greater impact on purchasing behavior than young
men's.This indicates that behaviors like variety
seeking and risk-taking are more pronounced in
young females, leading to spontaneous purchases.
Sathish and A. Rajamohan (2012) take a holistic
approach to understand consumer actions, situating
buying behavior within the broader context of
psychographics. According to their study, buying
behavior encompasses observable actions and
internal processes such as attitude formation and
values. They emphasize the ongoing evolution of
consumer behavior studies towards integrated
insights. Rashmi Bansal (2007) redefines urban youth
as a pivotal target for marketers in India, focusing on
their broader cultural and economic significance
rather than age demographics. Bansal's study
explores the aspirations and endeavors of urban
Indian youth, anticipating significant shifts in future
generations' choices driven by rising affluence.
Priyanka Mehra (2009) highlights the importance of
the youth demographic for marketers in India,
emphasizing their considerable influence over
consumer spending patterns. According to
MindShare Insights, approximately 65% of India's
population falls within this age bracket, serving as
trendsetters shaping the aspirations of over one billion
Indians. Manjeet (1999) describes India's youth as
ambitious, technologically adept, and self-assured.
She predicts that by 2015, individuals under 20 will
represent 55% of the population, unlike in Western
societies, where youth culture often revolves around
rebellion and 'coolness.'
In the dynamic technology environment, innovation
is rapidly becoming a reality, reflecting rapid changes
in consumer preferences. Marketers grapple with the
challenge of adapting to these changing consumer
dynamics, largely driven by evolving buying
behaviors, notably evident among the youth. These
shifting purchasing patterns not only influence
individual buying decisions but also shape the buying
behaviors of entire families. Thus, marketers must
adeptly discern the evolving consumer needs to tailor
their offerings effectively. Digital marketing has
revolutionized both the approach of marketers and the
purchasing habits of customers. Individual buying
behavior is influenced by various factors, which in
turn affect marketers' efforts to meet the needs of
customers, especially the youth demographic.
Therefore, the effect of digital marketing on young
consumers' purchasing needs to be investigated..
• To identify the factors affecting behavior change of
young consumers.
• Research the changing behavior of young people
and consumers. Its relationship with digital
• To provide Indian marketers with an understanding
of the changing behavior of young people and its
impact on business strategies.
Research Methodology
Sources of Data: The researcher used each number
one and secondary sources on this research. Primary
data was collected through surveys and secondary
data included publications, research articles, public
surveys, publications and relevant websites.
Sample Design: This study is research-oriented and
uses primary and secondary data. The researcher
selected the sample from Nagpur district using simple
random sampling.
Sample Size To achieve the objectives of this study,
100 youth were selected from Nagpur district.
Data Analysis
A critical phase involves data analysis and discussion
of the results. In this section, the researcher reviews
the results obtained from the research. The analysis
focuses on primary data collected from surveys
distributed to youth in Nagpur district. The table
below presents the results showing the frequency with
which participants agreed with various statements,
with each statement treated as a separate item.