The Aesthetic Ideal of Individuals and Its Significance in
Philosophical Understanding
Aktamkul R. Samadov
and Otabek M. Gaybullaev
Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Ideal, Aesthetic Ideal, Aesthetic Thinking, Types of Aesthetic Ideal, Functions of the Aesthetic Ideal, Art,
Functions of the Aesthetic Ideal.
Abstract: In contemporary times, humanity grapples with diverse moral, aesthetic, and environmental challenges,
prompting the emergence of a modern personality ideal and the theory of personality education. Despite their
relative autonomy and internal contradictions, moral and aesthetic ideals share common ground, reflecting
individuals' moral and aesthetic orientations towards existence. These ideals facilitate sensory-emotional
understanding of the world and inspire creative endeavours. Serving as models and goals, they are both
individualistic in origin and influential within social spheres, guided by imperative principles. The aesthetic
ideal not only guides personal conduct but also exerts socio-cultural influence, fostering emotional and
cognitive engagement with art and literature. As creativity increasingly aligns with scientific endeavours, the
aesthetic ideal offers motivation, inspiration, and joy, crucial components of the creative process. Societal and
cultural factors are instrumental in shaping the aesthetic ideal, fostering emotional connections with beauty
and guiding individuals' aesthetic interactions with nature, society, and themselves. Thus, the formation and
evolution of the aesthetic ideal depend on a complex interplay between foundational principles and societal
influences, enriching human perception and understanding of beauty.
The historical progress of society and the individual
appears to be a sequence of ideas, a series of
phenomena associated with progress and regression.
Each historical period is distinguished by its system
of philosophical views, in which a holistic image and
philosophical understanding of time are created,
associated mainly with epistemological, theological,
ethical, and aesthetic ideas, theories, and ideals.
Human culture, corresponding to the spirit of the
times, contributes to the formation of certain types of
aesthetic thinking. It should be noted that “ideas and
ideologies that do not have their philosophical basis
or are separated from it do not acquire significance in
public life and do not even acquire new meaning for
the development of man and society – Mamashokirov
In each period of historical development, the
aesthetic ideal of a person corresponds to certain
meanings that are accepted by many, the evolutionary
state of human existence, and the norms adopted to
characterize the quality of aesthetic perception of this
world. In each period of historical development, a
person has certain theoretical ideas about moral and
aesthetic content, about the significance of the
principles of perception of beauty.
The representative of German classical
philosophy I. Kant believed that “the aesthetic ideal
is a vision of humanity that has reached its highest
and perfect level and is considered the limit of
contradictions between the individual and society. An
aesthetic ideal is a level of elevated demands on
aesthetic evaluation, which consciously or
unconsciously indicates a comparison of a particular
thing-phenomenon with an aesthetic perfect - Kant
An aesthetic ideal is a type of aesthetic
relationship that represents a category that is located
as an intermediate link between aesthetic taste, on the
Samadov, A. and Gaybullaev, O.
The Aesthetic Ideal of Individuals and Its Significance in Philosophical Understanding.
DOI: 10.5220/0012846000003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 354-362
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
one hand, and aesthetic worldview, on the other. In
some research works this topic is formulated in the
form of “artistic-aesthetic ideal”, “spiritual-aesthetic
ideal”, “ethno-aesthetic ideal”, “national-aesthetic
ideal”. For example, according to S.
Agzamkhodjaeva, “an artistic and aesthetic ideal is a
form of social consciousness aimed at decorating
social existence, artistic, spiritual and moral life of a
person, improving it in accordance with the laws of
grace – Agzamhodjayeva (2007)”.
The analysis of Russian philosophical literature
also demonstrates that if the concept of the aesthetic
ideal is considered from the point of view of the
analysis of the creative approach, it turns out that it
can be studied from four main theoretical positions.
The aesthetic ideal is:
Emotional and intellectual manifestation of
Demonstration of the idea of perfection (as a
model), which is enriched with emotional
The idea of perfection as the highest goal of
human activity.
Intellectual and emotional expression of the
most perfect aesthetic value.
