Thematic Classification of Phraseological Expressions in Italian
Khudoykulov Behzod Abbasovich
Denov Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy, Denau, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Italian Language, Phraseological Expressions, Thematic Classification, Idiomatic Language, Semantic
Domains, Cultural Context, Linguistic Richness, Language Usage, Cultural Expression, Language Learning.
Abstract: Phraseological expressions play a significant role in language communication, contributing to the richness
and expressiveness of linguistic expression. This scientific article explores the thematic classification of
phraseological expressions in the Italian language, aiming to categorize these expressions based on their
thematic content and semantic domains. Through a systematic analysis of Italian phraseological units, this
study identifies and categorizes common themes and topics represented in these expressions, providing
insights into the semantic structure and cultural context of Italian language usage. The thematic classification
of Italian phraseological expressions offers valuable information for language learners, educators, and
researchers, facilitating the understanding and acquisition of Italian language and culture.
Phraseological expressions serve as fundamental
elements of linguistic communication, enriching
language usage with cultural nuances, historical
contexts, and societal conventions. In the Italian
language, phraseological expressions play a pivotal
role in conveying meaning and reflecting the cultural
heritage and linguistic diversity of Italy.
Understanding the thematic classification of Italian
phraseological expressions provides valuable insights
into the semantic structure, cultural significance, and
communicative functions of these linguistic units.
This introduction serves as a prelude to exploring
the thematic classification of phraseological
expressions in Italian, aiming to elucidate the diverse
themes, topics, and semantic domains represented in
Italian idiomatic language. By systematically
categorizing Italian phraseological expressions based
on their thematic content, this study seeks to uncover
the underlying patterns, cultural motifs, and linguistic
intricacies inherent in Italian language usage.
Through a comprehensive analysis of Italian
phraseological units, this research endeavor
endeavors to deepen our understanding of Italian
language and culture, offering a nuanced perspective
on the richness and complexity of Italian idiomatic
In the subsequent sections of this article, we will
delve into the thematic classification of Italian
phraseological expressions, examining common
themes such as family and relationships, food and
cuisine, nature and environment, work and
occupation, and emotions and feelings. By exploring
these thematic categories, we aim to provide a
comprehensive overview of the diverse thematic
landscape of Italian phraseology, shedding light on
the cultural, social, and historical dimensions of
Italian language usage.
Through this exploration, we endeavor to
contribute to the scholarly discourse on Italian
language and culture, offering valuable insights for
language learners, educators, researchers, and
enthusiasts alike. By unraveling the thematic
classification of Italian phraseological expressions,
we aim to enhance appreciation for the linguistic
richness, cultural heritage, and communicative
versatility of the Italian language.
Italian phraseological expressions encompass a wide
range of themes, topics, and semantic domains,
reflecting the diverse cultural, social, and historical
influences that shape Italian language usage. Through
Abbasovich, K.
Thematic Classification of Phraseological Expressions in Italian.
DOI: 10.5220/0012865100003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 411-415
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
a systematic analysis, we can classify Italian
phraseological expressions into thematic categories,
providing insights into the underlying cultural motifs
and communicative functions of these linguistic units.
The following thematic classification offers a
comprehensive overview of the diverse thematic
landscape of Italian phraseology- Bianchi, G, et.
Italian phraseological expressions related to family
and relationships reflect the importance of
interpersonal connections, emotional bonds, and
social dynamics in Italian culture. These expressions
often convey sentiments of love, loyalty, affection,
and familial responsibility, providing insight into the
values and traditions that shape Italian family life.
The following are examples of Italian phraseological
expressions categorized under the theme of family
and relationships- Rossi, M. (2015):
1. "Avere il cuore in gola" - Literally translated as
"to have one's heart in one's throat," this expression is
used to describe a feeling of extreme anxiety or
nervousness, especially in situations where one is
emotionally invested or apprehensive.
