UTAUT Model: An Approach to Evaluate the Acceptance of Public
Perception on Standard Operating Procedures for Early Initiation of
Breastfeeding for Section Caesarea Patients
Ana Pujianti Harahap
, Aulia Amini
, Indriyani Makmun
and Linda Meliati
Midwife Profesional Education Study Program, Department Faculty of Health Sciences,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram, Indonesia
Midwife Study Program, Polytechnic the Ministry of Health Mataram, Indonesia
Keywords: Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (EIBF), Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), Sectio Caesarea (SC).
Abstract: Sectio Caesarea (SC) is one of the obstacles to the implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding (EIBF)
so that it requires appropriate Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). SOP will always be related to the
perception of voluntary public acceptance, which public acceptance of EIBF SOP for SC patients requires an
evaluation approach that is able to investigate the determining factors. This study aims to analyze public
perception of EIBF SOP for SC patients. This study used evaluation research through survey method and
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model design approach. This evaluation
model emphasized the four key constructs of UTAUT: Performance Expectations, Business Expectations,
Social Influences, and Facilitating Conditions as independent variables and the dependent variables under
study, namely interests and behavior. This research involved forty samples with accidental sampling
technique. Population this study employed mothers who have given birth through SC. The results indicated
that social influence can significantly influence the mother's interest in implementing EIBF SC in accordance
with the SOP, namely the p-value of < 0.005, which is 0,028. According to SOP, the effect of facilitating
conditions on respondents' behavior in carrying out EIBF SC found that the p-value < 0.005 was 0.042. Survey
research results, EIBF SOP for SC patients be accepted in public by considering social aspects and the
availability of supporting facilities. It is necessary to conduct feasibility tests related to EIBF SOP for SC in
further research.
According to a United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF) report, there were 54 neonatal infant
deaths (aged 0-28 days) per 1,000 live births
worldwide in 2020. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)
become still a health problem in Indonesia. In 2020,
the number of IMR in Indonesia reached 72.0% and
occurred at the age of neonate, 0-28 days which is
caused by IUD include asphyxia, infection,
congenital abnormalities, tetanus moratorium, and
others. In 2021, infectious diseases contributed to
death in children aged 29 days - 11 months.
Pneumonia and diarrhea are still the main problems
causing 73.9% of mortality (pneumonia) and 14.5%
(diarrhea). One of the indicators carried out by the
Indonesian government to reduce the risk of mortality
in neonatal period children, which is 6-48 hours after
birth, is the First Neonatal Coverage. Services
provided include newborn care counselling, exclusive
breastfeeding, K vitamin, and hepatitis B. Early
Initiation of Breastfeeding (EIBF) is the first step
taken for the success of exclusive breastfeeding
(Kemenkes RI, 2020).
Early initiation of breastfeeding helps babies get
the first milk, namely colostrum. Early initiation of
breastfeeding (EIBF) can stimulate immunoglobulins
and lymphocytes found in colostrum to prevent
pathogenic infections during normal intestinal
maturation to protect infants from diarrhea.
Moreover, early initiation of breastfeeding can also
prevent hypothermia in newborns (Exavery et al.,
Harahap, A. P., Amini, A., Makmun, I. and Meliati, L.
UTAUT Model: An Approach to Evaluate the Acceptance of Public Perception on Standard Operating Procedures for Ear ly Initiation of Breastfeeding for Section Caesarea Patients.
DOI: 10.5220/0012898300004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 24-29
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
2015). In Indonesia, EIBF in 2020 reached 66.06%.
In the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) region, the
implementation of EIBF amounted to 86.5%. The
method of delivery with SC is one of the factors that
can affect the implementation of EIBF. Delivery by
Cesarean Section affects early initiation of
breastfeeding by 0.47 times higher than normal
delivery. Obstacles to SC delivery include having an
anesthetic effect, pain due to SC injuries, discomfort
in the mother, and lack of role of a team of health
workers (pediatricians, obstetricians, gynecologists,
and midwives) (Nurkholifa, Pamungkasari and
Prasetya, 2021). This research aligns with the
research by (Nurkholifa et al., 2021), which shows
that mothers who have just given birth do not have
autonomy in carrying out EIBF in the first hour of
birth. This is because they must follow procedures for
newborns carried out by the hospital and medical
teams to assist in the delivery process. Hence, they
need SOP in implementing early initiation of
breastfeeding for SC patients.