In philosophical and artistic research, interest in the
problem of the aesthetic ideal in literature and art
especially manifested itself in the 60s-80s of the last
century. The first studies on this issue were by N.
Geya and U. Piskunov. In their research, they tried to
answer this question. For example, they argue that
while some scientists believe that the ideal creates
reality themselves, others adhere to the idea that the
artists themselves are the creators of the perfect. The
aesthetic ideal is embodied all in the historical
concepts of a highly spiritual personality, moving
from the natural environment to the “artificial”
(contemplative device), to interpretation, criteria of
beauty, and a beacon tool for symmetrical views.
Research in the field of the aesthetic ideal is
carried out both in the context of the analysis of
objective laws and subjective interests, which are
characterized as the intellectual appearance of the
image of beauty, and the unity of moral and aesthetic
requirements for perfection. If we emphasize the
origin of the aesthetic ideal, then we can see that the
existential experience of the individual is synthesized.
All life experiences of humanity about the ideal of
beauty fill the existential gaps of the spiritual world.
The aesthetic ideal combines the standard of
beauty, truth, and goodness. Thanks to this property,
the aesthetic ideal can be characterized as the
personal appearance of a person’s social ideal. In a
general sense, the ideal gives a person the opportunity
to have his own beliefs, values, and conscious
activity, while the aesthetic ideal determines the
freedom of the individual, and the creative horizon in
a specific socio-historical space and time. In society,
this acquires constructive significance in the sense of
ensuring unified legal, religious, and socio-practical
activities in intergroup, interpersonal relations, and
movement towards a common goal. The aesthetic
ideal unifies the diversity, freedom, and creativity of
the activities of social groups, and reflects the highest
level of idealist for the harmonious development of
the individual.
As a result, a holistic definition of the aesthetic
ideal will emerge. This can be described as follows.
The aesthetic ideal is an internally stable system of
personality in the artistic and aesthetic perception of
reality, which is a category that expresses the
symmetrical and asymmetrical state of the individual
and society in its aesthetic development, reflecting its
boundaries, personally manifesting an emotionally
experiential, social state. In the inner world of the
individual, in his consciousness, this state is described
as the border between the general and the private.
The aesthetic ideal also performs the function of
decorating the socio-spiritual personality. When a
social aesthetic ideal is achieved, enriching the
existing elements of aesthetic consciousness, to a
personal degree leads to the solution of certain
motivational, constructive problems. The aesthetic
ideal regulates and controls the level of emotional-
empirical and artistic-theoretical knowledge,
fulfilling evaluative, restrictive properties in literature
and art. Considering that the creative process has a
scientific orientation, the artistic, aesthetic ideal will
have a perspective that gives motivation, inspiration,
and pleasure from creativity, which is an essential
characteristic of any creativity.
The fantastic world, artistic creativity, and human
fantasy are based on a certain imaginative worldview.
This process can be called an artistic or aesthetic
process. The classification presented here is
manifested in the influence of popular and
mainstream scientific worldviews, philosophical
views shaped by a person's spiritual and worldview
abilities and experiences, and related points of view
that can be assessed as a guide, assessment, and
methodology. First, it is important to determine what
function the ideal and its types perform for the
individual, and what its role is in ideological,
educational, epistemological, ideological, and
epistemological contexts. We strive to determine the
forms, types, internal concepts, and methods of
embodying the aesthetic ideal of a person in real life.
The Aesthetic Ideal of Individuals and Its Significance in Philosophical Understanding
It follows from this that in this work the
manifestations of the internal, important, necessary
connecting qualities of the aesthetic ideal, the logical
internal system, can be divided into groups as
Forms of manifestation of the aesthetic
Aesthetic ideal types.
Categories of the aesthetic ideal.
Ways to manifest the aesthetic ideal.
The aesthetic ideal is projected into the past by forms
modelled after the present. The aesthetic ideal has to
do with society and the individual, time and space.
Categories that imply the nature of the aesthetic ideal
divide them into significant or insignificant. The
aesthetic ideal can also be described and analysed
based on past values, evaluation criteria, and
principles of aesthetic perception, depending on the
nature of the general idea.
