Approaches to Enhancing Written Communication Skills in Uzbek
Language Instruction for Students
Usmonova Oyistaxon Yuldashaliyevna, Kudratxodjayeva Nargis Akbarovna
and Usmonova Zulxumor Nazarovna
Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Language Education, Written Speech, Communication, Literary Language, Literacy, Uzbek Language, Essay,
Statement, Method, Work on the Text.
Abstract: The abstract should summarize the contents of the paper and should contain at least 70 and at most 200 words.
It should be set in 9-point font size, justified and should have a hanging indent of 2-centimenter. There should
be a space before of 12-point and after of 30-point.
Worldwide, language instruction is critical to
students' acquisition of language knowledge,
improvement of their speaking abilities, personality
development, and broadening of their worldview.
Nearly every facet of the educational process has seen
significant modifications in higher education in
recent years. The state language is being taught in
higher education institutions through the use of
cutting-edge teaching techniques and contemporary
pedagogical technologies, opening up a variety of
opportunities for the training of specialists who are
fluent in the language and providing them with the
theoretical and scientific knowledge, practical skills,
and credentials they need for their line of work.
Enhancing ideas like interest, conviction, and
accountability is regarded as a significant socio-
pedagogical development.
One of the primary goals of language education is the
formation of pupils' speech, which is unique in terms
of its grammatical construction, meanings, and
creative expressiveness. Oral communication is
orthoepic of literary language; written
communication must be formed according to
conventions like style and orthography. The rules of
the literary language are understood to be adhered to
in the development of speech culture; these include
rules regarding the correct usage of sentences in
speech, word combinations, formation and
transformation models, and the acquisition of words
in a specific language. In this sense, the Methodist
scientist A. Hamroyev said it well when he said, "The
human activity that is language is its essence."
Speech activity is characterized by one individual
conveying his opinions, wishes and demands to
another individual, and the second individual
understands the thoughts of the first one, and
responds to his demands in the form of confirmation
or denial. So, two persons participate in the activity
of speech: the sender of the message - the speaker and
the receiver - the listener". Indeed, words, phrases and
sentences are important tools of the speech process of
subjects. The feature of pronunciation serves a
specific purpose of the speaker and hearing of the
listener, conveying the thought. While verbality is the
expression of live speech, visuality is an important
characteristic of written speech.
Grammar exercises are regularly organized in Uzbek
language schools to assist students in correctly
forming written speech through word choice,
comprehension, and meaning distinction. Students'
speech becomes more active when they can rapidly
and accurately select words based on the intended
speech goal. Students' speaking engagement can be
increased by introducing grammatical principles on a
regular and consistent basis. Speaking is one of the
emotional and volitional components of a person that
has a considerable influence on the successful
acquisition of language laws, making it a pressing
Yuldashaliyevna, U., Akbarovna, K. and Nazarovna, U.
Approaches to Enhancing Written Communication Skills in Uzbek Language Instr uction for Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0012867400003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 443-446
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
subject that needs to be stressed in language
A. Gulomov states that "one of the fundamental
components of human culture is the ability to convey
speech easily to the listener through word choice.
Consequently, the primary goal of native language
instruction is to educate students how to utilize each
word, phrase, and combination accurately and
effectively while instilling a sense of care in their
Grammatical and stylistic characteristics of written
speech are different from those of spoken speech,
making it a type of communication through text.
There are several forms of development of written
speech, and among them, it is a creative work aimed
at students to recreate the development of the plot in
the studied text (work, piece) within their thinking,
creatively fill it through the prism of consciousness,
and describe it with certain expressions.
This article discusses how orthographic and stylistic
literacy are developed in Uzbek language lessons,
how interactive techniques are used to help students
improve their written speech—one of the primary
goals of language education—and how this ensures
oral and written speech competence. This article
employed a variety of methodologies, including
observation, interviewing, systematic-structural
analysis, pedagogical-psychological and methodical
literature, regulatory and legal documents, and unique
pedagogical-psychological techniques.
The formation of creative thinking skills by teaching
writing in Uzbek language classes is of great
importance in the development of students' speech,
vocabulary and knowledge of the syntactic structure
of the Uzbek language. In this regard, a firm opinion
is established both in the methodology of teaching the
mother tongue and in the educational programs. For
example, within the framework of a narrative text, it
is to summarize the student's imagination based on his
knowledge, to create a plan suitable for the text, to
express his thoughts in a coherent, literate and
beautiful letter. All this, in turn, is considered a factor
of increasing students' written literacy. Therefore, the
development of a system of scientific and
methodologically based practical exercises in Uzbek
language education is a factor for the development of
students' speech culture.
When using methods of teaching the Uzbek language
in the course of the lesson, the main attention should
be directed to teaching to speak and write in Uzbek,
as well as to teach to think in this language. This is a
very difficult, but possible process, for which the
Uzbek language teacher can use different games,
communication with peers, exercises on correcting
errors, comparative texts in addition to the standard
approach. should be enriched with analysis. It should
be noted that the use of interactive methods,
innovative technologies, editorial and information
technologies in the educational process increases the
quality of education. In particular, the attention to
their use in the process of language acquisition is
growing day by day. One of the reasons for this is
that, until now, in (traditional) education, students
were taught only to acquire ready-made knowledge,
but modern technologies allow them to search for the
acquired knowledge by themselves, study and
analyze it independently, and even draw their own
conclusions. teaches them to release.