Based on data obtained from the West Nusa
Tenggara provincial general hospital, data on the
number of patients who gave birth with SC in 2017
was 288 (88%) out of a total of 327 deliveries. Of the
patients who give birth through SC, most never have
EIBF. Patients who gave birth normally were 39
people (22%). Data obtained from the regional
general hospital of West Nusa Tenggara province,
also a referral hospital for West Nusa Tenggara
province, showed that the number of deliveries with
SC in 2017 was 1,022 people. The operational
standards for early initiation of breastfeeding in SC
patients should prioritize patient comfort (Retno Dwi
Andayani et al., 2017). Support from various parties
is required for implementing EIBF, from
husbands/families, health workers, and maternity
hospitals, especially facilities (Retno et al., 2016).
Before doing EIBF, SC patient needs to be given
information on its implementation (Lyellu et al.,
2020) (Ara et al., 2018). This study assessed public
perception of EIB SOP for SC, used as input for
public acceptance. Previous research on obstacles to
early initiation of breastfeeding implementation in
post-sectio caesarea patients found that standard
operating procedures still needed to be created. From
the results of the description above, this study aims to
analyze the "public perception of EIB SOP for SC
patients in Mataram City area”.
Table 1: Hypothesis.
H1 There is an influence of Performance
Expectations on the interest of mothers
to carry out Standard Operational
Procedure for Early Initiation of
Breastfeeding for Sectio Caesarea
H2 There is an influence of Business
Expectations on the interest of mothers
to carry out Standard Procedure for Early
Breastfeeding Initiation for Sectio
Caesarea patients
H3 There is an Influence of Social on the
mother's interest to carry out Standard
Procedure for Early Breastfeeding
Initiation for Sectio Caesarea patients
H4 There is an influence of Facilitating
Conditions on the behavior of mothers to
carry out Standard Procedure for Early
Breastfeeding Initiation of Sectio
Caesarea patients
2.1 Design
This type of research is evaluation research through a
survey method approach. Research design used the
Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT) model. This evaluation model
emphasized the four keys of UTAUT constructs:
Performance Expectations, Business Expectations,
Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions as
independent variables, and Interests and Behaviors as
dependent variables. The samples in the study were
as many as 40 samples. The sample and population in
this study was mothers who had given birth through
SC delivery method in the Mataram City Area.
Analysis used Chi Square, and multiple regression
analysis. The independent variables studied
Performance Expectations, Business Expectations,
Social Influences, and Facilitating Conditions. The
dependent variables were Interest and Behavior.
2.2 Measurement
The data collection method uses questionnaires and
was distributed with Google Form. The data scale
used the Likert scale, with four instrument results:
Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree and Strongly
Disagree. The questionnaire used has been tested for
validity and reliability using the Pearson Product
UTAUT Model: An Approach to Evaluate the Acceptance of Public Perception on Standard Operating Procedures for Early Initiation of
Breastfeeding for Section Caesarea Patients
Moment and Cronbach's Alpha tests. The
questionnaire has been declared valid and reliable
with the result of the value of rcount> rtable which is
> 0.312. The significant value of 5% is < 0.05.
2.3 Sample
The study included forty participants, and the
sampling method used Popability Sampling with
Stratified random sampling. The quora for each
Puskesmas (Community Health Center) in the
Mataram City area was determined based on
proportion, and only four Puskesmas providing
service (PONED) were selected to ensure
representative samples. The sampling technique
employed was accidental sampling. The inclusion
criteria involved mothers who had undergone
Caesarean Section (SC) delivery in Mataram City
area within the last five years and were willing to
participate as respondents. Exclusion criteria
comprised mothers whose babies had complications,
such as asphyxia, low birth weight, congenital
abnormalities, and mothers with comorbidities such
bleeding, PEB, and infection.
3.1 Characteristics of Respondents
Table 2: Frequency Distribution Characteristics of Mrs X
as Sectio Caesarea Respondents.
No Characteristic F %
1. Age
20-35 27 67,5
• <20 and >35 years 13 32,5
Total 40 100
2. Experience
• Never EIBF
Total 40 100
In Table 1 the respondents in this study are mothers
who had given birth through the Sectio Caesarea
delivery method in Mataram City Area in the last five
years in 2022, with a sample of 40 respondents. The
characteristics of respondents used in this study are
age and experience. The age characteristics of most
respondents are respondents aged 20-35 years, of 27
respondents (67.5%). Meanwhile, the age at risk in
mothers aged < 20 years and >35 years as many as 13
respondents (32.5%). The characteristics of
respondents based on experience obtained most of the
experience of mothers who have carried out EIBF
amounted to 27 respondents (67.5%), and those who
have never had experience EIBF as many as 13
respondents (32.5%).
