fluctuations. While trend and trend-
seasonality models were found not that accurate. The
ARIMA model, particularly the (0,2,1) configuration,
also showed promise in reflecting real-world upward
trends, despite some initial discrepancies in
stationarity tests. The multiple linear regression
model gave us valuable insights into how different
economic indicators are associated with the Nasdaq
index. Particularly, it fulfilled our initial assumptions
regarding the relevance of these indicators. However,
the trend predicted by the Cubic Spline Fit Model can
be impacted by Covid-19 because the behaviors and
community changed significantly. Overall, the multi-
model approach has allowed people to have an
overview of the Nasdaq index from various angles,
leading to a more nuanced understanding of its
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Forecasting Nasdaq Price Index: A Comparative Study of Regression and Time Series Analysis