An Analysis of Different Machine Learning Algorithms for
Personality Type Predictions Based on Social Media Posts
Ruiwen Yu
University High School, Irvine, California, 92603, U.S.A.
Keywords: Personality Type Predictions, MBTI, Machine Learning.
Abstract: In the digital era, people have increasingly used social media as a platform to communicate with each other
and express feelings. Researchers have vast data to predict users' personalities, who play various practical
roles in real life. This paper focuses on MBTI personality trait prediction based on users' social media posts.
Comparisons and Analyses are made between the three most common methods of personality prediction,
including Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost),
to find out the most effective one. Results show no evident correlation between the accuracy of the models
and the training method; each model's capability to predict varies. Models trained on XGBoost have the
highest accuracy on average, although all three outcomes are incredibly close. One model trained on XGBoost
with well-tuned hyperparameters obtained the best performance. Further analyses show other factors. For
example, data distribution also influences the model's performance in some ways.
Personality is the combination of characteristics or
qualities that form an individual's distinctive
character. It originated from the Latin word persona,
which means mask or a character played by the actor.
Right now, a person’s personality represents the
combination of characteristics or qualities that form an
individual's distinctive character. It can be the way
they perceive the world, the way they make decisions,
their values, beliefs, and goals of life.
Researchers increasingly gain interest in
predicting users’ personality types. Personality
recognition is very helpful and important in the age
when social media has become a major place for
people to communicate and share their thoughts. It
allows the recommendation system to work more
effectively, recommending the appropriate content to
targeted groups of people who find that interest them,
therefore improving the user experience (G. Ryan et
al., 2023). In addition, it enables both sides to know
more about each other’s thoughts and preferences in
some scenarios that require communication. This
mutual understanding is helpful to avoid
misunderstandings and make the communication
more productive, therefore achieving the goals with
minimum efforts. Moreover, knowing one’s
personality type can help users learn more about
themselves online, and increase self-awareness. Most
importantly, further machine learning research on
personality prediction has the potential to help
advance analytic psychology and personality science
(W. Bleidorn et al., 2018).
This research compares and analyzes the
performance of different machine-learning methods.
Comparisons are made on multiple angles. The goal is
to find the most effective and accurate algorithm for
personality prediction.
There are three main aspects of machine learning in
personality prediction (C. Stachl et al., 2020). The first
one is customized recommendation systems in social
media, matching content to people. It makes sure the
contents recommended are tailored to each
individual’s preferences. The second would be
personal evaluations that answer methodological
questions, including predictions of life outcomes, task
performance, etc. The third one predicts the actual
personality traits of people. It can be based on various
means, like facial features, handwriting, signatures,
and more (K. Ilmini and T. G. I. Fernando, 2016)-(K.
Yu, R.
An Analysis of Different Machine Learning Algorithms for Personality Type Predictions Based on Social Media Posts.
DOI: 10.5220/0012816400003885
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning (DAML 2023), pages 386-391
ISBN: 978-989-758-705-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Ilmini and T. G. I. Fernando, 2020). However,
researchers commonly use digital footprints like posts
on social media to train models that predict user traits.
There are two popular personality identifiers: Big
Five and MBTI. Multiple researches have been
conducted on both of them. Big Five refers to
Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion,
Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. This study will
mainly focus on MBTI, one of the most well-known
personality type classification systems. It separates
one’s personality into four dimensions: Extraversion
(E) or Introversion (I), Sensing (S) or Intuition (N),
Thinking (T) or Feeling (F), and Judging (J) or
Perceiving (P). The MBTI test classifies individuals
by their scores on the four dimensions. In general,
extraversion means focusing their attention.
Table 1 shows different methods and techniques on
personality predictions conducted by other researchers
and the accuracy of the best-performing model if there
are multiple methods used.
Table 1: Different methods and techniques for personality
predictions (B. Cui and C. Qi, 2017)-(Z., S. Ashraf, and N.
Sabahat, 2020).
Title Method(s)
Best Performing
(B. Cui et al.,
Softmax, Naive Bayes,
Regularized Support Vector
Machine, Deep Learning
Deep Learning,
(K. A., U.
Kulsum et al.,
Naive Bayes, Support Vector
Machine, Extreme Gradient
Extreme Gradient
Boosting, 52%
(T. M, 2021)
Stochastic Gradient Descent,
Logistic Regression, Random
Forest, K - Nearest Neighbor,
Extreme Gradient Boosting,
Support Vector Machine
Support Vector
Machine, 32%
(S. Ontoum
and J. H.
Chan, 2022)
Naive Bayes, Support Vector
Machine, Recurrent neural
Recurrent neural
network, 50%
(M. H.
and H. B.