The innovative method recommended below is aimed
at developing students' written speech in teaching the
Uzbek language:
The "written work" approach guarantees that each
student can work freely while assisting them in the
development of autonomous, creative thinking
abilities. In Uzbek language classes, it is helpful to
clarify unknown words in the text before writing an
essay, story, or article. This helps prevent writing
errors. In order to avoid errors and guarantee spelling
literacy, teachers should instruct pupils in the
following areas if they find it difficult to use certain
terms in speech or do not grasp their meaning:
using synonyms of these words, depending
on the context, using explanatory
comparison of concepts expressed by
unfamiliar words with concepts expressed
by means of familiar words;
interpretation using other words;
use of methods of explaining the meaning of
words expressing abstract concepts through
examples, as well as explanation of
relatively complex words and phrases,
dialect elements in the use of words.
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
When using this method in education, students are
offered to work on the basis of the following
Be specific about who or what you want to write
1. Choose a suitable title for the essay (article)!
2. Prepare a draft (rough copy) of the essay (article)!
3. Re-read the draft of the essay (article) and make
corrections if there are any mistakes!
4. Copy the text of the essay (article) to white!
5. Read the essay (article) to your friends!
Students are given 9-10 minutes to work based on this
The method is applied in the following steps:
1. Each student is given flashcards with several key
concepts or topics related to the topic being studied.
2. Students choose one of the concepts or topics
shown on the card selects and prepares a short story,
thesis or article based on it.
3. If students are presented with several basic
concepts (words),
It is essential that these basic concepts are involved in
the created essay, thesis or article.
4. Each student writes a first draft of the essay.
5. An essay, thesis or article prepared by each student
checks it and copies it to white.
6. In order to prepare an essay, thesis or article, each
student is recommended to remember and write about
what he knows, knows, heard, read.
It can also be used in small groups. It is convenient to
use digital flashcards to group students. Each small
group can prepare stories, essays or articles based on
specific topics. When preparing stories, essays or
articles, it is desirable to achieve group members
working together and exchanging ideas. After the
allotted time, the work of each group will be
presented based on the presentation. The teacher
evaluates the work of the group, paying attention to
the content, level and spelling mistakes of the story.
In the formation of students' written speech, unlike
traditional thinking, such methods as above, which
require creativity to show their creative potential,
have a special place. Methods of such content require
different and non-traditional approaches to the
problem, free of stereotyped thinking. Modern
educational technology ensures that every teacher
conducts an activity that is mastered by all students.
In this case, each student, having his own motives,
individual characteristics and intellectual level, learns
the lesson at a predetermined level. The use of
correctly selected methods ensures that the training is
interesting and effective, eliminates nervous tension
of students, gives them the opportunity to change the
form of their activity, to attract attention to the main
issues of the lesson topic.
In Uzbek language classes, development of speech
competence through text types, the content of the
texts is landscape, depiction of natural scenes,
pictures, exhibitions, diagrams, working with
dialogue texts, creating assignments based on text
types and creating exercises based on written
statement of opinion, text editing We believe that it is
useful to develop a set of questions on teaching to do,
for this we need to increase students' vocabulary and
pay attention to written literacy, writing a text,
composing it, organizing work on errors.
Development of students' speech competences
through text type, based on written spelling literacy is
considered as a unit of development of knowledge
and skills of speech culture. Therefore, it is necessary
to teach writing and analyze it literately, and to pay
attention to the development of written speech
through connected oral speech in the course of the
lesson. Such classes help not only to develop the
elements of speech competence, but also to increase
students' vocabulary, independent thinking, and the
ability to choose lexical units for texts.
As a result of providing the educational
development with advanced methods and
methods, modern pedagogical technologies,
the teacher's farewell to the role of the
absolute "dominant" person and replacing it
with methods and tools based on
cooperation, which activates the student and
encourages logical thinking, increases the
effectiveness of language teaching.
The educational process requires serious
attention to the issue of the position of the
teacher. The effectiveness of language
learning also depends on the personality of
the teacher. Only educated, pedagogically
skilled, spiritually mature teachers can
develop perfect individuals.
A student's spiritual image and level of
thinking are of particular importance in
ensuring the quality of education. It is
known that, based on the requirements of the
program, the moral image of young people
is formed by imparting knowledge through
language education.
The organization of teacher-student
relations on the basis of mutual cooperation
during the educational process allows to
Approaches to Enhancing Written Communication Skills in Uzbek Language Instruction for Students
educate an independent-minded person who
has his own point of view and is able to think
and observe.
Scientifically and methodologically
consistent organization of the lesson based
on advanced technologies, with the help of
new theoretical ideas, scientific conclusions,
and recommendations of the methodology
creates an opportunity to increase efficiency.
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