It is obvious that the aesthetic ideal in theoretical,
prosaic, artistic, and epic relations about objects of
aesthetic perception, such as nature, society,
personality, art, and healthy lifestyle, is influenced by
past eras. In the aesthetic ideal, which has its
orientation to the past, human and emotional
experiences are somewhat mixed. For example, the
qualities that people of the past, such as Amir Temur,
Jaloliddin Manguberdi, Alisher Navoi, and
Zakhiriddin Babur, possessed in their lives are
somewhat exaggerated.
There is a practice of idealizing the present past so
that the glorious past will acquire an aura of glory in
the present. In Ancient Greece, the criteria of beauty
were of a defining, qualitative nature about the
individual, and the aesthetic ideal was embodied in
works of art. Art and sport may have provided the
aesthetic ideal of antiquity by contributing to the
creation of a model of the human body. The artistic
interpretation of this aesthetic ideal is valuable for the
Categories that have the status of an aesthetic
ideal are based on ideological systems. When forming
a modern aesthetic image, the model of a modern
personality covers all aspects of the aesthetic ideal,
factors of its formation, criteria, upbringing,
education, art, and sports, based on the general
properties of nature and society and representing a
single whole. Currently, it is more important to strive
to create an aesthetic ideal that harmonizes the
education and upbringing of the individual than to
create a form of a general aesthetic ideal.
Globalization sets before “mass culture” the goal of
lowering the level of the aesthetic ideal of the
individual, destroying the criterion of beauty, and
creating the egoistic ideal of one person. The
condition that this “order” is reflected in the work of
a “custom” writer, in the activities of creative
individuals, is strengthened by the demands of the
One of the characteristics of the ideal is the
implementation of the projection of the future. The
creation of innovations that give a single holistic
image of the aesthetic ideal of the individual, formed
in the future, is reflected in ideology, and I am a
requirement of the time. In modern aesthetics, it is
important to consider such issues as the formation of
an aesthetic ideal, and the revision of old
requirements and criteria of modern society. It is
necessary to create an aesthetic ideal aimed at
preserving nature. Types of the aesthetic ideal can be
characterized as follows: lyrical-epic type (artistic-
aesthetic ideal, works of fine art, aesthetic criterion);
spatiotemporal type (dramatic process - theater,
arena, stadium, sports, ideal person, modern
gastronomy); compositional type (plot, melody,
space, fusion of modern factors).
In many cases, the aesthetic ideal is imprinted in
the artistic world of man and embodied through the
images of heroes in lyrical, artistic, and epic genres.
It is in art that the ideal, that is, the creation of an
aesthetic ideal, is called nature (natural state, real
state - S.A.), and the origins of the conflict of the ideal
were formulated by Friedrich Hegel. In his opinion,
“the contradiction between the ideal and ordinary life
consists of the following: 1) in the description of
naturalness in artistic composition, 2) in the
distinction between realism and spiritual abstraction
in the human world, 3) in reflecting the imbalance
between content and form, 4) in the transition from
the particular to the general” (See: (Hegel, 2014).
The aesthetic content of the lyrical-epic type of
person combines the human world and the spiritual
world of the creator, creating a feeling of satisfaction.
The aesthetic ideal in the poetics of a work is natural
if it is filled with emotional and external influence.
Only in this case can a work of art evoke a feeling of
pleasure. This type of aesthetic ideal will have to
explain external existence, its events, that is, its
correspondence with reality with its monotony in
content and essence. “The ideal will be hidden in
reality; these are not games of fantasy from the
simple, neither texture, nor fantasy, nor imagination,
at the same time, the ideal is a vision of this or that
thing, which does not deny reality, is decided by
reason and conceived by fantasy” - Alexandrova
The aesthetic ideal in art is capable of eliminating
the defects of the external influence of the natural
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
world and treating reality by aesthetic criteria. The
same process can be observed in the work of ancient
Greek scientists.
The aesthetic ideal reflects the dramatic processes
of time and space, an ideal shaped by the influence of
heroes in sports arenas. Here, in the dialogue of the
characters on the theatre stage, the circumstances
associated with the time and place of the event are
reflected in front of the viewer. “The collision of
temporal categories, the transition from one system to
another constitutes the structure of dramatic time.
