The Effectiveness of Watching Video About Adolescent Physical
Activity on Physical Activity Levels Among Students at
SMPN 39 Samarinda
Silfa Ayu Safika, Nur Rohmah and Lies Permana
Faculty of Public Health, Mulawarman University, Sambaliung Street, Samarinda, Indonesia
Keywords: Adolescent, Audiovisual Media, Physical Activity.
Abstract: Until now, there are still challenges in increasing physical activity as a health behavior. Changes in people's
lifestyles during the Covid-19 pandemic have also resulted in a decrease in physical activity, especially among
children, and an increase in sedentary living habits. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of watching
a video about adolescent physical activity on the physical activity levels among students at SMPN 39
Samarinda, Indonesia. The study used a Quasi-experimental design with a One-Group Pre-test Post-test. The
sample consisted of 8th-grade students from SMPN 39 Samarinda, with 19 students selected using purposive
sampling. Data collection involved a pre-test, a post-test conducted one week after the intervention, and a
delayed post-test carried out two weeks after the intervention. Measurements were made using the
International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and tested using repeated measures Friedman tests. The
results showed a significant increase in physical activity among students at SMPN 39 Samarinda before and
after the video intervention (p < 0.05). The study's conclusion is that watching the video is effective in
increasing students' physical activity levels. Therefore, the school is encouraged to innovate the use of videos
to enhance students' physical activity levels.
Globally, 23% of adults and 81% of youth (aged 11-
17 years) do not meet the WHO recommended levels
of physical activity (WHO, 2020), and this issue
underpins action plans aimed at increasing physical
activity worldwide (WHO, 2018). Even before the
Covid-19 pandemic, the low levels of physical
activity in the population had drawn the attention of
the World Health Organization (WHO). Challenges
persist in promoting physical activity as a public
health behavior. According to the National Basic
Health Research Report (Riskesdas) in 2018, in
Indonesia, 33.5% of individuals aged 10 years were
found to engage in physical activity for less than 150
minutes per week. In East Kalimantan, 41.11% of
individuals aged 10 years were classified as
physically inactive (Kemenkes RI, 2019).
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant
impact on public health (Meilina & Kusuma, 2022).
A systematic review of eight studies conducted in
several countries (United States, Germany, Spain,
Canada, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
Latin America) in 2021 indicated a decline in
physical activity, particularly among children, and an
increase in sedentary lifestyle habits (Suryoadji &
Nugraha, 2021).
Physical activity for children and adolescents is
closely tied to their school activities (Hoffmann et al.,
2019). Establishing physical activity habits during the
school-age years has a lasting impact into adulthood
(Hasan et al., 2019). However, the adoption of online
learning policies, which persisted for two years,
resulted in delays in implementing physical activities
in schools. Consequently, changes in the behavior of
children and adolescents, such as reduced physical
activity, increased social media usage, and higher
consumption of sugary foods and drinks, have been
observed (Sidjabat, 2022).
Insufficient physical activity in children and
adolescents can lead to negative health consequences,
including non-communicable diseases (Suryoadji &
Nugraha, 2021), stunted growth, and reduced life
expectancy (Hasan et al., 2019). Previous studies
have shown that most parents use social media
platforms like Telegram and TikTok for purposes
Safika, S. A., Rohmah, N. and Permana, L.
The Effectiveness of Watching Video About Adolescent Physical Activity on Physical Activity Levels Among Students at SMPN 39 Samarinda.
DOI: 10.5220/0012898100004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 14-18
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
unrelated to their children's health (Ifroh & Permana,
2022). This results in children and adolescents not
receiving information about health, particularly
physical activity, from their parents. In this context,
exposure to media containing information about
physical activity becomes essential. Various research
studies have recommended health program
interventions as a means to promote physical activity
(Kurniawan, 2021; Savitri, 2018; Suryoadji &
Nugraha, 2021). Video is commonly used as a
medium for health information, as demonstrated by
research conducted by Rahayu et al. (2018), which
showed the effectiveness of health education using
audiovisuals in increasing physical activity levels
(Rahayu et al., 2018).
Based on previous studies, which involved
interviews with 8th-grade high school students at
SMPN 39 Samarinda, it is evident that the level of
physical activity among students at SMPN 39
Samarinda remains low. Students tend to use
transportation rather than walking to school, even
when their homes are within walking distance.
