Classification of GALAXY, QSO, and STAR Based on KNN and PCA
Zhichen Lin
School of Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China
Keywords: Celestial Bodies Classification, KNN, PCA, Standard Scaler.
Abstract: As science and technology have advanced over the past few years, numerous astronomical measurement
technique projects—like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)—have been built and implemented. Many
astronomical data has been collected, including the characteristic data of galaxies, stars, and other celestial
bodies. The classification of a large amount of astronomical data requires an efficient algorithm. In this paper,
a galaxy (GALAXY), star (STAR), Quasi-Stellar Object (QSO) classification model was constructed using
machine learning techniques and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - DR18 dataset. Different algorithms, including
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), were used to build this model. The
obtained model in this paper exhibits good performance indicators, with accuracy rates of 96%, 98%, 96%,
and 98%, respectively. To decrease the dimensionality of the data, the author employed PCA and discovered
that certain information in the data was irrelevant to the classification. Discarding these irrelevant features
can speed up the training process. The importance of classifying celestial bodies based on astronomical data
is evident, as it helps people better understand the composition and evolution of the universe and has
significant implications for predicting and explaining astronomical phenomena. However, the same type of
celestial body may have significant differences in certain features and practical scenarios, so a more extensive
and higher-quality training set is needed to train better-performing models. These models can help people
classify celestial bodies more quickly and accurately
Under the ongoing advancements in technological and
scientific fields, many astronomical surveying
techniques projects have been constructed and used,
such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) (York et
al 2000). A vast amount of astronomical data has been
collected. The importance of classifying celestial
bodies based on these astronomical data is evident, as
it helps people better understand the composition and
evolution of the universe and holds significant
significance for predicting and explaining
astronomical phenomena. However, celestial body
classification is also filled with challenges. The same
type of celestial body may vary significantly in certain
characteristics, and the vast amount of
multidimensional astronomical data and observational
results place considerable demands on the algorithms
and computational capabilities used to process and
analyze this data. Therefore, it is necessary to
determine the most suitable machine-learning
techniques for classifying celestial bodies. For
example, studies based on stacking ensemble studying
for celestial body classification have established basic
classifier models using algorithms like Random
Forests and Support Vector Machines (Luqman et al
2022). In their paper, using Multi-label K-Nearest
Neighbors (ML-KNN), a KNN algorithm-based
approach, Zhang and Zhou experiment with multi-
class studying issues. And ML-KNN performs better
than several well-known multi-class learning
techniques (Zhang and Zhou 2007). The performance
suggests that KNN has certain advantages in handling
large multi-label problems. The paper by Logan and
Fotopoulou employed PCA for data preprocessing in
the categorization of three celestial bodies. The PCA
performed in this paper reduced the input attributes to
approximately 2-5 dimensions (Logan and
Fotopoulou 2020).
PCA, or principal component analysis, is a method
for extracting the most essential information from a
data table and simplify the description of the dataset
(Abdi and Williams 2010). It is a powerful data
analysis tool that can help detect patterns, reduce data
dimensions, and identify outliers. One of its
fundamental applications is reducing the number of
Lin, Z.
Classification of GALAXY, QSO, and STAR Based on KNN and PCA.
DOI: 10.5220/0012814900003885
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning (DAML 2023), pages 54-60
ISBN: 978-989-758-705-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
features in a dataset to alleviate the computational
burden of machine learning algorithms.
The Standard Scaler feature scaling technique
normalizes each feature by narrowing the variance to
one and subtracting its mean. which effectively
prevents the significant differences in magnitudes
among various features from causing certain features
to dominate the model training, thereby preventing a
decrease in the accuracy of the model training.
However, there are also some drawbacks to the
Standard Scaler, including its vulnerability to values
that deviate from the normal range and preference for
normally distributed data (Ferreira et al 2019).
In this paper, the authors employ various methods,
including KNN, PCA-KNN, and Standard Scaler, to
classify GALAXY, QSO, and STAR, three types of
celestial bodies.
The dataset is called Sloan Digital Sky Survey - DR18.
