the students over the previous three years i.e., 2021-
2023 is shown in Table 1. The sales revenue from the
wastepaper in 2021-2023 by employing two people
without any processing of the waste-paper is going to
be Rs 3048480, Rs 3682176, and Rs 4064640 as
shown in Table 2. The revenue generation will shoot
up in a big way when the used answer books of the
students are recycled and converted into different
types of handmade paper products such as carry bags,
file covers, soft boards, and notepads. In 2021, this
generated an income of Rs 2.65 cr from the
production of file covers, 9.25 cr from the production
of note pads, 7.73 cr from soft boards, and 5.61 cr
from the carry bags with employing four people as per
Table 3. In 2022, similar products from recycled
paper gave the sales revenue of 2.56 cr from the
production of file covers, 11.14 cr from the
production of note pads, 9.32 cr from soft boards, and
6.54 cr from the carry bags employing four people as
per Table 4. In the year 2023, similar paper products
generated a revenue of 3.47 cr from the production of
file covers, 12.4 cr from the production of note pads,
10.38 cr from soft boards, and 8.36 cr from the carry
bags employing four people as per Table 5. Integrated
information on recycled goods and recent revenue
creation for the year 2021, 2022, 2023 and their
average basis is given in table 6. Recycling can
provide economic benefits as well as help save the
environment by saving trees and cutting down on air,
water, and land pollution. Table 7 shows through this
study, it is resulted that in 2021, recycling the used
answer books of the students, can help save 1762006
gallons of water, 95377 gallons of oil, 7638 trees, and
1013000 kW of electricity. In 2022, recycling using
answer books of the students helped to save 1911100
gallons of water, 98750 gallons of oil, 7885 trees, and
1046800 kW of electricity. In 2023, recycling using
answer books of the students helped to save 2308250
gallons of water, 128720 gallons of oil, 9587 trees,
and 2308250 kW of electricity. It means that the
recycling process can provide many more economic
benefits to the country, and it can also generate
From the above analysis, this study concludes that
recycling wastepaper will lead to the development of
our environment, forests, and trees, and having
people undertake recycling will benefit society.
Recycled paper from the recycling machine looks as
thin and smooth as wood paper. Banners, titles,
postcards, etc. may also be made with recycled paper.
After analysing this study, it is observed that
recycling used answer books of the students of the
educational institute into carry bags, file covers, soft
boards, note pads, etc., the amount of generation of
revenue increased. As compared to the direct sales of
the used answer books of the students, the revenues
are significantly higher than from direct sales. It is up
to 200 times higher for carry bags, 100 times higher
for file covers, 300 times higher for note pads, and
250 times higher for soft boards than the directly sold
used answer books of the students. In addition, the
production of handmade paper products also helps to
save trees, less use of water, less use of fuel, air,
water, and land pollution, and can also generate
employment. In conclusion, by recycling used answer
books the students, less usage of emissions of
greenhouse gases.
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