Approaches to Classifying Euphemisms
Gulnara Mavlonova Abdigani Kizi
Navoi Innovations University, Karmana, Navoiy, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Euphemism, Taboo, Classification, Forbidden Words, Dysphemisms, Phenomenon, Slang, Humor, Phrase,
Unspeakable Words.
Abstract: This article is written about the origin of taboos and euphemisms and their study by scientists. First, it is
written about how and from which word the concepts of taboo and euphemism come from. Also, the article
describes the work of researchers who approached the classification of euphemisms and their innovations in
this field. information is given. It is possible to find out how the process of euphemization occurs in different
countries of the world, how the phenomenon appeared in the history of linguistics. Scientists of different
countries have classified the phenomenon of euphemization and we can see examples of their definitions of
Although the concept of "euphemism" may seem
unfamiliar to us, in fact, we use this concept in our
daily lives. As in all languages, this concept is mainly
about words that are not used in public places, in
texts, in the media, in situations where they cannot be
used. . In such situations, both the speaker and the
listener who uses euphemism understand the meaning
hidden under the word. “Euphemism" comes from the
Greek word, which is usually translated as
"harmony". In linguistics, the phenomenon of
euphemism is still lagging behind in terms of
research. This concept has been interpreted
differently by different scholars. When we talk about
taboo, we need to remember what taboo is.
So what is taboo? How did it come about? A taboo is
a prohibition of the actions and words of a certain
group of people at a certain time and in a certain way.
In short, a taboo is an unusable, forbidden language
phenomenon. - Timothy (1992) This article analyses
the concept of euphemism and taboo and provides
detailed information about the scientists who tried to
classify them in their scientific work and their work
within the euphemizing phenomenon. Scientists who
have studied the phenomenon of euphemism have
tried to classify this phenomenon more deeply.
Euphemisms and taboos are common ethnolinguistic
phenomena in most languages of the world. We still
don't have a source that shows when and how they
came in. However, euphemism is such an ancient tool
that its origins can be traced back to clans and tribes
like language. As a result of human development,
language is also changing, which causes the
phenomenon of euphemism to become an important
communication process. Scientists who lived in
Anglo-American society divide euphemism into the
following groups.
2.1 Euphemisms Are Inextricably
Linked with Taboo Words
There are taboo words in the language that are related
to human birth, aging process, illness and death. It is
already forbidden to say taboo words related to this
group. This is because such words, if spoken directly,
may harm the listener or a third party. If such words
are beautifully expressed and delivered with polite
words, they will not offend the listener, unpleasant
situations will be avoided. Below we will analyse
some euphemisms related to death, illness, birth.
Kizi, G.
Approaches to Classifying Euphemisms.
DOI: 10.5220/0012853400003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 387-390
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Table 1: Euphemisms related to death, illness and birth.
Euphemisms related to death Euphemisms related to illness Euphemisms related to birth
1. Passed away: to die
2. Gone to a Better Place: Died
and gone to the afterlife or real life
3. No longer with us: dead
4. Gone to rest in peace: Being
dead and calm
5. Gone: died
1. Under the weather: feeling a little
2. Not feeling well: sick or ill
3. Struggle for life: suffering from a
serious illness
4. Unclean: to feel sick or ill
1. Blessed day: The birth of a baby
2. The arrival of a new member:
the birth of a new family member
3. Welcoming a new guest: the
birth of a new family member
4. Bringing new life into the
world: The act of giving birth
5. Bring joy: Often used to express
joy at birth
2.2 Euphemisms for Politeness
A euphemism is usually used to say something that
cannot be said or said. It is polite not to be offended,
not to tell the truth directly when there is no third
person around or during the conversation. and
beautiful euphemisms can be used. For example:
"Senior Citizen" instead of "Old Man":
"Senior Citizen" is said to avoid offending an
elderly person.
You can use the phrase "disabled" instead of
the word "disabled": This phrase usually
refers to the disability of a disabled person,
not a person with a disability.
"Blind" instead of "blind": This expression is
used to describe a blind person in a more
sensitive and respectful way.
"Chubby" instead of "Fat": This phrase is
often used to avoid offending someone who
is overweight.
2.3 Political Euphemisms
The term euphemism is widely used as a rhetorical
tool in social activities, especially on the political
front. Euphemisms appear almost every day. For
example, a poor country can be called a developing
country; it is appropriate if we use the word
"developing country" instead of the word poor. Since
ancient times, black people have been called African
Americans, and Indians have been called real
2.4 Professional Euphemisms
In order to decentralize the traditional "low-level
occupation", some euphemisms related to the
industry should be used in life, for example:
A waiter or waitress is what people call a
kitchen attendant.