It comprises 100,000 observations from the Data
Release (DR) 18 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
(SDSS). Each observation data consists of 42 different
features. Based on these 42 feature values, the
observation data is classified into a GALAXY, a
STAR, or a QSO. Among them, 52343 rows are
GALAXY, 37232 are STAR, and 10425 are QSO.
Table 1 shows some examples of the dataset.
Table 1: Some examples in the dataset.
redshift expAB_u petroFlux_z field
0.04169106 0.04169106 207.0273 462
STAR 0.000814368 0.04169106 4.824737 467
GALAXY 0.1130687 0.7016655 278.0211 467
STAR 8.72E-05 0.9998176 134.6233 467
STAR 1.81E-05 0.9997948 388.3203 467
STAR -8.72E-05 0.8620063 185.476 467
2.2 Plitting the Dataset
In this research, the author randomly divided the
dataset into 80% training and 20% testing sets.
Stratified sampling was conducted based on the class
proportions to ensure that the proportions of each class
in the training and testing sets were similar.
Dataset Visualization
Each distinct feature is different in GALAXY, STAR,
and QSO. The following pictures show some
visualized results. 0, 2, and 3 illustrate three different
features among these three celestial bodies.
Figure 1: Different characteristics of the 'redshift' in
GALAXY, STAR, QSO (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 2: Different characteristics of the 'expAB_u' in
GALAXY, STAR, QSO (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 3: Different characteristics of the 'r' in GALAXY,
STAR, QSO (Picture credit: Original).
The author used box plots to visualize the
distribution of data. As shown in Figure 4, if the upper
and lower whiskers are relatively long, it indicates a
significant variation in the data beyond the upper and
lower quartiles, suggesting a larger overall variance
and standard deviation, which can significantly impact
model training.
Classification of GALAXY, QSO, and STAR Based on KNN and PCA
Figure 4: Box plot of 6 features (Picture credit: Original).
Each different feature is unique for the three types of
celestial bodies. There are a total of 42 features.
However, not all features strongly correlate with the
classes of celestial bodies, so the author has created a
correlation heatmap of all the features. After being
selected by the author, the correlation between the 14
features and the categories of celestial bodies is shown
in Figure 5. These 14 features exhibit a strong
correlation with the classes of celestial bodies.
Figure 5:Part of the Correlation Heatmap (Picture credit:
Meanwhile, the author also calculated the
correlation between each class and all the features.
Meanwhile, the author also calculated the correlation
between each class and all the features.
A significant positive correlation (n >= 0.7) has
been found for one feature with "class_GALAXY";
six features have a moderate positive correlation (n <
0.7 && n >= 0.5); six feature have a weak positive
correlation (n < 0.5 && n > 0); and 29 features have a
negative or zero correlation (n <= 0).
One feature with "class_QSO" has a strong
positive correlation (n >= 0.7); one feature has a
moderately positive correlation (n < 0.7 && n >= 0.5);
four features have a weak positive correlation (n < 0.5
&& n > 0); and thirty-six features have a 0 or negative
correlation (n <= 0).
The data indicates that there are 34 features with 0
or negative correlation (n <=0), 3 features with
moderately positive correlation (n < 0.7 && n >= 0.5),
5 features with weakly positive correlation (n < 0.5
&& n > 0), and no features with substantially positive
correlation (n>=0.7) with "class_STAR".
2.4 Algorithm
The author first uses Standard Scaler to normalize the
data in this project. Then, the author uses PCA to
decrease the data dimensionality. Then, the author
trains a KNN model based on these reduced-
dimensional datasets for classifying GALXY, STAR,
and QSO.
