conduct is harmful to human health. Nurlaila's (2022)
research demonstrates that diseases such as diarrhoea
can be induced by poor habits. The analysis results
reveal that there are independent variables that have a
significant link with the incidence of diarrhoea
because all analyses had a p-value greater than 0.05.
This study concluded that there was a link between
diarrhoea and low sanitation in the environment.
Several studies have found that sanitation
facilities and occupant behaviour have a major impact
on illness incidence. One example is a study
conducted by Herawati et al. (2020), which found an
association between sanitation facility quality (p =
0.000) and occupant behavior (p = 0.000) and
stunting incidence. The incidence of stunting had no
correlation with the quality of CTPS held by moms (p
= 0.116; OR = 3.923; CI 95% = 0.678–22.705).
However, because they have an OR higher than one,
these three variables represent risk factors for stunting
Based on the research results, the assessment of
the criteria for healthy housing in residences is also
very good and of high quality, but for slum areas and
flats, there are still a number of houses that do not
fulfil the criteria for sanitation facilities and the
behaviour of their people. This can be influenced by
a person's economic and social status in that area.
This theory is consistent with the research results of
Kusumawati et al. (2015), who found an association
between knowledge of healthy homes and occupancy
quality, a relation between social status and the
economy and housing quality, and a connection
between knowledge of healthy homes and
socioeconomic status and housing quality.
As a result, it can be inferred that everyone
requires a healthy home for their family in order to
adequately enhance their health state because an
unhealthy home reduces work productivity and
utilization. The components in the building's physical
condition indicate that it appears to be quite
satisfactory, implying that the majority of
respondents live in residential areas since they are
supported by qualified sanitation facilities.
The housing component does not have a significant
relationship in determining the criteria for a healthy
home, while sanitation facilities and occupant
behaviour are closely related in determining the
criteria for a healthy home in Samarinda. Only the
flats are suitable for the criteria when looking at the
house's components. Slum areas are unable to fulfil
the criteria for sanitation facilities. All occupants who
are living in residences are aware of the environment.
The importance of the dissemination of knowledge in
fulfilling the criteria for a healthy household in
reducing disease and improving public health.
Our appreciation is given to the Department of
Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health,
Mulawarman University, for facilitating our research
and the conference.
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