Seller of persons engaged in trade activities.
Housewife, in place of the word household.
Landscape architect - a person who conducts
landscape activities.
And the word plumber is called a pipe
The phenomena of taboo and euphemism have been
fundamentally different from each other since ancient
times. However, if we look at history, not only the
concept of euphemism, but also the development of
language is a process that has not been studied in
depth. The study of taboos and euphemisms began
only in the second half of the 19th century. Taboo and
euphemism are two different concepts. In the field of
linguistics, especially in ethnolinguistics, it is very
important to know the difference between these
It should be noted here that taboo is a religious
prohibition of certain actions to prevent the
manifestation of hostility of supernatural forces
among primitive peoples, and taboo is a certain
prohibition to prevent the manifestation of hostility of
supernatural forces among primitive peoples. It is no
exaggeration to say that the movements are prohibited
by religion. Usually, taboo words are created for
socio-economic reasons. The idea of a natural
connection between an object and its name,
characteristic of the early stages of cultural
development, gave rise to the identification of the
object and the word, resulting in the belief in the
magic of the word and the verbal taboo, meaning It is
forbidden to use certain things and events: the names
of gods, spirits and demons, death, disease, many
animals, fire, the sun, the moon, parts of the human
body, etc. Taboos are forbidden words, which, as a
rule, have their own strict territorial, social and
temporal boundaries. There are also prohibited words
in the modern language, which include: physiological
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
processes, words denoting body parts, prohibition of
swearing, places where people live during war, hiding
military units, etc. At this point the question may
arise, what is the purpose of the taboo? Kate Burridge,
a scholar of taboos and euphemisms, in her book
explores the concept of linguistic taboos and how to
beautify or change language to avoid taboo topics and
convey words beautifully. Burridge researched the
taboo words of different countries and explained how
to avoid taboo words and express them beautifully.
The author gave detailed information about the taboo
in the book. – Allan et al., (2006)
In this book, the author also touched on the fact
that the taboo language is a social phenomenon and
the cultural consequences of this concept. Based on
the above, it can be said that the purpose of the taboo
is not the concept itself, but the exclusion of the use
of the original word. A word or phrase that replaces
Z is called a euphemism. The well-known scientist T.
Wenzel defined euphemism as follows. Euphemism
(from the Greek. uni-good and femi-deyman) is a
word or phrase that replaces an impolite or sincere
word. Early forms of euphemism arose out of
superstition and superstition. 'Euphemism is the
replacement of words that are very rude or not used
in speech. Initially, this was a taboo process. When it
comes to euphemization, L.P, Krisin, V.I.Jelvis,
N.A.Evseeva and others have considered this
phenomenon diachronically and synchronically. In
the works of V.P.Moskvin, E.I.Sheygal,
T.L.Pavlenko, A.A.Andreeva and others, various
methods of forming the euphemism process were
studied. The work of V.V.Xlinova was reviewed in
connection with the study of the field of euphemism
assessment; Yu.D. Apresian writes about euphemism
as a form of negative evaluation of "limited rebuke".
N.V.Tishina studied euphemisms as a complex
linguistic, social and cognitive phenomenon and
analyzed them in his works. They are trying to
organize the classification of euphemisms. Another
researcher, E.P.Senichkina, studied the formal
features of defining negative signs of euphemisms
and improving them from the point of view of
denotation. E.P.Senichkina writes: "These are
euphemisms that make up the bulk of discretionary
use." E.P Senichkina studied the various
classifications available in science and examined
euphemisms morphologically. In the process of
research, the researcher proposes a lexical-semantic
classification of euphemisms, in turn, this thematic
classification should be read as a thematic
classification. The researcher studied the types of
euphemism from a modern point of view and
describes as follows: "We can use input-modal
components as signals of the euphemistic situation: to
put it mildly, to put it mildly A sign of a euphemistic
situation in oral speech is a special lowering of the
tone. - Senichkina (2006)
In written speech, the fall in pitch is given in a
descriptive way (at the same time he lowered his
voice or coughed and whispered and others. "To find
out if a euphemism has been used, the researcher
explains: “We recommend using a linguistic tool to
make sure that this language unit is a euphemism. It
is recommended to use this linguistic unit in relation
to an interlocutor with a high social status. If the other
party does not get offended or change his position
during the speech, it is possible to know that
euphemism was used. may be unique. It is
distinguished from other language devices by the
degree of "softness":
"The process of euphemization has nothing to do
with historical words and events, they are a linguistic
phenomenon that appeared along with the
development of speech and is still happening today.