Time changes, the phenomenon repeats itself, and the
way of organizing artistic time on stage in different
works occurs differently” Umarova (2011). Now,
sport is not inferior to artistic composition in art. This
is caused by a sharp rise in the field of sports, different
activities of spectators, and a change in attitude
towards space and time. In a work of art or any form
of art, the requirements of an aesthetic ideal may be
inherent in time and space. These characteristics are
also followed in sports. Sports organized based on the
requirements of an aesthetic ideal include the same
compositional features as in art. The ideological
centre of a work of art, the ways of glorifying beauty,
the skill of the creator of the work, the demonstration
of creative freedom - all this is a compositional
manifestation of the aesthetic ideal.
In the aesthetic ideal, the categorical quantitative
aspect, the aesthetics of the content presupposes that
they are combined into a certain system or concept.
In the aesthetic ideal, the spatial placement of
categories in art and sports is based on the
requirements of symmetry and asymmetry. The
emergence of new categories in aesthetics, depending
on whether it reflects reality or illuminates it, can be
used as an important (central) category in
illuminating the general plan of the problem.
However, the categories of the aesthetic ideal have a
functional meaning. In other words, he is faced with
the tasks of ensuring proportionality, emotional
regulation, the transition from abstraction to
specificity, determining the boundary between
pleasure and boredom, and implementing the
principles of interaction between symmetry and
The ways of manifesting the aesthetic ideal are
artistic texture, philosophical generalization,
abstraction, logical construction, and emotional
analysis, which are reflected in artistic and
philosophical works. In the images of artistic folk oral
and written creativity, in the Alpomysh epic, the use
of elements of ethnoculture (hymn, chant) is
manifested as a holistic aesthetic ideal in the
embodiment of heroes, as well as in fantastic
processes, the logical structure of reality, and the
reflection of people's pain.
The aesthetic ideal influences the nature of the
way of being and finds its explanation in the image of
a positive hero. Art is better able to show ideals than
natural phenomena. Consequently, “the creation of
nature alone cannot artistically embody divine ideals;
therefore spirituality takes precedence over the
product of nature – Hegel (2014).”
Artistic creativity, the result of which are works
of art, processes of aesthetic activity, creates a special
atmosphere for the formation of an aesthetic ideal.
The product of artistic creativity is harmonized based
on the requirements of the era and aesthetic ideal. The
force that promotes the aesthetic ideal and its logical
consistency, the system of artistic ideas that perceive
the field as a dynamic entity, is formed separately.
“As a result, the work of the scientist, which acquires
a new artistic and aesthetic form and content, within
the framework of special philosophical norms, just
like the interpretation of real reality, also came into
contact with unrealistic reality, which is what
ultimately takes place, that is, truth and fiction,
inherent in the world and human life, make it
necessary to discover unknown facets of aesthetic
concepts, such as justice and dishonesty, loyalty and
betrayal, tantalism, and nomadism” Dilmurodova
In a work of art, the author reflects how human
interests, spiritual value, personal virtue, and
behaviour differ from ordinary phenomena in their
completeness and results, which can be brought to a
common denominator in the artificial environment,
which in turn are the reasons for the emergence of an
aesthetic ideal. Pure love, infatuation, and moral
relationships that do not occur in life create the plot
of the work with the help of artistic techniques, form
the spirit of the work of art, their special space and
time, and the reader sets himself new tasks related to
the problem of conscience and the formation of taste.
For example, “fine art, a work of the spirit that
expresses the harmony of feelings and concepts, goes
beyond the atmosphere of the landscape, that is, the
external natural landscape – Hegel (2014).”
