1933, as well as when the number of vowels in this
alphabet was reduced to five, i.e., in 1934-1937, the
Uzbek literary year was somewhat unknown. and
they wanted to see based on a vague “dialect”.
However, no matter how hard these elements tried,
fortunately for the Uzbek-speaking people, they could
not achieve their goals and were not successful. The
modern Uzbek literary language, without deviating
from its main path of development, developed, and
brought out all its potentials in the direction of
convergence and rise of a single national culture.
In the 20th century, the Russian language had a great
impact on the development of the language and
writing system of many nations on earth, including
the Uzbek nation. Behind the effective influence of
the Russian language, new phenomena took place in
the construction of the single national language of the
Uzbek nation, in its phonetic structure, the vocabulary
was enriched with words and terms that entered
directly through the Russian language, and in the
construction of the grammar of the Uzbek language.
According to the morphological composition of
words, some grammatical forms - new word-forming
affixes, word combinations, free use of words in
sentences and some new patterns of sentence
structure appeared.
At the same time, various concepts, words and terms
about the Uzbek country, culture, customs, clothes,
and lifestyle spread to world languages through the
Russian language. Uzbek words spread to English,
German, French and other languages of the world
through Russian pronunciation.
Nowadays, in the Uzbek national literary language,
word-changing affixes, for example, possessive and
agreement affixes, as well as adjectives, have become
basically homogeneous. It differs from the dialects
with more phonemes, as well as from other Turkic
languages. This fact means that the literary language
is condensed in terms of some grammatical forms. In
this regard, the grammatical and orthographic rules
have also become compact and precise, smooth and
Many such facts related to the semantic features of
words in modern Uzbek literary language show ways
of growth of the universal Uzbek language lexicon.
Another fact that characterizes the development of the
Uzbek national literary language is that the universal
Uzbek language, while preserving its centuries-old
grammatical construction, polished it, improved it,
and enriched it with new laws and regulations.
In the grammatical construction of the Uzbek
language, a huge process that began in the 90s of the
20th century, that is, as a result of the process of its
gradual development from simplicity to complexity,
from a lower state to a higher state, appeared during
the period of some changes and innovations, is one of
the changes corresponding to the new structure of the
national literary language.
The stylistic features or different genres of the literary
language clearly show that the grammatical
construction of the modern Uzbek language has been
improved, that it has been enriched with new
grammatical rules and various idioms.
The rise of written monologue and dialogue forms;
the development of various correspondences between
individuals; Internet websites, newspaper and
magazine articles; the emergence of some new speech
idioms including terms related to various branches of
science in textbooks and manuals; slogans and
appeals new forms; fax modems, orders, telegrams,
orders, instructions, business papers and other
documents; speaking through a telephone and
microphone; announcers, artists, lecturers, and
speakers, improvement of speech, development of
different forms in oral and written form and others
testify to the considerable growth of the Uzbek
literary language in terms of style. This indicates that
new qualitative elements are gradually entering the
structure of the Uzbek national language and that it is
gradually accumulating. But the transition of the
language from one quality to another quality is has
not happened by the sudden formation of the old
quality, but by the accumulation of new quality
elements, the new structure of the language slowly
and over an extended amount of time, the old quality
elements gradually it happened by way of slow death.
It is known that now Uzbek language accomplishes 7
social functions, which should be performed by
developed countries, out of 10 namely: 1) the official
working language of the UN; 2) regional language; 3)
state language; 4) the official language of a certain
part of the country; 5) the language of science; 6)
fiction and mass media language; 7) language of
education; 8) language recently used in the area; 9)
the language of communication in the family; 10) the
language of religion and religious ceremonies [26]. 3
functions (namely, tasks 1, 2, and 10) are not fulfilled
by the Uzbek language. Putting functions 1 and 10
aside, we need to talk about function 2 since we can't
even think about functions 1 and 10 at all. If we talk
about function 1 if everything is clear, the Uzbek
language has been granted the chance to perform the
10th function for 5-10 centuries.
Therefore, the only possibility is to take the Uzbek
language to the level of a regional communication
language in Central Asia. However, the Uzbek
language performed this function until the events of
1917, and the demarcation of the newly founded