Optimising Professional Development of Pedagogy Students through
Socio-Psychological Training and Environmental Education
Rakhimova Indira Igorevna and Yusupjonova Iroda Abdirayimjonovna
National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Psychological Training, Communication Skills, Organizational Skills, Self-Control, the Process of
Professional Formation of Future Educators, Psychology of Environmentally Responsible Behaviour,
Successful Integration, the Process of Professional Development of Students of Pedagogical Specialties,
Environmental Education, Features of Pedagogical Communication, Professional Consciousness of a Future
Teacher, Subject of Study, Interpersonal Relations, Educational Motives, Natural Resource Management.
Abstract: This paper explores the urgent need for enhanced professional training and education of pedagogy students,
emphasising the development of professional maturity, adaptive potential, and effective pedagogical
communication. It identifies key socio-psychological characteristics essential for future educators and outlines
the challenges in preparing students for their roles. The research underlines the importance of the student
period in professional development and highlights the crucial role of teachers in environmental education. It
advocates for universities to play a significant role in optimising students' professional formation and
addresses a research gap by focusing on the socio-psychological features of this process. The study's objective
is to develop an effective training programme based on these features, aiming to improve the professional
development of pedagogy students. Using various psychodiagnostic methods, the research evaluates the
integration of professional qualities and proposes a socio-psychological training programme to enhance
professional formation. Empirical data supports the programme's efficacy in fostering professional growth.
The article addresses the growing demand for the
professional training and education of the younger
generation, emphasizing the need for not only
academic knowledge but also professional maturity,
adaptive potential, and effective pedagogical
communication. The focus is on the professional
development of students majoring in pedagogy,
highlighting their socio-psychological characteristics.
The key points covered in the research include:
1.Importance of Professional Development:
•The modern societal demand for professional
training requires a high level of professional maturity,
adaptive potential, and effective pedagogical
•The need for full self-awareness and development of
the professional potential of future educators is
2.Psychology of Environmentally Responsible
•The article mentions the study of participants in the
educational process regarding the psychology of
environmentally responsible behavior, utilizing
various experimental methods to achieve desired
3.Challenges in Student Preparation:
•Despite the importance of professional development,
the preparation process for students majoring in
pedagogy often lacks sufficient conditions for full
self- awareness and the development of their
professional potential.
4.Significance of Student Period:
•The student period is highlighted as a crucial stage
for professional development, characterized by the
understanding of individuality, formation of values,
socio- psychological development, and the
establishment of research directions.
5.Role of Teachers in Environmental Education:
•Psychological approaches are considered crucial in
the development of environmental education,
emphasizing the significant role of teachers in this
Igorevna, R. and Abdirayimjonovna, Y.
Optimising Professional Development of Pedagogy Students through Socio-Psychological Training and Environmental Education Enhancement.
DOI: 10.5220/0012884400003882
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies (PAMIR-2 2023), pages 551-555
ISBN: 978-989-758-723-8
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
6.University's Role in Professional Formation:
•The study asserts that one of the main tasks of a
modern university is to optimize the professional
formation of students majoring in pedagogy,
revealing and developing their inner potential.
7.Research Gap and Justification:
•The analysis of scientific literature reveals a gap in
direct studies on the socio-psychological features of
professional formation in students majoring in
pedagogy, justifying the need for this research.
8.Purpose of the Study and Research Tasks:
•The main purpose is to develop an effective training
program based on the socio-psychological structure
of professional formation for students majoring in
pedagogy at the university.
•Research tasks include analyzing theoretical
foundations, understanding the modern concept of
professional formation, identifying socio-
psychological features, studying existing
contradictions, exploring the structure, determining
criteria, emphasizing the role of pedagogical
communications, and preparing a socio-
psychological training program.
Overall, the study aims to contribute to the
optimization of the professional development process
for students majoring in pedagogy, considering their
socio-psychological characteristics and the
challenges they face during their university education.
The dissertation research utilizes various
psychodiagnostics complex methods to study the
process of professional formation of students
majoring in pedagogy. These methods include:
Experimental Survey: Conducted to study the process
of professional formation of students majoring in
pedagogy. Communicative and Organizational
Propensity Test (KTM): Developed by V.V.
Sinyavskiy and V.A. Fedoroshin, used to assess
communicative and organizational traits.