3.2 Performance Expectations,
Business Expectations, Social
Influences, Facilitating Conditions,
Interests, and Behaviors Standard
Procedures for Early Initiation for
Breastfeeding of Sectio Caesarea
Table 3: Distribution of respondents based on Standard
Performance Expectations of EIBF for SC Patients.
Performance Expectations Frequency %
Beneficial 26 65
Non Beneficial 14 35
Business Expectations Frequency %
Easy to Implement 30 75,0
Difficult to Implement 10 25,0
Social Influence Frequency %
Need social support 21 52,5
No need social support 19 47,5
Facilitating Conditions Frequency %
Certain 26 65,0
Not sure 14 35,0
Interest Frequency %
Interested 24 60,0
Not interested 16 40,0
Total 40 100
Table 2 shows that respondents' performance
expectations of EIBF SOP for SC patients mostly
have a perception of more useful, of 26 respondents
(65%). Respondents' business expectations of EIBF
SOP for SC patients mostly have an easy perception
to be implemented by 30 respondents (75%). Social
influence, with most respondents' perceptions stated
that they needed social support by 21 respondents
(52.5%). Furthermore, in the aspect of conditions that
facilitate most respondents have a confident
perception to follow EIBF based on EIBF SOP for SC
patients by 26 respondents (65%). Then, regarding
respondents' interest in being willing to follow
instructions according to EIBF SOP for SC patients,
most of the respondents are interested as 24
respondents (60%).
The findings in Table 2 show that public
perception of SOP EIBF for SC, when assessed from
Performance Expectations, Business Expectations,
Social Influences, Facilitating Conditions, Interests
and Behaviors, is mostly more than 50% acceptance.
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
The ease of respondents in carrying out Early
Initiation of Breastfeeding in labour with the Sectio
Cesarea method can be assessed from respondents'
Performance Expectations of the benefits and
:advantages obtained from the Standard Operating
Procedure for Early Breastfeeding Initiation
Implementation of Sectio Caesarea patients. EIBF
Benefits for mothers and their babies include
increasing the baby's chances of obtaining colostrum,
supporting the success of exclusive breastfeeding,
strengthening the mother-baby relationship, and
improving the baby's health (WHO, 2017),
(Padmavathi et al., 2014). The first milk or colostrum
obtained when carrying out EIBF has exceptional
nutritional and health value for infants because it
contains fat-soluble proteins, vitamins, and anti-
bacterial ingredients. Regarding its convenience,
business expectations refer to how easily a person
uses a system (Darmansyah & Yosemin Karnvati,
2017). Most respondents, as many as 30 (75%), think
that SOP are easy to implement. This shows
respondents will be comfortable carrying out EIBF in
labour with SC. Patient discomfort is one of the
influencing factors in the implementation of EIBF.
The mother's ability to carry out EIBF is seen from
comfort during the implementation. The comfort
experienced by mothers can facilitate the mechanism
of removing breast milk (Retno et al., 2016), (Wu et
al., 2018).
3.3 The Effect of Performance
Expectations, Business
Expectations, and Social Influence
on Community Interest in Using
EIBF SOP for SC Patients
In table 4 of the three variables, namely performance
expectations, business expectations, and social
influence, only social influence factors affect the
mother's interest in implementing EIBF in accordance
with the SO EIBF P for SC patients with a p value
result of < 0.05, which is 0.028.
Table 4: Effect of Performance Expectations, Business
Expectations, Social Influence on Community Interest
using EIBF SOP for SC patients.
3.4 The Effect of Facilitating
Conditions on Community
Behaviour Using EIBF SOP for SC
Table 5: Effect of Facilitating Conditions on Community
Behavior using EIBF SOP.
In table 5, it is found that the facility variable has an
influence on people's behavior to use the EIBF SOP
for SC. The p value < 0.05, which is 0.042. This
shows that there is a relationship between facilitating
conditions and maternal behavior in using EIBF SOP.