2. "Fare la bella figura" - Translating to "to make a
good impression," this expression emphasizes the
importance of presenting oneself in a favorable light,
often in social or professional settings. It reflects the
value placed on appearance, etiquette, and social
grace in Italian culture.
3. "Essere come il cacio sui maccheroni" - Literally
meaning "to be like cheese on macaroni," this
expression signifies a perfect match or
complementarity between two people or things. It
conveys the idea of compatibility and harmony in
relationships or partnerships.
4. "Fare da mamma agli occhi" - Translating to "to
act as a mother in someone's eyes," this expression
describes the protective or nurturing behavior of
someone towards another person, often in a caring or
maternal manner.
5. "Essere sangue del mio sangue" - Meaning "to be
blood of my blood," this expression highlights the
closeness and familial bond between individuals,
emphasizing shared ancestry, lineage, and kinship
6. "Avere il sangue freddo" - Literally translating to
"to have cold blood," this expression is used to
describe someone who remains calm, composed, and
unemotional, especially in challenging or stressful
7. "Essere come due pesi e due misure" - Meaning
"to be like two weights and two measures," this
expression refers to the unfair or unequal treatment of
people in similar circumstances, highlighting
discrepancies in judgment or standards.
8. "Chiudere un occhio" - Translating to "to close
one eye," this expression signifies turning a blind eye
to something, often to overlook or ignore someone's
faults or misdeeds, particularly out of affection or
These Italian phraseological expressions offer
insights into the cultural values, social norms, and
interpersonal dynamics that characterize Italian
family and relationships. They reflect the nuances of
communication and expression in Italian culture,
providing a glimpse into the intricacies of human
connections and emotions within familial and social
Italian cuisine is renowned worldwide for its
diversity, flavors, and culinary traditions, and Italian
phraseological expressions related to food and cuisine
reflect the central role that food plays in Italian
culture. These expressions often evoke sensory
experiences, gastronomic delights, and cultural
practices associated with Italian gastronomy. Here are
some examples of Italian phraseological expressions
categorized under the theme of food and cuisine - De
Luca, et al. (2019).
1. "Prendere lucciole per lanterne" - Translating to
"to mistake fireflies for lanterns," this expression
describes being easily deceived or misled, drawing on
the imagery of nighttime illumination.
2. "Andare a fagiolo" - Literally meaning "to go to
the bean," this expression signifies a perfect fit or
harmony between two things, often used to describe
compatibility or agreement between people.
3. "Essere come il prezzemolo" - Translating to "to
be like parsley," this expression signifies being
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
ubiquitous or ever-present, similar to how parsley is
a common ingredient found in many dishes.
4. "Essere buono come il pane" - Meaning "to be as
good as bread," this expression describes someone
who is kind, generous, and trustworthy, reflecting the
importance of bread as a staple food in Italian culture.
5. "Essere in brodo di giuggiole" - Literally
translating to "to be in jujube broth," this expression
describes being in a state of extreme happiness or
contentment, akin to the pleasure derived from
enjoying a delicious meal.
6. "Fare cipolla" - Meaning "to make onion," this
expression refers to someone who is unwelcome or
unwanted, often used humorously to describe being
excluded from a social gathering or conversation.
7. "Essere pane per i miei denti" - Translating to "to
be bread for my teeth," this expression signifies being
well-suited or compatible with someone, particularly
in terms of personality or interests.
8. "Essere come il vino" - Meaning "to be like wine,"
this expression describes someone or something that
improves with age, becoming better or more valuable
over time.
These Italian phraseological expressions offer a
glimpse into the cultural significance, sensory
experiences, and social dynamics associated with
food and cuisine in Italian culture. They reflect
Italians' deep appreciation for culinary traditions,
flavors, and communal dining experiences,
highlighting the integral role that food plays in
shaping Italian identity and social interactions.
Italian phraseological expressions inspired by nature
and the environment draw upon imagery, metaphors,
and symbolism derived from the natural world. These
expressions reflect Italians' deep connection to the
land, the seasons, and the elements of nature. Here are
some examples of Italian phraseological expressions
categorized under the theme of nature and
environment - Berruto, G., et al. (2005).