It is possible to trace changes in several functions
performed by the aesthetic ideal in the activities of the
individual and society, which give an idea of the
artistic and cultural activity of the individual, life
ideal, and main values, determine the criterion of
aesthetic views, and partially regulate the attitude to
The Aesthetic Ideal of Individuals and Its Significance in Philosophical Understanding
the feeling of pleasure while taking into account the
requirements of morality:
By the ontological function - the aesthetic
ideal of a person reveals the perfection of the
spiritual essence and enriches it with
completely new concepts. The individual
requires harmonization of traditional and
modern methodology, considering the
emergence of an existential gap in aesthetic
The epistemological function - understanding
the universe based on traditional aesthetic
norms, criteria, and knowledge of the virtual
world - necessitates the implementation of
new ways of developing aesthetic thinking in
contrast to the outdated methodology of
By the heuristic function - the disclosure of
spiritual life with the help of new aesthetic
methods and means, aimed at creating a new
type of knowledge, aesthetic objects.
According to the axiological function - the
creation of new visual aesthetic values in the
space of traditional aesthetic values requires
strengthening its status.
By the praxeological function, the individual
enriches cultural and creative activities with
new types of activities (art, sports aesthetics,
scientific creativity, virtual reality).
By the methodological function, the use of
new methods and means to analyse the
aesthetic activity of an individual, the
education of aesthetic taste provides an
incentive for new ways of solving problems.
By the pedagogical and didactic function, the
emergence of modern pedagogical
technologies and related professions requires
the solution of new educational,
communicative, and cognitive tasks to form a
creative personality.
Such functional changes are accompanied by the
institutional transformation of society. In the context
of the development of civil society, innovation
penetrates several spheres of social life, and progress
becomes a trigger for change. It becomes obvious that
the individual views the value structures of his
spiritual experience in a new way, with an
evolutionary tendency towards a more pragmatic
attitude towards life. For example, beauty as a
category is interpreted as a component of a person’s
inner world in works of art, including works of fine
art. In our time, the fact that virtual reality pushes the
ideological component of a work of art or works of
art to the periphery changes the essence of the
perception of these categories.
The aesthetic ideal contributes to the emergence of
such experiences as transplantation into the
“artificial” environment of natural reality, giving
meaning to the internal and external, and preparing
fundamental categories. The fact that life
demonstrates naturalness as an example of perfection,
standing next to the artificial environment, creates
sublime feelings in a person, and he always strives for
something better than this. Therefore, “...the aesthetic
ideal arises from the aesthetic experience of man, the
individual and society. A person perceives the world
aesthetically with the help of this means of
experience. For this reason, the aesthetic ideal comes
to the surface as a criterion that determines beauty,
grandeur, wonder, and other aesthetic characteristics”
- Abdullah Sher (2014).
Subsequently, research into the national,
universal, and ethno-aesthetic aspects of the aesthetic
ideal was continued both abroad and in Uzbekistan.
In particular, one of the studies devoted to the
aesthetic nature of ethnomatology belongs to O.
Nishonova, from which it follows that the national
ethnoculture and the aesthetic ideal in it have
undergone innovative and transformational changes
in historical and cultural development. She writes
“...the influence of ethnoculturology on the formation
of a spiritual and aesthetic ideal can be considered in
three stages: I. Ethnoaesthetic ideal; II. National
aesthetic ideal; III. A universal aesthetic ideal”
(Nishanova, 2016). First of all, this study is aimed at
studying the Uzbek national-ethnic ethnoculture, in
which the universal nature of the aesthetic ideal is
little analyzed. Secondly, ethnoculture has a great
influence on the formation of the aesthetic ideal, but
as a result of this influence, recognition of the fact that
the aesthetic ideal is characterized by only three
forms limits the diverse nature of the aesthetic ideal.
This classification is similar to the structure of the
values themselves. We should not forget that the
ethnoculture of a people has been formed over
centuries and includes various ethnic, national, and at
the same time civilizational achievements.
Considering that the ethnoaesthetic ideal is
essentially a national aesthetic ideal, we believe that
it is inappropriate to interpret it as a separate, discrete
“national aesthetic ideal”. Its analysis should be
generalized to the level of a universal aesthetic ideal.