Standard Scaler:Normalization of data. One
feature scaling technique is Standard Scaler. By
deducting the mean from each feature and scaling the
variance to one, it can be made normal. It can scale
features with different scales to the same range,
avoiding the excessive influence of certain features on
the model, which is crucial for the KNN model in this
experiment, as the distance calculation of KNN will
be dominated by features with larger scales if there are
significant differences in feature scales. Scaling the
dataset will lead to more accurate results than not
scaling it. The box plot illustrates that the dataset for
this experiment has different value ranges for different
features. Therefore, normalization is required for this
dataset (Raju et al 2020). For each feature, including
S observed value, calculate its mean 𝑋
, where each
observation in the feature is 𝑋
, and use equation 1 to
determine the normalized 𝑋
PCA: Dimensionality reduction of data. One
popular method for reducing dimensionality is
Principal Component Analysis, or PCA. It is applied
to convert high-dimensional data into a space with
fewer dimensions. It reduces dimensionality by
identifying the primary directions of variance in the
original data and projecting the data onto these
directions. Principal Component Analysis first
calculates the covariance matrix to describe the linear
relationship between each feature, given data with s
number of samples, where the covariance matrix is
obtained by:
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
PCA performs eigenvalue decomposition on the
covariance matrix to obtain their corresponding
eigenvectors. Then, it selects the top N principal
components based on the magnitude of the
eigenvalues, where N is the desired dimensionality
after dimension reduction and defined by the author.
After calculating the quantities of different PCs, sort
the retained data information and select the top 25 PCs
to train the KNN model.
KNN: Prediction. K-Nearest Neighbors represents
one of the machine learning techniques used for
classification as well as regression. It is used to
classify three types of celestial bodies. The KNN
algorithm stores each feature data in the training set.
In this research, for one sample data in the test set, the
KNN algorithm calculates the k points with the
smallest Euclidean distance to this sample point. It
classifies this sample data into the category of the
nearest neighbors. The accuracy generally changes
with the variation of the k value. Because K-NN
merely stores the training dataset at first and only uses
it to figure out how to categorize or predict new
datasets as necessary, it is sometimes referred to as a
lazy learning algorithm (Bansal et al 2022). In their
paper, Niu and Lu et al0 noted that various distance
metrics are crucial and significantly impact nearest-
neighbor-based algorithms (Niu et al 2013). In this
paper, the author uses Euclidean distance. KNN
Euclidean distance formula:
2.5 Evaluation Criteria
Confusion matrix: The confusion matrix counts the
number of samples in the incorrect category and the
right group. The forecast outcomes are displayed in
the confusion matrix. It displays conflicted forecast
outcomes. It can not only assist in mistake detection
but also error type display. At the same time, the
confusion matrix makes it simple to compute other
high-level classification indicators.
Accuracy: Percentage of accurate predictions. It is
one of the most commonly used metrics in multi-class
classification, and its formula considers the sum of
correctly predicted examples as the numerator and the
sum of the confusion matrix's total entries as the
denominator (Grandini et al 2020). It represents
accurately predicted test samples’ percentage out of all
the test samples in this study.
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 =
Macro Average Precision (MAP): Average of each
category's precision, which is the proportion of
accurate predictions among the anticipated positive
instances. In the STAR devision, the denominator is
the number of correctly identified examples in the
STAR category divided by the number of examples
identified as the STAR category in non-STAR
examples. The numerator is the number of correctly
identified examples in the STAR category in the true
𝑀𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
Macro Average Recall (MAR): It is the average
value of the recall rate for each category. In this
research, The recall rate represents the percentage of
samples that the model correctly predicts as belonging
to a certain class out of all the actual samples
belonging to that class.
𝑀𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 =
Macro F1-Score: Macro F1-Score is the name
given to the harmonic mean of Precision and Recall.
Because MAR or MAP cannot be used independently
to assess a model, the Macro F1-score balances the
two indicators and makes them compatible. The
algorithms that perform well across all categories
exhibit a high Macro F1-score, while the algorithms
with inaccurate predictions demonstrate a low Macro
F1-score (Grandini et al 2020).
𝑀𝑎𝑐𝑟𝑜𝐹1 −𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒=
 
3.1 Data Dimensionality Reduction
The author compared the explained variance,
accuracy, and training time in the experiment when
using from 1 to 25 principal components
(PCA(n_components=i)) and KNN. The metrics can
be seen in 0, 0, and 0.
The explained variance, in 0, increases with the
number of PCs. However, the rate of its increase
gradually slows down. After the number of PCs
reaches 23, there is no significant increase, indicating
that the maximum amount of information has been
retained when the number of PCs reaches 23.