Extreme Gradient Boosting 33%
(Z., S. Ashraf
et al., 2020)
K-means clustering + Extreme
Gradient Boosting
Most of these methods were implemented on the
split dataset based on four categories (I/E, N/S, T/F,
J/P). Some researchers used the average of four
categories instead of products in their paper. Table 1
shows the multiplication of each category as the
performing result for better comparisons. Some
commonly used methods are Naive Bayes (NB),
Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Extreme
Gradient Boosting (XGBoost).
3.1 Data Collection
This publicly accessible dataset posted in Kaggle has
8675 rows and 2 columns (MBTI, 2017). The first
column is the personality types. The second column
contains each user's posts from,
and each person has up to 50 posts. However, through
visualization in Fig. 1., the data is skewed. INFP,
INFJ, INTP, and INTJ are the top four personality
types regarding the frequency, with INFP having 3832
out of 8675 rows, while ESTJ, ESFJ, ESFP, and ESTP
are the personality types that have the lowest
frequency, with ESTJ merely having 39 rows (MBTI,
Figure 1: The frequency of each individual personality type.
3.2 Data Preprocessing
Most researchers cleaned and reformatted the dataset
before putting it in training. Data preprocessing can
improve the efficiency of the training process, and
most likely improve the performance as well. Some
common steps for data cleaning and preprocessing are
listed below (shown in figure 2)
(MBTI, 2017)
Remove all URLs.
Convert uppercase to lowercase.
Remove punctuation marks.
Remove numbers and dates.
Remove emojis and special characters.
Remove non-English characters.
Remove stop words like the, to, and, of, etc.
Tokenization (split text into words).
Stemming (reduce words to their base form).
Split the Data into 4 categories.
Split the Data into Training and Testing Sets.
An Analysis of Different Machine Learning Algorithms for Personality Type Predictions Based on Social Media Posts
Figure 2: The marginal distribution of each category in the
The most commonly chosen ones are naive Bayes,
Support Vector Machine, and Extreme Gradient
3.3.1 Naive Bayes
Naive Bayes (NB) is a simple machine learning
algorithm for classification and text analysis tasks. It's
based on Bayes' fundamental probability theorem that
calculates conditional probabilities. Naive Bayes is
"naive" because it assumes that all words used in the
classification are probabilistically independent. The
research uses the Naive Bayes method. The accuracy
of their outcomes is 26%, 37%, and 41%, respectively,
and the average is 35% approximately (B. Cui and C.
Qi, 2017)-(S. Ontoum and J. H. Chan, 2022). The
research model is overfitted because their training
accuracy is 32% and the testing accuracy is 26% (B.
Cui et al., 2017). The research uses the default
parameters for the model and obtained 37% accuracy
surprisingly (K. A., U. Kulsum et al., 2021). There is
not much information provided in research that
achieved 41% accuracy (S. Ontoum and J. H. Chan,
2022). The reasons for such a big difference in the
accuracy of each model remain unclear. It could be the
inherent randomness in the training process. Looking
closely at each sub-category shown in Table 2, N/S
appeared to be the most accurately predicted one (85%
accurate on average). Three articles maintain
relatively consistent performance on the prediction for
I/E and falls behind on the prediction for T/F and J/P
(B. Cui et al., 2017).
Table 2: The resulting accuracy for each category from
models trained on Naive Bayes (B. Cui and C. Qi, 2017)-
(S. Ontoum and J. H. Chan, 2022).
I/E N/S T/F J/P Overall
(B. Cui et al.,
0.750 0.845 0.624 0.603 0.2586
(K. A., U.
Kulsum et
al., 2021)
0.76 0.85 0.80 0.73 0.37
(S. Ontoum
and J. H.
Chan, 2022)
0.7828 0.8695 0.8063 0.7478 0.4104
3.3.2 Support Vector Machine
Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a supervised
machine learning algorithm for classification and
regression tasks. SVMs are particularly good at binary
classification problems, which is what personality
prediction is. Finding a hyperplane that best divides
the data points of different categories while
maximizing the margin between them is the basic goal
of SVM. The distance between the hyperplane and the
nearest data points from each class is referred to as the
margin in SVM. The nearest data points are the
support vectors. The hyperplane that maximizes this
margin is considered the optimal decision boundary.
Nisha, Amirhosseini, and Mushtaq M research use
SVM, and their test accuracy is 33%, 39%, 32%, and
42%, as shown in Table 3 (B. Cui and C. Qi, 2017)-(S.
Ontoum and J. H. Chan, 2022). The average is about
36%, similar to the NB method. There is also
insufficient information shown in each research study
to determine the factors that cause the difference. The
pattern for each sub-group continues: N/S is the most
well-predicted group with high accuracy between
86%-87%, and the I/E group falls in second place with
81% accuracy. It is more apparent in this chart that T/F
has a higher accuracy than the J/P group.
