Exploring World Literature Through Artistic Evolution: Depicting
the Essence of Homeland
Faizullayeva Rano Makhmudovna
Navoi Innovations University, Karmana, Navoiy, Uzbekistan
Keywords: World Poetry, Form and Content, Poetic Skill, Art of Translation, Theme of the Motherland, Patriotism.
Abstract: This article explores the profound exploration of nationalism and patriotism in world literature, particularly
through the lens of Uzbek literature represented by poets like Sirojiddin Sayyid. It delves into the historical
roots of patriotic themes, tracing back to ancient epics like "Bilgamish" and their influence on global literary
works such as Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey," and Georgian literature represented by Shota Rustavle. The
abstract also highlights the significance of translations in enriching national literature, citing examples from
Russian, Tajik, and Uzbek poets like Sergey Yesenin, Loyiq Sherali, and Pushkin, translated by Sayyid.
Through translations, the abstract argues, cultural exchange and enrichment occur, contributing to the spiritual
wealth of Uzbek readers.
Subtle similes, true, philosophical expression of
feelings in world literature brought the reader's
condition deeper. Since ancient times, world poetry
has been trying to understand a person, to assimilate
the expression of feelings in the heart to the will and
freedom of the homeland.
Literature knows no borders; it reflects the image
of the nation and introduces the nation to the world.
The theme of the Motherland has been one of the
main themes in world literature since ancient times.
About 5-6 thousand years ago, Sumerians wrote
epics, epics, and songs. Samples of them have been
preserved. For example, in the epic "Bilgamish",
issues such as the creation of the world and man by
God, the concept of a holy land, and its preservation
are written. Comparatively, such aspects of the epic
have influenced many epics of the peoples of the
world, especially Homer's "Iliad", "Odyssey", Indian
"Mahabhorat", "Ramayana", Uzbek people's
"Alpomish". It is clear that the motives of heroism
and patriotism were nourished by the plot of
"Bilgamish". BC Homeland and patriotic heroes are
sung in the 9th century Homer's "Iliad" (Ancient Troy
was called Ilion. "Iliad" is an epic about the city of
Ilion.) and "Odyssey". The life of the cities of Thebes,
Athens, and Rome is described in the works of
Saphocles. In the works of the Greek historian
Herodotus "History" and "Scythians" patriotic heroes
of the people are taken as the main characters.
Shota Rustavle, a great representative of Georgian
literature, "The wrestler wearing a tiger skin" is a
work that informs about the ancient culture of the
Georgian people. Enlightenment ideas calling for the
unity of the nation and superstition have a wide place
in the works of the representatives of Roman
literature, Cicero, Voltaire, Diderot.
In general, every national literature reflects the
spirit, spirituality, culture, and morality of that nation.
The concept of the nation appeared during the great
French revolution at the end of the 18th century.
Thanks to the revolution, the French and the whole of
Europe began to believe that the main factor in the
development of the country is the self-realization of
the nation. In our country, as a result of the heroic
activities of the young people who entered the
battlefield at the end of the 19th century and the
beginning of the 20th century, the need to fight for the
nation's career, dignity, and glory has reached its
peak. One of the representatives of Jadid literature,
Siddiqi Ajziy, in his work "Mir'oti Ibrat" ("The
Mirror of Lesson") concluded that without science,
state, language, and law, no nation has any prospects,
and a nation that does not acquire these four things is
doomed to destruction. comes – Kasimov (2004).
In this work inspired by Ismailbek Gaspirali's
novel "Dorur-rohat Muslims", one is surprised that
the poet's sweet dreams about the advancement of
Makhmudovna, F.
Exploring World Literature Through Artistic Evolution: Depicting the Essence of Homeland.
DOI: 10.5220/0012854000003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 391-396
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
science and the achievements of the nation and the
Motherland have come true today. Because it has
ideas not only about television, but even about today's
videophones. This shows that people of creativity -
poets and writers are the eyes and ears of the people,
the nation, devotees who care for a bright tomorrow,
and wise men with far-sightedness.
