Body Mass Index of Students at the Health Sciences Faculty of
Prof Dr. Hamka Muhammadiyah University
Mega Puspa Sari
, Yoli Farradika
and Fitria
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Students, Body Mass Index (BMI), Non-Communicable Diseases.
Abstract: Increased body fat to reach obesity can increase the risk of disease. Obesity is a worldwide problem in both
developed and developing countries because of its increasing prevalence in adults and children. Not only
obesity, malnutrition is also a health problem that often occurs. This can cause anemia and other diseases. It
is necessary to monitor body weight regularly from an early age by measuring the body mass index (BMI).
The aim of the research is as a first step in determining the right targets in a preventive effort to prevent non-
communicable diseases by knowing the description of the body mass index of students of the Faculty of
Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. The research design used is descriptive with
a cross-sectional approach. Sampling technique with random sampling method with a total of 159
respondents. The results showed the status of body mass index with a percentage of 45.3% in the normal
category, 28.3% overweight, 17.6% underweight, and 8.8% obesity.
A person's nutritional status can be determined and
carried out at any time in a simple way, namely by
measuring the Body Mass Index (BMI). Body mass
index is measured based on body weight in kilograms
divided by height in meters squared (kg/m2) (Nuttal
F, 2015). The problem of obesity is currently a
problem in various countries, including Indonesia. In
2018, 31% of Indonesian people aged over 15 years
suffer from obesity with a BMI classification > 27
(RISKESDAS, 2018). There was a significant
increase from the results of the previous measurement
in 2013 which was only 26.6% (RISKESDAS, 2013).
The increasing prevalence of obesity that occurs
in Asia, especially Indonesia, makes BMI play an
important role in predicting obesity-related diseases
(Rocha, 2017). Overweight and obesity are closely
related to the risk of various non-communicable
diseases (PTM), such as diabetes, high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, asthma, arthritis, and low
health status (Maftuhatul, 2019). Meanwhile, a low
Body Mass Index (BMI) is closely related to
increased mortality from chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (Guo et al., 2016). Malnutrition is
also a health problem that often occurs. This can
cause anemia and other diseases. Low body weight is
also associated with low quality of life related to
health (Khasana, Kertia and Probosuseno, 2020).
There are differences in the perception of body
weight in the sexes. In general, males tend to
underestimate their body weight, while females tend
to overestimate their body weight. Body mass index
is a reflection of the relationship between adult body
weight and height, used to judge body fat levels that
are not influenced by gender (Wijaya, Muliarta and
Permana, 2020). Appreciation of the reasons for these
gender differences may assist health professionals to
make appropriate decisions on weight control
strategies. It was reported that female adolescents
were motivated to adopt a variety of weight control
behaviors by their body perception, rather than their
actual body mass index (BMI). Women who
perceived themselves to be overweight were more
likely to exercise, restrict calorie intake, self-
medicate, or purge. Weight control behavior in males
is of less concern, in that they exercise or restrict
calorie intake but do not self-medicate or purge
(Utami, Juniartha and Suindrayasa, 2021).
Sari, M. P., Farradika, Y. and Fitria,
Body Mass Index Students at the Health Sciences Faculty of Prof. Dr. Hamka Muhammadiyah University.
DOI: 10.5220/0012898500004564
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2023), pages 40-43
ISBN: 978-989-758-727-6; ISSN: 2975-8297
Proceedings Copyright © 2025 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
The aim of the research is as a first step in
determining the right targets in a preventive effort to
prevent non-communicable diseases by knowing the
description of the body mass index of students of the
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. In addition, it can
be used as a policy maker for routine activity
programs and consulting activities for handling
students who have problems with weight.
The focus of this study was on the measurements of
the weight and height of the UHAMKA Faculty of
Health Sciences students. Data obtained by
interviewing respondents through GForm. The
population of this study were all students at the
UHAMKA Faculty of Health Sciences. Samples were
taken using the total sampling technique. All
members of the population, as many as 159 students,
who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were
included in the study. The inclusion criteria recorded
were students at the UHAMKA Faculty of Health
Sciences. Those who did not want to be respondents
were excluded from the population. Data analysis was
performed using the Univariate test software SPSS.
Based on table 1 it was found that the average age of
the respondents was 20.46 years, with a variation of
1.301 years. The youngest respondent is 18 years old
and the oldest is 24 years old. The results of the
analysis can be concluded that 95% believed that the
average age of the respondents was between 20.26 –
20.66 years.
