A Resnet and U-Net Hybrid Discriminator Based on GANs for Facial
Images Inpainting
Yue Zhu
Data Science and Big Data Technology, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China
Keywords: Reconstructing Image, Inpainting, GANs, Hybrid Discriminator.
Abstract: Image inpainting technique is an application of computer vision technology, whose main task is to complete
reconstructing image with missing or damaged areas by using the information of the existing part, which
becomes a crucial part in computer vision (CV). This research presents a method for optimizing discriminators
in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) inpainting application. By introducing a hybrid discriminator
comprised by Residual Network-50 (Resnet50) and U-Net network, it has better perception of reconstructed
facial image textures and regional contours, thereby reducing the common blurring problem of reconstructed
images. Through random blurring images pre-training for the proposed discriminator, only the fine-tuned
process is required in practical applications, resulting in faster training time. Through comparative
experiments, this research can achieve smaller training losses, while the subjective image effect after
reconstruction is also significantly improved, specifically in areas such as the nose and eyes, where the edge
resource is more pronounced. The discriminator optimization design proposed in this research, combined with
pre- training methods, can be applied to GANs image inpainting application, significantly improving the
reconstruction effect of complex texture areas in damaged images, especially facial areas.
Image inpainting is an image processing technique
which involves the selection of suitable pixels to fill
the defect area by extracting and screening the features
of the known area. At present, the development of
inpainting algorithms have become a research hotspot
of Computer Vision (CV) field, which can be widely
applied in multimedia, medical, entertainment and
film industry (Shah et al 2022). The basic idea of
image inpainting techniques is inferring the damaged
content from the content of undamaged areas in the
same image. The traditional techniques use many
kinds of graphic filters to reconstruct areas which can
generally perform well for repairing small and regular
damaged areas, but it is not effective for complex
graphic textures (such as faces), large or irregular
damaged areas. They can’t extract higher-level
semantic features and often lack enough context and
semantic information.
After Deep learning techniques was introduced in
2014, researchers found it could be a good solution to
the above problems, therefore it is now a widely used
research technique in image inpainting (Shah et al
2022). In 2016, Pathak et al. introduced the concept of
Context Encoders (CE) based on Goodfellow's
research on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
(Pathak et al 2016 & Goodfellow et al 2014). CE can
extract semantic features and the global structure. It has
a good effect on reconstruction. After that, many
improved versions of CE have emerged. For example,
Lizuka et al. simultaneously used global and local
discriminators to improve the coherence between
reconstructed pixels and surrounding pixels (Iizuka et
al 2017). Convolution Neural Networks (CNN), as the
core algorithm of deep learning, bring a bright
perspective to image processing related application
such as millions of image classifications. The
convolutional algorithm has better generalization for
different tasks due to their better interpretability in
image processing (Donahue et al 2014). If context
related information is added in image generation, the
effect of image generation will exceed that of
autoencoder (Doersch et al 2015). Yeh et al. introduced
two new loss functions with no need for masking
during training. However, this method still cannot
reconstruct irregular damaged areas (Yeh et al 2017).
The main purpose of this research is to introduce
pre-trained context discriminator to improve the
inpainting performance of facial images based on
Zhu, Y.
A ResNet and U-Net Hybrid Discriminator Based on GANs for Facial Images Inpainting.
DOI: 10.5220/0012819400003885
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning (DAML 2023), pages 192-196
ISBN: 978-989-758-705-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
GANs image reconstruction algorithms. Specifically,
first, a CNN structured convolutional network is used
to mine image features, generate image feature
vectors, and then use deconvolution to generate
predicted image pixel information. Secondly, in
adversarial generation networks, discriminator is
crucial for the pixel-wised authenticity and
comprehensibility of generated images, as it can infer
the overall semantic information of the image. The
discriminator adopts a hybrid network structure of
Residual Network-50 (Resnet50) and U-net, and pre-
trains through random blurring images. By
introducing adversarial loss functions, it mitigates the
common blurring problems in facial images for
GANs; Thirdly, the predictive performance of
different models is analyzed and compared. In this
research, a ResNet and U-net hybrid discriminator is
introduced to highlight the generation of context and
segment structural information for facial regions such
as nose, eyes etc., enhancing facial local texture
coherence in the reconstructed image. The proposed
model has significant improvements in terms of
accuracy. The experiments show that this research can
effectively decrease the blur phenomenon in
reconstructed facial images.
2.1 Dataset Description and
The dataset used in this study is CelebFaces Attribute
(CelebA-HQ) images, containing 30,000 high-quality
celebrity photos resized to 256 x 256 pixels (Dataset).
This dataset has been often used in tasks like face
recognition, facial attribute analysis and face
generation. Data transformations and augmentations
are applied in the experiments, including converting
images into Tensor format, random cropping,
normalizing etc. These operations can improve the
generalization ability of the model and reduce the
overfitting in training process.