According to O. Nishanova, “...the national aesthetic
ideal embodies the artistic and aesthetic values of an
ethnic group, a nation, aesthetic views, and tastes,
experience in improving life and its aspects. The
national aesthetic ideal is the quintessence of the
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
artistic and aesthetic world of an ethnos or nation”
Nishanova (2016). Elements of aesthetic
consciousness, aesthetic theories, and artistic and
aesthetic reality are considered from positions that are
also present in values and ideals of a universal human
level. Nishanova's research reveals two mutually
negating ideas. The national aesthetic ideal is
embodied in full-fledged national images (for
example, Alpomish is a national hero, a national
Uzbek ideal), as ".... the aesthetic ideal is manifested
not only in the image of heroes but also in creativity,
works created by artists, artifacts from folk
ethnography, artistic and aesthetic values.
Masterpieces created with high skill and aesthetic
taste, filled with noble ideas, realistically describing
the complexities of life, glorified, seem so ideal" -
Nishanova (2016).
As we said above, the division of the aesthetic
ideal into types by their genesis clarifies some points.
In particular, indicators of the national ethnomaterial
aspects of the aesthetic ideal are the lyrical,
ethnocultural, and artistic compositional types. The
search for national, ethnocultural elements in the
aesthetic ideal is inherent in local and national
thought, which leads to the need to analyse national
ideology. But at the universal human level, the
aesthetic ideal of man, covering issues of society and
nature, studies global ethical, aesthetic, and
environmental problems.
The general characteristics of the aesthetic ideal
regulate some formed national characteristics.
Community should not adapt to individuality, but
reflect certain aspects of its emotions and character,
embodying it as universally recognized. In other
words, the means of determining the unity between
community and individuality is the adaptation of the
state of nature to forms of thinking, the reflection of
logically necessary freedom as independence. The
image of the heroes is reflected by such qualities as
determination, fairness, humanity, freedom, and
jumardism. The hero appears to be fair, a defender of
the oppressed, a guarantor of their freedom. But
besides this, he constantly experiences a dilemma in
order not to depend on existing laws, to be free
(sometimes heroes need to bypass the requirements of
the law and morality to achieve certain goals).
Punishment and revenge are what ordinary people
expect from a hero, but in society, there are norms of
law and morality that contradict this.
A person does not have the right to establish his
laws, to take revenge, to dominate, to be fair at his
discretion, to respect or not to respect existing human
rights. However, this can be a personal, narrow
national-ethnic goal, or ambition. Therefore, by the
requirement of a universal human ideal (as well as an
aesthetic ideal), it is necessary to follow the
requirements of justice, rights, and freedom accepted
in human society. Consequently, the displacement of
the aesthetic ideal from the personal state due to the
strengthening of national traits in the image of the
hero, and the creation of asymmetry about the general
state of affairs is not an aesthetic ideal. When the
classification of the ideal was introduced, not a single
scientific concept could come to a single point of
Individual, social, spiritual, national, and
ethnocultural manifestations of the ideal are always
interpreted as new. When studying the aesthetic ideal,
one should not forget about its influence on the
individual, society, social progress, and scientific
reflection. Throughout historical development, a
person’s worldview changes and develops, and by
this, the needs, tastes, and complex consciousness of
a person are formed. Forgetting about such features
leads to erroneous opinions in research on this issue.
Thus, each forms a new type of special kind of
pleasure based on an aesthetic ideal that determines
the social life of society. Then there is a need to enrich
the aesthetic consciousness and culture of the
individual with high spirituality, to build a life based
on humanistic principles. A person instils in his soul
the concepts of culture and spirituality, morality and
decency, goodness and perfection. The fact that these
concepts are aimed at obtaining a special type of
pleasure, their emotional and sensory perception by a
person leads the individual to the understanding of
what aesthetic culture is. At the moment, “the study
of the process of formation of aesthetic culture in
society demonstrates an aesthetic picture of reality,
taking on a diverse form from certain angles”
Gaibullaev (2011).
Along with considering the aesthetic ideal, artistic
skill, and individual style of a creative person, it is
noted that all this is formed through the harmonious
application of rationality and thinking, the regular
cultivation of artistic taste, and an increase in the
intellectual level. They are the basis for
understanding the principles of the universe and
human uniqueness as a result of the study and
interpretation of socio-philosophical, artistic,
aesthetic, and moral categories.
