Household Sanitation Inequalities in Flats, Slum Areas, and
Residences in Achieving the Criteria for Healthy Housing,
Samarinda City
Ayudhia Rachmawati, Vivi Filia Elvira and Syamsir Syamsir
Department of Environmental Health, Public Health Faculty, University of Mulawarman, Samarinda, Indonesia
Keywords: Flats, Household Sanitation, Inspection, Recidences, Slum Areas.
Abstract: The availability of healthy housing is one of the elements that affect public health. In general, there are three
types of houses in Samarinda City: residences, flats, and slum houses. The issue with Samarinda City’s
housing is that there are still some homes with poor sanitation. The research aims to determine the relationship
between housing criteria, housing components, sanitation facilities, and occupant behaviour. This study was
carried out in November 2022. This study's sample size was 30 houses divided into three settlement groups
(residences, slums, and flats). The data analysis used was univariate, and bivariate analysis used the chi-square
test. There is no relationship between the housing components and the final score for determining the criteria
for a healthy house (p<0.0001). While the variables of sanitation facilities and occupants' behaviour were
significantly related to the assessment of healthy home criteria (p<0.013), There is a relationship between the
sanitation facilities and occupants' behaviour and the housing criteria of residences, slums, and flats.
The availability of healthy housing is one of the
elements that affect public health. Good sanitation
should be standard in every home. Homes with poor
sanitation can act as breeding places for disease
agents. The level of risk of disease transmission for
the occupants is affected by the sanitation of the
living space. The components of safe housing and the
accessibility of sanitation facilities that satisfy the
standards can support the occupants health
(Agungnisa, 2019).
Based on national data for 2020–2022, access to
proper sanitation for households in Indonesia has not
exceeded 81% (BPS, 2022). This indicates that there
are still homes with inadequate sanitation facilities.
Access to good sanitation in the community is
affected by its financial status. For example, it costs a
lot of money to create proper latrines. For people with
lower incomes, it has been difficult to access proper
latrines (Dirjen PPM & PL, 2022). Actually, there is
already a PAMSIMAS programme that helps those in
poverty get appropriate sanitary facilities. However,
the programme has not been able to reach more
people (Direktorat Air Minum Kementerian PUPR,
Samarinda City, the capital city of East
Kalimantan Province, has a fairly dense population.
In general, there are three types of houses in
Samarinda City: residences, flats, and slum houses.
The issue with Samarinda City’s housing is that there
are still some homes with poor sanitation.
Particularly, the house near the river lacks proper
sanitary facilities (Rofandy, 2017).
Some of the slum houses in Samarinda City are
located around a tributary of the Mahakam River.
People who live in slum areas find it difficult to get
basic sanitation because of their low level of funds. In
addition, the risk of sickness is increased by the lack
of a clean and healthy lifestyle among the people in
the slum area. Some homes use river water as a source
of water for sanitation and hygiene needs. Even
though the quality of the river water does not meet
health standards (Daramusseng & Syamsir, 2021).
Compared to slum homes, Samarinda City’s flats are
better organised, but they still have issues with
sanitation, including a high occupancy rate and a
subpar physical environment. Many people in
Samarinda City choose residences for their homes.
There are still around 42 hectares of slum areas in
Samarinda City. The population density in the area is
relatively high (Dinas Perkim Kota Samarinda,
2022). There are three flats in Samarinda City that are
Rachmawati, A., Elvira, V. F. and Syamsir, S.
Household Sanitation Inequalities in Flats, Slum Areas, and Residences in Achieving the Criteria for Healthy Housing, Samarinda City.
DOI: 10.5220/0012898200004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 19-23
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
located in Bengkuring, Sungai Kunjang, and Harapan
Baru. Most of the population lives in dense
residences. It is necessary to conduct a study related
to the description of the house’s environmental health
quality and the healthy life behaviour of the house.
Based on the problem, the research aims to determine
the relationship between housing criteria, housing
components, sanitation facilities, and occupant
The research design for this study is cross-sectional
(Wang & Cheng, 2020). This study is part of an
observational study that analyses data on housing
components, sanitation, and resident behaviour in
correlation with assessing healthy housing criteria in
three different groups: residences, slums, and flats.