2.2 Proposed Approach
Using GANs to generate images, if only pixel wise
loss (L1 or L2) is used to train parameters, it is easy to
cause image blur in the generated image. This may be
due to this prediction method simply comparing pixel
wise errors without considering the contextual
information of the image, so the predictor tends to
minimize the pixel-wise L2 loss, but also generates
blurry images. Generally, the discriminator in GANs
trained together with the generator, which just
recognizes original and artifact image parts, hasn’t
pre-knowledge for blurred images and facial
segmentation features, so loss function has no related
parts. ResNet enhances face context perception
ability, while U-Net can enhance its semantic
consistency based on facial feature segmentation. By
using resnet50 and U-Net as hybrid discriminator,
corresponding reconstruction error parts are also
considered for loss function. The blurriness of
reconstructed can be reduced. The process is shown in
the Figure 1.
Figure 1: The pipeline of the model (Picture credit:
2.2.1 ResNet
Unlike traditional neural networks, the outputs of
each layer in ResNet are residuals of any previous
layer output. ResNet is a neural network structure that
solves the problem of gradient explosion and gradient
vanishing in the training of deep neural networks by
applying residual connectivity, thus allowing the
network to be deeper and easier to train. The internal
feature is the introduction of residual block which
contains two or three convolutional layers, where the
first convolutional layer is used to extract the features,
the second convolutional layer is used to fuse the
features, and finally the inputs and outputs are added
by using the residual connection to get the output of
the residual block. This residual join helps to keep
more information in the training process, thus
increasing the accuracy of the network. Each stage
contains multiple residual blocks, and each residual
block contains multiple convolutional layers and
residual connections inside. The input of the whole
network passes through a convolutional layer and
pooling layer and enters the first stage, and then
passes through multiple stages sequentially, and
finally the output is obtained through a fully
connected layer and a global average pooling layer.
ResNet's framework process consists of the input
passing through a convolutional layer and a pooling
layer to get the input for the first stage; The first stage
contains multiple residual blocks, each containing
A ResNet and U-Net Hybrid Discriminator Based on GANs for Facial Images Inpainting
two or three convolutional layers and residual
connections; Stages two through four are similar to
stage one and contain multiple residual blocks;
Finally, the output is obtained through a global
average pooling layer and a fully connected layer.
The internal idea of ResNet is to solve the problem of
gradient vanishing and gradient explosion during the
training of deep neural networks through residual
connectivity, thus allowing the network to be deeper
and easier to train. In each residual block, the residual
connection adds the inputs and outputs to get the
output of the residual block, and this residual
connection allows the network to retain more
information in the training process, thus increasing
the accuracy of the network.
Residual refers to that the inputs can skip
computations of intermediate layers and go directly to
the output. The approach of skipping layers is also
called shortcut connection. This design helps neural
networks to avoid problems such as vanishing
gradient or exploding gradient which tends to appear
with the increasing number of layers. ResNet enables
training robustness and reliability while improving
speed and accuracy. Considering computation
complexity, ResNet50 is used. ResNet50, as its name
suggests, is a 50-layer deep Residual Network which
consists of six layers: input layer, convolution layer,
residual block, pooling layer, fully-connected layer
and output layer. The convolution layer executes
convolution calculations on the input image to extract
features. Then, the convolutional results are fed into
the residual blocks. This allows more effective
extraction of high-dimensional image features. The
pooling layer down samples the feature maps. Finally,
in the fully connected layer, the feature maps are
connected and classified (He et al 2016).
2.2.2 U-Net
U-Net is a type of CNN that is specifically designed for
image segmentation tasks. The structural
characteristics of U-Net is its ability to connect the
feature maps of traditional encoder-decoder structures
with corresponding low-level feature maps. This
connection allows U-Net to retain more information
during the feature extraction process, which makes it
highly effective at handling incomplete or blurry
boundaries in images. The U-Net network includes a
symmetric encoder and decoder structure, with the
segmentation accuracy improved by connecting the
encoder and decoder feature maps. The encoder is
made up of multiple convolutional and max-pool
layers, which progressively reduce the size and channel
of feature maps while extracting high-level features.
On the other hand, the decoder comprises multiple
convolutional and up-sampling layers, which gradually
restore the size and channel of feature maps. Overall,
U-Net is a effective tool for image segmentation tasks,
especially when dealing with complex or challenging
images. Its ability to retain more information during
feature extraction and connect encoder and decoder
feature maps makes it a highly efficient and effective
solution for a wide range of image segmentation
applications. Additionally, by connecting low-level
feature of the encoder directly with the corresponding
feature maps of the decoder, U-Net can retain even
more information (Shen et al 2018 & Ronneberger et
al 2015).
2.2.3 Loss Function
Generator joint loss is a loss function that is obtained
by weighting and summing the pixel-wise
reconstruction loss and adversarial loss. Adversarial
loss is comprised of adversarial context loss and
semantic loss. The generator related loss functions are
defined as show:
  
  
 
 
where G and D respectively represent generator and
discriminator network processing.
represent pixel-wise loss and adversarial loss. They
are both L2 loss functions. Img and Mask_Img
respectively represents original image and masked or
damaged image, Ones represents all 1 vector. The
linear combination
of the 2 losses makes
joint generator loss to train only generator
parameters. α and β are weights that are obtained
during training to obtain the optimal value.