The Aesthetic Ideal of Individuals and Its Significance in Philosophical Understanding
Today, sociocultural globalization “shifts” the criteria
and structure of the traditional aesthetic ideal. The
moral essence of the aesthetic ideal is somewhat
devalued, creating the need to create architectonics of
new values. The diminishing role of beauty in art and
artistic creation is a central issue in which each new
generation reflects its ideals, values, and needs. First,
it must approach universal ideas, placing the principle
of humanity at the centre of the aesthetic ideal. Today
it is necessary to preserve the aesthetic ideal for the
formation of the spiritual essence of man.
The creator of modern times, with the help of
artistic images, must describe the primordial struggle
between good and evil, aesthetically developing new
variations of opposing motives that represent moral
and aesthetic issues, such as justice and injustice,
faith and unbelief, conscience and unprincipledness,
selflessness and selfishness. The aesthetic ideal
imposes on the creator not so much the form of a pure
ideal when creating an artistic image but to a greater
extent the very manifestation of the aesthetic ideal to
emphasize its nationality.
We believe that the aesthetic ideal has a specific
internal taxonomy, which looks like this:
1) the aesthetic ideal is a person’s desire for an
emotional-sensual, transcendental, aesthetic mastery
of existence, which should systematize religious-
mythological, theoretical, and methodological
knowledge (ontological basis);
2) transformation of aesthetic knowledge from an
emotionally perceptual state into belief
(epistemology), the formation of an expressive
worldview, the need for aesthetic consciousness in
creative thinking at all times, the preservation of
eternal mobility in the direction of the development
of reflexive and creative abilities (epistemological
3) emphasizing the individual’s desire for truth in
life, for unlimited happiness (eudaimonism), material
pleasure (hedonism) (axiological basis);
4) a person must always combine moral and
aesthetic factors, find a balance between the
emotional and rational, the golden mean between the
human imperative and aestheticism, the presence of
opportunities for unification in emotional perception
and needs, regulate the relationship between nature
and personality based on the ecological aesthetic
ideal, the practical expression of human qualities;
5) the human need to try to express reality in
categories of value, symbols, and perfection.
Accumulate the ethno-aesthetic desire to create a
strong potential for an aesthetic ideal, the need to
demonstrate oneself (in art and sports);
6) the presence of an internal stimulus of the
individual about the search for already existing forms
of an objective ideal, the presence of an aesthetic
ideal in the surrounding world, the nature of
evaluating “imperfect” images, the rejection of
criteria that contradict the natural reconstruction of an
artistic image;
7) study of the psychological properties of a
person about the harmonization of emotional,
sensory, and intellectual abilities, the presence of
states of motivation, preliminary planning,
imaginative thinking, evaluative and logical visions,
unconsciousness, and awareness, as well as ensuring
interdisciplinary integration (psychology).
The principles that should form the aesthetic ideal
can determine its existence, the principles of progress.
In the context of the new realities of Uzbekistan, the
above principles will help form the basis for the
perception of beauty and a special emotional mood
among the residents of Uzbekistan, especially young
To form an aesthetic ideal in the mind of an
individual, special conditions are necessary for
society in particular and culture in general. The
factors that form the aesthetic ideal, primarily artistic
culture, are systematized in the immanent nature of
the aesthetic ideal due to the reflection of social and
individual consciousness by art. Artistic and aesthetic
reality matters for the ideal image of a person as an
extrovert and an introvert. Currently, there are several
factors influencing the formation of an individual’s
aesthetic ideal, which include ensuring creative
achievements in society and the individual’s
consciousness. In our opinion, it looks like this:
Increasing the level of artistic and aesthetic
thinking and literacy.
Artistic and aesthetic awareness of existence
and an aesthetic attitude towards art.
Harmonization of ethno-aesthetic culture and
universal human values.
Aesthetic sensitivity and creative instinct.
Development of a reading culture, and
creation of an image of modern heroes.
Creating an aesthetic attitude towards
Improving educational and communication
Healthy lifestyle.
Sports - the pursuit of physical beauty.
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Formation of eco-aesthetic culture.