In Fig. 7, the more PCs there are, the higher the
accuracy rate. But after there are five PCs, the pace of
increase slows down. The accuracy increases slightly
when the number of PCs is between 5 and 20.
However, the accuracy no longer improves when the
number of PCs exceeds 20.
Classification of GALAXY, QSO, and STAR Based on KNN and PCA
Figure 6: Explained Variance and Number of PCs (Picture
credit: Original).
Figure 7: Accuracy and Number of PCs (Picture credit:
Figure 8: Training Time and Number of PCs (Picture credit:
0 demonstrates a continuous increase in training
time between 1PCs and 15 PCs. However, at 16 PCs,
the training time suddenly decreases and remains
stable between 16 PCs and 23 PCs.
When PC is set to 23, it retains the main variance,
achieves relatively high accuracy, and significantly
reduces training time. Therefore, the author decided
to use 23 PCs for the subsequent analysis.
3.2 Predict Result
Table 2: Predict results of KNN.
0.96 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.0065s
Table 3: Predict results of normalized KNN.
0.99 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.0072s
Table 4: Predict results of PCA-KNN.
0.96 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.0044s
Table 5: Predict results of normalized PCA-KNN
0.98 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.0046s
From 0, 0, 0, 0, it can be observed that KNN,
normalized KNN, PCA-KNN, and normalized PCA-
KNN all exhibit high accuracy, high MAP, and high
MAR while requiring relatively short training time.
Figure 9: Accuracy of different models (Original).
Figure 10: Training Time of different models (Original).
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
In Figure 9 and 10, the KNN model trained on the
data set normalized by Standard Scaler shows
improved accuracy compared to the original KNN
algorithm. However, the training time has also
increased accordingly. Therefore, when evaluating
the advantages and disadvantages of different
algorithms, it is crucial to consider the specific usage
scenario and the clients' customized requirements.
3.3 Evaluation
The confusion matrix is used to count the amount of
specimens that are classified correctly or incorrectly.
The y label represents the true label, while the x label
represents the predicted label by the model. For
example, the number in the square corresponding to
the first galaxy class on the x-labels and the second
QSO class on the y-labels is the proportion of the
model predicting the QSO class as galaxy class.
These confusion matrices, displayed in 0, 12, 13,
and 14, demonstrate excellent accuracy. However, it
can be observed from the figures that the model tends
to classify QSO as GALAXY in the test set. The
author believes this is the model's primary source of
The training time of the model is short, allowing for
multiple training sessions in a short period. In addition,
the precision, recall, and accuracy are all very high.
The charts in the results show that the accuracy of the
normalized KNN model reaches 98.5%, which is an
improvement compared to KNN's 96.3%. Furthermore,
all performance metrics have improved, indicating that
Standard Scaler significantly enhances the reliability of
the data. Compared to KNN, PCA-KNN has the same
performance metrics and reduces data dimensionality,
resulting in a noticeable reduction in training time. This
suggests that some feature information is irrelevant
when classifying these three types of celestial bodies.
Normalized PCA-KNN incorporates data
normalization and dimensionality reduction steps,
achieving the same performance metrics as normalized
KNN while only taking 2/3 of the training time.
Moreover, it outperforms PCA-KNN in
performance metrics while maintaining a similar
training time. Normalized PCA-KNN trains faster
than normalized KNN, significantly reducing training
time while improving accuracy, Macro Average
Precision, and other metrics. In the future, the
normalized PCA-KNN model can be used in many
other regression and classification tasks involving
many features, some of which may be irrelevant.
Figure 11: KNN (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 12: normalized KNN (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 13: PCA-KNN (Picture credit: Original).
Figure 14: normalized PCA-KNN (Picture credit: Original).
Classification of GALAXY, QSO, and STAR Based on KNN and PCA
The GALAXY, STAR, and QSO classification model
has been successfully implemented using four
different techniques. Among them, normalized
PCA+KNN is more suitable for this small-scale
classification problem in terms of performance,
computation time, and cost. This research aims to
provide new insights into celestial object
classification to help people classify celestial objects
more practically. However, due to the limited dataset,
the model's current performance may only partially
be satisfactory. The author must add more extensive
and more diverse datasets to future research to
improve the model's effectiveness.
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