for content and form was born in Abdulla Oripov by
translating " Do‘zax", national literature is enriched
as a living organism through the translation of the best
works. changes and reforms itself artistically" –
Ibrahim (2018), says famous critic I. Gafurov.
Following in the footsteps of his mentors,
Sirojiddin Sayyid strives to contribute to the
enrichment of the spiritual wealth of Uzbek readers
by reading the works of other literary representatives,
studying their works, and translating them in order to
improve his creative skills. In volume IV of the poet's
works, translations of the poet are given under the
title "Kongil Safari". These are examples of the works
of Abu Hamid Ghazali, Abu Abdullah Rodaki,
Maulona Jalaluddin Rumi, Hafiz Sherozi,
Abdurrahman Jami, Alexander Pushkin, Laik Sherali,
Andrey Voznesensky, Oljas Sulaymanov, Alexander
Feinberg, Bulat Okudjava, Ernest Hemingway.
The translations of Jalaluddin Rumi are full of
deep philosophical observations. According to
Rumi's interpretation, the homeland is the place
where a person was born and grew up, the soil that
brought him to adulthood, the place that God has
given him. Ambivalence, love for the Motherland was
sung on a high note in Rumi's work. The greatness,
unity, and inequality of God is the main idea of the
whole creation of God's greatness, unity, and the
devotion of a lover who longingly waits for his
companion, his dedication, and his zeal in the path of
love. In every ghazal, the image of the yor is present,
he is the God who always calls to his vassal, love is
such a symbol that the Motherland is embodied in
him. That's why it is said that loving the Motherland
is a matter of faith, because a believer has a
Motherland, and a person who knows and knows
Allah can also appreciate the Motherland. The lyrical
hero, who wants pure faith, appeals to his lover:
O‘zing jonsan, o‘zing jonon, o‘zing husn ahliga
Seni derman, seni jonim, uying qayda, uying
qayda – Sayyid (2019)
The verse is a beautiful description of divine love, in
which the lover is interested in where he lives, in
which corner he lives. By saying “O‘zing jon birla
jononim”” we understand that he has devoted himself
completely to this love. In Eastern philosophy, to
know and feel the Motherland is to know and aspire
to God, to become one body and soul with him.
We see places where the image of the Motherland
is reflected in Hafiz Shirozi's translations:
Bu manzillarda tuproq bo‘ldi Hofiz
Bu tuproqlar–mening ob-u gilimdan –
Birthplace, soil - the symbol of the Motherland. “Ob-
u gil” means water and soil. According to this, the
poet's words "bu manzillarda tuproq bo‘ldi Hofiz "
revives the image of the Motherland in the eyes of the
reader. In another ghazal, the word “ostona” means
the concept of the Motherland. It is said that the
homeland begins at the threshold. In the same way,
Hafiz means the Motherland when he says threshold:
Ushbu g‘urbatxonadan ketsam aziz ostonaga,
Ahd qildim yo‘l aro kirgum yana mayxonaga.
Bu safardan sog‘-omon qaytsam vatanga men
Qayga borsam do‘st bo‘lurman oqil-u farzonaga
In these stanzas, the mental state of the lyrical hero is
expressed through signs, symbols, and images, so that
a whole lyrical landscape appears in front of one's
eyes with its beauty and arouses admiration in the
heart. Gurbatkhana is a field of love, a place of
endless separation and emigration. The lyrical hero
dreams of abandoning it and returning to his
homeland. Along the way, he decides to enter a
tavern. The pub is a place of happiness, joy and
relaxation. Here, he will get relief from the heavy
feelings he experienced in the foreigner's house.
Returning to the homeland safely is a noble intention,
a great dream! Returning to the homeland is an
opportunity to make friends with intelligent people.
Another aspect is that he deeply understood the pain
of separation and hijran when he was far away from
his homeland and in exile, and this made him think
intelligently and wisely, and to be accompanied by
like-minded, like-minded, intelligent people.
In another ghazal, " Firdavsi rizvonim mening”–"
- my garden of paradise, "“do‘st ko‘yining tuprog‘i”–
in the soil where a friend lived, and in the second
stanza, this simile is reversed and the words and in
both cases we see the sanctity of the Motherland, its
comparison to heaven.
Sirojiddin Sayyid's translations from the Russian
poet Andrey Voznesensky have a great weight.
Volume IV of " Asarlar" contains translations of
examples from the book “Tovush soyasi”, essays, and
poems. The work “Tovush soyasi” is a compilation of
the poet's creative conclusions about literature,
poetry, life, the meaning of life and eternity, and his
life lessons. The writer and poet explain it like this:
"The poems, epics and prose writings collected in
this book (the book "Mangu Rizq" published in
Uzbek in Tashkent in 1990 is intended - emphasis is
ours) are the most valuable works for me. They are
imbued with the ideas of the purification process that
is now called "reconstruction" and are oriented
towards spirituality. I hope that the poem about Lake