Empathical Self-Assessment Test Questionnaire:
Developed by Yu.M. Orlov and Yu.N. Emelyanov,
employed to measure empathic self-assessment.
Communication Self-Monitoring Test-
Developed by M. Snyder, utilized to assess
communication self- monitoring.
Success Motivation and Avoidance of Failure
Survey: Developed by A.A. Rean, employed to gauge
success motivation and the avoidance of failure.
Self-Management Will Study Test Questionnaire:
Developed by A.V. Zverkova and E.V. Eidman, used
to measure self-management will in studying.
Methodology of Pedagogical Situations: Developed
by R.S. Nemov, employed to analyse pedagogical
Scientific Novelty of the Research:
Conditions for Successful Integration: The research
identifies conditions for the successful integration of
teachers into professional activities through the
formation of cognitive constructions, self-
identification, and recognition of their absoluteness.
Optimization of Professional Qualities: The study
aims to optimize crucial professional qualities such as
communication, empathy, objective and open
thinking, and stimulates creative thinking through the
development of general skills.
Generalized Criteria for Assessment: Generalized
criteria, including communicative-pedagogical,
motivational- volitional, analytical-evaluative, and
value- creative aspects, are formed to assess the level
of professional formation of students majoring in
Socio-Psychological Training Program: A socio-
psychological training program has been developed
to create conditions for the formation and
development of criteria groups that optimize the
professional formation of future teachers in higher
Dissertation Structure:
Chapter One - Essence of Professional Formation:
Focuses on the concept of professional formation in
modern psychology, socio-psychological features of
personal development during the student period, and
contradictions in professional formation.
2. Chapter Two - Structure of Professional
Formation: Explores methodological approaches,
criteria for professional development, and analyses
the role of pedagogical communications in the
professional formation of students majoring in
Analysis of Professional Formation:
• The effective training of students in pedagogical
specialties is viewed as a coordinated system
with various components, including rules,
principles, forms, and methods of teaching in higher
education institutions.
System of Criteria for Professional Formation:
• The study recommends selecting specific criteria
from general criteria based on the content of the
studied phenomenon to create a system of criteria for
professional formation of future educators.
The dissertation contributes to understanding and
optimizing the professional development of students
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
Table 1: Generalized structure of criteria of professional formation of students of pedagogical specialties.
Pedagogical K
Motivation- Will Analytical Assessor Valuable-Creative
Ability to establish dialogic
Ability to emotional-
empathic reactions in
edagogical situations
professional competence
teachers, educators, learners,
attitudes to pedagogical
ability to communicate with
colleagues, acquaintances
on the subject
professional shortcomings
relatively intolerance
pedagogic to reflection
striving for professional self-
pedagogical situations
orientation ability
pedagogical situation
emotional cases can do get
detailed pedagogical
situation content and
logic understand ability
to the goal compliance _ _
detection and instead
increase in the process to him
follow to do abilit
flexible speech
communication skills
the establishment of self-
knowledge and the
recording of attitudes
towards one's self
pedagogical culture
composition part as
training content about
reflexive ideas
creative self-awareness , self
to know and in pedagogical
activities professional self-
General communicative lik Self-cognition ,
development of professional
reflexes , self - control to do
majoring in pedagogy, offering insights into
conditions, qualities, and assessment criteria.
Chapter Three - Socio-Psychological Ways to
Optimize Professional Development:
The third chapter of the dissertation, titled "Socio-
psychological ways to optimize the professional
development of students majoring in pedagogy,"
focuses on the development of a program aimed at
enhancing professional formation and self-
improvement. The main components of this chapter
1. Program Development: The author develops a
socio-psychological training program designed to
determine its effectiveness in optimizing the
professional development of students majoring in
pedagogy. The program is tailored to create
conducive conditions for the formation and
development of specific characteristics identified as
crucial for professional optimization.
2. Program Objectives: The primary goal of the
program is to facilitate the formation and
development of certain characteristics in students
majoring in pedagogy. These characteristics align
with the generalized groups of occupational
formation criteria identified in the study.
3. Program Structure: The socio- psychological
training program is structured for 20 academic hours,
spread across 10 sessions. It comprises 52 special
exercises and 8 mini-lectures, aiming to address key
aspects of professional development.