This study was carried out in November 2022. This
study’s sample size was 30 houses divided into three
settlement groups. Purposive sampling has been used
to collect data (Dolores &Tongco, 2007). The sample
selection in this study was based on the researcher's
considerations; the criteria were permanent residence
(not nomadic), and heterogeneity in sample selection
was highly recommended. In this study, direct
observation and interviews were conducted using a
healthy home assessment form developed by the
Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia (Ditjen PP
&PL Depkes RI, 2007). The data analysis used was
univariate, describing the differences in the
proportion of healthy homes fulfilled in the three
settlement groups studied. Furthermore, the bivariate
analysis used the chi-square test to see the
relationship between the independent variables
(house components, sanitation, and occupant
behaviour) and the dependent variable (assessment of
healthy home criteria). If the data cannot meet the
existing requirements, the Fisher's exact test will be
used. A house is declared healthy if it has a total value
of 1,068; an unhealthy home has a total value of <
1,068. The limitations of this study are the relatively
small number of samples, so the data distribution
becomes abnormal, and the bivariate analysis will
only look at the relationship without analysing the
differences in the three settlement groups.
F The condition of the ceiling, walls, floor, bedroom,
and living room windows, ventilation, kitchen
ventilation, and lighting are all assessed as housing
components. It is stated to be eligible if it fulfils five
of the eight variables measured and observed.
Sanitation amenities include clean water, latrines,
wastewater disposal facilities, and waste disposal
facilities. It is said to be eligible if it fulfils three of
the four requirements. The practice of opening
bedroom and living room windows, cleaning the yard,
disposing of infant and toddler faeces in the latrines,
and disposing of waste in its place are all examples of
occupant behaviour. It is said to be aware if it
fulfillsthreeof the four criteria asked.
Table 1: Characteristics of Housing Components,
Sanitation Facilities, and Occupants’ Behaviour in
Residences, Slums, and Flats.
Residences Slums Flats
(n) (%) (n) (%) (n) (%)
Not eligible 1 10.0 5 50.0 0 0.0
Eligible 9 90.0 5 50.0 10 100.0
Sanitary Facilities
Not eli
ible 8 80.0 10 100.0 5 50.0
ible 2 20.0 0 0.0 5 50.0
ants’ Behaviour
Unaware 0 0.0 5 50.0 5 50.0
Aware 10 100.0 5 50.0 5 50.0
6 60.0 10 100.0 5 50.0
Healthy 4 40.0 0 0.0 5 50.0
Total 10 100.0 10 100.0 10 100.0
Table 1 shows the characteristics of the housing
components, sanitation facilities, and occupants'
behaviour of a number of 30 houses divided into 3
settlement groups. In residential areas, it was found
that 90% of the respondents' houses fulfilled the
requirements for housing components, while 50%
were in slums and 100% were in flats. An interesting
result is that 80% of residential sanitation systems
don't fulfil the requirements. This is due to
wastewater disposal facilities that keep pouring into
open ditches (80%), as well as waste disposal
facilities that are watertight but unprotected (80%).
Slum areas fail to fulfil sanitary criteria 100%,
whereas flats fail 50%. In terms of occupant
behaviour, as many as 50% of people in flats and slum
regions are unaware of the importance of
environmental protection. As a result, 100% of slum
areas, 60% of residential areas, and 50% of flats are
excluded from the criteria for healthy houses.
Table 2 shows that there is no relationship
between the housing components and the final score
for determining the criteria for a healthy house
(p<0.0001). While the variables of sanitation
facilities and occupants' behaviour were significantly
related to the assessment of healthy home criteria
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Table 2: Relationship Between Housing Components,
Sanitation Facilities, and Occupants' Behaviour towards the
Assessment of Housing Criteria
Healthy Total
n % n % n %
0 0.0 6
ible 15
5 9 37.5
2 8.7
0 <0.00
ible 0 0 7
0 7
ants’ Behaviour
Unaware 10 100
0 0.0 1
0 0.013
Aware 11
0 9 45.0
Housing and Settlement is a unified system consisting
of education, housing management, housing area
management, maintenance and repair, prevention and
improvement of slum quality, land acquisition,
financing systems, and community participation. The
government's efforts in implementing sanitation
inspections of housing and settlements are one of the
steps to describe the environmental quality conditions
of people in residential and residential environments.
The physical, chemical, and biological conditions
that exist in the house, dwelling, and residential
environment determine the health of the housing and
settlement environment to ensure that residents are in
optimal health. Healthy housing requirements and the
housing environment are technical health regulations
that must be completed in order to protect occupants
and persons living in housing or settlements, as well
as the surrounding community, from risks or health
concerns. Healthy housing criteria, which include
environmental and housing needs as well as the house
itself, are critical since housing has a significant
impact on the health of individuals, families, and
Based on the results of the research, 90% of
respondents' residences fulfilled the standards of the
housing component in residential areas, while 50%
were in slums and 100%; were in flats. This is
contradictory to the assessment weight for sanitary
inspection of housing and settlements, which states
that the significance of the home component should
be 100%, however, the results of this study were only
found in flats that matched the standards. Ceilings,
walls, flooring, bedroom windows, living room
windows, ventilation, kitchen exhaust, and lighting
are the components of concern.