Singing the feelings of nationalism and patriotism
started by the Jadidsts on high screens is still giving
new energy and inspiration to our poets, writers and
intellectuals. One of them is Sirajiddin Sayyid, the
national poet of Uzbekistan.
There are many symbols of the country. Every
plant that grows on the soil of the Motherland is the
Motherland. The heart of every person who lived in
this country is one country. Gardens, mountains,
deserts - pictures of the Motherland. Even the clothes
that are idols on us represent the taffeta of the
Motherland. Motherland is as dear as a mother, sweet
to the heart. That's why Sirojiddin Sayyid
Ko‘klardagi to‘lin-to‘lin oyday Vatan,
Osmon desam, toshqin-toshqin soyday Vatan.
Vatan desam, ko‘z oldimga onam kelgan,
Onam desam, nigohimda paydo Vatan –
I fully agree with his statement. You believe that
these feelings come from the heart. As the spring is
described in the poem "Bahor Kelmish", it is
emphasized that this spring is the spring of the
Motherland, it is incomparable in its familiarity,
beauty and grace to every home and every heart. The
feeling of patriotism shines in the poem "Vatan
Berilmagay" (Sayyid, 2018). Why is the Homeland
not given? Can't get it? Because the Motherland is
destiny, it is up to Allah to decide what kind of
Motherland will be given to whom. Whether you
were born in the country, whether you have a country,
you must be loyal to it until death, take care of it, do
not give it to others. The reason for this is simple:
Otalar bir umr zahmatlar chekkay,
Ro‘zg‘orning tinchi-yu butligi uchun.
Farzandlar shul sabab jonlarin tikkay
Shu yer ona Vatan, yurtligi uchun (Sayyid,
The honour and love of the nation is greater and more
honourable than anything else. But we don't always
think about the need to keep it clean, honour it, and
praise it, we don't test ourselves to see how
responsible and duty-bound we are in front of this
responsibility. The poet examines himself and others
to see how responsible he is to the Motherland, its
pride and honour. He makes cruel judgments about
unpleasant situations, pours out his anger and hatred.
These verses should wake up those who are thinking
deeply about the Motherland, those who are dull-
minded and shallow observers.
Sirojiddin Sayyid's poetry was nourished by national
traditions as well as world traditions. The poet's
translations of Russian and world poetry were able to
raise the poet's poetry to poetic perfection. Therefore,
a number of translated works of the poet were able to
express the following traditions of great talents both
in form and content.
Translation plays an important role in the process
of literary communication and exchange of
experience between literatures. Through translation,
the best examples of one nation's literature can be
enjoyed by another nation, national traditions and
values of one nation become the cultural property of
another nation through literary works. The art of
translation has a long historical development in the
literature of the peoples of the East. Although Alisher
Navoi's epic "Lison ut-tayr" is original, it is said to be
a translation of Farididdin Attar's work "Mantiq ut-
tayr". In different periods, the Indian fairy tales
"Kalila and Dimna", the Arab "Thousand Nights",
and the work "Kobusnoma" by Kaikovus were
translated into Uzbek. Especially Ogahi, who lived in
the 19th century, did great work in the field of
Even now, translation is considered an important
field and plays a significant role in the development
of our national literature. In the past years, the works
published in the hundred-volume series
"Masterpieces of Russian Literature" became a great
literary event. In general, in the pre-independence
period, translation from the Russian language was
widespread. Examples of literature from English,
French, German and other European countries were
also translated from Russian and presented to Uzbek
readers. Today, works created in Japanese, Korean,
Chinese, English, German, and French languages are
directly translated from those languages. "It is
impossible to imagine the development of national
literature without literary translations from other
literatures. How did Erkin Vahidov become a prolific
poet by translating "Faust" and Yesenin, what search
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for content and form was born in Abdulla Oripov by
translating " Do‘zax", national literature is enriched
as a living organism through the translation of the best
works. changes and reforms itself artistically" –
Ibrahim (2018), says famous critic I. Gafurov.