It must be said that the internal system of the
aesthetic ideal will help determine whether its
functional characteristics are the result of complex
reforms taking place in society. Currently, the
formation of an aesthetic ideal in Uzbekistan is
developing, on the one hand, directly in connection
with scientific and artistic creativity, design activities,
and based on newly created values. On the other hand,
the aesthetic ideal develops inextricably in the areas
of ecology (ecological tourism, safety), and landscape
gardening. This evolution of the aesthetic ideal leads
to the formation of an individual ecological-aesthetic
The theme of the aesthetic attitude toward nature
is a relatively new approach and introduces several
innovations. A reasonable question is how to apply
aesthetic criteria to nature. Aesthetics researcher
Losevny says: “The term “aesthetics” may seem
confusing when applied to nature. Everyone
understands nature, first of all, as a kind of natural
reality that does not require any art or aesthetics. On
the other hand, in all types of art, without exception,
ordinary people also enthusiastically talk about the
beauty of nature, harmony in it, rhythm, lyrical or
expressive moments inherent in certain natural
landscapes” - Losev(1998). Indeed, the
aestheticization of man's relationship with nature, that
is, the desire for decoration, requires the integration
of environmental and aesthetic knowledge. The
reforms in the New Constitution of Uzbekistan are
based on the same concept of “man-society-state”.
“The areas of environmental and aesthetic value are
associated with the sphere of personally significant
relationships in the Human-Nature-Society system,
manifested in responsible, life-saving behaviour in
various spheres of life.”
The eco-aesthetic ideal of man being formed in
the future will become a new topic for philosophical
research and will present new projects. The aesthetic
ideal seeks to improve human life through beauty. It
is not just some kind of landscape of nature, since
even paintings, expressions, and images are not ideal.
Therefore, “...the more passion, emotion, and thought
an artist can express with his artistic and aesthetic
vision, the faster and more intensely he can penetrate
the soul of the viewer. Such contradictions in the
spirituality of a person, contrasting interpretations,
are not without absolute innocence. Both the scientist
and the artist are individuals who create images,
styles, and ideas as if they were ideal for others” -
Agzamkhodzhaeva (2007). The ideal refers to the
highest, most mature, most beautiful of existing
realities, that is, it creates an artistically aesthetic
type. Thus, Leonardo da Vinci did not complete a
single work, despite his incomparable talent. “What
made him move from one photograph to another,
from one area to another, not knowing peace, but
living, not completing the works he started,
constantly looking for them? In his soul, it seems that
some secret, spiritual and spiritualizing force forced
him to seek great maturity, perfection, to look for
another ideal, as soon as he realized that he could not
achieve this ideal”.
The aesthetic ideal influences the spiritual life of the
individual through beauty, aesthetic imagination, and
views, and most importantly, through aesthetic
experience, that is, the cultural and creative process.
Aesthetic experience means artistically creative
The scientist is forced to curb his emotions, generated
by his artistic and emotional experiences when he
formulates the results of his discoveries for public
discussion and is guided by the requirements of logic,
while it is the artist who presents his emotions to the
public. Based on the above reasoning, we will draw
some conclusions.
The aesthetic ideal is individual in origin,
social, and imperative. An ideal may in a certain sense
be an expression of the desire of its creator or the
needs of a particular society.
In human thinking, when creating an aesthetic
ideal, the emphasis is on positive qualities, and even
though the opposite negative qualities, a person
answers the question of what the image of the ideal
should be.
The personality manifests itself in various forms
(projection, modelling), types (lyrical-epic, spatial-
temporal, compositional), categories (proportionality,
regulation, abstraction, pleasure, symmetry, and
asymmetry), methods of expression (artistic texture,
philosophical abstraction, logical construction).
An artistic image, an ideal of a specific period, can
fulfil its function after a certain period and manifest
itself in another area of artistic creativity.
Researchers in the field of aesthetics in their
works can formulate artistic and aesthetic ideals in
different ways, according to their tastes and the
realities of a particular era. We call this a temporary
transformation of the aesthetic ideal.
The Aesthetic Ideal of Individuals and Its Significance in Philosophical Understanding
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PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR