associated with a lower risk of anemia (Knijff,
Roshita, Suryantan, Izwardy, & Rah, 2021).
This research did not examine the consumption
habits of respondents of foods or beverages that are
iron inhibitor. Further research is needed by paying
attention to the consumption behaviour of iron
inhibitor and prohibitor.
Increasing the consumption of food sources of iron is
very important to prevent the risk of anemia,
including by getting used to consuming local food
which is widely available in the East Kalimantan
region. Further research regarding the relationship
between local food consumption and the risk of
anemia need to be carried out based on specific local
food type.
We sincerely thanks to Faculty of Public Health of
Mulawarman University, Hidayatullah Islamic
Boarding School Samarinda, and all of contributors
for their willingness to participated in this study.
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