Designing an Artificial Cooking Machine for Enhanced Cooking
Jingbin Ben Chen
Guangzhou Foreign Language School, Guangzhou, China
Keywords: Cooking Robotic, Automate, System, Intelligent.
Abstract: Eating plays a vital role in people's lives, but the demands of a fast-paced lifestyle often hinder individuals,
especially the elderly, from cooking nutritious meals at home. To address this issue, an intelligent self-cooking
robotic arm can be designed to automate the process of cutting vegetables and frying dishes, providing a
convenient solution for individuals who are not present in the kitchen. This paper draws inspiration from
existing cooking robots to propose a more advanced robotic arm capable of performing various cooking
methods with increased efficiency and convenience. The design focuses on creating a mechanical product that
caters to the needs of the modern population, aiming to enhance their cooking experience. The paper discusses
the structural framework and internal system required for the development of this intelligent cooking robot.
The impact of automation and robotics has
significantly permeated the kitchen landscape as socio-
economic factors, changing work patterns, and recent
global events like the COVID-19 pandemic have
driven the need for more efficient and contactless
cooking solutions. As individuals grapple with
balancing work-from-home arrangements and
household chores, the demand for automated kitchen
appliances, including cooking robots, has surged. The
current market for cooking robots is varied, with
brands offering models that range from basic cooking
functions to more sophisticated units capable of
replicating intricate culinary techniques. Brands like
Moley Robotics, Nymble, and Thermomix are paving
the way in this burgeoning industry. However, while
these models offer a promise of convenience, they
often come with limitations such as high price points,
bulky sizes, and complex user interfaces (Singh et al
1.1 Basic Situations
The evolution of cooking robots can be traced back to
rudimentary devices that performed simple tasks such
as stirring and basic chopping. These initial versions
of cooking robots were limited in their capabilities,
primarily designed to automate routine tasks and
reduce human effort in the kitchen (Garcia-Haro et al
2020). Their functions were often programmable but
relied heavily on manual user input and had limited
adaptability. Still, they represented the first steps
toward the automation of cooking processes,
providing a foundation for the more advanced models
we see today.
Over time, the capabilities of cooking robots have
expanded significantly due to advancements in
technology and a better understanding of user needs
and expectations. Today's cooking robots come
equipped with advanced features such as ingredient
recognition and programmed recipes (Pereira,
Bozzato et al 2022). These robots are capable of
performing more complex tasks, such as measuring
ingredients, stirring at different speeds, and even
following a pre-programmed recipe to create a dish
from start to finish (Pereira, Pra et al 2022).
However, despite these advancements,
contemporary cooking robots often encounter
challenges when it comes to tasks requiring finer motor
skills or judgment calls. For example, adjusting
cooking times based on the size or amount of
ingredients is a task that most current models struggle
with. Similarly, tasks like finely chopping vegetables,
carefully stirring delicate ingredients, or assessing
when a dish is perfectly cooked, are still outside the
reach of many cooking robots (Ramirez-Alpizar et al
2021). These areas highlight the limitations of current
Chen, J.
Designing an Artificial Cooking Machine for Enhanced Cooking Experience.
DOI: 10.5220/0012816700003885
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning (DAML 2023), pages 397-401
ISBN: 978-989-758-705-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
technology and provide a clear direction for further
Livinsa et al. made a significant contribution to
the field of cooking automation with their proposed
model of a cooking robot (Livinsa et al 2021). This
model uses the Arduino Mega platform for complete
automation, providing a high degree of control and
programmability (Kusriyanto and Putra 2018). The
robot is capable of performing a variety of kitchen
tasks, including ingredient pumping, stirring, and
cooking. By automating these tasks, the robot vastly
reduces the time and effort required from the user,
making the cooking process more efficient and less
labor-intensive. This model represents a substantial
leap forward in cooking automation. However, it's not
without its shortcomings. Aspects such as the user
interface could be improved to provide a more
intuitive and user-friendly experience. Currently,
users may find the interface complex and difficult to
navigate, which can lead to frustration and a
reluctance to utilize the robot's full capabilities.
Furthermore, while the robot offers a degree of
flexibility in cooking methods, there is scope for
further enhancement. A wider range of programmable
cooking techniques would allow the robot to cater to
a broader array of cuisines and recipes, greatly
increasing its versatility and appeal (Wang et al
2019). Finally, the integration of the robot with smart
home systems represents another area for
improvement. As smart homes become increasingly
common, the ability to seamlessly integrate with
other devices and systems in the home could greatly
enhance the robot's functionality and user-
friendliness (Wilson et al 2019).
In summary, while the Livinsa et al. model
represents a significant advancement in the field of
cooking robots, there is still considerable potential for
further improvement and innovation. With ongoing
research and development, future models will
undoubtedly continue to push the boundaries of what
is possible in cooking automation.
