individuals and the social needs of groups. In terms
of exploring its own characteristics and finding a
sense of belonging to the group, the needs are
satisfied. A cultural phenomenon that identifies a
person's own style is MBTI culture. Audiences focus
mainly on their own identities while engaging in
cultural engagement; MBTI provides them with a
new, more romantic, and creative identity, which is a
major factor in their widespread participation in
MBTI culture. They actively use MBTI culture to
attempt and convey who they are as individuals (Sun
The MBTI test is becoming increasingly popular
among young people. The popularity of searches on
the Internet is also increasing. The MBTI test
involves psychological theories. However, due to the
limitations of online psychological testing, it tends to
be a "fun game". Attract users through science and
effectiveness, and then present entertaining analysis
and solutions. Achieve successful business promotion
and popularity. The spread of the Internet has
facilitated the spread of the MBTI test, which can be
completed only through a website link. At present,
social mass media is hyping the topic of MBTI with
its diversified content integration. In addition to the
personality analysis after the test, various personality
social matching, personality and professional
matching, and other information will be established
and promoted, so that a single personality test topic
can be transformed into a form of group interaction.
In the current situation, young people are under
pressure to make choices in the face of uncertainties
in society and future destiny. Similar to astrology and
gossip in the past, the MBTI test has become one of
their ways to seek answers and relax. In the face of
career choices, social relationships, and other choices
in life, the MBTI test can alleviate their inner
confusion and pressure to a certain extent. Help
young people to discover and identify with their own
personality and characteristics. At the same time, it is
also conducive to the expansion of social scope and
the satisfaction of the group's sense of belonging. In
the process of group interaction, "youth culture"
sprang from this, including the creation and pursuit of
fashion as well as the presentation of youth views
(Tang 2022).
The research of this paper aims to achieve MBTI
personality prediction of users by collecting their
online speech on Internet platforms. After completing
the advanced prediction of the user's MBTI
personality, both social media platforms and job
search software can better serve users according to
their personality characteristics. On the other hand, in
order to analyze the personality of college students
who wish to start a business, it is crucial to use
effective tools such as MBTI, which can also help
people understand themselves better (Han and Zhan
2019). At the same time, corresponding method
training can also be carried out according to
personality characteristics to achieve the goal, which
requires different methods for different personalities
(Li 2021). Correspondingly, people can also choose
people suitable for development according to the
needs of the job and specific functions. For example,
positive personality traits can not only scientifically
guide the growth of managers' psychological capital,
but also contribute significantly to the continuous
enhancement and shaping of managers' core
competitiveness (Lyu 2019). At present, the practical
application of this aspect is still blank. Therefore, it is
very useful and necessary to conduct this research.
The research topic of this paper is character
prediction based on the deep learning algorithm
MBTI. After completing the data collection and
cleaning, the researcher split the dataset into training
and testing sets. And through deep learning
algorithms to establish a variety of models. Today's
various deep learning algorithm models have their
own limitations and imperfections. Therefore, this
paper will select and build a variety of models for
subsequent research. After training each model, the
accuracy test is carried out, and finally, the model
with the highest accuracy and reasonable accuracy is
selected to predict the user's MBTI personality and
achieve the research purpose.
The Myers-Briggs Personality Type (MBTI) Dataset
was sourced from Kaggle for this article. Founded in
Melbourne in 2010, Kaggle provides a platform for
developers and data scientists to host machine
learning competitions, host databases, and write and
share code. The researcher can get the exact data set
that needs it. This data then needs to be processed.
First change uppercase letters to lowercase, and then
initialize the form. Replace some special text such as
URL links, numbers, dates, and emojis with
corresponding escape tags, and save the processed
results in a new CSV file. Then extract 5,000 words
with the highest frequency of occurrence. The text
content of the dataset is then converted into a feature
vector. And encode the classification label as a
branch. Finally, the processed data is written back to
the database. The specific operation is as follows:
Character Personality Prediction Based on Deep Learning Algorithm MBTI