Following in the footsteps of his mentors,
Sirojiddin Sayyid strives to contribute to the
enrichment of the spiritual wealth of Uzbek readers
by reading the works of other literary representatives,
studying their works, and translating them in order to
improve his creative skills. In volume IV of the poet's
works, translations of the poet are given under the
title "Kongil Safari". These are examples of the works
of Abu Hamid Ghazali, Abu Abdullah Rodaki,
Maulona Jalaluddin Rumi, Hafiz Sherozi,
Abdurrahman Jami, Alexander Pushkin, Laik Sherali,
Andrey Voznesensky, Oljas Sulaymanov, Alexander
Feinberg, Bulat Okudjava, Ernest Hemingway.
The translations of Jalaluddin Rumi are full of
deep philosophical observations. According to
Rumi's interpretation, the homeland is the place
where a person was born and grew up, the soil that
brought him to adulthood, the place that God has
given him. Ambivalence, love for the Motherland was
sung on a high note in Rumi's work. The greatness,
unity, and inequality of God is the main idea of the
whole creation of God's greatness, unity, and the
devotion of a lover who longingly waits for his
companion, his dedication, and his zeal in the path of
love. In every ghazal, the image of the yor is present,
he is the God who always calls to his vassal, love is
such a symbol that the Motherland is embodied in
him. That's why it is said that loving the Motherland
is a matter of faith, because a believer has a
Motherland, and a person who knows and knows
Allah can also appreciate the Motherland. The lyrical
hero, who wants pure faith, appeals to his lover:
O‘zing jonsan, o‘zing jonon, o‘zing husn ahliga
Seni derman, seni jonim, uying qayda, uying
qayda – Sayyid (2019)
The verse is a beautiful description of divine love, in
which the lover is interested in where he lives, in
which corner he lives. By saying “O‘zing jon birla
jononim”” we understand that he has devoted himself
completely to this love. In Eastern philosophy, to
know and feel the Motherland is to know and aspire
to God, to become one body and soul with him.
We see places where the image of the Motherland
is reflected in Hafiz Shirozi's translations:
Bu manzillarda tuproq bo‘ldi Hofiz
Bu tuproqlar–mening ob-u gilimdan –
Birthplace, soil - the symbol of the Motherland. “Ob-
u gil” means water and soil. According to this, the
poet's words "bu manzillarda tuproq bo‘ldi Hofiz "
revives the image of the Motherland in the eyes of the
reader. In another ghazal, the word “ostona” means
the concept of the Motherland. It is said that the
homeland begins at the threshold. In the same way,
Hafiz means the Motherland when he says threshold:
Ushbu g‘urbatxonadan ketsam aziz ostonaga,
Ahd qildim yo‘l aro kirgum yana mayxonaga.
Bu safardan sog‘-omon qaytsam vatanga men
Qayga borsam do‘st bo‘lurman oqil-u farzonaga
In these stanzas, the mental state of the lyrical hero is
expressed through signs, symbols, and images, so that
a whole lyrical landscape appears in front of one's
eyes with its beauty and arouses admiration in the
heart. Gurbatkhana is a field of love, a place of
endless separation and emigration. The lyrical hero
dreams of abandoning it and returning to his
homeland. Along the way, he decides to enter a
tavern. The pub is a place of happiness, joy and
relaxation. Here, he will get relief from the heavy
feelings he experienced in the foreigner's house.
Returning to the homeland safely is a noble intention,
a great dream! Returning to the homeland is an
opportunity to make friends with intelligent people.
Another aspect is that he deeply understood the pain
of separation and hijran when he was far away from
his homeland and in exile, and this made him think
intelligently and wisely, and to be accompanied by
like-minded, like-minded, intelligent people.