1. "Essere al verde" - Translating to "to be in the
green," this expression signifies being broke or
financially strapped, drawing on the imagery of green
vegetation to represent financial stability or
2. "Chiudere il cerchio" - Meaning "to close the
circle," this expression describes completing a task or
achieving a goal, akin to closing a loop or bringing a
process to fruition.
3. "Fare un buco nell'acqua" - Literally translating
to "to make a hole in the water," this expression
signifies achieving nothing or having no impact,
similar to the futility of attempting to make a hole in
4. "Essere come un pesciolino nell'acquario" -
Translating to "to be like a little fish in the aquarium,"
this expression describes feeling small or
insignificant in a large or unfamiliar environment.
5. "Essere come un pesce fuor d'acqua" - Meaning
"to be like a fish out of water," this expression
describes feeling uncomfortable or out of place in a
particular situation or environment.
6. "Essere come un pugno di mosche" - Translating
to "to be like a handful of flies," this expression
describes being inconsequential or ineffective,
similar to the fleeting nature of flies.
7. "Essere come una rondine in autunno" -
Literally meaning "to be like a swallow in autumn,"
this expression describes feeling melancholic or
nostalgic, reminiscent of the migration of swallows
during the autumn season.
8. "Essere come il lupo per l'uomo" - Translating to
"to be like the wolf to the man," this expression
describes someone who is predatory or threatening,
drawing on the symbolic association of wolves with
danger or aggression.
These Italian phraseological expressions offer
insights into Italians' reverence for nature, their
awareness of environmental dynamics, and their use
of natural imagery to convey emotions, experiences,
and observations. They reflect the deep-rooted
connection between Italians and the natural world,
highlighting the cultural significance of nature in
Italian language and expression.
Italian phraseological expressions related to work and
occupation encompass various professions, trades,
and vocational activities. These expressions often
convey attitudes towards work, diligence, and
Thematic Classification of Phraseological Expressions in Italian
professionalism in Italian society. Here are some
examples of Italian phraseological expressions
categorized under the theme of work and occupation
- Pulcini, V (2010):
1. "Mettersi il naso dove non si deve" - Translating
to "to put one's nose where it doesn't belong," this
expression describes meddling in other people's
affairs or being overly curious about matters that do
not concern oneself - Baldi, G, et. al, (2013).
2. "Lavorare sodo" - Meaning "to work hard," this
expression emphasizes diligence, perseverance, and
dedication in one's professional endeavors [Forza,
M., & Fiorentini, M. (Eds.). (2019)].
3. "Fare il contadino" - Literally translating to "to
play the farmer," this expression refers to pretending
to work or engaging in superficial efforts, especially
in contrast to genuine labor or effort.
4. "Essere al verde" - Translating to "to be in the
green," this expression signifies being broke or
financially strapped, indicating financial hardship or
5. "Essere a posto come un pesciolino
nell'acquario" - Meaning "to be in place like a little
fish in the aquarium," this expression describes
feeling comfortable or at ease in a particular situation
or environment.
6. "Essere in gamba" - Translating to "to be in the
leg," this expression signifies being skilled, capable,
or competent in one's work or profession.
7. "Fare il poliziotto" - Literally meaning "to play
the policeman," this expression refers to enforcing
rules or regulations in a strict or authoritarian manner,
often without regard for context or flexibility.
8. "Essere bravo come il pane" - Meaning "to be as
good as bread," this expression describes someone
who is kind, generous, and reliable, akin to the
essential role that bread plays in Italian cuisine and
These Italian phraseological expressions offer
insights into Italians' attitudes towards work, their
perceptions of professionalism, and their use of
language to convey notions of diligence, competence,
and social status in the context of employment. They
reflect the cultural values and social dynamics that
shape Italian work culture, highlighting the
importance of hard work, integrity, and mutual
respect in professional relationships and interactions.