Table 3: The Resulting Accuracy for Each Category from
Models Trained on Support Vector Machine (B. Cui and C.
Qi, 2017)-(S. Ontoum and J. H. Chan, 2022).
I/E N/S T/F J/P Overall
(B. Cui et al.,
- - - - 0.33
K. A., U. Kulsu
et al., 2021)
0.80 0.86 0.80 0.72 0.39
(T. M, 2021) 0.7756 0.8621 0.7303 0.6550 0.3198
(S. Ontoum and J.
H. Chan, 2022)
0.8515 0.8732 0.8049 0.7270 0.4197
3.3.3 Extreme Gradient Boosting
Treme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) is an upgraded
version of Gradient Boosting that is more effective
and performs better. Gradient Boosting is a technique
for ensemble learning that integrates the predictions
from multiple weak learners to produce a strong
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
Table 4: The Resulting Accuracy for Each Category From
Models Trained on Extreme Gradient Boosting in (K. A.,
U. Kulsum et al., 2021)-(M. H. Amirhosseini and H. B.
Kazemian, 2020).
I/E N/S T/F J/P Overall
(K. A., U. Kulsum et
al., 2021)
0.86 0.90 0.84 0.80 0.52
(T. M, 2021) 0.7553 0.8594 0.6715 0.6215 0.2709
(M. H. Amirhosseini
and H. B. Kazemian,
0.7901 0.8596 0.7419 0.6542 0.3296
model. It works by sequentially training these weak
learners to fix faults produced by the earlier ones. A
distinct decision tree that calculates the residual
values from the previous ones is built after each
iteration. These individual models are then combined
to make the final prediction. Techniques like
regularization and early stopping can be used to
prevent overfitting. XGBoost incorporates several
optimizations and features, such as regularization
terms, parallel processing, and handling of missing
data, to make the training process faster and the
resulting models more accurate. It can handle
complex tasks effectively with high stability. As
demonstrated in Table 4, the accuracy of outcomes is
52%, 27%, and 33%, respectively. The average
accuracy is 37%, similar to the other two methods.
The accuracy trend for each subcategory remains the
This study looks closely at Mushtaq's research
with a higher accuracy of 54% (Z., S. Ashraf et al.,
2020). It also has a relatively more complex data
analysis process than other models. After data
cleaning, the authors created a Term Frequency-
Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) Matrix (often
used in text classification and information retrieval)
that measures how frequently a term appears in a
document and the rarity or uniqueness of a term
across a collection of documents. Principal
component analysis (PCA) is applied to reduce the
dimension and visualize the dataset. PCA transforms
a dataset with many potentially correlated variables
into a new dataset with a smaller number of variables
called principal components. PCA aims to retain as
much of the original data's variance as possible in
principal components while reducing the
dimensionality of the dataset. Then, K-means
clustering is implemented. K-means clustering is an
unsupervised machine learning algorithm for
dividing a dataset into non-overlapping groups or
clusters. K-means clustering aims to group similar
data points together while minimizing the variation
within each cluster. Next, the authors used default
parameters from the XGBoost classifier to train the
model, and the initial results were between 65-75%
accuracy on average. Adjusting hyperparameters was
the critical step that raised their accuracy to 85–90%,
making a vast improvement.
3.4 Discussion
By comparing each method, no single method that has
an overall better outcome stands out. The overall
accuracy of each method analyzed ranges from 35%-
37%. This might not seem very well, but it is a lot
better than random guesses that will have 6.25%
accuracy. Not to mention that a few well-trained
models have above 50% accurate overall outcomes.
Regarding subgroups, N/S appeared to be the most
accurately predicted one, and I/E, T/F, and J/P
followed in descending order. In the best model from
Nisha's research, the accuracy for the N/S group gets
as high as 90%. And the worst sub-group outcome at
J/P has 60% accuracy (K. A., U. Kulsum et al., 2021).
These models are capable of making fair personality
predictions. As Mushtaq showed in an actual vs.
predicted values chart, although the results are not
always exactly the personality type, they appeared
promising (Z., S. Ashraf et al., 2020). When
analyzing, Nisha's and Ontoum's research shows a
consistently higher accuracy and high values for best-
performing results in Table 1 (
K. A., U. Kulsum et al.,
2021), (S. Ontoum and J. H. Chan, 2022). However,
there is nothing explicitly different shown in the paper
that could be a reasonable explanation. One noticeable
variation is in the data preprocessing, despite all
researchers using the same dataset. In the articles, Cui,
Nisha, Amirhosseini, and Mushtaq mentioned
hyperparameter tuning, while M and Ontoum did not
(B. Cui and C. Qi, 2017)-(Z., S. Ashraf, and N.