1.2 Future Opportunities
In the contemporary fast-paced society, the number of
individuals engaged in office work or other
demanding professional sectors has seen a steep rise.
The hectic schedules and demanding lifestyle often
leave these individuals with little or no time to engage
in cooking. This scarcity of time, coupled with
limited cooking skills in some instances, has led to an
increased reliance on outside food. However, this
dependence on commercially prepared meals is not
without its health implications. Commercially
prepared meals often contain high levels of salt, oil,
and sugar, along with various food additives. The
excessive intake of these substances can have adverse
effects on health, placing undue strain on several vital
body systems (Nadathur et al 2016). For instance,
high salt content can contribute to hypertension and
strain the cardiovascular system. Excessive oil,
especially if it is saturated or trans fats, can lead to
obesity and cardiovascular diseases. High sugar
content can lead to insulin resistance and eventual
diabetes. Moreover, various additives commonly
used in commercial meals can affect the digestive
system, leading to various intestinal issues.
Recognizing these health concerns and the need to
overcome time constraints and limited cooking skills,
the kitchen appliance industry has made significant
strides. A variety of innovative appliances have been
introduced to facilitate home cooking without
requiring significant time or culinary expertise. For
instance, multi-function cooking machines, as
discussed by Livinsa et al., have emerged as a popular
solution (Livinsa et al 2021). These machines
combine the functions of several kitchen appliances,
capable of weighing, chopping, cooking, grinding,
and stirring. This multi-functionality not only saves
space in the kitchen but also simplifies the cooking
process, making it more accessible to those who
might be intimidated by traditional cooking methods.
Another promising development in this space is
the advent of mobile cooking robots (Yamamoto et al
2019). These robots can perform a range of cooking
tasks, significantly reducing the time and effort
required for cooking. By automating the cooking
process, these robots allow individuals to use their
time more effectively, freeing them from the need to
spend extended periods in the kitchen. Automated
cooking robots represent a convenient and efficient
solution for home cooking. By improving the quality
of dishes and reducing the labor burden, these robots
bring the joy of delicious, home-cooked meals to
those with busy schedules. They offer a hassle-free
cooking experience, allowing individuals to enjoy
nutritious and personalized meals without having to
compromise their health or their time. In essence,
these innovations are bridging the gap between
convenience and health, providing a viable alternative
to the over-reliance on commercially prepared meals.
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
2.1 Classification of Cooking Robots
In the realm of cooking automation, robots are
primarily classified into two types: fully automated
and semi-automatic cooking robots (Bock et al 2019).
Fully automated cooking robots, such as the
Moley Robotic Kitchen, are designed to handle the
entire cooking process independently, from prepping
ingredients to cooking and even cleaning up. These
robots are typically integrated into a kitchen set-up
and include robotic arms, an oven, a stove, and other
necessary appliances. They offer a luxurious, hands-
off cooking experience ideal for individuals who
prefer minimal involvement in the kitchen. However,
their high cost and complex installation requirements
limit their widespread adoption.
Semi-automatic cooking robots, on the other
hand, like the Thermomix TM6, are compact
countertop devices that can perform multiple cooking
tasks. While they cannot operate entirely
independently, they provide substantial aid in the
kitchen, performing functions like chopping, stirring,
and cooking. These robots are popular due to their
affordability, ease of use, and versatility in cooking a
wide range of dishes.
In terms of mixing methods, cooking robots can
employ several techniques depending on the specific
requirements of the dish. Active stirring is a common
method used in robots designed for dishes that need
uniform stirring, such as fried rice and stir-fried
noodles. For example, the HomeCooker from Philips
uses active stirring to ensure even cooking. Passive
stirring, on the other hand, is a method often seen in
appliances like the Tefal Actifry. It uses a stirring
paddle that moves with the pan, somewhat like a
washing machine. This method is advantageous for
dishes that require specific mixing techniques, such
as stir-frying seasonings or gently tossing ingredients
without breaking them.
Other robots, like the June Oven, use a different
approach altogether, employing convection heat and
internal cameras to cook and monitor the food,
eliminating the need for stirring. As the field of
cooking automation continues to evolve, we can
anticipate the emergence of more sophisticated
mixing methods and cooking techniques, providing a
richer and more convenient cooking experience.
2.2 Specific Solutions
Optimizing the rotation angle and angular speed of
the cooking robots' arm or stirring mechanism is key
to achieving efficient and effective cooking. This
optimization can be approached through control
theory principles and kinematic analysis. For
example, the rotational motion of the robot arm can
be described using the equation 1 (used in Figure 1):
θ = θ
+ ω
t + 0.5αt^2 (1)
where θ is the rotation angle, θ
is the initial rotation
angle, ω
is the initial angular speed, α is the angular
acceleration, and t is the time. By adjusting the
angular speed
) and the angular acceleration (α),
the robot can adapt its rotation angle (θ) effectively to
the required cooking task.
