shaped their communication styles but has also
cultivated a strong inclination toward innovation. Call
centers, as hubs of customer interaction, benefit from
these characteristics as Generation Z employees
effortlessly navigate diverse communication channels
and leverage advanced tools to enhance productivity.
Generation Z encompasses individuals born between
1995 and 2010, a span characterized by the
widespread expansion of the World Wide Web.
(Wood, 2013). This cohort is recognized by a
multitude of names, many of which underscore their
close association with technology, the internet, and
social media. Some commonly employed labels
include Internet Generation or IGen (Dorsey, 2016),
Post Millennials, Centennials (Dorsey, 2016), Digital
Natives (Mohr & Mohr, 2017; Seemiller & Grace,
2016), Plurals, Gen Wii, and Generation Text
(Flippin, 2017). The adoption of such nomenclature
for Generation Z stems from the fact that they are the
first generation born into a world characterized by
global connectivity, where the Internet has been
omnipresent throughout their lives, deemed an
essential tool for daily lives (Turner, 2015).
Additionally, the behaviours of learning and work
among Generation Z are shaped by various influences
by unique experiences inherent to their upbringing,
such as they enter into the job place with limited
experience, the extra use of gadgets and social
platforms, participation in social justice movements,
and exposure to a culture that gives importance to
safety as a priority. (Schroth, 2019). As Generation Z
enters the workforce, they bring forth unique
characteristics that manifest in their skills, needs,
expectations from employers, and workplace
P.S. Sibi's (2023) study explores how personal
traits and the influence of social life affect Generation
Z's loyalty to tourism websites. Unlike previous
models, it considers factors like perceived
compatibility and innovativeness, alongside
subjective norms, in shaping trust and usefulness.
This research highlights the crucial role of the
personal characteristics and social influence in
Generation Z's e-loyalty toward tourism websites,
offering insights into technology adoption in this
Thang Nguyen's (2022) study highlights
understanding the anticipation and career aspirations
of Generation Z seeking for job is crucial for
organizations. Focused on Vietnam, the study aims to
bridge research gaps in transition and emerging
economies. It investigates the preferences of
Vietnamese Generation Z job seekers, revealing a
greater emphasis on intangible attributes like office
atmosphere and workplace ethics over physical
features when evaluating job
Meilani, Tan, Murwani, Bernarto, and Sudibjo
(2021) undertook a study focusing on Generation Z
faculty members in private Indonesian universities.
The research delved into the individual motivations,
job satisfaction, and organizational commitment of
these faculties, examining their impact on overall
performance. Employing an exploratory research
approach, structured interviews were conducted to
gather data from 10 faculty members and their
respective supervisors in five private universities
across Indonesia. The study yielded managerial
implications, emphasizing the importance of
providing clear targets and procedures, granting
autonomy, and establishing clear career guidelines to
retain Generation Z faculty members.
Alexandra Broennimann's (2017) research
centered on Generation Z within the hospitality
management student population in Switzerland. The
study investigated their evolving needs, upbringing,
characteristics, and job preferences, emphasizing the
impact of digitalization. Notable findings included
limited multitasking proficiency and a desire for
societal change. Broennimann provided valuable
insights and recommendations for the hospitality
industry to better engage and manage Generation Z.
2.1 Research Objectives
1. To understand and profile the Gen Z through their
characteristics, values & Behavior.
H01: There exists no notable contrast in the
characteristics Values &Behaviour of Gen-Z Male
and Female Employees towards the Productivity.
H02: There exists no notable contrast in the
characteristics, Values &Behaviour of Gen-Z
Employees’ age group between 18-23 Years and 24-
28 Years towards the Productivity.
Data Analysis
For the examination of the demographic profile of
Generation Z employees of Bhopal Division and the
identification of the variables most closely linked to
productivity within Generation Z, descriptive
statistics were employed. The overall means and
standard deviations of all constructs were computed,
test, ANOVA, Regression are applied in utilizing the
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to
fulfil this objective.
A Descriptive Study on Productivity of Generation Z Employees in Call Centers of Bhopal