Discriminator joint loss is a loss function that is
obtained by weighting and summing the both the real
and fake image discrimination loss. The discriminator
related loss functions are defined as show:
  
  
  
   
DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
represents loss of judging real image as
fake, and
represents loss of judging fake
image as real. They are both discriminator loss and
take L2 loss functions. Zeros represents all 0 vector.
The linear combination
of the 2 losses
makes joint discriminator loss to train only
discriminator parameters. γ and ε are weights that are
obtained during training to obtain the optimal value.
2.3 Implementation Details
This experiment uses Python version 3.9 and imports
Python libraries such as NumPy, pandas, torch and
scikit-learn. The entire process is trained on CPU and
Adam optimizer is used for optimization. The Adam
optimizer can adaptively adjust the learning rate and
handle sparse gradients, thus improving the speed and
effectiveness of the model. The hybrid discriminator
pre-training uses 10000 images from the CelebA-HQ
training set. In order to make the discriminator more
general in recognition, the images are resized to
128x128 using blurring processing, and then select a
square area with upper left corner coordinates (80,80)
and random integer 64~80 width/height. A two-
dimensional blurring Gaussian filter with a mean of 0
and a variance of random 5~15 numbers is applied into
the area. After processing, the Resnet50 and U-Net
networks are pre-trained. The target is binary
classification to accurately recognize original and
blurred images. The pre-trained discriminator model
is trained for 5 epochs and other model is trained for
15 epochs with a batch size of 16. The learning rate of
the Adam optimizer is 0.0008. The number of CPU
threads is 4.
Here are some experiments results. Table 1 shows the
pre-training data for hybrid discriminator. Table II
shows the loss comparison between CNN
discriminator model and this research. Furtherly
comparing reconstructed images quality of CelebA-
HQ dataset by using the discriminator structure in
(Pathak et al 2016) and the pre-trained hybrid
discriminator structure proposed in this paper, fig. 2
shows research in this paper has better quality.
Table 1: Pre-Training Data for Hybrid Discriminator.
Test loss for pre-train
Table 2: Loss Comparison in Last 3 Epochs Between
(Pathak et al 2016) and Research.
Loss data in (Pathak et al
According to Table 1, the hybrid discriminator is
highly effective in distinguishing between the original
and blurred images, with a minimal loss value of 0.008.
Additionally, Table II shows that the research in this
paper resulted in a 68% decrease in gen_adv_loss, a
24% decrease in gen_pixel_loss, and a significant
reduction in error. As shown in Figure 2, the
introduction of the discriminator through context and
segmentation mechanisms not only reduces the loss but
also significantly improves the subjective recognition
effect of some reconstructed images, particularly in
areas such as the nose and eyes, where the edge contour
is more pronounced. These results indicate that the
hybrid discriminator is a powerful tool for image
Figure 2: Reconstruction images comparison between Pathak et al’s study (2016) and research, the left 6 images is from
Pathak et al’s study (2016), the right 6 images from this paper research (Picture credit: Original).
A ResNet and U-Net Hybrid Discriminator Based on GANs for Facial Images Inpainting
reconstruction tasks. For the reconstruction of 64x64
regions on 128x128 resolution images, the entire
GANs training typically requires 20 epochs and takes
approximately 45 minutes on a single Nvidia
RTX3090 GPU. However, by parallelizing multiple
GPUs, the training time can be significantly reduced.
Intuitively, for better repairing defective areas of an
image, it is essential to understand the content of the
surrounding images, and use the correlation of the
image area content to infer the defective content.
Previous research from Pathak et al’s study (2016)
found that the repaired images areas generally are
blurry, especially contours around the eyes and nose.
During the training process, I also found that even after
multiple rounds of training, even if the image contour
is blurry, the discriminator's error remains basically
unchanged. That is, the discriminator is no longer
sensitive to this kind of blurring, so I decided to use
relevant pre-blurred image as training set and also
combine context with segmentation analysis to
enhance the discriminator's sensitivity to blurry
This research proposes a hybrid neural network
discriminator network structure of resnet50 and U-net
for image inpainting, which has good perception
ability for facial textures and segmentation structures.
When combined with GANs, it can significantly
reduce the blurring in reconstructed images.
Specifically, firstly, a 2D Gaussian filter is used to
randomly blur the images to generate a pre-trained
blurred image set. Secondly, through the pre-training
by using the blurred image set, the hybrid discriminator
can discriminate the original image from the blurred
image. Thirdly, build GANs networks for image
generation training, and compare the reconstructed loss
values and the quality of reconstructed images between
this study and other papers. The experimental results
indicate a significant decrease in the loss, while the
subjective recognition effect of some reconstructed
images is also significantly improved, particularly in
areas such as the nose and eyes, where the edge source
is more pronounced.
In the future, further work about optimizing the
discriminator network structure, pre-training method
and loss models design will be continued to recognize
different size texture and thus achieving better general
image reconstruction results.
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DAML 2023 - International Conference on Data Analysis and Machine Learning