Therefore, in linguistics, euphemisms are substitute
language units that occupy a minimal place. Phrases
used by speakers of the modern language, expressing
bad, rude words in the modern language and
expressing them in a gentle way, are divided into the
following groups.
Expressive euphemisms with a specific
pattern in the language and a certain origin.
The identity of a person or thing is unknown,
Historical euphemisms and dysphemisms. -
Ruzieva (2020)
V. P. Moskin studies the process of euphemization
and divides it into the following groups:
Based on vague speech.
On the basis of intentional ambiguity.
Based on a false statement.
When defining the object directly
(terminology, use of foreign words).
He also identified three main difficulties in hiding
meaning in euphemisms: e.g., a watering can instead
of an insect - first class; a louse instead of an insect -
secondary; KGB instead of corpses - third level.
Different methods of encryption are also studied -
simple (for example, old instead of old) and
combined. Among the studied classifications, the
most accurate is the thematic classification of
euphemisms developed by L.P.Krysin, which divides
euphemisms into four main ones, united by a topic or
Some physiological processes and
Approaches to Classifying Euphemisms
Some parts of the body related to the
Relations between the sexes.
Sickness and death. - L.P. Krysin (1994)
Romanova N.N, Filippov A.V.E defined
euphemisms as follows: "Euphemism is an
expression to soften rude and obscene words."
Wednesday: Often discusses other people's
problems (gossip);
He does not consider learning to be the main
task of his life (he does not want to learn);
Does not overburden himself with other
people's concerns (is not inclined to help
Does not always speak his mind (tends to lie).
In all these examples there is a softening of
the negativity expressed, but at the same time
there is often a humorous tone.
Let's consider the following classifications made by
R.Holder. During the study of euphemisms, the
researcher divides them into 60 lexical-semantic
groups. It can be seen from these classifications that
the denotative content of euphemisms is diverse and
Another researcher who created a dictionary of
euphemisms studied euphemisms semantically and
distinguished two prohibited areas in the process of
their classification.
1. Universal primitive taboo areas of the forbidden:
Ethical and moral euphemisms.
Change old names.
2. Traditionally prohibited areas:
Prestigious euphemisms.
Euphemisms of etiquette.
Ideological euphemisms
Euphemism is used in a situation that does not
correspond to the culture of speech. For example, in
order not to offend the listener, saying "overweight"
instead of "fat", saying "ear thief" instead of "skinny"
will not offend either the second party or the third
party. The phenomenon of euphemism was studied by
B.A.Larin, A.M.Katsev, N. S.Boschaeva,
L.Vartyushkina, G.G.Kujim and other linguists were
classified in different ways and examples were given
in linguistics. For example, L. V. Artyushkina studied
the exchange and semantic type of euphemism, while
N. S. Boschaeva studied its pragmatic origin. G.G.
Kudjim explained euphemism as a "meliorating" tool
of language.
As long as there is language, euphemisms live in
language like other living things. Language and
human life are an inseparable phenomenon, that is, as
long as there is a person, as long as there is a
language, humanity cannot be imagined without
language. Each word that appears is a separate asset.
euphemism is used to hide inappropriate and
unacceptable words. Euphemism is always at our
service to cover up the indecent, indecent,
inappropriate situations in the people. As you can see,
taboo and euphemism are closely related. Progress
When and how to use these phenomena is decided by
humanity, it is used by linguists and scientists.
Euphemisms do not have to be used in an
inappropriate or inappropriate situation but should
have a nice effect on the listener. euphemisms serve.
Allan and Burridge. Euphemisms and dysphemisms:
Language as a shield and weapon. Oxford University
Press. 2006
Senichkina EP Euphemisms of the Russian language: a
special course book for university students with special
education. "Philology" - M: Secondary school, 2006.
Holder RW, How Not to Say What You Mean: A
Dictionary of Euphemisms, Oxford University Press,
504 pages, 2003.
Ismatullaev N. Euphemisms in modern Uzbek language:
Author. diss ... cand. Philol. Thu
Katsev AM. Euphemism in Modern English: An Abstract.
dis .... doctor. Philol. sciences. L.
Krysin LP Euphemisms in modern Russian speech. Russian
Studies - Berlin, 1994
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