Italian phraseological expressions related to emotions
and feelings capture the nuances of human
experience, including joy, sorrow, anger, and
affection. These expressions employ metaphorical
language and imagery to convey emotional states and
psychological nuances. Here are some examples of
Italian phraseological expressions categorized under
the theme of emotions and feelings- Gobber, F.
1. "Essere felice come una Pasqua" - Translating to
"to be as happy as Easter," this expression signifies
extreme happiness or joy, drawing on the festive
atmosphere and celebratory mood associated with the
Easter holiday- Sobrero, A. (2006).
2. "Piangere lacrime di coccodrillo" - Meaning "to cry
crocodile tears," this expression describes feigning
sadness or insincere emotion, reminiscent of the
image of a crocodile shedding tears while devouring
its prey- Corino, E., et. al (2003).
3. "Essere sulle nuvole" - Translating to "to be on
cloud nine," this expression describes feeling
euphoric or elated, akin to the sensation of floating or
being uplifted by positive emotions.
4. "Essere in gamba" - Literally translating to "to be
in the leg," this expression signifies being skilled,
capable, or competent, reflecting a sense of
confidence and self-assurance in one's abilities.
5. "Avere il cuore di pietra" - Translating to "to have
a heart of stone," this expression describes being cold,
indifferent, or unfeeling, lacking compassion or
empathy towards others.
6. "Essere come un arcobaleno dopo la pioggia" -
Meaning "to be like a rainbow after the rain," this
expression describes feeling hopeful or optimistic
after a period of adversity or hardship.
7. "Essere a pezzi" - Translating to "to be in pieces,"
this expression describes feeling emotionally
shattered or devastated, often as a result of grief, loss,
or trauma.
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
8. "Essere preso dalla malinconia" - Meaning "to be
consumed by melancholy," this expression describes
feeling a deep sense of sadness, nostalgia, or longing,
often accompanied by introspection or reflection.
These Italian phraseological expressions offer
insights into the complexity and depth of human
emotions, their cultural significance, and their
expression through language. They reflect Italians'
sensitivity to emotional nuances, their use of
metaphorical language to articulate feelings, and their
appreciation for the power of language to convey the
richness of human experience.
The thematic classification of Italian phraseological
expressions provides a comprehensive overview of
the linguistic richness, cultural depth, and
communicative versatility of the Italian language.
Through the exploration of diverse themes such as
family and relationships, food and cuisine, nature and
environment, work and occupation, and emotions and
feelings, we have gained valuable insights into the
cultural values, social dynamics, and linguistic
intricacies that characterize Italian idiomatic
language- Crocco, C. (Ed.) (2018).
Italian phraseological expressions serve as
windows into Italian culture, reflecting Italians' deep-
rooted connection to their heritage, traditions, and
environment. They encapsulate centuries of history,
regional diversity, and societal norms, offering a
nuanced perspective on Italian identity and social
interactions. By categorizing Italian phraseological
expressions based on their thematic content, we have
uncovered the underlying patterns, cultural motifs,
and linguistic nuances that shape Italian language
Furthermore, the exploration of Italian
phraseological expressions highlights the importance
of context, imagery, and symbolism in conveying
meaning and emotion in language. Italians' use of
metaphorical language and vivid imagery reflects
their sensitivity to the subtleties of human experience
and their appreciation for the power of language to
evoke emotions, memories, and sensations.
In conclusion, the thematic classification of
Italian phraseological expressions enriches our
understanding of Italian language and culture,
offering a glimpse into the cultural heritage, social
norms, and linguistic creativity that define Italian
identity. These expressions serve as bridges between
past and present, tradition and innovation, connecting
individuals across generations and geographical
boundaries through the universal language of human
experience. Through continued exploration and
appreciation of Italian phraseology, we can deepen
our appreciation for the beauty, complexity, and
resilience of the Italian language and its role in
shaping the cultural tapestry of Italy.
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Thematic Classification of Phraseological Expressions in Italian