Table 1: Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on
the Age of Students at the Uhamka Fikes in 2023.
Variable Mean SD Min - Max 95% CI
Age 20,46 1,301 18 – 24 20,26 – 20,66
Table 2: Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on
the Gender of Students at the Uhamka Fikes in 2023.
Gender n %
Male 21 13,2
Female 138 86,8
Total 159 100
Table 2 shows that the most respondents were
female, namely 138 respondents (86.8%) and male,
namely 21 respondents (13.2%).
Table 3 shows that 54.7% of the respondents had
an abnormal body mass index with an overweight
category of 28.3%, 17.6% of underweight and 8.8%
of obesity.
Table 3: Frequency Distribution of Respondents Based on
Student BMI Categories at the Uhamka Fikes in 2023.
BMI Category n %
Underweight 28 17,6
Normal weight 72 45,3
Overweight 45 28,3
Obesity 14 8,8
Total 159 100
Table 4 shows the Body Mass Index based on the
age category of 159 respondents at the time the study
was conducted, the body mass index for the
underweight category was 57.1% at the age of less
than 20 years, 51.1% for the overweight category at
the age of less than 20 years, and the category obesity
by 50%.
Table 4: Tabulation of BMI Categories for Student Fikes
Uhamka Based on Age Categories.
BMI Category
Age Total
20 years >20 years
n % n % n %
Underweigt 16 57,1 12 42,9 28 100
Normal weight 37 51,4 35 48,6 72 100
Overweight 23 51,1 22 48,9 45 100
Obesity 7 50 7 50 14 100
Total 83 52,2 76 47,8 159 100
Table 5 shows the Body Mass Index based on
gender of the 159 respondents at the time the study
was conducted, underweight and obesity were mostly
female at 92.9%. 82.2% overweight in female.
Table 5: Tabulation of BMI Category of Uhamka Fikes
Students by Gender.
BMI Category
Gender Total
Male Female
n % n % n %
2 7,1 26 92,9 28 100
Normal wei
ht 10 13,9 62 86,1 72 100
8 17,8 37 82,2 45 100
1 7,1 13 92,9 14 100
21 13,2 138 86,8 159 100
Body Mass Index Students at the Health Sciences Faculty of Prof. Dr. Hamka Muhammadiyah University
This study shows an overview of the body mass index
of respondents, in this case students, for early efforts
to prevent non-communicable diseases from an early
age. Respondents have different perceptions of their
body mass index. BMI that is owned by a person
certainly differs between each individual depending
on the ratio of weight and height of each individual.
The results showed that the dominant female
respondents had an abnormal BMI in the categories
of underweight, overweight and obesity. Gender may
have an impact on how people perceive healthy
lifestyles and make health-related decisions (Maruf,
Akinpelu and Nwankwo, 2013).
Students are the younger generation who play an
important role in the field of education. Students with
monotonous and long physical activities tend to
experience an increase in BMI so that it affects
cardiovascular endurance (Febriyanti, Adiputra and
Sutadarma, 2017). The cause of increased BMI is an
energy imbalance between the food consumed and the
energy expended. In general, there is a high intake of
energy-dense foods high in fat and sugar, and low
physical activity due to the sedentary nature of
various jobs (Vaamonde and Álvarez-Món, 2020).
Increased BMI is a major risk factor for chronic
diseases such as cardiovascular disease (heart and
stroke), diabetes, bone and muscle disorders and
malignancy (Lestari, Asnar and Suhartati, 2022).
Obesity and low cardiovascular endurance contribute
significantly to the increased prevalence of
cardiovascular disease. Meanwhile, thin people with
BMI <18.5 have a risk of osteoporosis seven times
greater than normal or obese people (BMI18.5).
This condition can occur because low BMI is
associated with low peak bone mass attainment and
high bone loss (Humaryanto and Syauqy, 2019).
Studies show that the body mass index category for
overweight is 28.3%, underweight is 17.6%, and
obesity is 8.8%. Studies also show that abnormal
body mass index occurs in women, both underweight
(92%), overweight (82.2%), and obese (92%). The
age of the respondents who experienced an abnormal
body mass index occurred at the age of less than 20
Our gratitude is sent to Centre of Research and
Development Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR.
HAMKA (UHAMKA) who funded this study.
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Body Mass Index Students at the Health Sciences Faculty of Prof. Dr. Hamka Muhammadiyah University