Phrases can consist of two or more words.
Word combinations consisting of the same
relation of two words are elementary combinations.
Elementary word combinations: politically ||
active | youth - (the word politically is subordinate to
the word active and serves to clarify the sign; this
combination, in turn, expresses the sign-
characteristics of youth; teaching | English ||
grammar. The word teaching, which has a ruler-
subordinate relationship, it is connected by
dependence on a grammatical combination.
In the combination of ready | go || home -, the
word to go is a grammatical form of the word home,
the word ready is to go bound to the home compound.
This linking language, based on a chain of phrases,
creates two different perceptions in the mind of the
state: to go || go home; ready | ready to go;
men, | women | and || children; strict, | but || just |||
and |||| impartial connections are based on the mutual
equal relationship of concepts. Such combinations are
considered in Uzbek language as organized
fragments, not as a word combination.
The compounds formed by the subordinate and
equal relationship of words are compound phrases:
brought | pens || and ||| pencils. The equality of
pens and pencils also expresses the goal in the context
in the mind of the speaker: “for writing and
drawing.” If the concepts that have an equal
relationship in the compound belong to a different
semantic group, the goal is not expressed.
Compounds in the relationship of equality, in
most cases, consist of words belonging to the same
semantic group: rich | in || coal || andj ||| oil (neft va
ko’miri bilan boy) (subordinate); dancing | and ||
singing ||| songs (dances and sings a song); stupid |
and || hard ||| to deal |||| with ( stupid and difficult to
do something) – (subordinate).(Lingvana)
A phrase is a speech unit that is important for the
speech process. A lexeme is considered a unit of
language, while a word is a unit of speech. A phrase
is also interpreted as a speech unit. A word
combination occurs in the speech process and is
directly related to speech activity, speech process,
speech situation. Words represent concepts, but
concepts alone are not enough for communication.
Combination of words, their transformation based on
language rules forms constructions necessary for
expression of thought and communication.
Valence relations, similar to Uzbek, play an
important role in the formation of word combinations
in English. Valence, the possibilities of combining
words, is realized in relation to concepts and
concepts. Possibilities of combining words, meaning
edges, and symbols are perceived by language
speakers on the basis of certain experience.
Vocabulary, language use, linguistic competences are
directly related to cognitive aspects of language
knowledge. Any word cannot be joined together to
form a compound word. This feature is especially
evident in the formation of word combinations with
the participation of synonymous units. For example:
The specificity of the semantics of the adjective-
lexemes huge/large/great in the meaning of "big" is
manifested in the formation of word combinations.
When translated into Uzbek, big means "katta"/ulkan
"yirik". But these meanings are not always
manifested. Big/large/great have their own
combinations, which cannot always be used
Although these synonymous adjectives represent
the same concept in meaning, they differ in usage.
This requires a certain level of knowledge in the
linguistic consciousness of the language owner. Let's
focus on examples. Large is used when talking about
food and clothing: I want a large coffee without sugar
(not big coffee) - in Uzbek it is translated as "Men
shakarsiz ko‘p kofeni xohlayman". This dress is too
small for me. Could I get a bit bigger? - This dress is
too small for me. In Uzbek: Bu ko‘ylak menga juda
kichik. Sal nisbatan kattasini olsam bo‘ladimi?
(Meaning: Can I have a slightly bigger one?)
Compounds with the participation of Big express
the concept of an event, a process:
A big accomplishment; a big decision-here the
word big expresses symbol of process; a big
disappointment, big failure used to describe the
abstract reality; a big improvement - in the
combination of a big forward step, it expresses the
scope of the action, and a big mistake - in the
combination of a big mistake, it shows the level of the
evaluation of the activity; a big surprise - in the
combination of a big surprise, it expresses both the
activity process and the materiality.
The lexeme Great describes the quality of feeling
and character. The following combinations describe
the relationship in the model of great+feeling great
admiration, great enjoyment, a positive feeling is
gathered in the combinations of great pleasure; great
anger – a negative evaluation is reflected in the
combination of strong anger.
Neutral evaluation is expressed in the
combination of great excitement, great fun, it means
very interesting. In the combinations great happiness,
great joy, it served to express the scope of abstract
concepts. Word combinations in the model of
great+qualities the word great expresses the scope
of concepts at different levels: in great detail – very
detailed – in the combination of great detail indicates