In another ghazal, " Firdavsi rizvonim mening”–"
- my garden of paradise, "“do‘st ko‘yining tuprog‘i”–
in the soil where a friend lived, and in the second
stanza, this simile is reversed and the words and in
both cases we see the sanctity of the Motherland, its
comparison to heaven.
Sirojiddin Sayyid's translations from the Russian
poet Andrey Voznesensky have a great weight.
Volume IV of " Asarlar" contains translations of
examples from the book “Tovush soyasi”, essays, and
poems. The work “Tovush soyasi” is a compilation of
the poet's creative conclusions about literature,
poetry, life, the meaning of life and eternity, and his
life lessons. The writer and poet explain it like this:
"The poems, epics and prose writings collected in
this book (the book "Mangu Rizq" published in
Uzbek in Tashkent in 1990 is intended - emphasis is
ours) are the most valuable works for me. They are
imbued with the ideas of the purification process that
is now called "reconstruction" and are oriented
towards spirituality. I hope that the poem about Lake
Exploring World Literature Through Artistic Evolution: Depicting the Essence of Homeland
Baikal resonates in the hearts of Uzbek readers.
Because at the same time, the pain of the island hurts
me too."
A.A. Voznesensky loved Uzbekistan, had many
friends from Uzbekistan and was proud of them.
Sirojiddin Sayyid writes about it sincerely in his essay
“Ikki asr–bir hayot”. In April 1966, a terrible
earthquake occurred in Tashkent. Then the poet flies
to Tashkent on the first flight, without any assignment
or order, with the will of his heart. For ten days, he
walks next to those affected by the earthquake and
encourages them. During these days, the work
“Toshkentdan reportaj doston” was developed, and he
wrote “Toshkentga yordam bering!” was given under
the slogan and caused a great commotion. Alexander
Feinberg translated the poems of Sirojiddin Sayyid
and published them in Trud newspaper in 2006. A.
Voznesensky wrote an introduction to these poems.
In these words, the poet beautifully expressed his love
for Tashkent and the Uzbek people in general:
"Tashkent is not just an ordinary city. No power, no
worldly changes can tear this city, which is so
precious and unimaginably precious to me, from my
heart. For this reason, every phone call from this city,
which has become a part of my destiny, brings joy to
the world. Tashkent poets are poets who have passed
the harsh tests of time. I salute and thank Tashkent for
helping us find ourselves and our identity!".
A. Voznesensky wrote about Boris Pavsternak,
about his patriotism, his contribution to increasing the
world fame of the Russian language and Russian
literature. Pasternak also mentored Voznesensky. His
student was loyal to his teacher and stayed by his side
until his last moments. The teenager, who was in the
presence of a great artist for the first time at the age
of fourteen, later became a mature artist with the
education of this great writer and poet. During his life,
he was among many writers, poets, literary critics,
artists, how much he paid attention to their places in
the world of creativity, their personal qualities,
character traits, their relationship to artistic creation,
literature, and the negative situation in the literary
process. openly thought about what they are. The
theme of the Motherland, the poetic image of the
Motherland is a leading theme, a timeless image in
the literature of every nation. You can see and feel the
feeling of love for the country in every poem of A.
Voznesnsky. Sirojiddin Sayyid's poems on the theme
of the Motherland are a tribute to him. Voznesensky
wrote a poem called “So‘z hajrida”. It was freely
translated by Sirajiddin Sayyid. In the translation,
through love for words, loyalty and devotion to the
mother tongue, motherland, and motherland are
expressed. Unsatisfied with this, the poet created the
epic “So‘z hijroni ”
So‘z yo‘q.
Muzxonalar singari
Muzlab turar til qo‘rg‘onlari
So‘z yo‘q
Muzlab turar–kezaman
“Devon ul-lug‘otit turk” o‘rmonlari!
In the poem “Izoh“he uniquely expresses the
responsibility before the word:
Mendan so‘z so‘raydi har kecha so‘zlar–
Aytilgan so‘zlar.