In this study, the mothers' age is mainly at
reproductive age 27 respondents (67.5%), which
means that the time is right to get pregnant and give
birth (Table 1). According to Retno's research (2017),
of 282 mothers who gave birth with the SC method,
70% aged 20 and 35 years old. At this age, the mother
is included in the early adult stage, where the mother
can determine the willingness to action that was taken
on her (Rudi Zalukhu, 2015) included in following
UTAUT Model: An Approach to Evaluate the Acceptance of Public Perception on Standard Operating Procedures for Early Initiation of
Breastfeeding for Section Caesarea Patients
action instructions by the SOP for EIBF
implementation for SC patients in this study. Based
on respondents' experience with a history of
childbirth before having carried out EIBF, more than
50%, of 27 respondents (67.5%) have had EIBF in
their previous labour history. This shows that
respondents have at least received information related
to implementing EIBF. Besides the health workers,
peers can also obtain information (Ara et al., 2018).
Of the ten steps of breastfeeding success, one of them
is the provision of information carried out by health
workers about the benefits and management of
breastfeeding, including the implementation of EIBF
(WHO, 2017), (Lyellu et al., 2020), (Syukur &
Purwanti, 2020).
The study's results based on the social influence
on EIBF SOP of SC patients did not show a
significant difference between the categories of need
for social support and not requiring support. Social
support in this study included family, husband, and
health worker. Mothers who give birth with the SC
delivery method have been unable to give a
significant role because of the influencing conditions.
Mothers should receive practical support to start,
establish, and manage general breastfeeding
difficulties (WHO, 2017), (Getaneh et al., 2021).
Research in Tanzania states that implementing EIBF
on patient SC in Hospital Dear Mother and the
support of health workers in the operating room
primarily determined a child patient's position
success during EIBF Sustainability. Besides, it is
supported by healthcare provider facilities (Lyellu et
al., 2020) (Jerin et al., 2020), (Jerin et al., 2020),
(Sampieri et al., 2022). The support of health workers
in the operating room primarily determines
sustainability and it is supported by healthcare
provider facilities (WHO, 2017), (Retno et al., 2016).
In this study, respondents' interest in carrying out
EIBF in the SC delivery method according to the SOP
is relatively high, about 24 respondents (60%). The
research results by (Padmavathi et al., 2014) show
that EIBF in the SC delivery method has several risk
factors, including age, religion, family income, and
parity. This research aligns with research by (Verret-
Chalifour et al., 2015) which states that maternal
interest is very influential in implementing EIBF, as
much as 95%. The behavior in this study is how
respondents respond in carrying out every action
taken in implementing EIBF by the SOP for
implementing EIBF in SC patients. The results
showed that most participants responded positively to
SOP, of 25 respondents (62.5%). This states that
respondents can accept SOP to be implemented.
Based on research by (Nurkholifa, Pamungkasari and
Prasetya, 2021), childbirth with the SC method can
still be carried out and is more likely to be carried out
immediately. According to (WHO, 2017), EIBF is
carried out immediately after the baby is born, and
skin contact between mother and baby can be carried
out (Nguyen et al., 2021),(Dzulham et al., 2020).
The analysis results in Table 3 are variables that
most influence the mother's interest in carrying out
the Sectio Caesarea Early Initiation of Breastfeeding
by the Standard Operating Procedures, namely social
influences. This influence is the support from
husbands, family, and health workers. Most social
influences that require social support are interested in
running EIBF by the SOP 16 respondents (40%).
Based on the research results by (Lyellu et al., 2020)
in Tanzania, the implementation of EIBF in SC
patients at the Mother and Child Care Hospital is
supported by various things, including support from
health workers. The team of health workers must be
align by providing support through services during
the EIBF implementation. The preparation stage
before EIBF includes the EIBF process and post-
EIBF implementation to support success in
breastfeeding (Exavery et al., 2015). The results of
the analysis in Table 4 indicate the effect of the
Independent variable on the Dependent variable,
namely the influence of facilitating conditions on
people's behavior using the EIBF SOP for SC patients
in the Mataram City Region in 2022.
Most respondents aged 20-35 years amounted to 27
respondents (67.5%). Social influence can
significantly affect mothers' interest in carrying out
EIBF SC with a p-value of < 0.005, of 0.028.
According to SOP, the effect of facilitating conditions
on respondents' behavior in carrying out EIBF SC
found that the p-value < 0.005 is 0.042. From the
results of the study, it is recommended to conduct a
feasibility test on EIBF SOP of SC.
Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram supported this
ICSDH 2023 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
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UTAUT Model: An Approach to Evaluate the Acceptance of Public Perception on Standard Operating Procedures for Early Initiation of
Breastfeeding for Section Caesarea Patients