To identify and manipulate food items, a
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
system can be employed (see Figure 2) (Stachniss et
al 2016). This technology is often used in autonomous
vehicles and drones for navigation. In the context of
cooking robots, a SLAM system can perform object
recognition, allowing the robot to identify different
food items. The SLAM system uses a combination of
sensors (like LiDAR or sonar) and cameras to create
a map of the environment and track the robot's
location within it. Machine learning algorithms can
be trained on a dataset of food images to enable the
robot to identify different ingredients.
However, the use of SLAM in cooking robots
comes with its limitations. It requires a significant
amount of processing power and a large, high-quality
dataset for reliable food recognition. Lighting
conditions and the appearance of food items can vary
greatly, complicating the task of accurate
identification. Additionally, the system may struggle
with identifying and manipulating food items that
have similar colors or shapes. As technology
advances, these limitations can be mitigated through
improved sensor technology, more powerful
processors, and more sophisticated machine learning
Figure 1: The models of smart cooking stir-fry machines on
the market.
Designing an Artificial Cooking Machine for Enhanced Cooking Experience
Figure 2: The sensors that used to identify food via taking
photos and maps in real time.
2.3 Challenges and Safety
Despite the promise of convenience, cooking robots,
like any other automated system, are not devoid of
safety incidents. For example, in 2016, a Thermomix
TM31 unit reportedly caused several burn incidents
due to a faulty sealing ring that allowed hot food and
steam to escape. Safety considerations in the design
and operation of cooking robots are paramount to
prevent such incidents. These safety measures can be
broadly categorized into hardware safety features and
algorithmic safety features.
Hardware safety features include design elements
such as robust sealing systems, sturdy build quality,
and safety locks (Anderson 2020). These features are
designed to prevent physical accidents like burns,
cuts, and spills. Additionally, overheat protection
measures, such as temperature sensors and automatic
shut-off features, can prevent overheating, a common
issue in kitchen appliances.
Algorithmic safety features refer to the software-
level safety measures implemented in the machine's
operating system (Fernández et al 2021). One such
feature could be a fall-back mechanism in the control
system that stops the robot's operation if it detects an
anomaly. This could be achieved using a watchdog
timer, a common safety feature in embedded systems.
If the system does not reset the watchdog timer within
a certain period (indicating that it's operating
correctly), the timer triggers a system reset or a safe
Another algorithmic safety measure could be an
emergency stop (E-Stop) feature, which allows the
user or the system itself to halt operations
immediately in case of a perceived risk. This could be
a physical button on the robot or a command in the
user interface. Algorithmic safety features would also
include error detection and fault tolerance methods.
For example, the robot could be programmed to
recognize when a cooking pot is not correctly placed,
preventing it from starting a cooking process that
could lead to a spill or burn.
As cooking robots continue to evolve, the
integration of advanced sensor technology and
machine learning can significantly enhance safety.
For instance, predictive analytics could be used to
anticipate potential hazards and proactively address
them, leading to safer and more reliable cooking
The proposed design of an advanced robotic arm for
cooking automation differentiates itself from existing
solutions by focusing on user-centric design,
flexibility in cooking methods, and seamless
integration with smart home systems. While current
solutions offer a range of functionalities, they often
fall short in terms of intuitive user interfaces and
versatility in cooking techniques. The proposed
design seeks to address these gaps, providing a more
personalized and engaging cooking experience. By
optimizing the rotation angle and angular speed of the
robot arm, the system can adapt to a wide range of
cooking techniques, allowing for more diverse and
complex dishes. Additionally, the use of a SLAM
system for ingredient recognition opens up
possibilities for more intelligent and autonomous
cooking processes.
Safety is a paramount concern in the proposed
design. By incorporating both hardware and
algorithmic safety measures, the system aims to
provide a secure cooking environment that minimizes
the risk of accidents. This focus on safety, combined
with user-friendly design characteristics, sets the
proposed solution apart from existing market
offerings. The potential impact of this proposed
solution is multifaceted. For users, it promises a more
convenient and enjoyable cooking experience, with
the added benefit of healthier, home-cooked meals.
For the elderly or those with physical disabilities, the
proposed design could provide invaluable assistance,
making cooking more accessible. On the market
level, this innovative approach could stimulate further
advancements in the field of cooking automation,
leading to products that are even more intelligent,
versatile, and user-friendly. As consumer
expectations evolve, there will be an increasing
demand for solutions that not only automate cooking
but also make it an engaging and personalized
experience. The proposed design aims to meet this
demand, paving the way for the next generation of
cooking robots.
In conclusion, while there are challenges to
overcome, the potential benefits of an advanced
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
cooking robot as proposed in this paper are
significant. With further research and development,
we can move closer to a future where cooking is not
a chore, but a seamless and enjoyable part of our daily
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Designing an Artificial Cooking Machine for Enhanced Cooking Experience