Suv so‘ragan kabli suvsiz ariqlar,
Mehr so‘raganday so‘zsiz og‘riqlar...
Another Russian poet, Sergey Yesenin, in his
poem “Singlimga xat expressed his deep love for the
Motherland in the image of his native village. The
same feature can be seen in the poem “Sog‘inch” by
Sirojidin Sayyid. S. Yesenin
Salom senga, singlim,
Salom, assalom.
Qadrdon dalalar salomat bormi?
Ayt, qalay parvarish qilmoqda bobom
Ryazandagi bizning oluchazorni.
Sirojiddin Sayyid:
Xatlar yozdim: “Bormisan, singil,
Daraxtlarim mening omonmi?
Men omonman, tanimoqdaman,
Gohi baland, goh past insonni”
In the translations of the works of the Tajik poet
Loyiq Sherali, we can observe a poetic expression
that is close to the property of the heart. Prose and
poetic translations encourage the reader to understand
himself, his identity, the mysterious moments of
poetry: "Poets live not in material space, but in the
land of universal pain and suffering. The word is the
spiritual life of the people, materialized in sound, and
the dying generations take with them the withered
branches and trees of the word. The word has a
biologically growing feature... Creating a work with
words is like building a wall from live birds and a
flock of birds that are squawking and squawking."
As rightly noted, changes in human thinking,
conflicts in the inner world bring to the stage of
research the approach to its perception using various
methods. The intensity of relations reflected in the
mood of the global world has been showing the power
of the word as well as expanding the possibility of
radical renewal of the essence of literary paintings. In
the rubai of the Tajik poet Loyiq Sherali, the
philosophical spirit of Hayomona is blowing. They
observe life, vitality, and the meaning of life. The
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
translator tried to convey them to the Uzbek reader in
the original way.
Falak gardishidan oh-fig‘on yutdik,
Ishq ichra ko‘p g‘amu ko‘p armon yutdik.
Onalar ko‘ksidan oq sut emdigu
Tarix siynasidan barcha qon yutdik.
History has done many injustices to the Tajik and
Uzbek peoples, there is no end to their dreams, but
this grief and this dream have made people grow up
and taught them to understand the injustices in the
depths of history. In a deep philosophical observation
in four lines, the poet takes his imagination far and
wide. The preciousness of life and the pricelessness
of every moment are deeply artistically expressed in
the rubai:
Kelib-ketguvchimiz jahon bazmida,
Qaytadan bundayin davlat yetmagay.
Uning soqiysidan ikkinchi bora
Bizga sog‘ar yetmas, navbat yetmagay
In order to understand these verses, one should
put one's hat on the ground and think carefully.
Translation from Pushkin is a real test school for
a translator. Sirojiddin Sayyid enters this test without
fear. It is not easy to speak Pushkin in Uzbek. At the
time, Oybek and Mirtemir made beautiful translations
from it. When reading their translations, it seems as if
Pushkin wrote in Uzbek. The poetic novel " Yevgeniy
Onegin" was retranslated fifty years after its
translation by the talented poet Mirza Kenjabek
Oibek. The translation was a great creative lesson for
the poet and helped him to be creative in all aspects.
Sirojiddin Sayyid also selected and translated some
poems from Pushkin. In these translations, we can see
a closeness to the poet's spirit:
Bizni azal-azal aylagan sehr,
Yurak oziqlangay shulardan faqat:
Momo o‘choqlarga nisbatan mehr,
Bobo mozorlarga bo‘lgan muhabbat.
Inson – shu muqaddas tuyg‘ularga tan,
Ularsiz zamin ham bo‘shab qolardi.
Ularsiz beqadr bo‘lardi Vatan,
Xudosiz mehrobga o‘xshab qolardi.
