This study shows an overview of the body mass index
of respondents, in this case students, for early efforts
to prevent non-communicable diseases from an early
age. Respondents have different perceptions of their
body mass index. BMI that is owned by a person
certainly differs between each individual depending
on the ratio of weight and height of each individual.
The results showed that the dominant female
respondents had an abnormal BMI in the categories
of underweight, overweight and obesity. Gender may
have an impact on how people perceive healthy
lifestyles and make health-related decisions (Maruf,
Akinpelu and Nwankwo, 2013).
Students are the younger generation who play an
important role in the field of education. Students with
monotonous and long physical activities tend to
experience an increase in BMI so that it affects
cardiovascular endurance (Febriyanti, Adiputra and
Sutadarma, 2017). The cause of increased BMI is an
energy imbalance between the food consumed and the
energy expended. In general, there is a high intake of
energy-dense foods high in fat and sugar, and low
physical activity due to the sedentary nature of
various jobs (Vaamonde and Álvarez-Món, 2020).
Increased BMI is a major risk factor for chronic
diseases such as cardiovascular disease (heart and
stroke), diabetes, bone and muscle disorders and
malignancy (Lestari, Asnar and Suhartati, 2022).
Obesity and low cardiovascular endurance contribute
significantly to the increased prevalence of
cardiovascular disease. Meanwhile, thin people with
BMI <18.5 have a risk of osteoporosis seven times
greater than normal or obese people (BMI≥18.5).
This condition can occur because low BMI is
associated with low peak bone mass attainment and
high bone loss (Humaryanto and Syauqy, 2019).
Studies show that the body mass index category for
overweight is 28.3%, underweight is 17.6%, and
obesity is 8.8%. Studies also show that abnormal
body mass index occurs in women, both underweight
(92%), overweight (82.2%), and obese (92%). The
age of the respondents who experienced an abnormal
body mass index occurred at the age of less than 20
Our gratitude is sent to Centre of Research and
Development Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR.
HAMKA (UHAMKA) who funded this study.
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