Additionally, students reported that they do not
engage in physical activity on a daily basis. SMPN 39
Samarinda is located far from the central government,
resulting in a lack of sports facilities, which are
primarily concentrated in the city center.
Consequently, residents living in outlying areas do
not have access to these facilities. Given this context,
the purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness
of video presentations on adolescent physical activity
in increasing physical activity levels among students
at SMPN 39 Samarinda.
This study utilized a quasi-experimental design with
a one-group pre-test post-test approach. The sample
consisted of 8th-grade students from SMPN 39
Samarinda, with 19 students were selected using
purposive sampling. SMPN 39 Samarinda has a
smaller student population compared to other schools
due to its distance from the central government. The
selection of 19 students as samples in this research
was based on previous studies that revealed low
physical activity levels among 8th-grade students.
The research was conducted from January to
February 2023. It commenced with a pre-test for both
experimental groups using the International Physical
Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The research subjects
were then assigned to an experimental class to assess
the effectiveness of video media in promoting
adolescent physical activity. The study included a
post-test after the first week and a delayed post-test
after the second week for the experimental group.
Data collection occurred over a seven-day period
in accordance with the IPAQ questionnaire's
provisions, which measured physical activity in the
last seven days (IPAQ Research Committee, 2005).
Physical activity level measurements were taken
three times: before the video was shown, one week
after, and two weeks after the video presentation. This
timeframe aligns with Edgar Dale's cone of
experience theory, which suggests that a significant
portion of learning experiences are retained within
two weeks of exposure (Maheshwari, 2016). Data
collection was conducted through direct interviews.
The video creation process involved several steps,
including pre-production, production, and post-
production. Pre-production encompassed tasks like
gathering material on adolescent physical activity,
creating media design scripts, and recruiting students
as video talents. Production involved recording and
editing, while post-production entailed using
hardware devices like phones and computers, along
with video editing software. Editing activities
included assembling video recordings, adding voice-
overs, and incorporating text based on the prepared
script. The final stage was finishing.
The video provided health information and
visualizations of various adolescent physical
activities in line with recommendations from the
Ministry of Health. After completing the video, it
underwent media trials, with content and material
being evaluated. Media reviewers were lecturers from
the Faculty of Public Health and Physical Education
at Mulawarman University. These trials also included
students of the target school-age group, specifically
30 8th-grade students from SMPN 21 Samarinda. The
experimental class involved showing the video twice
in a single day, interspersed with ice-breaking
activities such as singing and exercises.
The table 1 presents the distribution of characteristics
among the research subjects. As per Table 1, the
majority of students are 13 years old (47.4%), and the
student population is predominantly female (63.2%).
More students utilize motorbikes as their primary
mode of transportation to school (63.2%) compared
to walking. Furthermore, a significant percentage of
students are involved in school extracurricular
activities (94.7%).
The Effectiveness of Watching Video About Adolescent Physical Activity on Physical Activity Levels Among Students at SMPN 39
Table 1: Distribution of Respondents by Characteristics.
Characteristic n %
13 years ol
9 47.4
ears ol
8 42.1
ears ol
2 10.5
Male 7 36.8
Female 12 63.2
Transportation Used to Get to School
ikes 12 63.2
7 36.8
School Extracurricular Activities
Yes 18 94.7
No 1 5.3
Physical activity can generally be categorized into
different levels of intensity, including light (e.g.,
walking), moderate, and vigorous, based on MET
(Metabolic Equivalent of Task) scores. According to
the International Physical Activity Questionnaire
(IPAQ), physical activity levels are divided as
follows: light intensity (e.g., walking) if the total
MET score is <600 METs-minutes/week, moderate
intensity if the total MET score ranges from 600 to
1500 METs-minutes/week, and vigorous intensity if
the total MET score is >1500 METs-minutes/week
(World Health Organization, 2015).
Table 2: Distribution of Respondents by Physical Activity
Pre-test Post-test Delayed
n % n % n %
Walking 10 52.6 4 21.1 2 10.5
8 42.1 5 26.3 4 21.1
1 5.3 10 52.6 13 68.4
Table 2 presents the changes in the physical
activity of the respondents before, after one week, and
after two weeks of viewing the video about
adolescent physical activity. Before the intervention,
10 respondents (52.6%) fell into the light physical
activity category (walking). This number decreased
to 4 respondents (21.1%) after one week of video
viewing. After two weeks of video viewing, the
number of respondents in the light physical activity
category further decreased to 2 respondents (10.5%).