4. Empirical Study: To assess the effectiveness of
the program, an empirical study is conducted. A total
of 254 students, including both women and men,
enrolled in the 3rd and 4th courses of pedagogical
specialties, participate in the study.
Empirical Study Design: The empirical study is
designed to evaluate the impact of the socio-
psychological training program on students'
professional development. It involves analysing data
collected from the participants.
Study Participants: The participants in the empirical
study consist of 254 students majoring in pedagogy,
representing both genders. The inclusion of students
from the 3rd and 4th courses ensures a diverse and
comprehensive sample.
Program Effectiveness: The author presents empirical
data to demonstrate the effectiveness of the socio-
psychological training program. This data is crucial
in substantiating the program's ability to optimize the
professional development of future teachers.
The third chapter thus encompasses the design and
implementation of the socio-psychological training
program, with a focus on empirical evidence
supporting its efficacy in enhancing the professional
formation of students majoring in pedagogy.
Chapter Three - Empirical Study Results:
In this section, the author presents the results of the
empirical study, focusing on the comparability of
psychodiagnostics data between the experimental and
control groups. Key aspects include:
Group Formation: Two groups were formed for the
study: an experimental group comprising 125 students
Optimising Professional Development of Pedagogy Students through Socio-Psychological Training and Environmental Education
(49.2%) who participated in the socio-psychological
training program, and a control group consisting of
129 students (50.8%) who did not undergo the
program. This design ensures a comparative analysis
of the impact of the program on professional
Psychodiagnostic Study: To assess the dynamics of
professional formation, the author designed an
experimental questionnaire. This tool was employed
to collect psychodiagnostic data based on predefined
criteria for the professional formation process.
Figure 1: Level of professional development
Initial Examination: The first psychodiagnostic
examination conducted during the socio-
psychological training program revealed no
significant differences between the experimental and
control groups. The majority of respondents in both
groups (Taj. 89.6%, 112 people; Naz. 86.8%, 112
people) exhibited an average level of professional
development (Figure 2).
Professional Development Levels: According to the
experimental survey, the majority of respondents in
both the Tajik and Nazarbayev groups demonstrated
an average level of professional development. This
indicates a baseline similarity in professional
formation among participants before the intervention.
Additionally, the outcomes of the comprehensive
psychodiagnostic examination conducted prior to
socio-psychological training indicated that,
concerning professional development, the
participants from both the experimental and control
groups were almost at an equivalent level.
Consequently, following socio-psychological
training, the primary structure of students typically
possesses a pre-existing foundation of theoretical
knowledge and personal attributes. They work
relatively professionally, explore creative approaches
to address novel pedagogical challenges, exhibit a
desire for professional self-development and
improvement, and attain commendable results in
education and training. However, the creativity
within the activities of this student category generally
aligns with the functions of "improvement" rather
than the creation of new models of pedagogical
practice. Methodological reflection, which is more
contingent on the age characteristics of professional
development, tends to be underdeveloped in this
However, this trait in the control group (n = 129)
remained virtually unchanged.
Figure 2: Controls group behaviour
The data from the initial examination forms the basis
for assessing the impact of the socio-psychological
training program on the subsequent professional
development of future educators. The presentation of
these initial findings sets the stage for further analysis
and discussion regarding the effectiveness of the
program in optimizing the professional formation of
students majoring in pedagogy.
From the above, it can be concluded that today there
is a great interest of scientists to study the
professional formation of educators, including at the
stage of their teaching in higher education. This is due,
on the one hand, to the development of the
pedagogical profession, its success, personal growth
as a full member of modern society, the high
importance of the phenomenon under study in the
implementation of a special task of educating the
younger generation, and secondly, the urgency of
improving the training of teachers. Based on the many
ideas considered by scientists in the research, the
professional formation of a future teacher should be
understood as a step-by-step process of entering the
pedagogical profession, resulting in the gradual
development of personality, professional and
important features, knowledge, skills and abilities. the
world will change qualitatively. At the same time, the
professional development of the future educator,
which by its very nature is a complex and
PAMIR-2 2023 - The Second Pamir Transboundary Conference for Sustainable Societies- | PAMIR
multidimensional phenomenon, reflected one of the
initial stages of professional socialization and
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Optimising Professional Development of Pedagogy Students through Socio-Psychological Training and Environmental Education