According to the Minister of Health's Decree No.
829/Menkes/SK/VII/1999, health criteria for
residential homes include the following parameters:
1. Construction materials a. Not made of materials
that can release harmful substances into the
environment, such as total dust less than 150 ug/m2,
asbestos less than 0.5 fibre/m3 per 24 hours, and lead
(Pb) less than 300 mg/kg. b. not composed of
components capable of supporting the growth and
development of harmful microbes. 2. Components
and spatial organisation a. The floor is waterproof and
easy to clean; b. The house's walls are ventilated; c.
The bathroom and laundry room are waterproof and
easy to clean; d. The house's ceilings are easy to clean
and not prone to accidents; e. lightning rods are
present; f. the space is organised according to its
function and designation; and g. the kitchen must
have a smoke disposal system. 3. Direct or indirect
natural and/or artificial lighting that illuminates the
entire space with a lighting intensity of 60 lux and
does not dazzle the eye (Kepmenkes RI No. 829,
Aspects of the physical environment in slum
settlements with a score of 50% indicate a substantial
difference in outcomes, where the component of
healthy housing is suitable if it fulfils the
government's 100% rating. This, obviously, has an
impact on public health because the house is a part of
all activities, beginning with bathing, preparing food
for the family, and spending time, which will bring
about a sense of comfort and security for each family.
This is consistent with the research results of
Wahyudi et al., who showed that a terrible
environment could disturb the balance of the agent-
host interaction process. If one feature is disrupted,
the occurrence of disease in the host can be affected.
An unsanitary environment also increases the
possibility of disease agents forming and increases
illness transmission (Wahyudi et al., 2019).
People who live in slums and begin to complain
about their health's diminishing quality must be
taught the importance of protecting the health of their
surroundings. This is supported by the behaviour of
people who are still unaware of the importance of
environmental protection, as evidenced by research
findings that, in terms of occupant behaviour, as
many as 50% of people in flats and slum settlements
are unaware of the importance of environmental
protection. People's habits of not opening their
bedroom windows, not cleaning the yard, dropping
babies' and toddlers' faeces into the toilet, and not
throwing trash into the trash can demonstrate that this
Household Sanitation Inequalities in Flats, Slum Areas, and Residences in Achieving the Criteria for Healthy Housing, Samarinda City
conduct is harmful to human health. Nurlaila's (2022)
research demonstrates that diseases such as diarrhoea
can be induced by poor habits. The analysis results
reveal that there are independent variables that have a
significant link with the incidence of diarrhoea
because all analyses had a p-value greater than 0.05.
This study concluded that there was a link between
diarrhoea and low sanitation in the environment.
Several studies have found that sanitation
facilities and occupant behaviour have a major impact
on illness incidence. One example is a study
conducted by Herawati et al. (2020), which found an
association between sanitation facility quality (p =
0.000) and occupant behavior (p = 0.000) and
stunting incidence. The incidence of stunting had no
correlation with the quality of CTPS held by moms (p
= 0.116; OR = 3.923; CI 95% = 0.678–22.705).
However, because they have an OR higher than one,
these three variables represent risk factors for stunting
Based on the research results, the assessment of
the criteria for healthy housing in residences is also
very good and of high quality, but for slum areas and
flats, there are still a number of houses that do not
fulfil the criteria for sanitation facilities and the
behaviour of their people. This can be influenced by
a person's economic and social status in that area.
This theory is consistent with the research results of
Kusumawati et al. (2015), who found an association
between knowledge of healthy homes and occupancy
quality, a relation between social status and the
economy and housing quality, and a connection
between knowledge of healthy homes and
socioeconomic status and housing quality.
As a result, it can be inferred that everyone
requires a healthy home for their family in order to
adequately enhance their health state because an
unhealthy home reduces work productivity and
utilization. The components in the building's physical
condition indicate that it appears to be quite
satisfactory, implying that the majority of
respondents live in residential areas since they are
supported by qualified sanitation facilities.
The housing component does not have a significant
relationship in determining the criteria for a healthy
home, while sanitation facilities and occupant
behaviour are closely related in determining the
criteria for a healthy home in Samarinda. Only the
flats are suitable for the criteria when looking at the
house's components. Slum areas are unable to fulfil
the criteria for sanitation facilities. All occupants who
are living in residences are aware of the environment.
The importance of the dissemination of knowledge in
fulfilling the criteria for a healthy household in
reducing disease and improving public health.
Our appreciation is given to the Department of
Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health,
Mulawarman University, for facilitating our research
and the conference.
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