Although the poet's lyrical hero describes Pushkin's
sorrows, the poet's heart is also expressed by the same
sufferings. Therefore, the complexities of lyrical
translation express harmony with the poet's heart and
aesthetic feelings. If we look at the concepts
understood from the feelings of the lyrical hero, we
realize that it is possible to observe harmony in the
dreams of the hearts of both artists of words. In this
regard, let's look at the poem "Hikmat" by Sirajiddin
Hikmat na dasht-u qir, na bog‘u bo‘ston
Va na malikaning chorbog‘idadur.
Na qasr-u ayvonlar, na roh-u manzil
Va na yigitlikning qirg‘og‘idadur.
Na shon-u martaba, na mol-u dunyo
Va na chinorlarning yaprog‘idadur.
Hikmat – bu dunyodan o‘ksinib o‘tgan
Otang mozorining tuprog‘idadur.
Literary critic N. Rahimjonov writes: "The artistry
of talents is a divine phenomenon that is a source of
human value and universal culture. It is not a shovel
that can be held by hand and seen with the eye. It
brings thoughts to our consciousness, educates our
feelings, enlightens the mind, spiritual wisdom".
Based on these concepts, Sirojiddin Sayyid's poetry
develops our spirituality and thinking. it is necessary
to emphasize that it has a special place. As our nation
is an artistic nation, it is natural for it to be nourished
by existing traditions. The feelings of honor and
compassion inherited from our forefathers in people's
ties with a long history have been giving colour to our
Commenting on the influence of translations on the
poetry of Sirojiddin Sayyid, the tradition of
connecting the gradual laws of his poetry with the
reality of life began to gain harmony. It is necessary
to note the philosophical-intellectual aesthetic value
of the poet's work as a succession of traditions. In this
respect, the artistic poetic interpretation of the theme
of the Motherland has deepened the artist's skills. "It
is a philosophical-aesthetic phenomenon that unites
various currents and schools based on seriously
different views on the essence and existence of art
and, at the same time, having a number of common
aspects, which left a deep mark on the literature and
art of the 20th century. ". Two aspects underlying the
ideas and concepts presented in the quote are
noteworthy, firstly, the essence of being, and
secondly, the phenomenon of combining different
views. It is the centralization of different views in a
single essence (core) that can be interpreted as the
preservation of accuracy in the examination and
analysis of a person.
Sirojiddin Sayyid has been enriching Uzbek literature
by translating rare examples of Russian and world
poetry. Undoubtedly, the sensitive poet Sirojiddin
Sayyid has a significant contribution to the artistic
development of the image of the Motherland in the
experiences of world literature in the Uzbek school of
Exploring World Literature Through Artistic Evolution: Depicting the Essence of Homeland
Kasimov B. and others, Uzbek literature of the National
Renaissance, textbook, Tashkent, " Ma’naviyat ", 2004.
Sirojiddin Sayyid, Works, Volume II, Poems, epics, forty
hadiths, ghazal book, in prose tones, "SHARQ"
publishing-printing joint-stock company Chief
Editorial Office, Tashkent, 2018. B.317.
Sirojiddin Sayyid, Works, Volume II, Poems, epics, forty
hadiths, ghazal book, in prose tones, General editorial
office of "SHARQ" publishing-printing joint-stock
company, Tashkent, 2018. B.344.
Sirojiddin Sayyid, Works, Volume II, Poems, epics, forty
hadiths, ghazal book, in prose tones, Chief Editorial
Office of "SHARQ" publishing-printing joint-stock
company, Tashkent, 2018. B.344.
Gafurov Ibrahim, Mangu latofat, badialar, pamphlets, book
2, Tashkent, "SHARQ publishing-printing joint-stock
company" Main editorial office, 2008. B431-432.
Sirojiddin Sayyid, Works, Volume IV, Tashkent, Chief
Editorial Office of "SHARQ" publishing-printing joint-
stock company, 2019. B.215.
Sirojiddin Sayyid, Works, Volume IV, Tashkent, Chief
Editorial Office of "SHARQ" publishing-printing joint-
stock company, 2019. B.230.
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