Meanwhile, respondents in the moderate intensity
category also decreased, from 8 respondents (42.1%)
before video viewing to 5 respondents (26.3%) after
one week, and further to 4 respondents (21.1%) after
two weeks of video viewing.
Simultaneously, respondents in the vigorous
intensity category experienced an increase. Before
video viewing, there was 1 respondent (5.3%) in this
category, which increased to 10 respondents (52.6%)
after one week of video viewing and further increased
to 13 respondents (68.4%) after two weeks of video
viewing. Based on the data presented in Table 2, it
can be concluded that the intervention of watching
videos about adolescent physical activity among
students at SMPN 39 Samarinda leads to an increase
in physical activity levels.
To determine the appropriate statistical test, a
normality test was conducted. The results of the
normality test indicate that some data, specifically the
pre-test data, are not normally distributed (p < 0.05),
while the post-test and delayed post-test data are
normally distributed (p > 0.05). Therefore, to assess
the change in physical activity among SMPN 39
Samarinda students, the Friedman test was employed.
The following section presents the results of the
statistical tests conducted on the physical activity
levels of SMPN 39 Samarinda students.
Table 3: Increase in Average of Physical Activity in SMPN
39 Samarinda students.
Variable n
Mean (METs-
Pre-test 19 820.05
Post-Test 19 1450.44
ed Post-Test 19 1876.89
Table 3 provides insight into the average physical
activity levels of the 19 students from SMPN 39
Samarinda. During the pre-test, the average physical
activity was 820.05 METs-minutes/week,
categorized as moderate intensity. Subsequently,
there was a notable increase in the moderate intensity
category to 1450.44 METs-minutes/week after one
week, and then a further increase to 1876.89 METs-
minutes/week, characterized as vigorous intensity.
The p-value is <0.001, indicating statistical
significance (p < 0.05) and demonstrating an increase
in the average physical activity of SMPN 39
Samarinda students before and after the video
intervention. This finding aligns with the research
conducted by Rahayu et al. (2018), which showed
that health education using audiovisual media had a
significant effect (p=0.001) on physical activity in the
experimental group (Rahayu et al., 2018).
To compare physical activity scores, a bivariate
comparative test was conducted for two paired
samples. The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test was
performed on the pre-test and post-test data due to the
non-normal distribution of pre-test data. Conversely,
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
the Paired T-test was employed on the post-test data
and delayed post-test data, as they exhibited a normal
distribution. The following table, Table 4, displays
the results of the statistical tests conducted on the pre-
test and post-test scores of SMPN 39 Samarinda
Table 4: Increase in Average of Physical Activity in SMPN
39 Samarinda students.
Mean Difference
Post-test 630.38
Pre-Test — Delayed Post-
Post-test — Delayed Post-
In Table 4, it is evident that the physical activity
of SMPN 39 Samarinda students increased by 630.38
METs-minutes/week when comparing pre-test and
post-test scores after one week of video viewing.
Furthermore, there was an increase in physical
activity between the pre-test and delayed post-test,
totaling 1056.83 METs-minutes/week. Notably,
when comparing post-test and delayed post-test
results, there was an increase of 426.44 METs-
These findings are in line with Edgar Dale's cone
of experience theory, which elucidates that
individuals tend to retain approximately 50 percent of
what they see and hear after a learning experience
(Maheshwari, 2016). In this context, watching a video
falls under the 4th level, which involves the
presentation of information that can be effectively
remembered and applied. Thus, video media can
effectively convey, apply, and execute messages or
As per Bloom's taxonomy (1956), students at the
application knowledge level (C3) can employ
information by using it in real-life situations (Darsini
et al., 2019). In the practical or action classification,
as described by Notoatmodjo (2012), the relevant
level in this research is the guided response level,
where students can appropriately act upon examples
or recommendations, leading to increased physical
Based on the study's results, it can be concluded that
viewing video of health information and
visualizations related to adolescent physical activity
is effective in increasing the physical activity levels
of students at SMPN 39 Samarinda. This conclusion
is supported by the observed increase in physical
activity among SMPN 39 Samarinda students before
and after the video intervention, with a p-value of
<0.05, indicating statistical significance.
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ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health