Sabahat, 2020). Differences in the hyperparameter
could be another factor. Mushtaq's research
demonstrated that well-tuned hyperparameters can
yield much better results (Z., S. Ashraf et al., 2020).
3.5 Limitations
However, it is still worth noting that there are many
limitations. The size and quality of the dataset play an
important role in the effectiveness and accuracy of
An Analysis of Different Machine Learning Algorithms for Personality Type Predictions Based on Social Media Posts
3.5.1 Lack of Resources
For example, various researches have been conducted
on personality prediction and machine learning based
on the MBTI scheme. They all use the Kaggle dataset,
which reveals the problem of a lack of available data
and resources. Many researchers use the Big Five
personality traits instead of the MBTI because more
datasets are available. As Halevy's research discussed,
large amounts of data can sometimes compensate for
the shortcomings of simple models, and inadequate
amounts of data can negatively influence the model
(A. Halevy et al., 2009). However, limiting to a
specific dataset is also good. Knowing that one
particular dataset is used in all papers helped
eliminate potential variation in the result that might
be due to the differentiation in the dataset. It is more
transparent and straightforward to compare each
model's results from different literature.
3.5.2 Skewed Dataset
This dataset itself is also not perfect due to the nature
of each type of personality, introverted and intuitive
people tend to spend more time on the internet, which
means that they tend to post more texts and data. This
tendency is clearly shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4
(MBTI, 2017).
Figure 3: A pie chart showing each personality's
distribution in the dataset (MBTI, 2017).
Figure 4: A segmented bar graph showing each
personality's distribution in the dataset (MBTI, 2017).
The highly unbalanced amount of data might also
be a source of error. Mushtaq's research talked about
the unbalanced data problem (Z., S. Ashraf et al.,
2020). Their model fails to predict the I/E trait, and
they believe their results would have been different if
they had a better data set. Another research, on the
contrary, used the synthetic minority oversampling
technique (SMOTE), attempting to solve the problem
by generating texts based on the existing data.
Improvement in accuracy showed that their approach
was effective (G. Ryan et al., 2023).
3.5.3 Unrepresentative Data
1) As previously mentioned, the MBTI personality
test results are not always accurate. Since most people
determine their personality types by taking online
tests, chances are that some people have mistaken
their type. Moreover, the test can only reflect the
temporary status of the person. As time progresses,
their type could change, and reports show that the
MBTI type of one person has about a 50% chance to
change every few months (B. Cui et al., 2017).
2) Bias and Noise: Collected through the
PersonalityCafe forum, there is an inherent bias in the
sample group compared to the entire population. The
sample group is limited. In addition, people could
intentionally or unintentionally provide faulty
information, distracting a model's accuracy. This led
to a rise of suspicion about the accuracy and quality
of the dataset (Y. Mehta et al., 2019). Furthermore,
the texts people post on Twitter are highly dependent
on moods and can be easily influenced by many other
factors. The fact that some personality types have
many similar traits (for example, INTP and ENTP)
also needed to be considered. The data is noisy.
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
Personality prediction is a valuable tool in hiring and
developing the recommendation system. It can also
help users obtain a better mutual understanding in
conversations, improve self-awareness, and achieve
personal growth. This paper discusses implementing
different machine learning methods in personality
prediction based on MBTI. Among the three analyzed
methods, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, and
Extreme Gradient Boosting, Extreme Gradient
Boosting obtains the highest accuracy on average.
However, the average accuracy for the three methods
is not different. This research cannot get into other
methods that are uncommon but show outstanding
performance, like Deep Learning and Recurrent
Neural Networks. Through detailed analysis of each
sub-group, this research also finds that the model’s
capability to predict each sub-group generally falls in
this sequence: N/S > I/E > T/F > J/P. As discussed in
3.5, this dataset is highly skewed, unbalanced, and
noisy. However, surprisingly, the N/S category is the
most unbalanced, as shown in Fig. 2. The sequence
above is an exact sequence of how “unbalanced” the
data is, ranging from high to low. The possible
conclusion that can be drawn from this observation is
that the “equal amount of data on each category” does
not matter as much. More data is most helpful, and it
can train the model to grasp the underlying pattern for
each category better. Unfortunately, due to the lack of
resources, this conclusion cannot be testified – there is
no alternative dataset. The nature of each category or
the inherent bias from the dataset may also be factors
for the difference in accuracy rate. A richer and greater
variety of datasets in the future can lead to more robust
conclusions. Another thing that remains unclear is
why models in some research have greater accuracy
when the model is trained on the same method and
dataset. Moreover, these are places where future
research can be conducted.
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An Analysis of Different Machine Learning Algorithms for Personality Type Predictions Based on Social Media Posts